The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • My dreams exceed my real life

    I kind of get frustrated when people bring up all these internet critics that I've either never heard of or have only a vague idea about and expect me to understand their review of X as a frame of reference.

    John Solomon was a guy who posted reviews of webcomics for a few years, then deleted his blog, then somehow got canonized.
  • For once, or maybe twice, I was in my prime.

    Bane is a social Darwinist from the outset, and his whole anarchist schtick is from the outset pretty clearly about something less noble than the redistribution of wealth.

    I read that, in the scene where he addresses the crowd at the football stadium, Bane's coat looks like some kind of farmer's jacket—but the actual costume is a custom-tailored, one-of-a-kind, $3000 article of clothing. A fitting symbol, I think.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Odradek said:

    Dumb messages cloaked in ambiguity are infinitely better than dumb messages proudly presenting themselves.

    That's right

    I went there
    Still not as much fun as interesting messages wrapped in ambiguity or blatantly parading themselves for all to see.
  • I will go as far as saying that the message of a work, unless it is particularly deplorable, is usually less important than how the work is constructed.
  • I think we can all agree that this, however, is Top Tier Webcomic.
  • kill living beings
    i read dominic deegan for a loooooong time
  • edited 2014-08-23 22:45:05
    ^^You know, it just occurred to me that there is probably a massive and terrible hatedom directed towards the writer of that comic and now I feel bad.
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    sonty mick is the most important webcomic reviewer
  • MetaFour said:

    Bane is a social Darwinist from the outset, and his whole anarchist schtick is from the outset pretty clearly about something less noble than the redistribution of wealth.

    I read that, in the scene where he addresses the crowd at the football stadium, Bane's coat looks like some kind of farmer's jacket—but the actual costume is a custom-tailored, one-of-a-kind, $3000 article of clothing. A fitting symbol, I think.
    p much all major movie clothing is bespoke, and that is actually totally in the ballpark for a high end leather jacket (*good leather jackets start at 6-700 new, with something like Rick Owens biker jacket hitting around 2,500*)
  • edited 2014-08-23 22:48:07


    obligatory picture of a cool rick jacket fit
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I like her hair
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    I, too, like her hair.

    She's actually a rather handsome woman all around. Cool jacket, too. Good look.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    the cigarette is unbecoming, however
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    I am not big on smoking, but I get the feeling that watching her hands when she smokes a cigarette would be really interesting.
  • edited 2014-08-23 23:03:58
    Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    10/10 would go on madcap cross-country motorcycle (mis)adventure and smoke many cigarettes with
  • kill living beings
    you know what's not a good adventure lin? TONGUE CANCER
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    true dat
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    How about long, melancholy nights drinking whiskey into the wee hours of the morning?
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    10/10 would go on madcap cross-country motorcycle (mis)adventure and smoke many cigarettes with

    I have a strong sympathy with this post.

    But I am taken, so godspeed, Kraken. Don't get cancer.
  • edited 2014-08-23 23:10:59

    i barely even made noticed that cigarette
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    How about long, melancholy nights drinking whiskey into the wee hours of the morning?

    Hell yes.

    Make it Scotch and we would listen to old swing records and read Baudelaire and Burroughs. It would be the best stream-of-consciousness novel of the new millennium so far.
  • edited 2014-08-23 23:13:02
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    That said, my misadventures with the beau shall be an epic romance crossed with a slice-of-life comedy with some darkly erotic passages and it will be a classic of modern literature.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Also, digressions about music and stories within stories: Mandatory.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I was gonna write something like that, but with busty lesbians
  • For once, or maybe twice, I was in my prime.
    Kexruct said:

    I totally agree that there's absolutely no thematic through-line, 

    Unintended consequences. If you start something, then let it persist past its natural end, it changes into a decrepit shadow of its former self, or something else entirely. Missions begun with the best of intentions can be subverted to evil ends. Schemes begun with the worst intentions can be subverted for good.

    The characters don't comment on it at all, but that underlies nearly the entire plot.
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    On The Road but for a new generation!

    Stories within stories are my FAVORITE THING
  • kill living beings
    yeah babe, remember that time I told you a story about Pierre Menard as a dolphin person being erotically eaten
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    author of the Quixote, the tides of time
  • edited 2014-08-23 23:19:45

    How about long, melancholy nights drinking whiskey into the wee hours of the morning?

    Hell yes.

    Make it Scotch and we would listen to old swing records and read Baudelaire and Burroughs. It would be the best stream-of-consciousness novel of the new millennium so far.
    Make it Bourbon and I'm sold on it.
  • MetaFour said:

    Kexruct said:

    I totally agree that there's absolutely no thematic through-line, 

    Unintended consequences. If you start something, then let it persist past its natural end, it changes into a decrepit shadow of its former self, or something else entirely. Missions begun with the best of intentions can be subverted to evil ends. Schemes begun with the worst intentions can be subverted for good.

    The characters don't comment on it at all, but that underlies nearly the entire plot.
    I disagree. The theme changes on a dime; there's no underlying, consistent theme to anything. It's all moment-to-moment drama with no foundation.

  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    why must there be theme
  • edited 2014-08-23 23:23:37
    Hell, not only do the characters not comment on it, but the characters are in no way an expression of that theme. The closest it ever came to expressing it to any meaningful extent was in the previous movie.
  • i've always been something of an eternalist
  • why must there be theme

    There doesn't necessarily have to be, but if a movie postures as if it had a theme, well, it'd better have a theme.
  • i kinda wish i could pull off something like a biker jacket

    but i have something of an unshakeable disheveled, eccentric sort of quality which would be at odds with such a garment
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Kexruct said:

    MetaFour said:

    Kexruct said:

    I totally agree that there's absolutely no thematic through-line, 

    Unintended consequences. If you start something, then let it persist past its natural end, it changes into a decrepit shadow of its former self, or something else entirely. Missions begun with the best of intentions can be subverted to evil ends. Schemes begun with the worst intentions can be subverted for good.

    The characters don't comment on it at all, but that underlies nearly the entire plot.
    I disagree. The theme changes on a dime; there's no underlying, consistent theme to anything. It's all moment-to-moment drama with no foundation.

    I actually think that Meta has a pretty good point there. There are a scant few themes that the movie does have running through it, even if they are obscured, and things coming full circle is one of them. You start something and you take it far enough and eventually the snake eats its own tail. Within liberators are the seeds of reaction; within destruction there is rebirth. It's basically the only big motif running through every big event in the movie, really, this death/rebirth thing.
  • But it's not at all deliberate. It's an interpretation, and an interesting one, but I ask you to actually watch the movie and see if it's a genuine thematic through-line. Christopher Nolan is very obvious with what he theme he intends to express when he has one, and the theme you suggested would be too buried in subtext if it were intentional for me to believe it is.
  • i liked the bit where CIA said the thing
  • cozy racist aesthetic
  • image

    I'm glad this gif exists.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    for you
  • Speaking of which, Castlevania's a game I think you'd find interesting, Sredni, particularly the one that gif is from: Symphony of the Night.
  • The series has a ton of mythological and historical in-jokes.
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    Castlevania: Beatbox of Madness
    Castlevania: Rap of Terror
    Castlevania: Bass of Pain
  • edited 2014-08-23 23:48:06
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Kexruct said:

    But it's not at all deliberate. It's an interpretation, and an interesting one, but I ask you to actually watch the movie and see if it's a genuine thematic through-line. Christopher Nolan is very obvious with what he theme he intends to express when he has one, and the theme you suggested would be too buried in subtext if it were intentional for me to believe it is.

    Man, the whole Bane plot and the back-breaking and Catwoman and Batman burying their identities and the crazy death-cult and the weird fasho people's court and whatshisface going from cop to maybe-superhero - the whole thing's one big overstuffed "phoenix from the ashes" metaphor theme meal.

    The problem is that Nolan wanted to present every other thing that popped into his head because I guess death/rebirth-as-transcendence ain't deep enough?
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Anywho, goodnight, folkles.
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