The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • I prefer video game music that enhances the mood to video game music that holds up on its own.
  • Also it never ceases to amaze me how high Kingdom Hearts's production values were for a 2001 PS2 game with the nichest of niche premises.
  • Oh no I'm having a KH kind of night again.

    Dammit. Shit. Fuck. I don't need this in my life right now.
  • you know what else has high production values?

    MY D
  • edited 2014-09-02 23:20:32
    I will not regard Mo's comment in any capacity and request instead that you listen to how overwrought this is.

  • (hyperlinked on purpose for Mo's sake)
  • edited 2014-09-02 23:25:16
    ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    Kexruct said:

    Oh no I'm having a KH kind of night again.

    Dammit. Shit. Fuck. I don't need this in my life right now.

    Find a distraction, NOW.

    (Unless I am confused, in which case disregard this message.)
  • i have like a little patch of chapped skin right under my nose and it's driving me nuts



  • Aliroz said:

    Kexruct said:

    Oh no I'm having a KH kind of night again.

    Dammit. Shit. Fuck. I don't need this in my life right now.

    Find a distraction, NOW.
    Nothing can stop the onslaught of INTENSE AIMLESS EMOTION
  • I had already turned in my cartoon Friday afternoon when, Saturday morning, I read the news that Reagan’s health was failing. I began drawing immediately. I have had a rough draft of this cartoon ready for this occasion for years. As the day continued I kept getting e-mails and text messages from friends excitedly anticipating the Gipper’s impending death. Finally Steve, with whom I have planned for over a decade to hold a party on the day of Reagan’s funeral, called me from the track, where he was betting on the Belmont Stakes, to tell me that the old bastard was finally dead. He reported that there had been a perfunctory Moment of Silence, lasting approximately 1.6 seconds, before everyone went back to betting. It was beautiful. As the afternoon went on I got a flood of congratulatory calls from friends around the world—Ben in Boston, Megan and Mike in New York, Berkeley in Baltimore, even Allison in Bulgaria. I e-mailed this cartoon into the City Paper around seven P.M., begging them in the name of our sweet lord and savior Jesus Christ to stop the presses and please run this Wednesday, and then headed down to Baltimore to drink tiny beers and watch The Big Lebowski. The Reagan party will be held at my house this weekend.

    Perhaps it may seem insensitive and unpatriotic to some for me to run such an ugly cartoon at this time of national mourning. To those of you who hold this view, I must respectfully say fuck you. Some of my younger readers may not even remember Ronald Regan’s presidency, and I would not want them to be misled by the onslaught of state propaganda they’ll be subjected to this week. Calling him the Great Communicator is like calling Hitler the Great Negotiator, and if we’re going to credit him with winning the Cold War we may as well credit him with the Challenger disaster and the return of Halley’s Comet. Let me tell you what it was really like:

    Even at age twelve I could tell that Jimmy Carter was an honest man trying to address complicated issues and Ronald Reagan was a brilcreemed salesman telling people what they wanted to hear. I secretly wept on the stairs the night he was elected President, because I understood that the kind of shitheads I had to listen to in the cafeteria grew up to become voters, and won. I spent the eight years he was in office living in one of those science-fiction movies where everyone is taken over by aliens—I was appalled by how stupid and mean-spirited and repulsive the world was becoming while everyone else in America seemed to agree that things were finally exactly as they should be. The Washington Press corps was so enamored of his down-to-earth charm that they never checked his facts, but if you watched his face when it was at rest, when he wasn’t performing for anyone, you could see him for what he really was—a black-eyed, slit-mouthed, lizard-faced old son-of-a-bitch. He was a bad actor, an informer for McCarthy, and a hired front man for a gang of Texas oilmen, fundamentalist dingbats, and right-wing psychotics out of Dr. Strangelove. He put a genial face on chauvanism, callousness, and greed, and made people feel good about being bigots again. He likened Central American death squads to our founding fathers and called the Taliban “freedom fighters.” His legacy includes the dismantling of Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal, the final dirty win of Management over Labor, the outsourcing of America’s manufacturing base, the embezzlement of almost all the country's wealth by 1% of its citizens, the scapegoating of the poor and black, the War on Drugs, the eviction of schizophrenics into the streets, AIDS, acid rain, Iran-Contra, and, let’s not forget, the corpses of two hundred forty United States Marines. He moved the center of political discourse in this country to somewhere in between Richard Nixon and Augusto Pinochet. He believed in astrology and Armageddon and didn't know the difference between history and movies; his stories were lies and his jokes were scripted. He was the triumph of image over truth, paving the way for even more vapid spokesmodels like George W. Bush. He was, as everyone agrees, exactly what he appeared to be—nothing. He made me ashamed to be an American. If there was any justice in this world his Presidential Library would contain nothing but boys' adventure books and bad cowboy movies, and the only things named after him would be shopping malls and Potter's Fields. Let the earth where he is buried be seeded with salt.
    It's strange given my usual set of ethics on this kind of thing that I agreed with so much of what was said here.
  • edited 2014-09-02 23:26:02
    Not a fan of gravedancing though; never have been and never will be.
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    Oh, so you aren't having an anxiety/panic attack.

  • ...

    *pats Aliroz on the head*

    Thank you for your concern. Sincerely.
  • If there was any justice in this world his Presidential Library would
    contain nothing but boys' adventure books and bad cowboy movies, and the
    only things named after him would be shopping malls and Potter's
    Fields. Let the earth where he is buried be seeded with salt.

  • I figured you'd get a kick out of it, actually.

    Not KH but this is my favorite Zelda theme for some reason.
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.

  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    as Majora's Mask musics go, I like this track

  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    Kexruct said:

    Also it never ceases to amaze me how high Kingdom Hearts's production values were for a 2001 PS2 game with the nichest of niche premises.

    There's not a whole lot of "niche" in combining 3 of the most popular things in Japan.
  • kill living beings



    apparently the plot of that is that punisher is chasing a drug dealer who looks like a slightly older, fucked up archie, which is hella amusing
  • Kexruct said:

    Also it never ceases to amaze me how high Kingdom Hearts's production values were for a 2001 PS2 game with the nichest of niche premises.

    There's not a whole lot of "niche" in combining 3 of the most popular things in Japan.
    Maybe niche wasn't the right word but it's a rather silly premise nonetheless.

    Also, 3?
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    Disney, Final Fantasy, and well, video games.
  • We can do anything if we do it together.



    apparently the plot of that is that punisher is chasing a drug dealer who looks like a slightly older, fucked up archie, which is hella amusing
    I've got a .cbr of that comic on my computer. 

    It's a pretty fun read. In fact, I think I'll re-read it now.
  • But again, very bizarre premise, especially considering all the effort put into it.

    At any rate I actually have a hard time imagining it as anything other than big and ridiculous and overwrought and silly, go big or go home and all that.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    It's the kind of thing that would never happen now because Disney would never let dirty foreign characters near their precious Marvel characters
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    I like how we're talking about two entirely different absurd crossovers on the same page.
  • edited 2014-09-03 00:17:43
    image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    It's actually interesting just how popular Disney is over there. Tokyo Disneyland is the second (and with DisneySea, fourth) most visited theme park in the world.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    I wanna dance with somebody

    Wanna feel the heat with somebody

    Oh I wanna dance with somebody

    With somebody who loves me
  • You are expected to let the deceased "rest in peace" and be
    "respectful." Don't do either of those things. Show up to the funeral
    late with three dozen doves hidden inside your suit. After whatever
    loved one delivers the eulogy, stand up at the back of the church and
    say, "It is we who should be mourning our own lives. Only in death are
    we truly free," then release 36 doves like an ornithological Lebron
    James pre-game ritual. Proceed to Heely down the aisle and hit a 540
    frontside handplant on the coffin. If your friend wasn't dead they would
    totally dap you for your heroism.
  • I googled that and the first result was HeapersHangout dot com.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Kexruct said:

    I googled that and the first result was HeapersHangout dot com.

    Man, fuck that website. They never responded to my proposal for Trash Heap '80s Night!
  • Including Soulja on "We Made It" turned out to be one of the savviest
    tricks Drake has ever pulled. The song is a testament to overcoming and
    unabashedly flaunting your success much to the chagrin of nonbelievers.
    Rub that shit in the naysayers faces like apricot scrub—it's good for
    them. Soulja Boy is the main reason this song is so delightful. The
    chorus and beat are anthemic, sure, but, the highlight is Soulja
    interrupting Drake's verse to inform us, "Damn, Soulja Boy stunt on them

    He sounds taken aback by his own actions, as if he can't believe the
    ferocity and malice with which is he able to stunt on them h8rz. But,
    much like Whitney Houston, Soulja Boy simply doesn't know his own
    strength, for he has stunted on them h8rz for so long that at this point
    it basically happens subconsciously. Stunting pulses through Soulja's
    body—it lives deep within his sinew.

    We aren't here to argue Soulja's talent (limitless and diverse) or
    his place in the current landscape of rap (he is a legend). We're not
    saying Soulja Boy is a better rapper than Pimp C because he has crashed
    two Bentleys, while Pimp C has only crashed one, however compelling that
    evidence may be. We are here to document DeAndre Way's
    steadfast commitment to stunting on them h8rz through his actions and
    laboriously put together outfits. Perhaps, we could all learn a thing or
    two from the master.

  • Touch the cow. Do it now.

    Kexruct said:

    I googled that and the first result was HeapersHangout dot com.

    Man, fuck that website. They never responded to my proposal for Trash Heap '80s Night!
    I am completely in support of it
  • The reason people who love rap hate Macklemore is because it is
    embarrassing to have that dude be what adult, mainstream America thinks
    of when they think about hip-hop. Now, when I say "mainstream America," I
    don’t mean your little cousin who works at Aeropostale and gets buck at
    the Applebee's in Shelby, North Carolina on a Friday night. I mean your
    parents, your grandparents, your aunts and uncles, women with grey-blue
    wigs you might pass in the grocery store and pay no mind to, people
    with eyeballs and ears and souls who despite those eyeballs and ears and
    souls still have no fucking idea what rap music is. There is room
    enough in these people's brains for one rapper at a time to occupy their
    notion of "Rap Music," and because he's just won a bunch of Grammys and
    everyone is talking about him, right now that rapper is Macklemore. And
    that's fucking horrifying. It makes me want to stop caring about rap
    and instead listen to some shit like polka because, at this point, even
    accordions are less embarrassing than Macklemore.

    To wrap up, here are all of the reasons why Macklemore is uncool and
    makes me, as a rap fan, shiver: He is an unfunny episode of Portlandia
    brought to life, the personification of why the well-meaning American
    upper-middle-class is a fucking nightmare. His favorite movie is
    probably An Inconvenient Truth. Saying, "I am a Macklemore fan"
    in a mirror three times in a row will automatically make you donate to
    your local 4H Club. His hair makes his head look like something you'd
    clean a dry erase board with. He used the phrase "turn up function" to
    caption an Instagram selfie he took with Miley Cyrus, which managed to
    siphon the swagger right out of words like "turn up", "function" and
    "Miley Cyrus", relocating them directly to hell. The face he uses in his
    said selfies is the sort of smug, self-satisfied grin that just begs to
    be punched off of someone's fucking face. Macklemore sucks because he
    tries to take hip-hop and make it goofy, fun and family-friendly, but
    does so in a way that makes it seem like he's making fun of it. He sucks
    because we shouldn’t even have to debate whether or not he sucks
    because he shouldn’t exist. He sucks because he seems like a nice guy,
    but he also sucks because meaning well can only get you so far. He sucks
    because his music is wild corny and makes him seem like he's really
    into Reddit. He sucks because in the face of all his success he has only
    paid lip service to the idea that he might have become successful by
    taking advantage of the fact that he is white and good looking, and this
    gives everyone the sneaking suspicion that he just might suck because
    he is disingenuous and not actually worried about his privilege.

    And really, why should Macklemore be contritious about his fame and
    success? He has millions of dollars and a bunch of Grammys, and we have
    zero dollars and zero Grammys because those things don’t exist when you
    hold the moral high ground. All we have to cling to is our precious
    coolness, something Macklemore gave up long ago on the road to fame and
    fortune. We are cool, Macklemore is not, this is fucking awesome.

  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    cool story bro
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
  • Every generation develops a new technology that completely changes the
    course of humanity. Sir Isaac Newton created gravity. Christopher
    Columbus invented America. Zac Morris originated sexting. Steve Jobs
    discovered the Apple Phone. These are all fine inventions, but the
    greatest innovation of the modern world is easily the jean short aka The
    Jort aka The Wearable Pussy Soaker™.
  • LEBRON (Voice-Over)

    All my life, I’ve been underestimated.

    [Black and white. We see a pair of hands grasping a basketball.]


    Like a metaphorical basketball being dropped to the ground.

    [The basketball drops to the ground, bounces a few times before finally rolling away.]

     LEBRON (VO)

    The metaphorical basketball represents me…or does it? Maybe I'm the hands that dropped the ball.

    [The ball gets picked up by the
    hands, and then dropped again. Remember that all of this is in black and
    white so it's really powerful.]


    All my life, I’ve been surrounded by haters.

    [We hear an angry crowd yelling at
    the hands holding the basketball. Oh yeah, right, the hands picked the
    ball back up at some point, after dropping it for a second time. Could
    the hands…could they belong to LeBron? The hands drop the ball again. We
    hear someone mumble "shit."]


    All my life, I've been told, "You can’t do that."

    [We see a close-up of someone wagging
    their finger angrily. It's a different hand, not the hands that keep
    dropping and picking up the basketball. We cut back to those hands and
    they're picking up the basketball that they just dropped, for, like, the
    fifth time.]

     LEBRON (VO)

    Guess what? I'm done being underestimated.

    [The hands start dribbling the
    basketball, doing cool tricks with the ball. Once again, it needs to be
    stressed that this is all in black and white, so it's really artistic.]


    I'm done with the haters.

    [The hands drop the ball, but this
    time, there's a reason. They flip the double bird, and the disembodied
    crowd gasps. Insanely rude, but hey, sometimes people want attitude.
    Maybe we'll throw in a guitar riff when he flips the birds. The guitar
    will emphasize the rudeness of the gesture.]

     LEBRON (VO)

    I can do that.

    [We pull back and it turns out the
    hands holding the basketball did belong to LeBron James. Nobody saw this
    coming. LeBron does an insane dunk and the crowd of haters literally
    catches on fire. It's unclear why this happens, or why LeBron is
    training in a gym full of people who vocally detest him in the first
    place. LeBron turns and faces us.]


    I’m ready to make my decision.

    [We flash back to The Decision. It's
    in black and white, but a slightly lighter shade, to show that it's in
    the past. We see LeBron making his decision in super slow-mo.]


    But this time…it's going to be different.

     [LeBron dribbles the ball and gives a little laugh. It's pleasant as hell.]


    This fall, I'm going to be playing world-class basketball in [INSERT CITY NAME HERE].

    [LeBron turns to leave and tosses the
    ball over his shoulder. The ball slowly comes to a stop, revealing the
    Nike logo. Wow. This creative tour-de-force was a fucking commercial?!]

  • It came to you like fate. The tweet was so good that it made you
    forget who and what you were about to text. You stopped fucking around
    on Gchat and became even less productive in order to frame the moment at
    which to unleash your genius musing to the masses. The tweet even went
    through a few revisions. What syntax makes it read best? Does the
    phrasing "r u" make it funnier than the traditional "are you"
    spelling would? You probably gave this tweet more thought than any sane
    person would, but this is what you do. You've gotten money off tweets.
    You've gotten laid off tweets. You’re not being indulgent as much as
    you're being cognizant of the expectations from your audience. The
    pressure's on. You press "Tweet."

    Under normal circumstances, it'd be a matter of literal seconds
    before you realized that you had another hit on your hands. Your phone
    would be lighting up with notifications to the point that the vibrations
    and chimes become a distraction and nuisance to those around you. But
    all is not well in paradise. You refresh your mentions
    and…there's nothing. Engagements trickle in over time and you’re left
    with something like two retweets and four favorites. No success. Just

    What now? It’s a question that many greats have to ask themselves
    when tragedy occurs. When Hitler invaded Poland or when the American
    stock market collapsed, someone needed to step in with a plan for
    reparative measures and execute. In my younger, less insightful days
    (read: two years ago), I would delete tweets that garnered little to no
    interactions. I would delete replies that never got a response back.
    Hell, I would delete joints that had orphans
    and didn't look aesthetically pleasing on the page. Much in the same
    way Stalin would have images doctored to remove people who he fell out
    of favor with, you're the benevolent dictator of your own Twitter page,
    and what you don't want on it shouldn't exist. But I humbly stand before
    you, as a former tweet deleter, to say that's not the answer to dealing
    with tweets that underperform.

  • there's an awful lot of words on this page.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    we need pictures
  • we need pictures

    pictures of spiderman(s boobs)
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    I posted one somewhere up there, if you go look again.

    Here's another one:

  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I did not know that music was invented in 1910
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