The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • no you don't understand the thing that i blah blah bo blah blew bleep beep bop bop bip dop da day is moreso than yours.
  • Like I don't want it to seem like I'm drilling you for this too hard and I hate that this has been the bulk of our interactions recently but as someone who frequently writes stories, screenplays, etc. and cares immensely about critical dialogue as a discussion a work and the very valuable ensuing discussion of a work in the context of a broader culture [deep breath] every. single. aspect. of your approach to this issue has been fundamentally wrong and the fact that it has supplanted a good deal of the voicing of your opinions on a wide variety of other topics (at least within this forum) makes this exponentially worse. You have allowed your opposition to a single company's output a fundamental tenet of how you present your views on an entire medium and a subset of culture, and not even as a microcosm of social ills but as simultaneously a literal cause, effect and a concrete manifestation of those ills.

    And that... is not a healthy way to look at a genre that has only existed in its current form since-at its very, absolute earliest- 2008.
  • Kexruct your effort is appreciated by third parties such as myself but you are probably wasting your time.
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    On the flip-side, there's an entire genre of fiction that I really viciously hate for really petty reasons.

    Maybe that's why Myr hates Marvel. Or maybe it isn't. But if so, then I understand the ire.
  • edited 2015-05-10 08:43:51
    Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.

    I actually really fucking like "Want to Want Me" aka Jason Derulo's new song.

    It's not bad. Inoffensive (which is more than I can say for his other stuff), and the song seems to actually use Derulo's singing as an actual hook, instead of using other people's music as the hook, as is the case for 'Trumpets' and 'Talk Dirty'.
  • Kexruct said:

    Also you very clearly, frequently point your ire at people who do unambiguously love the series in addition to people who like it overall but take issue with some aspects.


    There is a certain subset of Marvel fans who will go to see each and every media product that they put out, no matter what their opinion is on their recent work. Dan O'Brien of Cracked has written a whole video thing saying that he thinks the next few movies might end up sucking, yet still swears to go to them. I needed a name, I picked sheep. this was not tthe most though-tout choice, but it was an emergency. Whatcha going to do
  • edited 2015-05-10 08:42:56
    And, fuck it, if nothing else the fact that you clearly view anyone watching or discussing them in any capacity not involving condescension or livid condemnation as part of aforementioned social ills is, well, not a perception I like you having of me. I don't like people thinking I'm stupid, or, worse, complacent.

    And you let your ire grow by unilaterally rejecting every voice in the critical discussion except those within the set of your bizarre, bohemian set of criteria constituting a set of Acceptable Opinions On Marvel Movies.
  • MachSpeed said:

    I actually really fucking like "Want to Want Me" aka Jason Derulo's new song.

    It's not bad. Inoffensive (which is more than I can say for his other stuff), and the song seems to actually use Derulo's singing as an actual hook, instead of using other people's music as the hook, as is the case for 'Trumpets' and 'Talk Dirty'.
    I actually kind of like that about Derulo?

    Though it's more his producers' doing than his own one assumes.

    Anyway some of the lyrics (most notably the hook) in the new song are based off of "I Want You To Want Me" by Cheaptrick, so.
  • Kexruct said:

    Also you very clearly, frequently point your ire at people who do unambiguously love the series in addition to people who like it overall but take issue with some aspects.


    There is a certain subset of Marvel fans who will go to see each and every media product that they put out, no matter what their opinion is on their recent work. Dan O'Brien of Cracked has written a whole video thing saying that he thinks the next few movies might end up sucking, yet still swears to go to them. I needed a name, I picked sheep. this was not tthe most though-tout choice, but it was an emergency. Whatcha going to do
    I don't understand how this bothers people.

    If Dan O'Brien wants to throw money at some company even though he doesn't like what they're doing, let him. It's not your money, who cares?
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    But Jaaaaaaannneeee then we'll get superhero movies until the end of time and the fans will never shut up and our public consciousness will become a cultural wastelaaaaaaannndddd
  • Kexruct said:

    Also you very clearly, frequently point your ire at people who do unambiguously love the series in addition to people who like it overall but take issue with some aspects.


    There is a certain subset of Marvel fans who will go to see each and every media product that they put out, no matter what their opinion is on their recent work. Dan O'Brien of Cracked has written a whole video thing saying that he thinks the next few movies might end up sucking, yet still swears to go to them. I needed a name, I picked sheep. this was not tthe most though-tout choice, but it was an emergency. Whatcha going to do
    I don't understand how this bothers people.

    If Dan O'Brien wants to throw money at some company even though he doesn't like what they're doing, let him. It's not your money, who cares?
    I'm just saying that the more sure bets Marvel has, the more likely that we'll have to suffer through a culture void for the next decade or so.
  • edited 2015-05-10 08:52:19
    Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.

    I actually kind of like that about Derulo?

    Though it's more his producers' doing than his own one assumes.

    Anyway some of the lyrics (most notably the hook) in the new song are based off of "I Want You To Want Me" by Cheaptrick, so.
    Because I don't know much about how music is made, I ascribe responsibility to the name most prominently placed on the product. I realize this is very inaccurate, and I have a lot to learn.

    Also I did not know that.
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    To be honest, for perfectly petty reasons, I am all for the cultural wasteland. Burn it down.
  • Kexruct said:

    Also you very clearly, frequently point your ire at people who do unambiguously love the series in addition to people who like it overall but take issue with some aspects.


    There is a certain subset of Marvel fans who will go to see each and every media product that they put out, no matter what their opinion is on their recent work. Dan O'Brien of Cracked has written a whole video thing saying that he thinks the next few movies might end up sucking, yet still swears to go to them. I needed a name, I picked sheep. this was not tthe most though-tout choice, but it was an emergency. Whatcha going to do
    Brand loyalty within the sphere of marketing a Product is an arbitrary, asinine element of modern culture that is definitely harmful--

    --and is a manipulative extension of the important tendency of humans to just... y'know, be appreciative and protective of things important to them.

    Marvel created this seemingly blind fanboyism through creating very resonant stories that-crucially- were popular enough to create a "brand" to be loyal to.

    Also wrt aforesaid "brand loyalty" towards media *is* meaningful by virtue of media being wholly contingent on meaning
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    sometimes I feel weird for having become tired of the Marvel Cinematic Universe but not having anything too substantive to say about why
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    I don't know, the slicked-up glossiness of them was kind of alluring at first but has by now worn out its welcome for me

    The slicked-up gloss is also at odds with the grit of the Lee-Kirby comics the movies owe their existence to (though it works for Iron Man at least)
  • Kexruct said:

    Also you very clearly, frequently point your ire at people who do unambiguously love the series in addition to people who like it overall but take issue with some aspects.


    There is a certain subset of Marvel fans who will go to see each and every media product that they put out, no matter what their opinion is on their recent work. Dan O'Brien of Cracked has written a whole video thing saying that he thinks the next few movies might end up sucking, yet still swears to go to them. I needed a name, I picked sheep. this was not tthe most though-tout choice, but it was an emergency. Whatcha going to do
    I don't understand how this bothers people.

    If Dan O'Brien wants to throw money at some company even though he doesn't like what they're doing, let him. It's not your money, who cares?
    I'm just saying that the more sure bets Marvel has, the more likely that we'll have to suffer through a culture void for the next decade or so.
    That's not a thing.

    Like "culture void" is a literally meaningless phrase. It sounds like the name of a vaporwave act.
  • Note: as opposed to loyalty towards a product which is inherently afforded less meaning by virtue of products being about function rather than meanong
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    Anonus said:

    I don't know, the slicked-up glossiness of them was kind of alluring at first but has by now worn out its welcome for me

    The slicked-up gloss is also at odds with the grit of the Lee-Kirby comics the movies owe their existence to (though it works for Iron Man at least)
    I don't know what movies you're watching but I would describe only the Iron Man series as "slicked-up glossy."
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    It's very colorful.
  • I feel like Tribe Cool Crew is a show whose ambitions vastly outstrip its budget, which is a shame, because the rare times that the visual design, soundtrack, and themes mesh it's really awesome, it's just that that was rare from the episode I watched. Oftentimes it just looks awkward.

    I will probably watch more of it at some point just because it's amusing?
  • edited 2015-05-10 09:03:30
    I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    MachSpeed said:

    Anonus said:

    I don't know, the slicked-up glossiness of them was kind of alluring at first but has by now worn out its welcome for me

    The slicked-up gloss is also at odds with the grit of the Lee-Kirby comics the movies owe their existence to (though it works for Iron Man at least)
    I don't know what movies you're watching but I would describe only the Iron Man series as "slicked-up glossy."
    it's faint but it's there on all the movies (I've seen all but The Incredible Hulk and Captain America: The First Avenger)
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    I watched Tokyo Ravens the other day and I also felt that its ambitions was vastly outstripped by its budget.
  • Seriously though my only actual problem with the MCU is the fact that I'm expected to sit through entire day's worth of film, maybe more, in order to see all of it.

    I have zero interest in doing that, no matter how "eh it's alright" Avengers 1 was.
    MachSpeed said:

    I watched Tokyo Ravens the other day and I also felt that its ambitions was vastly outstripped by its budget.

    with TCC it sucks because it's very clear what they're trying to do, they're trying to make a cool show about street dancing (incidentally said show seems to take place in a universe where street dancing is not entirely dead.) in an interesting hip-hop-inflected setting (that vaguely reminds me of my own Toyekken with the Japan/America mishmash), and they get like 90% of the way there, but it just falls apart at times, and it sucks, because it's such a good idea.
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    First Avenger is a big exception, because it was an art-deco, pulp hero sort of thing like the Rocketeer.

    Thor is only half-glossy, the other half is very deliberately domestic and down-to-earth. Dark World is very...CGI fantasy.

    Guardians felt like it had some grit. Winter Soldier felt like a spy movie, and Age of Ultron was pretty messy.

    But that's my take.
  • The big misstep is using low-budget CGI for the actual dance scenes, ie, the ones where fluid animation is most important.

    It worked for something like the new Pretty Cure because A) they have the budget to make it not look stiff and B) fluid movement is less important in that context than it is in a dance scene. 

    If you gave this project to like Studio TRIGGER it would be an A-tier anime.
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    You shouldn't watch anything you don't want to.
  • Now it is bedtime.

    Whatever else you may do, children, never forget to

  • MachSpeed said:

    You shouldn't watch anything you don't want to.

    Nah I know I'm just on the fence about whether or not what's left after all those missteps is still worth watching, it might be.

    Goodnight for real y'all.
  • edited 2015-05-10 09:17:36
    Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    My personal picks for "consistently good, interesting, (mostly) self-contained MCU movies" are: 
    • Captain America: The First Avenger
    • Captain America: The Winter Soldier
    • Thor
    • Guardians of the Galaxy
    All of them do interesting things with setting, framing, and contrast. All the other movies are either just okay, or they're just fanservice movies.
  • I am coming down with a cold. Hurray.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    The world's first $30000 web browser
  • i just discovered Cher's twitter and i think shes legitimately insane
  • it reads like horse_ebooks
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    I am happy a major celebrity decided to be dril
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
  • kill living beings
    waking up to vomit
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    waking up to vomit

    Would you say you woke up in the morning feeling like P. Diddy?
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    ME: Haha! This is my best plan yet! None of my enemies will realize it's me traveling in this vehicle!

    (We see a white cargo van labeled "NO PRINCESSES SERVICES LTD." I'm sitting in the cargo area in the back with a laptop.)

    PAYNE: Wait, what enemies?

    ME: You know, the Sexy Evil Witches, Smaug, The Headmistress...

    PAYNE: The Headmistress isn't actually your enemy, you realize.

    ME: Then how come she wouldn't make Professor Teacherson change my grade on that exam?

    PAYNE: Instead of showing your work for any of the math problems, you just wrote "I DON'T NEED TO KNOW THIS BECAUSE PRINCESSES HAVE WOLFRAM ALPHA."

    ME: I'm not wrong!

    PAYNE: Whatever. Why do you suddenly need an undercover van? Usually you drive around in a bright pink convertible; not exactly the most inconspicuous thing.

    ME: Well, uh, I'm going to a bad part of town.

    PAYNE: ...that's no way to talk about your impoverished inner-city neighborhoods!

    ME: Inner-city...? Oh, no, I'm talking about the rich suburbs. The people there creep me out.

    PAYNE: You're a princess.

    ME: Exactly! If those rich suburbanites know I'm a princess, they'll expect me to be one of them! And then suddenly I'll have to care whether or not my lawn is mowed in a timely manner!

    PAYNE: Don't you usually make that robot of yourself mow the lawn anyway?

    ME: I gave her the week off so I could have someone to play video games with when I'm bored.
  • TreTre
    edited 2015-05-10 13:54:12

    I actually really fucking like "Want to Want Me" aka Jason Derulo's new song.

    Oh, good, I'm not the only one.

    Derulo's still kind of a doodyhead but it's the first song of his I've heard in two albums that hasn't made me feel like a slimeball for enjoying it.

    (Fun fact: By only saying "Derulo" in a soft whisper, this is the first time he's released a lead single from one of his albums without his full name sung/spoken at full volume.)
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    I had a rather friendly truck driver in here who took the time to talk to me about the history of trucks and transportation in the US
  • ME: Haha! This is my best plan yet! None of my enemies will realize it's me traveling in this vehicle!

    (We see a white cargo van labeled "NO PRINCESSES SERVICES LTD." I'm sitting in the cargo area in the back with a laptop.)

    PAYNE: Wait, what enemies?

    ME: You know, the Sexy Evil Witches, Smaug, The Headmistress...

    PAYNE: The Headmistress isn't actually your enemy, you realize.

    ME: Then how come she wouldn't make Professor Teacherson change my grade on that exam?

    PAYNE: Instead of showing your work for any of the math problems, you just wrote "I DON'T NEED TO KNOW THIS BECAUSE PRINCESSES HAVE WOLFRAM ALPHA."

    ME: I'm not wrong!

    PAYNE: Whatever. Why do you suddenly need an undercover van? Usually you drive around in a bright pink convertible; not exactly the most inconspicuous thing.

    ME: Well, uh, I'm going to a bad part of town.

    PAYNE: ...that's no way to talk about your impoverished inner-city neighborhoods!

    ME: Inner-city...? Oh, no, I'm talking about the rich suburbs. The people there creep me out.

    PAYNE: You're a princess.

    ME: Exactly! If those rich suburbanites know I'm a princess, they'll expect me to be one of them! And then suddenly I'll have to care whether or not my lawn is mowed in a timely manner!

    PAYNE: Don't you usually make that robot of yourself mow the lawn anyway?

    ME: I gave her the week off so I could have someone to play video games with when I'm bored.

    Actually wonderful
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    I prefer Jason DeRulo to Drake.

    Drake is admittedly, way more talented.
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    Yep, that's not Deadpool/Cable/X-Man.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Aren't you glad Princesses (the species, not to be confused with humans with the title 'Princess') only need to eat sweets to survive?

    When I go hiking in the Centralian wilderness I take a milkshake bottle instead of a water bottle!
  • Man, mom has been decent up until today

    Of ALL days
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