The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Odradek said:

    In retrospect, Fast Eddie straight up permabanning a dude because he was in a bad mood then refusing to explain it was a bad sign.

    it was a bad sign at the time, it's just that nobody said anything in protest because they didn't want to get banned too
  • you know bulbagarden has always taken forever to load for me

    like longer than any other website i can think of
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    I remember people acting like Janitor was a terrible mod, and it's good that Eddie had more to do with the day-to-day administration then her.

    I guess Janitor was the sign of things to come.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Anonus said:

    Odradek said:

    In retrospect, Fast Eddie straight up permabanning a dude because he was in a bad mood then refusing to explain it was a bad sign.

    it was a bad sign at the time, it's just that nobody said anything in protest because they didn't want to get banned too
    I brought it up multiple times. Eddie just stayed quiet and other mods tried to figure out why he was banned in the first place.
  • wait eddie was 3 people?
  • naney said:

    you know bulbagarden has always taken forever to load for me

    like longer than any other website i can think of

    It's better than seeing Archaic's shiny Rayquaza in your face
  • Odradek said:

    Anonus said:

    Odradek said:

    In retrospect, Fast Eddie straight up permabanning a dude because he was in a bad mood then refusing to explain it was a bad sign.

    it was a bad sign at the time, it's just that nobody said anything in protest because they didn't want to get banned too
    I brought it up multiple times. Eddie just stayed quiet and other mods tried to figure out why he was banned in the first place.
    I remember that guy too. Eddie banned him for being a goon, even though he had nothing to do with any of that drama.

  • he may or may not be Janitor and Gus as well.

    I actually think that it's most likely that Janitor and Gus are/were real people but they've long since left running TVT to Eddie.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    I ascribe most of Eddie's poor administration to incompetence rather than malice

    Though I suppose the whole "pretending to be three people" thing would go against that

    I think there is a rational explanation for the Janitor situation somewhere—she may well have simply been his neighbour and left the site for greener pastures at some point—but who knows or even cares any more? There is stranger in this world, especially on the Web.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    No that was Triple Elation. I was thinking of snowbull
  • come to think of it, the offensiveness of the word "fuck", especially in its use as a verb, has some connotations of rape

    probably a good reason to avoid it anyway
  • I ascribe most of Eddie's poor administration to incompetence rather than malice

    Though I suppose the whole "pretending to be three people" thing would go against that

    I think there is a rational explanation for the Janitor situation somewhere—she may well have simply been his neighbour and left the site for greener pastures at some point—but who knows or even cares any more? There is stranger in this world, especially on the Web.
    p. sure she worked at CERN or something
  • incidentally, regarding the word "bitch", from my experience it seems like the term "bitchy" is applied far more often to (non-canine) females than to males

  • edited 2014-11-01 19:19:02

    incidentally, regarding the word "bitch", from my experience it seems like the term "bitchy" is applied far more often to (non-canine) females than to males

    And when it's applied to males there's the implicit sense that it's disparaging their masculinity by comparing them to females!
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    The only evidence that Janitor and Fast Eddie were the same person was that they shared an IP address, which I'll admit is pretty weak because there are other possible explanations for that.

    More damning, though, is that the person calling himself "Fast Eddie" on TVT has gone by the name "Gus Raley" elsewhere online, while claiming that the TVT user named Gus died years ago.
  • i'll openly admit it, some of the things i talk about, i do so because they're things people like to hear

    what "like to hear" means is not necessarily compliments.  usually, it just means things that people are interested in.  common interests.  which is perfectly normal behavior.

    because there's fifty million things i could talk about, but most of them are things you wouldn't give a shit about.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Odradek said:

    Same with Megan Fox. And George Lucas.

    I mean say what you will about Shia Labeouf, but people didn't whine about how some more attractive dude should have been in movies he was in.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Acererak said:

    I ascribe most of Eddie's poor administration to incompetence rather than malice

    Though I suppose the whole "pretending to be three people" thing would go against that

    I think there is a rational explanation for the Janitor situation somewhere—she may well have simply been his neighbour and left the site for greener pastures at some point—but who knows or even cares any more? There is stranger in this world, especially on the Web.
    p. sure she worked at CERN or something
    People seem to be under the impression that this was a front, but in retrospect, her moving to Europe and leaving the site is completely plausible.
  • two people both named gus is possible.
  • as is one person named gus in meatspace and another named gus in webspace.
    Yeah, if they had shell or (more likely) RDP accounts, that'd explain why FE, Janitor and Gus all had the same IP.
  • naney said:

    wait eddie was 3 people?

    this is technically still an allegation and has never been proven, but we know so little about Janitor and Gus that it's not hard to imagine.
  • for some reason i find myself seeking (and not finding) some anthea kallenberg fanart
  • fyi the "saint anthea of kallenberg" thing is just there because i thought it was amusing and cool-sounding
  • Also I spoke to Janitor several times and she was a very different person in terms of like, posting tone than Eddie.

    That does not prove anything, but it's worth mentioning.
  • edited 2014-11-01 19:22:58
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    More damning, though, is that the person calling himself "Fast Eddie" on TVT has gone by the name "Gus Raley" elsewhere online, while claiming that the TVT user named Gus died years ago.
    The Gus thing is definitely weirder, but again, there might be another explanation lurking there that has ultimately been lost to the ether.

    ^ Yeah, I'm pretty sure she wasn't a sockpuppet. Her whole attitude was different.
  • Also I spoke to Janitor several times and she was a very different person in terms of like, posting tone than Eddie.

    That does not prove anything, but it's worth mentioning.
    ooh.  interesting.  though it's possible that people can change.  and it's hard to gauge personality accurately over the internet.

    but yeah, i'm going to stick with my original hypothesis that they're probably real people and were probably involved in the creation of TVT but Eddie is the one who does most of the work managing TVT these days.
  • Even Eddie is pretty in absentia nowadays as far as I'm aware.

    Daltar, who I still talk to frequently, was made the mod of the RP subforum a year or two ago and is pretty much left to her own devices.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    I mean, it's possible there's some Ace Attorney-style long contrived explanation for the Gus thing, and nobody's proven anything one way or the other yet

    But it's worth keeping in mind that we HAVE known Eddie to be intentionally deceptive at least once before: he's posted photos of two different men claiming they were him
  • what is the right term for a thing that one thinks is true but isn't sure about?

    "theory" means something one thinks is true and which has been thoroughly tested and has held up in those tests and is thus widely accepted as true

    "hypothesis" seems to be the right term, but does it carry with it the requirement that it be something that is testable?  or, even more strictly, be something that is currently being tested?
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    They modded a couple of people not too long ago, if I'm not mistaken, most of whom just do their thing.

    Not that I've kept up. I left a goodbye post in the Absent People thread about a week ago.
    hypothesis is usually the right term in this case
  • i wonder if i should have invested the time to climb that social ladder and become a mod there, seeing as now that it's sorta up to some mods to run the place

    then again, it's a lot of work for not particularly much perks -- i presume even the mods have limited influence in how the wiki organizes information...

    unless, like, one mod were to go on a last-ditch mission and unilaterally change site policy at the risk of getting herself/himself permabanned
  • I will say that aside from anything else, someone has been really good about whackamoling my several dozen sockpuppet accounts.

    ....for whatever reason.
  • TreTre
    edited 2014-11-01 19:32:00
    They still kept your music trope page up, though!
  • edited 2014-11-01 19:34:37
    We can do anything if we do it together.

    I mean, it's possible there's some Ace Attorney-style long contrived explanation for the Gus thing, and nobody's proven anything one way or the other yet

    But it's worth keeping in mind that we HAVE known Eddie to be intentionally deceptive at least once before: he's posted photos of two different men claiming they were him
    There's also the fact that he claimed to live in the Bahamas, when in reality, he lived in a trailer park in Wisconsin.
  • I explicitly asked them to delete that at least three times.

    It's both not up to date and embarrassing.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    The absolute refusal to delete pages when the person they're about asks nicely is dumb.
  • I explicitly asked them to delete that at least three times.

    It's both not up to date and embarrassing.
    This is most likely deliberate on Eddie's part.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    yadda yadda TVT
  • edited 2014-11-01 19:38:53
    |lol, TV Tropes|
    \-------\ \----/

  • lee4hmz said:

    Yeah, if they had shell or (more likely) RDP accounts, that'd explain why FE, Janitor and Gus all had the same IP.

    Out of curiosity, what are a shell and RDP account?
  • naney said:

    I explicitly asked them to delete that at least three times.

    It's both not up to date and embarrassing.
    This is most likely deliberate on Eddie's part.
    the one time I actually got an answer it was Madrugada who rebuffed me so I wouldn't be sure about that.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    One of the best pieces of marketing I saw was when a video game magazine doing a piece on the then-upcoming Resident Evil 4 revealed that the new enemies in the game wouldn't be the zombies of the previous three games, but said that the developers weren't saying what they were instead. They only gave the clue that the enemies were called Los Ganados, which means Cattle in Spanish.

    I've always found that an effective way to peak curiosity.
  • probably Remote Desktop Protocol
  • Smee, Maiman, Doktar, Pavelier, Button-Lee, Juan Ovyu
    Resident Evil 4's dub was funny as fuck
  • Smee, Maiman, Doktar, Pavelier, Button-Lee, Juan Ovyu
    A common complaint among South American gamers is that when games are dubbed into Spanish they are dubbed into European Spanish rather than American.

    And then, for the one game that would have made sense with an European Spanish dub, it was dubbed to American Spanish
  • edited 2014-11-01 19:59:41
    which game is this?

    edit: oh are you talking about resident evil 4?

    i just remembered that the forum said there were 2 new posts but i only see 1
  • kill living beings
    oh hello
  • Smee, Maiman, Doktar, Pavelier, Button-Lee, Juan Ovyu
    Resident Evil 4
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