The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • real talk what goes on a bacon sandwich

    besides bacon
  • there was a poll predicting the SNP taking every seat in scotland. all of them. that would be extremely lol i hope it happens
  • IMO there are plenty of parts of the constitution worth keeping. The fourth, fifth, and sixth amendments come to mind.

    yeah but you could work those into a rewritten constitution.
  • i look very cute and alternative today
  • we are just waiting for you to tear up the constitution so the moment everyone hands their guns in we're going to invade and re-colonise y'all. you have been warned
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    The Free Public Transport Party has ~wonderful~ ideas like increasing police presence on the streets and creating an EU military. Whilst at the same time abolishing all state punishment. Somehow.

    Also decriminalising all drugs because bleach and boiling water are dangerous and legal.
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    naney said:

    real talk what goes on a bacon sandwich

    besides bacon

    Lettuce, tomato, and/or cheese compliment bacon on a sandwich pretty well, usually.

  • wait boiling water is a drug?
  • edited 2015-05-01 20:58:29

    no wonder y'all like tea so much
  • naney said:

    real talk what goes on a bacon sandwich

    besides bacon

    Lettuce, tomato, and/or cheese compliment bacon on a sandwich pretty well, usually.

    i was assuming that a "bacon sandwich" must be some sort of distinct thing from a blt
  • EU military is not necessarily a bad idea but probably it would be a bad idea.

    "more police presence on the streets" is such a meaningless buzzword policy which every party goes on about

    abolishing all state punishment sounds... uh... quite a weird policy idk how that would even work

    decriminalising all drugs is unironically a fucking excellent idea which works rly well in lots of other countries around the world
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    "Pedestrians always to have right of way. Roads will be treated like a continuous Zebra Crossing. Cars must stop."

    The Nobody Will Ever Get Anywhere Party
  • oh oops i misread that boiling water post my bad
    boiling water + spicy ramen = yum
  • naney said:

    no wonder y'all like tea so much

    my boyfriend has such low tolerance for drugs in general that he gets a buzz off sage tea it;s hilarious
  • edited 2015-05-01 21:02:55
    We can do anything if we do it together.
    naney said:

    naney said:

    real talk what goes on a bacon sandwich

    besides bacon

    Lettuce, tomato, and/or cheese compliment bacon on a sandwich pretty well, usually.

    i was assuming that a "bacon sandwich" must be some sort of distinct thing from a blt
    Looking it up on Wiki, it seems like that it is a separate thing in the UK. I never knew this before.

    Sunn or Fossilmaiden could probably tell you what’s up with that, because now I’m curious too.
  • "Pedestrians always to have right of way. Roads will be treated like a continuous Zebra Crossing. Cars must stop."

    The Nobody Will Ever Get Anywhere Party

    this is basically how the roadway works in East Ham already i can get behind this
    We Can't Be Arsed to Build Pedestrian Bridges Party
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    "Towns and City centres will be car free. Market stalls, tables, chairs, gardens and play equipment will replace traffic."

    I assume by cars they also include buses, and now I'm trying to work out how to navigate London.
  • rereading that post, decriminalising drugs is a gr8 idea but their reasoning about it is fuckin stupid on more than one level. let's legalise gun ownership as well, because boiling water is dangerous. also all drugs are definitely as dangerous as consuming bleach. what the hell
    "Take the Tube everywhere! Never mind that it probably doesn't go everywhere you want."

    We have this problem in DC, because the Metro skipped several important areas (particularly Georgetown), and until the Green Line was completed, central DC north of downtown and Anacostia were left out, too. 
  • edited 2015-05-01 21:10:44
    image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    "Introduce the Citizen's wage. This is very exciting. Stolen from the Greens, who refuse to take it seriously, as it's probably a vote loser and journalist will laugh at it.

    This will allow people to take time off from work when they need to. They may hate their job and want to spend
    time re-training or to search for a more fulfilling job. They may need a break for childcare or because of physical or mental illness. To build or draw beautiful works of art, invent amazing things, do voluntary work

    The Citizen's wage will replace 98% of all benefits. Each person will get it automatically. There will be no tax allowances. Tax will be payable on every pound earned. It will be funded by the cost of all the existing benefits, the huge administration savings, tax allowances, savings from measures in the manifesto and extra taxation if needed."

    ...I'll be honest, I can't even tell what they're trying to say here.
  • in the centre of london proper there is a tube station within walking distance of anywhere you want to go

    also learn to ride a bike, it's really cool
  • edited 2015-05-01 21:11:29
    kill living beings

    the Citizen's wage. This is very exciting. Stolen from the Greens, who
    refuse to take it seriously, as it's probably a vote loser and
    journalist will laugh at it.

    This will allow people to take time off
    from work when they need to. They may hate their job and want to spend
    time re-training or to search for a more fulfilling job. They may need a
    break for childcare or because of physical or mental illness. To build
    or draw beautiful works of art, invent amazing things, do voluntary work

    The Citizen's wage will replace 98% of all benefits. Each
    person will get it automatically. There will be no tax allowances. Tax
    will be payable on every pound earned. It will be funded by the cost of
    all the existing benefits, the huge administration savings, tax
    allowances, savings from measures in the manifesto and extra taxation if

    ...I'll be honest, I can't even tell what they're trying to say here.
    it looks like a not very good explanation of basic income?
  • "Introduce
    the Citizen's wage. This is very exciting. Stolen from the Greens, who
    refuse to take it seriously, as it's probably a vote loser and
    journalist will laugh at it.

    This will allow people to take time off
    from work when they need to. They may hate their job and want to spend
    time re-training or to search for a more fulfilling job. They may need a
    break for childcare or because of physical or mental illness. To build
    or draw beautiful works of art, invent amazing things, do voluntary work

    The Citizen's wage will replace 98% of all benefits. Each
    person will get it automatically. There will be no tax allowances. Tax
    will be payable on every pound earned. It will be funded by the cost of
    all the existing benefits, the huge administration savings, tax
    allowances, savings from measures in the manifesto and extra taxation if

    ...I'll be honest, I can't even tell what they're trying to say here.
    Citizens income is a sensible and very achievable policy but this reads like timecube

    i think whoever made this party, their heart is in the right place but they're abit wacko
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.

    it looks like a not very good explanation of basic income?

    Nope. They also have "A living wage to be the national minimum wage. " Which is a good idea of course, but anyway.

  • "Introduce
    the Citizen's wage. This is very exciting. Stolen from the Greens, who
    refuse to take it seriously, as it's probably a vote loser and
    journalist will laugh at it.

    This will allow people to take time off
    from work when they need to. They may hate their job and want to spend
    time re-training or to search for a more fulfilling job. They may need a
    break for childcare or because of physical or mental illness. To build
    or draw beautiful works of art, invent amazing things, do voluntary work

    The Citizen's wage will replace 98% of all benefits. Each
    person will get it automatically. There will be no tax allowances. Tax
    will be payable on every pound earned. It will be funded by the cost of
    all the existing benefits, the huge administration savings, tax
    allowances, savings from measures in the manifesto and extra taxation if

    ...I'll be honest, I can't even tell what they're trying to say here.

    some sort of variation on the negative income tax?

  • it says 'stolen from the Greens' and that policy absolutely is citizens income/basic income

    the Free Public Transport Party probably just don't realise that that kind of renders the whole 'living wage' thing moot
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    of pornography would be liable to be called upon to demonstrate that
    they have satisfied themselves beyond reasonable doubt, that the sex
    workers involved have been paid properly, are over 18 and have not been
    coerced in any way. Failure to do so would result in prosecution"

    Another case of "Yes, sex workers do need better conditions but how the god are you going to even enforce that"
  • IMO there are plenty of parts of the constitution worth keeping. The fourth, fifth, and sixth amendments come to mind.

    What about the second? I was planning on cashing in my God-given bear arms before I got to school.
  • edited 2015-05-01 21:45:34
    kill living beings

    "Users of pornography would be liable to be called upon to demonstrate that they have satisfied themselves beyond reasonable doubt,

    does this mean what i think it does or am i just sleepy
  • I will find you. And I will kill you.

    Or whatever the fuck that line from Taken is.
  • why am I tempted to post some of Cali8orn's "masterpieces"
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.

    "Users of pornography would be liable to be called upon to demonstrate that they have satisfied themselves beyond reasonable doubt,

    does this mean what i think it does or am i just sleepy
    You're misreading it. :P
  • kill living beings
  • I root for the blue team and I make little secret of it.
  • tumut
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

    I root for the blue team and I make little secret of it.


  • I had to get that out of my system

    also Cali8orn's drawing of Vriska is the 8est thing ever
  • I root for the blue team and I make little secret of it.


    *straight up tackles Central Avenue*
  • sportsball amirite
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • calvinball

    still less complicated than republican presidential nominee selection process
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat

    I root for the blue team and I make little secret of it.


    hail to the victors
  • no that's simple you just figure out who the Big White Man is and then run him
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    I am so not looking forward to seeing Avengers 2.

    My friends are going, shut up.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Panurge said:

    I am so not looking forward to seeing Avengers 2.

    My friends are going, shut up.
    I'm half-looking forward to it, though I am kind of burnt out on Marvel now too
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