The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    ...that was CWC?

    I apologize, CA. I didn't mean it.
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    Aliroz said:

    Today, in Things Rozzy Hopes It Isn't Racist To Say ... 

    So, like, someone said that all people from Asia look the same, and I really don't think that's true. Is it racist to say that some people from Asia look different from other people from Asia? I hope not.  

    Also, is it wrong that I don't find Tonto from the Lone Ranger to be all that problematic? Sure, he speaks poor English, but he speaks English better than Reid speaks Potawatomi (not to mention the other languages Tonto is fluent in), and Jay Silverheels's Tonto is a very interesting character in his own right (although Jay Silverheels is from the Mohawk people from the Six Nations in Canada, not the Potawatomi).  (Not that I've seen a lot of the 1950's The Lone Ranger, though...).  Also, yes, Tonto means "fool" or "stupid" in Spanish, but in Potawatomi it does have a different meaning that I don't remember.

    (Also, Silverheels continually fought the executives over Tonto's broken English and sadly, never won.)
    Yes, different Asians have different looks to them, even with the same base "type." A Japanese person will look different from a Korean, who will look different from the Chinese.

    And that's not even counting all the Malays, the Indonesians, the Uighur, the Kazakhs, etc. All kinds of folks here.

    Tonto's problem is not that he speaks bad English. That's a small problem. Tonto's problem is that he's a native in willing servitude of the white man, enforcing white man's laws, on white man's stolen lands.
  • ...that was CWC?

    I apologize, CA. I didn't mean it.

    I knew something was off!

    Dagnabbit, this is exactly what happens when the Photos thread is left fallow for too long! We start forgetting what people look like!
  • they dont look anything alike tho
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    I would post an actual photo of myself to make up for it but I am nowhere near presentable right now
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    seriously, I hope I can be forgiven
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

    seriously, I hope I can be forgiven

    Well, I did forget the Royal Cow on my Centralia list, so now we're even, I suppose :P
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    the royal burger
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I was thinking, "that kinda looks like CA, I guess? I better ask"

    I still like the dress, honestly
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.

    the royal burger

    I am a milk cow, thank you u_u
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    It amuses me that the 3DS seems to have become popular despite its main gimmick instead of because of said gimmick
  • It's a Nintendo handheld, it was destined to become popular.

    Something something forced adoption.
  • Ppl still think this middle aged white man Eminem is a candidate for the title of "greatest rapper ever" and I do not understand
  • when you're like 18 and say ignorant nonsense in your songs you have the excuse of youth and inexperience

    when you're 40something, have dealt with this issue many times before, and are still doing it, you're just a dick
  • also his style has not changed meaningfully since I was a toddler
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    Hey as long as I have the choice to turn on or off the 3D, that's golden. Unlike other things where you can't.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

    also his style has not changed meaningfully since I was a toddler

    way to make me feel old

    detention for you
  • edited 2014-11-11 19:39:04
    We can do anything if we do it together.
    I still respect Eminem's early work, even if I’m not necessarily a fan of it.

    He really should’ve been stopped a long time ago, though.
  • Ppl still think this middle aged white man Eminem is a candidate for the title of "greatest rapper ever" and I do not understand

    but he raps fast sometimes!

  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    I like Eminem, but I'm afraid to look at his latest albums for this very reason.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    teh best rapper is violent j
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    How come u get called a racist if you like to mackle more but not to get down with the clown
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • edited 2014-11-11 21:59:49
    Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    So apparently Jackie Chan, Adrian Brody, and John Cusack are going to be in this movie together.
  • edited 2014-11-11 23:20:27
    A thought: Mountain Dew-flavored Doritos make a whole lot more sense than Doritos-flavored Mountain Dew. (Dinamita Chile Limón, anyone?)
  • TreTre
    edited 2014-11-11 23:54:41
    Ugh, the mere concept of a Dorito-flavored Mtn Dew makes me gag. (More so than the converse, I suppose, so you are right.)

  • I think there's a rule that you can't mix salty processed foods and sweet processed foods.

    One that I will enforce to the fullest extent of the jam
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • Church of the Holy Chamberpot
    church of the poison mind
  • Spoiler:
    If this isn't the Number of Rats I don't know what is. That's five sevens right there. That's like, a lot. A lot of sevens. It's not seven sevens because, let's be honest here, it's taken me like 4 months and I'm not even at a hundred thousand rats never mind seven million rats. I don't know if I should stop sending rats but I don't think the answer to that question is yes. I don't even know why I'm sending these rats I'm just putting rats in a bag and sending them through the post. How many dang rats do you actually have because Restitution eats 900 rats and it's terrible. I have pretty much decided to make the wordiest message possible here. Do you have a wordcount on this thing yet or am i going to have to paste War and Peace into a box some time to test that. are you even going to read this, i think that's the important question. St cerise's candle still doesn't have any words on it. Sometimes I like to shoot rats in Watchmaker's Hill but not often because it's not a very good option for cash money. I open palm slam a rat into the rat bag and seal it up with candle wax and the postman falls over in terror at the prospect of carrying more rat corpses. Major sections of London are jammed up by the traffic caused by the mail coaches bringing rats to the house of a man who looks like a tiger in a hat and some other dude who's cool as ice and has an egg on his head. Seven is the number but I've always preferred nines. When ARE we going to see the Candle in Knife and Candle anyway? for that matter, when are we going to see the Knives because i know there's more than two. Who is Mr Iron? Mr Twitch is innocent. Have you ever seen a dead rat 'cause they're kinda gross. why are they rats on strings anyway i mean why a string. did you ever expect this result when you put an option to send rats on a card. fifty thousand rats still isn't enough rats, you know. I have yet to see a number of rats which is too many rats. Seven million rats? Maybe. Maybe not. I think you could buy an Overgoat with that kind of rats but I wouldn't want to do that because that's against Rat Code. I think the Rat Meta still needs some major balancing as some parts of it are "OP" (overpowered) and other parts are sadly neglected. What possessed you to add a ratbox that hurts people but only up to 3 Wounds. Are you even reading this at this point? if you read this please send the word "jellyfish" across the Twitter. if you read this and do not do the above I will be very sad and upset. if you do not read this i will also probably be sad and upset but then i'll send another thousand rats and everything will be ok again. i think the rats brought me luck in my exams because they weren't too terrible. it's 3:30AM on a weeknight and i'm sitting writing about rats, in a tiny message box. do you eat rats. i googled "rat quotations" and apparently there's a website about quotes from famous people about rats.
  • Spoiler:
    "You learned the two greatest thing in life, never rat on your friends, and always keep your mouth shut.", for instance, is a quotation about rats. i do not think I have followed this very well because I have ratted on you quite a lot. I don't know if I'll ever run out of things to say with these rats. I think a rat is like a fine cheese, there's a lot to say about it. And they go well with wine. Allow me to submit my 300-page rant on how the game mechanics of your game are inherently flawed. Ludonarrative Dissonance. Am I a game journalist yet? I don't think I want to be a game journalist. would you call this behaviour "pack ratting" (ha ha just a little rat joke for you). sometimes i wonder if life is worthwhile, but then i send some rats through the post. there could literally be no satisfactory ending for this spiel of text about rats. i am not a writer i just vomit words en masse and sometimes they go well together. when are you going to add more rat content, i really need more rat content. how many words are in this ratbox by now. the wordcounting machine says 779 not counting the words here which means i've written more than most english essays about rats, right now. i don't know if i should feel bad about that. Apparently 27% of the words used in this are the word rat. i think that's a powerful message. Mr Eaten's Name is Mr Rats, innit. How do rats fit into the FL narrative anyway, i mean like i know there's rattus faber but are there regular rats too or do all the rats just shoot guns and be tiny brigands. i wasn't paying too much attention in rat class i'm sorry. you know i probably should have stopped at 777 words but i can't just stop now. the spellchecker is underlining everything with red but where we're going, we don't need spellcheckers. remember, the word "Jellyfish" is important. Alternatively, I will accept "Bicycle", "Unicycle" or your favorite species of reptile. The only thing better than rats, In My Opinion ("imo") is an egg. Some eggs, though, just don't try to ponder them. They're tricksy things, them eggs. But this is a gift of Rats, not a gift of Eggs. Some people like a bit of rat, but I think this has gone beyond a bit. After this, I will have 351 rats, which is significant because it's one more than 350 and that's about it. Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only person who uses the ratsending option on Restitution. how many levels of Reputation: Abomination are there anyway, i'm determined to get all of them. after this you can truly say you were a survivor of the Second Great Rat Flood of London. i think the first one mighta been at the feast of the rose when the bazaar's sunlight was interuppted by a cascade of fifty thousand rats into the bazaar streets, where i was lodging at the time, but i have yet to confirm this theory. rats and tigers; do they get along? the Tiger Keeper's Tale. i can never go to the first coil of the labyrinth without thinking "hey that's an Alexis". are you a tiger with a hat irl i've never really gotten confirmation on that. if I'm ever in England I might have to go to the failbetter offices and post a rat through your door or something. maybe just a plush rat or something. a novelty dead rat. i don't know if i could post a real rat that might cause diplomatic tensions. there are no less than ten occasions when i have considered hitting the button and sending the rats. i have broken 1200 words about rats. having a typing speed of 100wpm is a benefit and a curse. i think you should replace the eyeless skull with an eyeless rat that'll be much more fun. in fact the cave of the nadir should just be rats. a swimming pool of rats. i think you could probably manage to fill a swimming pool with all those rats that you have. i mean it's at least 10k even taking into account Restitution's tendency to eat 900 rats in transit. i put it down to the starveling cat and also Seeking hunger. really though, how unaccountably peckish do you have to be to eat exactly 900 rats and not decide "hmm i might have another rat" i have no idea. there are still like three typos in the st cerise content and i sent a typo report months ago and they're STILL THERE alexis. they're STILL THERE and no amount of rats can fix it. i have wounds 5 and by god do you know how much of it was rats. like at least 6CP i think. but once i died just from rat sending, that was pretty funny. the ratboxes still have 11 rats in them, and not even you, god king loremaster, can change that. i was going to put an ascii art of a rat in here but it broke something tremendously and i was afraid one of your databases would catch fire and gutter like a dying star again. how many rats could a rat rat if a rat could rat rats? i think it'd be a lot. like at least seven. Seven is the Number. the sound of iron and echoes is nothing compared to the sound of postmen and rats. i will be sad if like the first hundred words of this are all that get sent, but i will save a copy and put it on the internet for all the world to see. fallen london is my favorite game on the internet because i can send the lead developer rats and not get assassinated for it. although i might get assassinated by a pile of rats suddenly appearing in my house, but i can put that down to natural causes. more than a third of the words in this are either rat or rats. nearly a half, actually. you could take out half the words in this, and still have rats. rat frequency is off the charts. it's goddamn 4am and i'm still writing about rats. alexis help i'm stuck in a rat factory and i can't get out. can you solve the mystery of Rat Londo before they gnaw through your boots. i don't really know if this is legal any more. is it illegal to send rats? i think it might be. parasitic wasps live in the eyes but parasitic rats float around and mail you jewels occaionally. apparently i have said the word "don" ten times in this ratly spiel. i am going to print this out and frame it and send it in a fancy bordered letter to the failbetter offices. i am so sorry about the rats. i'm out of control. i don't even know if i can stop writing about rats. it's like i've been possessed by the literary demon of rats. i swear if there's a word limit on these messages i will be incandescent with fury. rat is life. rat life. rat gangster. my friend once bought me a game on steam called bad rats and it was the most godawful thing i've ever had the misfortune to play. if you have a steam account i will literally buy you a copy of bad rats. this is my oath. except i will buy it only in the summer sales. i think this whole rat escapade is just a way to channel that frustration at the rats. god, bad rats is awful. truly awful. almost as bad as fallen london ha ha ha! just a joke, i am sotry. it's four in the morning on the 25th of june most of my friends are probably partying or something and here i am writing a goddamn dossier about rats. its ok i like writing about rats. i haven't stopped writing for 45 minutes oh god. this is real stream of consciousness rat narrative. you better like make this a global announcement for the entire playerbase and give them a rat each. i might have to do this more often with developers. i mean i used to beat up the ss13 admins but now i am an ss13 admin and i still haven't stopped. i am really thirsty but if i get a drink i mgiht forget how to rats. i don't even care about the ytypos any more i jsut keep on trucling. i really need to think up of a good ending for this ratly tale. if you get a card called "cats vs rats" you better pick the rats just so you can send the rats through the post on a later date. why can't i send the scuttering company through the post. why can't i send eyeless skulls through the post. this is literally my magnum opus. i wrote like 1500 words of an english essay about half a month ago and it was nowhere near as good as this. i am at my pinnacle, i can do no better. i am the rat king. i think my typing is starting to slow down. it is bright outside. i can hear birds. they are not aerial rats, i think that is pigeons but there are no pigeons here because it is not a city. god damn hell. seven is the number seven is the number seven is the number seven is the number seven is the number seven is the number seven is the number. mr eaten's name gotta find the name it's not mr candles that's a lie and an untruth, it's mr rats. it's mr rats! it's Mr Eats! dammit that was a tpyo but i 'm jeeping it. i think i'm beginning to lose coherence by the moment. the screen is starting to wurble a bit. do you know what a wurble is? because if not now you do. i have rats seared into my eyes. become one with the rat. alexisthetest wants presents but he never gives presents back. i send him rats too, it's all good. the thane of alexisthetest had a goat, where is it now? alexisthetest was cool once, back in the day, now he's night. what is it with him and the secular missionary anyway. is it rats. is it ever rats. how many storylines in fallen london can be summarised with "it's rats" i think it's at least 3 which isn't enough. are you worried you've driven at least one of your players to insanity. because i'm not, really. I can stop whenever I want! i think. it's just a matter of laudanum and fine wines, right?? rats rats rats rats rats rats rats. i can't feel my legs but that's ok i wasn't using them anyway. where we're going we don't need eyes. eyeless skulls still look like a butt, i am sorry, but this is my executive opinion. can i get an official position at failbetter games as "rat consultant" i think i've earjned it. my mind is full of rats. i am stepped so far in rats going on is as easy as go o'er. is that right i don't remember macbeth quotations any more.
  • Spoiler:
    what, you rat! he rats him. everybody get rats, it's time to rat now. we got a real rat going down welcome to the neath rat. its your rat do your rat at the neath rat. alright. that was a reference to ancient relic movie "space jam" dear god it's been like an hour of straight typing about rats. do you think i should stop? i don't
    i never will. i will never stop. except to sleep i guess, i'm pretty sleepy and it's quarter past four in the morning. there's only so much rat one man can take. but in fairness, i don't know how much rat that is. it'd be a pretty high number, i think. at least a hundred thousand rats. i think this rat delivery should be pretty important, because it's the big 77777 after all, and 7 is the number. you said that, writer man. you are the person who wrote that and you can't unwrite it now. when's the fourth candle happening anyway
    remember, the word "jellyfish". it's important. BUT if you've read this far, i must make a caveat. the word is NOW "rattus rattus" and if you just send "jellyfish" i'm going to assume you haven't read the whole thing. however i also would like a mention from the second set of stipulations i mentioned earlier, this will prevent you from skipping straight to the end like a cheater. nobody cheats in the world of rats. there is only rat, wounds and nightmares, maganimous boosts and some abominable reputations. i can't drink rats. ok that's enough rats. i think that's enough rats. maybe it's not enough rats. should i send more rats. rats rats rats rats rats rats rats. rat rat rat rat rat rat rat. ra ra ra ra ra ra ra. r r r r r r r. 7
  • destroy the rodents
  • jesus fuck the new Gravity Falls episode has been out for less than a day and the single Gravity Falls blog I follow has completely plastered my dash with photosets from it.

    Calm down
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    Rats are good animals.
  • how does denny's even exist

    they're like the absolute worst fast casual restaurant

    like the mental images that the name conjours up are of shitty breakfast skillets, rude waitresses, cigarette smoke and grubby patrons who don't wash their hands
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    I've never even been to Denny's, but nobody seems to actually like Denny's
  • humans all look the same

    I never understood this as an insult... Mind you, insults dont necessarily need to be completely logical to be hurtful cruel things, but when you boil it down, saying "You all look alike to me" is akin to saying "I fail basic pattern recognition tests"

  • white person talking to black person: (*says the black person totally looks like some black celebrity they don't look like*)
  • Apparently, Denny's is a thing among non-Americans on Tumblr?

    Rats are good animals.

    Join Fallen London!

    The rambling message is out of date! We now have 4 storylines that can be loosely described as rats!
  • naney said:

    white person talking to black person: (*says the black person totally looks like some black celebrity they don't look like*)

  • My experience with Denny's since we lifted our personal embargo against them because of the whole racism thing hasn't been bad, though Naney's description is understandable given how certain locations are kept.
  • Apparently, Denny's is a thing among non-Americans on Tumblr?

    Rats are good animals.

    Join Fallen London!

    The rambling message is out of date! We now have 4 storylines that can be loosely described as rats!
    I remember like 5 years back, Dennys had these free breakfast coupons that they gave out, some people I knew gamed the system and I ended up walking to Dennys every morning for a whole week eating free breakfast. 
  • I think it has something to do with the human brain mentally stores faces

    like, if you're white and you have white parents and you mostly know white people, your brain would flag "being black" plus one or two other things as being a primary way to recognize the person

    so then you have a black celebrity who has one or two of those other traits and then the brain is like "oh yeah those people look alike" whereas the brain of someone who knows more black people would use more traits to determine likeness and not make such an error

    disclaimer: this is purely based on trying to figure out how my own brain does things not by way of actually talking with other people to see how they tick
  • i used to rely on "this person has this one trait" for everyone cuz im so bad with faces

    like i ended up being friends with a dude in 6th grade solely because he had crooked teeth, which made him easier to remember

    also i realized later that i find crooked teeth attractive so there's that
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