The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • kill living beings
    oh, i think that's after i left probably
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Long after.

    "I am the last, I will tell the audient void..."
    I was still around for the P5, but just barely.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    I saw just enough of the P5 nonsense to be like "yeah, not worth sticking around", I think
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Though it was kinda funny when Eddie deleted the page about Lolita and ended up pissing off people on both sides of the stupid argument.
    Eddie is a horrible admin, and I think that fact alone ended up making the trolling and the pressure on Google worse.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    No doubt. If it were a more competent and less volatile administrator, the site would probably be significantly different in many respects. Now, would it be significantly better? I have no idea.
  • kill living beings
    what's the deal with perturbation methods
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    My boyfriend is a complete dork

    I love it that way
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    I mostly left around the time where the cycle of "person starts trying to improve things, person gets noticed and cheered on by SA thread, person gets hyped up on the praise and does something hyper-stupid, person gets banned and the work is undone" had been going on for a while.
  • the what

    The body put together to do away with pornographic and paedophilic works on the site. There was a kerfuffle before it formed and a kerfuffle after.
    Was this also the Pokegirls and KNJ incident?
  • fight. dream. horse. love.
    who'd that happen to
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    who'd that happen to

    Triple Elation.


    Lottery of Babylon

    Probably some other people I'm forgetting.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    the what

    The body put together to do away with pornographic and paedophilic works on the site. There was a kerfuffle before it formed and a kerfuffle after.
    Was this also the Pokegirls and KNJ incident?
    That was the first kerfuffle. The second was the Triple Elation kerfuffle.
  • > DOG

    perhaps you are forgetting this video
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Odradek said:

    who'd that happen to

    Triple Elation.


    Lottery of Babylon

    Probably some other people I'm forgetting.
    Martello intentionally got himself banned; Triple Elation made a mistake that was overreacted to; and Library of Babylon... yeah, he did.
  • I think that I have officially become the on-site Keeper of Late-Stage TVT/BTL/IJBM Lore.

    Not sure how to feel about that, other than to shake my head at myself.
    I'm pretty sure I share that job with you, even though I don't talk about it as much.
  • Long after.

    "I am the last, I will tell the audient void..."
    now i am thinking of the Old Man at the End of Time in Chrono Trigger
  • I think that I have officially become the on-site Keeper of Late-Stage TVT/BTL/IJBM Lore.

    Not sure how to feel about that, other than to shake my head at myself.
    As the unofficially official Loremaster of the Trash Heap, I say that there's a certain pride in the fact.

    As a fellow survivor of the fallout, I say that there's something of a quiet bitterness to it. Like that of a family escaping from an oppressive government. You're free, and so are your loved ones, but the place where you grew up will never be what it was ever again.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    I think that I have officially become the on-site Keeper of Late-Stage TVT/BTL/IJBM Lore.

    Not sure how to feel about that, other than to shake my head at myself.
    I'm pretty sure I share that job with you, even though I don't talk about it as much.
    This is true.

    We are officially war buddies now. In the silliest way possible.
  • i got banned and it turns out a few people on SA liked me

    that was weird
  • why are we talking about this again

    to annoy you obvs
  • naney said:

    why are we talking about this again

    to annoy you obvs
    I sometimes wonder if that isn't the reason.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    As the unofficially official Loremaster of the Trash Heap, I say that there's a certain pride in the fact.

    As a fellow survivor of the fallout, I say that there's something of a quiet bitterness to it. Like that of a family escaping from an oppressive government. You're free, and so are your loved ones, but the place where you grew up will never be what it was ever again.
    This is at once an extremely funny statement and not wrong.

    why are we talking about this again

    Mandelbrot and Klinotaxis were talking about whatever happened to SPACE TRAVEL! so it kind of turned into a broader discussion of the situation over theres.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    naney said:

    i got banned and it turns out a few people on SA liked me

    that was weird

    It's hard to dislike you, boo. :3
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    baloon and fan
  • Right.

    Anyway, I am going out to run errands now and will probably next encounter you folk at McDonald's. Later.

    Also read my Let's Play, it's about a minotaur who worships a demon god.
  • naney said:

    i got banned and it turns out a few people on SA liked me

    that was weird

    It's hard to dislike you, boo. :3
    too tru
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    SA hated AHR and Aondeug.

    To the point where Lolacat apparently showed up on some platform AHR was on to gloat when she broke up with her boyfriend.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    Long after.

    "I am the last, I will tell the audient void..."
    now i am thinking of the Old Man at the End of Time in Chrono Trigger
    I'm actually quoting the last line of HPL's  "Nyarlathotep", but that works as well.

    Of course, now you've got me thinking of Dunsany's "In the Land of Time"...
  • Odradek said:

    SA hated AHR and Aondeug.

    To the point where Lolacat apparently showed up on some platform AHR was on to gloat when she broke up with her boyfriend.
    Always remember that Something Awful is a Mature Site That Is Worth The Price of Admission.

    It is absolutely not just 9th grade all over again.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Odradek said:

    SA hated AHR and Aondeug.

    To the point where Lolacat apparently showed up on some platform AHR was on to gloat when she broke up with her boyfriend.
    I know and get why they weren't keen on AHR, but even so, that is master-level dickery. Seriously, guys, no. But then, Lola was an angry teenager who'd been stalked by an actual paedophile, so it's not incomprehensible that misdirected rage would ensue...
  • kill living beings
    i do miss space travel though
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Speaking of, China Mieville wrote a teaser for his new book of short stories in the form of one story that reads as a screenplay for a trailer ;
    Aondeug had some odd quirks, to be sure, but I never got the hate for AHR.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Wait a minute... I'm pretty sure that Spacey here is not SPACE TRAVEL!, but I can't remember what Spacey's original handle was.
  • For some reason I still have an actively-used TVT account.

    Well, that reason is actually several reasons, and they are as follows:
    * Arab Spring news thread
    * Ukraine/Russia conflict news thread
    * a US politics thread that goes outside of my usual bubble of only reading about electoral politics (even if said thread is horrendously dominated by activist liberals...and given that I'm a liberal myself, that says something)
    * a pretty entertaining Metroid thread
    * a Mega Man thread where I get like 80% of my knowing-what-the-fandom-is-up-to
    * a few game bundle and game deals threads where I can both (1) get some more notification of current deals and (2) have an excuse to post deals for games I like
    * a Watched/Expected/Got thread that I started and thus have responsibility to maintain
    * a RWBY thread where I get about 95% of my knowing-what-even-the-series-itself-is-up-to (including "oh hey, a new episode got posted...oh wait, two new episodes got posted and I totally ignored it for the past few weeks")
    * a few smaller threads about certain videogames or TV series or whatever that I like -- mainly for getting the occasional news about them, again, and for some chatter with fellow fans
    * the recommendation threads, where I can freely pester (nicely) people to give me suggestions as to what to play/watch next
    * a thread about chord progressions, because this is important (actually it doesn't get much activity either but whatever)

    re the news threads: note that I rarely ever go visit actual news site frontpages.  if anything, i'm more likely to read a physical copy of the New York Times than I am to go to  i'm not sure what that says about me.

    re RWBY thread: i basically ignore all the shipping and speculation.  it slightly irritates me, but not enough for me to do anything other than skim past it.  if other people want to argue about shipping and stuff, they can feel free to do so.  and i've resolved not to give a damn.  so no, sorry, i'm not offended anymore.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    lee4hmz said:

    Aondeug had some odd quirks, to be sure, but I never got the hate for AHR.

    AHR very strongly believed in a boundary between reality and fiction and defended drawn porn of stuff like rape or pedophilia for that reason.

    Mind you, she was always willing and open to discuss things like that and didn't seem to hold these positions dogmatically.
  • edited 2014-08-18 17:27:26

    I think that I have officially become the on-site Keeper of Late-Stage TVT/BTL/IJBM Lore.

    Not sure how to feel about that, other than to shake my head at myself.
    I'm pretty sure I share that job with you, even though I don't talk about it as much.
    This is true.

    We are officially war buddies now. In the silliest way possible.
    It's funny you should mention it that way, because I really do think of our friendship in those terms. You, me and DisasterGrind. And it's kind of interesting to me, because while we were good friends for quite a while, the whole Kerfuffle with Nautatrol and the SA thread on BTL2 was what we ended up bonding over and making our friendship a much closer friendship, with both you and DG.
  • I actually have four active TVTropes accounts.

    I made one after I got banned so I could keep editing and then kept forgetting the passwords.
  • edited 2014-08-18 17:26:49
    seriously, the metroid thread on the tvt forums is Actually Pretty Funny

    jokes about using Samus's name as a verb, commenting on a Chozo's sweet abs, and Ridley facepalming are among the latest round of entertainment
  • edited 2014-08-18 17:31:44
    hmm probably not a good diea
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    something Spacephantom.

    Oh yeah! I had forgotten. Thank you.

    Odradek said:

    AHR very strongly believed in a boundary between reality and fiction and defended drawn porn of stuff like rape or pedophilia for that reason.

    Mind you, she was always willing and open to discuss things like that and didn't seem to hold these positions dogmatically.
    Yeah, this is true, but there are other reasons I'd rather not get into. Suffice it to say, though, most of those comments were made a very long time ago and their decision to judge the whole of her person on them is pretty stupid and a little messed up.
  • kill living beings
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Odradek said:

    Speaking of, China Mieville wrote a teaser for his new book of short stories in the form of one story that reads as a screenplay for a trailer ;

    So can we talk about this.
  • lee4hmz said:

    Odradek said:

    lee4hmz said:

    Aondeug had some odd quirks, to be sure, but I never got the hate for AHR.

    AHR very strongly believed in a boundary between reality and fiction and defended drawn porn of stuff like rape or pedophilia for that reason.

    Mind you, she was always willing and open to discuss things like that and didn't seem to hold these positions dogmatically.
    Yeah, that sort of thing not only get you banned from SA forever, but also tends to have goons trying to get you e-murdered. :P
    i've got no love for that stuff and frankly speaking some of that stuff is pretty much exemplary of Everything That Is Wrong With Anime Etc.

    but just for the sake of internet humiliation, since these oh-so-activist goons seem to like it so much, i really would find it satisfying to see them bombarded with like a million copies of, say, kodomo no jikan or astarotte's toy

    just to piss them off
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    It's funny you should mention it that way, because I really do think of our friendship in those terms. You, me and DisasterGrind. And it's kind of interesting to me, because while we were good friends for quite a while, the whole Kerfuffle with Nautatrol and the SA thread on BTL2 was what we ended up bonding over and making our friendship a much closer friendship, with both you and DG.


    Also, Blitzwing. That guy, my god.
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