The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    that was @Miko but you're not boring either.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    If you make music and you want commercial success, you have to sell yourself successfully, and even after that, you are stuck doing what your label tells you to do. In my opinion, real success in making music is being appreciated for music that other people enjoy, even if you remain obscure, as most musicians do.
  • my progress with music has been glacial, but it's there.

    i don't think i'll ever be able to make a living off it, and I don't think that I'll ever become well known even in the circles that my music would appeal to.

    But it is my passion, and as long as I can keep doing it I will be happy I think.
  • Miko said:

    If you make music and you want commercial success, you have to sell yourself successfully, and even after that, you are stuck doing what your label tells you to do. In my opinion, real success in making music is being appreciated for music that other people enjoy, even if you remain obscure, as most musicians do.


  • I have put out more full-length albums than DJ Shadow.

    if we lived in a world where work and success existed on a 1:1 ratio I would be swimming in money right now.
  • there's some life advice: just be Kate Bush. Just do it.
  • Miko said:

    If you make music and you want commercial success, you have to sell yourself successfully, and even after that, you are stuck doing what your label tells you to do. In my opinion, real success in making music is being appreciated for music that other people enjoy, even if you remain obscure, as most musicians do.

    that's true of the majors but most indie distributions are pretty understanding

    of course you also don't sell nearly as much on those, which means you have to tour a lot, which isn't something I want to do.
  • naney said:

    there's some life advice: just be Kate Bush. Just do it.

  • Dudpig van Masturbate-ho-ven is a composer and pianist whom many deem as influential and innovative due to his musically expressive compositions which set the standard for the Romantic era and music to this day. However, we all know that Masturbate-ho-ven actually rips off Kate Bush and her music. Masturbate-ho-ven plagiarized Kate's music and piano playing and in order to not get caught, he took a cue from his good friend and fellow Kate Bush plagiarizer Elton John and traveled to the past to release his derivative music and take all the credit for Kate's accomplishments. His "Fur Elise" piece totally rips off "And Dream of Sheep" and his 7th Symphony is a cheap imitation of "Violin" except the crafty prick changed the tempo and structure in order to destroy any evidence that he is a fraud. Beethoven, you stole a whole legacy of music history from Kate, now we will expose you, your thievery and the horrible corruptions of Kate's music you have unleashed unto the world.
  • I am left in a position where I like a lot of club music but hate clubs, and I have actually been to them. Nightmares all.
  • I wanna play D&D but my frendo doesn't want to do our PM campaign right now.
  • that's annoying

    I'm sorry about the cable thing. I'll be able to get it by the 16th I think?
  • i'm saving up for my trip to see vash in august, so every penny counts is the thing, I want to make sure I have enough...
  • it's cool.

    I just hope interest in the campaign won't have completely evaporated by then :(
  • Yeah.

    I should pester Byakuren about making a character.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    You know, Mo

    I am kind of wondering if you could do production music (stuff that gets licensed for movies or TV background music) as a way to make some money
  • Anonus said:

    You know, Mo

    I am kind of wondering if you could do production music (stuff that gets licensed for movies or TV background music) as a way to make some money
    That job just straight up does not exist anymore, dude. Trust me, I've looked into it.

    Library music is all either old and recycled from like the 70s or they just hire regular musicians to do it.

    I'm trying to get a background going in game soundtracks, but production on my only credit (Lady Luck, a visual novel) seems to have stalled out and the dev hasn't contacted me in months.
  • also I like have a serious problem with self-sabotage. I promised to do some beats for a rapper named Stripes Solid. Did them, sent them to him, and he then asked me to track out five of them.

    Now tracking out something in FL Studio is literally the easiest thing in existence, but I can. not. ass. myself to do it. And I just do not know why.

    I got three of them done but it's been like a solid month since he asked me.
  • naney said:

    track out?

    give him the individual stems so he can mix his voice in properly in his studio (he has an actual home studio and is thus far more equipped to do this than I am).

    I'm pretty sure I've pissed the guy off, so I don't think he's going to be asking me for anything else.
  • separate each track in a song in FL/Audiotool/etc.
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    Tachyon said:

    see i thought maybe that was the case at one time, but i've seen what kind of stuff STEM majors do and it's incredibly daunting, and it's not like what i do requires any real skills that aren't also involved in studying the sciences

    i study the kind of stuff other people do for fun in their spare time, and i tried to kid myself that i just needed to study harder to get to the more advanced stuff

    I don't see how that's a negative. Different fields require different standards for work, and just because you can't do, I dunno, obscure and highly detailed math stuff like a quant could, does not mean your work lacks value. Or could even be as, if not more, inspirational than Fancy Bridge 27. I'm really not getting my point across well here, but broadly being undervalued or seen as something "just done for fun" doesn't mean the work you do is actually like that.

    I'm also fairly confident I'm a relatively boring person (more or less), and need to continue working on developing skills which can contribute to the world at large. I'm absolutely fine with the former, trying to force myself to be unique is way overrated, and boring doesn't mean I - and others - am not cool anyway.
  • Ahh.

    That is a problem then

    because that's literally changing one setting when you are exporting the track

    that is all on you there
  • image

    times like these I really wish I had soundcoud pro
    naney said:


    That is a problem then

    because that's literally changing one setting when you are exporting the track

    that is all on you there
    I know

    it's just

    it's so dumb.

    And it's entirely my fault

    but I cannot bring myself to do anything about it.

    Which, really, is my entire life in a nutshell, now that I think about it.
  • kill living beings
    Tachyon said:

    to think i wanted to do a masters

    masterses are for people who get firsts, not people who require extra time to complete the most basic of assignments

    what is a master's degree but "welp need four more years of college"

    also i'm sorry but i lold at "I WORK AT A DOLLAR STORE"
  • on the vague subject of my dumb music, here.

    I'm not even gonna put it in the music thread cuz ugh, too blehhh.
  • That's kind of like me and my writing right now.

    I've got a good deal of one Stuck at the Galleria chapter finished and a majority of another short's second part done, but I've been sitting on both for way too long.
  • Tachyon said:

    to think i wanted to do a masters

    masterses are for people who get firsts, not people who require extra time to complete the most basic of assignments

    what is a master's degree but "welp need four more years of college"

    also i'm sorry but i lold at "I WORK AT A DOLLAR STORE"
  • In semi-related news, BattleBlock Theater is a hell of a drug

    as is Rayman, but that's common knowledge
  • kill living beings
    i believe you, it was just so simple of a reply

    "bla bla i don't have a job" "MY JOB KIND OF SUCKS"
  • Wouldn't it be cool if it turned out that Sonic was one of the harder places to work at

    then I could complain all I want
  • i work at an absolutely nothing
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    naney said:

    i work at an absolutely nothing

  • on the vague subject of my dumb music, here.

    I'm not even gonna put it in the music thread cuz ugh, too blehhh.

    you should find a huge drum sample pack because you need different drums for this i think

    but i do like it
  • naney said:

    i work at an absolutely nothing

  • Kexruct said:

    Wouldn't it be cool if it turned out that Sonic was one of the harder places to work at

    then I could complain all I want
    all fast food and retail is garbage

    no one respects you even though it is like the most essential job to the modern American way of life, and everyone will treat you like you're five forever. Doesn't matter if you fucking own the place and are a millionaire, the other millionaires will make fun of you while you go on your safaris to Africa together.

    you think that last part is a joke but I know for a fact that that has happened to a guy my mom knows.
  • naney said:

    on the vague subject of my dumb music, here.

    I'm not even gonna put it in the music thread cuz ugh, too blehhh.

    you should find a huge drum sample pack because you need different drums for this i think

    but i do like it
    I download new drums all the time and then decide I don't like them and never use them.
  • I work for Ubisoft as an obsessed stalker

    the pay is nonexistent
  • ladies and gentlemen I present to you the one UPlay supporter
  • depends on where you live i think

    people around here are pretty polite generally

    because minnesota nice
  • Kexruct said:

    Wouldn't it be cool if it turned out that Sonic was one of the harder places to work at

    then I could complain all I want
    all fast food and retail is garbage

    no one respects you even though it is like the most essential job to the modern American way of life, and everyone will treat you like you're five forever. Doesn't matter if you fucking own the place and are a millionaire, the other millionaires will make fun of you while you go on your safaris to Africa together.

    you think that last part is a joke but I know for a fact that that has happened to a guy my mom knows.
    Well yeah but it's garbage everyone- barring the megarichkids- has to go through.  My garbage has to be uniquely so.
  • kill living beings
    i'm just amazed that people are paying me more than minimum wage
  • Kexruct said:

    Kexruct said:

    Wouldn't it be cool if it turned out that Sonic was one of the harder places to work at

    then I could complain all I want
    all fast food and retail is garbage

    no one respects you even though it is like the most essential job to the modern American way of life, and everyone will treat you like you're five forever. Doesn't matter if you fucking own the place and are a millionaire, the other millionaires will make fun of you while you go on your safaris to Africa together.

    you think that last part is a joke but I know for a fact that that has happened to a guy my mom knows.
    Well yeah but it's garbage everyone- barring the megarichkids- has to go through.  My garbage has to be uniquely so.
    just don't be my mom and end up working there for longer than your oldest child has been alive.
  • like, if i could get a job at the Aldis down the road i'd be fucking set man

    but i don't

    because i am also a self-sabotaging sort of person u_u;
  • it's not even that working at a fast food place is a bad job, it's just that no one respects you--least of all your coworkers--and everyone has this expectation that you'll eventually leave

    not everyone does. One of my mom's coworkers was a 70-some year old woman who died on the job.
  • like literally she had a heart attack in the restaurant and was dead before they put her on the ambulance.

    I don't want something like that to happen to me.
  • TreTre
    edited 2014-07-02 01:50:06
    Given that I've only really needed to use uPlay for 2 occasions related to the same game (I dare anyone to guess which one), I haven't had too many issues with it

    I do think it's unnecessary given that Steam already exists and does a fairly good job of warding off pirates, but it's a hell of a lot better than that shit EA uses
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