The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • i went to Cici's today. caught the tailend of a Gravity Falls marathon while i was there.

    not 100% sure what to do for the rest of the day. been spending a lot of time browsing Tappedout. their mobile site is pretty darn good!
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    I'm going to specialize in watchfulness.
  • oh Yarrun, i talked to Carlos about your suggestion for my blue/black zombie deck, he says it's not a great pick b/c there really aren't any high-cost cards in the deck, or any infinite combos.

    how's DCSS going?
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    I need to remake my B/R knight deck.
  • always being an architect to a knife fight
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    I, on the other hand, feel reasonably confident saying that all LWers are lotus-eating shitheads who would make fun of firefighters at the site of a fire if they thought it would increase their rationality XP
  • oh Yarrun, i talked to Carlos about your suggestion for my blue/black zombie deck, he says it's not a great pick b/c there really aren't any high-cost cards in the deck, or any infinite combos.

    how's DCSS going?

    Man, it's not about expensive cards or infinite combos. It's about playing it, using blue draw cards to fill up your hand, and then swamping your enemies with zombies. 

    But I'll admit, Rooftop Storm does take some building around to make it functional, and you'd have to add a couple of cards to make it as useful as humanly possible. I suppose you could look at Grimgrin, if you haven't already.

    The Octopus Conjurers have been consistently stopped on the early levels. Might try assassin again, or monk.
  • kill living beings
    rings of charge
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    Odradek said:

    I, on the other hand, feel reasonably confident saying that all LWers are lotus-eating shitheads who would make fun of firefighters at the site of a fire if they thought it would increase their rationality XP

    Agreed on LWers.
  • Fossilmeido: are there many knights in MTG?

    Yarrun: i think your deck idea and his are conceptually different then. also, octopodes are awful at any kind of melee you know.
  • Exalted is a neat mechanic. i played a deck with it as the focus yesterday, we got DOTP 2013 when it was free that one time.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    welcome to

    the dice palace
  • edited 2014-09-01 18:12:30
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”


    I thought that Feynman was good at (almost) everything and (variably) smug about (much of) it long before he started playing the bongos.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Feynman was a jackass and a barbarian
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Conan is offended
  • looks like SOMEONE has strong opinions on a thing
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    -.- -.. ... .... / -.- --- / ..-. / .--. -- ...- -..- .--- .. / .- .--. .-.. ... .- - --- --. ..- --.. --.. .--- .--. / ..- ..- .. / .-. .--. -..- ...- ..-. .- -.-. -.-. ---... / --.. / .-.. .--- ..- .- -.-- --..-- / -- .- / ... .-- -. - / .... --. -. --- --..-- / -..- --.- -.- / .. --.- -.-- -.-. ...- .... .- / --- --- .-.. -... --.- ? / -.. .--- ... / ..- -. / -.-. .-.. ... --.. / .-- . --- .--. .... - -.. - / --. .- / .-- -... ..-. -- -.-. -..- --.. / ... - -.-. / --.- -- ...- -.. -. - .- / .-.. -.- / ..-. -- .. / --. .. / --.- -.. -.-. .. -.. .--- ? / -... -... .-.. -- .-- -... .----. .... / --.- ... ... .--. --- .--. -.- .- --.. .. ---... / -..- -.. -.-. .... ? / -... ... .--. --- -. -.. / -- --. ... -..- ..- / .-.. --.- / ..-. .--. .-.. -... -.-- -.-. .... ? / .--- - .----. -.. -.-. / --- .. -.-- --.. - / .... --.. .... .-- / -- - / ... .--- ..- / -. ...- -- .-.. --.- / -.-. ...- / -... . -- / ...- --.. ..-. -- / ...- --. -..- / -..- .--. .--. ...- .--. ...- / .-.. -.-. / -.. .... --.. - .-- / -. .- -.-- --.. -.- ? / -.- .--. .-. -... ... --. ---... / - .--- / -.- .- ? / .-. ..- -- .- / ...- ..-. / ... / --. --- ...- ..- / .... ..-. -- / ...- --. -..- / -..- .--. .--. ...- .--. ...- / ..- --. --- --.- .-- -.- / -.--.- --- .- -.-- / .- ...- / -.-. - -- --. .-.. -.-. --- -.--.- / ..-. --.- --. -.- / -. .- -.-- --.. -.- / .-. -- / --- --- --. -.- -.. / .-.. -- .- .-- - .--- - --..-- / -.. -..- -..- / --. .-.. -.-. ... / ... .-- -- -.. / ..- ..- .. / -... .... -.-. .... -..- .-.. ..--.. / --. ..- --.. --.. .--- .--. .----. ...- / --.. -.-- --. .-.. .. ... ...- ..-. . -... ---... / --. .-- . / ...- --. -. ..- .--. / --- --. -- -.- .... -.-. / -.. .... --.. - / --- -- -. ... .- / --- --. -- -.- .... -.-. --..-- / -- - -.-. ? / -..- -... -.- / .. ..-. ..-. .-.. --. / .-.. ...- . .-. ..- -.. / --- -..- -..- .--- / -... .-.. ..-. .--- .-. / .-.. ...- . .-. ..- -.. ? / --.- -.- .-.. / ...- -. / -.-- --. / -.. -..- -..- / .... . / ... ... / -.-. -.-. --. / -.- ... -..- ...- ...- .--. -..- .-- / .-. ..-. / -... ..- - --.. .--. .-.. -. .-.-.- / - - / - ... --.. / .-- -- .--. --- / -..- ..- / --.- / ...- .... -. - --.. / ..-. -.-- / -.. --. -. ... - -..- --- ... / . .... -. .. / .. --. .- ... / . .-. --.. --.. / --.- -.. -.-. .. -.. .--- / -.. -.-- --.. / ... .-- ..-. ...- / .-. .--. -..- ..- -.- / --.- .- .-- -.- . --- ...- --. -..- / .-.. -. / .. .-. -. ? / --.- -- --. .-- -. -. ---... / --.- -.. -.- .- --.. ... --. ... -... .-.-.- / --.- -- --. .-- -. -. ---... / .- .-- --. .--- ...- / .- -.-. -... ...- -.-- / . .- / -- -..- / --.. ..-. / ... .-- --. .-. .- -.-- ..-. ..- --.- / .--- -..- / .-.. ..- . --. -.. / --.. .-- . --- .--. .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- / .-. - .--- --..-- / --.- -.- .-- -..- .----. ..- / .- .-- --. / -.-- .-.. .... ... --- .... -. .--- / -.. .--- --. .. -.-. ? / -.. --.. ... .. . .... .----. -. / ..-. -.-. -.- .-- .-.. - .. --. -... --. ---... / -..- .-.. . / -.-. -... --- ? / --.- -- --. .-- -. -. .----. -... / -... .-- -. .... --.- -.-- -... ..- --- - .----. .-- / .-.. -. --.. -... -... -.-. .-- -- --.- -.-. ---... / .--- .... .. . ? / -... --.. ? / .. ..-. .--. / .- --. -. . --- .--. / --- - -. - .- ...- ? / .. ..-. ..-. .-.. --. / .- .. --- / . .-.. .-- -..- -.. -..- -. --.- -... ...- / .-.. -.-. ..- -- -.- -... -..- ..-. --.- -.- ...- ? / -. --.- . -.-. .--. .-.. .----. .. / -..- . - -. ..-. .. - -... .-.. -..- ---... / .- - ..-. .... .- -... --..-- / --. --. .... . --.- --.. ? / --- -- -. ...- .- / -... --.- .--- .. --- - -- / --- --.- ..-. . ? / -. --.- . -.-. .--. .-.. ---... / -- .-.. .-.. --..-- / -. -.-- -.. / -.. - - -. -.-- -- / -... .... -.-. .... -..- .-.. ? / ...- -... --- .----. -.-- / ..-. -.- .--- / ..-. ..-. - -.- / -.. -- .. -... ... --- .--. / .. / ...- --- .- / --. . -... ...- .-. / -- -- / --.. --.. ..-. --- / -. - -- -. -.-- .. --. -.- / .. .-- .... .- .-. .-. - ..-. / .--- .--- / .-. -... - .--. -- -....- ... .... ...- ... ...- -..- ..- -.- / --- -.- .-- .-. . -... .-- -..- .-- .... .- ? / --. ..- --.. --.. .--- .--. .----. ...- / --.. -.-- --. .-.. .. ... ...- ..-. . -... ---... / --.- -.-. -.-- --..-- / --. ..- .----. .--- / --.. .--. .. -.- -..- --.. .-.-.- / ..-. ... -- .- .. -.- .. / .--. -. ... / .-. -.. -..- / -..- .-.. / --.- ... .-.. .-- -. / .. .- ...- .--- . ... ... -- / --- --.. .. -.-. / -..- --- / ..-. - .-- ...- / .--- ... .-.. -.- -.- --.. --- --- / -... .-. --.- / ..-. .--. .--- .--- .-.-.- / .. ..-. - -.- / ... . .-. --.. . -.-- / --.. -.-- / --- ..- ...- .. / .-.. .--. -.. .-. ... -- -- / --. / - -. . .-.. --. .. - .. --.- / .-- .-- .--- .... --- .-.-.- / --. ..- --.. --.. .--- .--. ---... .... --. -.- -. / -..- --.. / ..-. -. ...- ...- .--- --
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    Odradek said:

    Feynman was a jackass and a barbarian

    My brother, where have you been all my life.
  • edited 2014-09-01 18:31:22
    ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    naney said:

    looks like SOMEONE has strong opinions on a thing

    ..-. .-- --. --.. / ..-. -.. .... - / .-- --. -. .--- / -... ... .- --.. / --.. .--. .-. ..-. / .- --.- -.. -.-. / .. -.. .--- .. / -.-- .--- --.- .-- / -.-- .--. -.- -. / .-. -.-. .-.. .-.-.-
  • but how good was feynman at bongo playing
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    not as good as Bongo Bongo
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Odradek said:

    Feynman was a jackass and a barbarian

    Barbarian? Are we going to build a northern wall to keep out the moderately obnoxious physics teachers of the world? Send out our helots against them?
  • Odradek said:

    Feynman was a jackass and a barbarian

    Barbarian? Are we going to build a northern wall to keep out the moderately obnoxious physics teachers of the world? Send out our helots against them?
  • Feynman playing the DK Bongos
  • edited 2014-09-01 18:35:29
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    ^^ Is that strictly necessary?
  • fun lie: Richard Feynman once broke a GameCube controller but no one would believe him when he told the truth
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Bongo Fury
  • Is that strictly necessary?

    it is necessary for Feynman to play the DK Bongos strictly

    he must keep perfect rhythm

  • The above two posts together spell "going".
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Shut up, Magic Man.
  • edited 2014-09-01 18:41:11
    ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    naney said:

    Odradek said:

    Feynman was a jackass and a barbarian

    Barbarian? Are we going to build a northern wall to keep out the moderately obnoxious physics teachers of the world? Send out our helots against them?
    We need walls to keep out such people.

    We cannot allow people like that, intelligent, smug, snarky, witty, better than you, all in all bullies towards us dumb people, to be in our society.

    We may be thugs but at least we ain't smug.

    Also, that Archimedes jerk won't let me touch his circles.

    Man, it is so hard to oppress thought these days.
  • Aliroz said:

    naney said:

    looks like SOMEONE has strong opinions on a thing

    ..-. .-- --. --.. / ..-. -.. .... - / .-- --. -. .--- / -... ... .- --.. / --.. .--. .-. ..-. / .- --.- -.. -.-. / .. -.. .--- .. / -.-- .--- --.- .-- / -.-- .--. -.- -. / .-. -.-. .-.. .-.-.-
    - .-. .- -. ... .-.. .- - .. --- -. / .--. .-.. . .- ... .
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
  • edited 2014-09-01 19:04:48
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Dang it, Centie, now I have The Apples in Stereo's "Signal in the Sky" playing in my head!
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    image source?
  • I work for Reuters. I’m a journalist in the media business.

    Back in 2008, I sat in a conference and reviewed some proposals to integrate news sources focused on electronic gaming into our RSS service as niche content providers.

    We considered IGN, Gamespot, and a few other syndicated online info feeds.

    Now, in order to white label a source as affiliated with Reuters, you need to run through a checklist of ~100 items that are necessary for journalistic integrity. The source and its organization has to score at least a 60 out of 100 for it to be considered fair and unbiased.

    These tests are carried out by senior journalists, editors, and investigators.

    NONE of the gaming publications scored higher than a 15. For reference, the National Enquirer scored a 38 and the MSNBC blogosphere scored 44.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    naney said:

    I work for Reuters. I’m a journalist in the media business.

    Back in 2008, I sat in a conference and reviewed some proposals to integrate news sources focused on electronic gaming into our RSS service as niche content providers.

    We considered IGN, Gamespot, and a few other syndicated online info feeds.

    Now, in order to white label a source as affiliated with Reuters, you need to run through a checklist of ~100 items that are necessary for journalistic integrity. The source and its organization has to score at least a 60 out of 100 for it to be considered fair and unbiased.

    These tests are carried out by senior journalists, editors, and investigators.

    NONE of the gaming publications scored higher than a 15. For reference, the National Enquirer scored a 38 and the MSNBC blogosphere scored 44.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    in 2007, gamespot fired editor jeff gerstmann for giving shitty game kane and lynch a bad score, since eidos threatened to pull their ads.

    so let's go after patreon, journalists giving $20 a month to indie devs is way more important than companies literally being funded by their goddamn subjects
  • edited 2014-09-01 19:43:41
    We can do anything if we do it together.

    naney said:

    I work for Reuters. I’m a journalist in the media business.

    Back in 2008, I sat in a conference and reviewed some proposals to integrate news sources focused on electronic gaming into our RSS service as niche content providers.

    We considered IGN, Gamespot, and a few other syndicated online info feeds.

    Now, in order to white label a source as affiliated with Reuters, you need to run through a checklist of ~100 items that are necessary for journalistic integrity. The source and its organization has to score at least a 60 out of 100 for it to be considered fair and unbiased.

    These tests are carried out by senior journalists, editors, and investigators.

    NONE of the gaming publications scored higher than a 15. For reference, the National Enquirer scored a 38 and the MSNBC blogosphere scored 44.
    I'm curious how much FOX News scored, if they were measured under this test.
    I've heard that game publishers have been essentially buying reviews since the 1980s. Ashens has pointed out instances of it happening in the Speccy era.
  • Does anyone else get a little suspicious when a setting looks "too sexy" -- in the sense that it looks too made-to-appeal-to-the-audience and you sart to wonder when and how many setting inconsistencies /stupid things and/or plot holes will pop up?
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