The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • i dont even know who that dude is
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    the internet
  • kill living beings
    i have never seen "twelfth imam" used as a metaphor like that b4. creative
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    I feel good today. It's strange.

    I just hope I don't crash.
  • i am feeling kinda weird

    waiting for dad to show up with my new duds
  • i wish i had a floral t-shirt
  • Hawai'ian shirts encapsulate everything about my personality.

    is Tre around? I have a profoundly stupid proposal for him.
  • i hear young thug outside my window
  • image


    1. Republic of Wales

    2. Free City of Ulm & Surrounding Territories

    3. Kingdom of Barrois

    4. Principality of Lorraine

    5. Free State of Galicia

    6. Tsardom of Ryazan

    7. Kingdom of Brittany

    8. The Isle of Orkney ("Kingdom of Norway")

    9. Sovereign & Most Catholic Archbishopric of Avignon

  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.

    Games can be great art. We just need to find more varied game mechanics to marry to story concepts.

    Like, a lot of the time, game as art is "watch cutscene." Which is the wrong way to go about things, because you're playing the game to get to the cutscene. Of note are trash like Heavy Rain or Indigo Prophecy or Beyond Two Souls, which are less actual games and more DVD featurette toys.

    But if you can tell the story unobtrusively as the game is played (like Bastion or Thomas Was Alone) or the only way to tell the story is through the game itself (Little Inferno), then that's where the idea of "game as art" really shines.

    But sometimes the disconnect between game and story is what you want (again the aforementioned manipulative game). It all depends.
    This is a good post. :D
  • hmm, Bravely Default peeps, I'm fighting King Khamer and that spellfencer dude, is this how I get the spellfencer asterisk or do I have to do something special
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
  • do I have to take down King Khamer second?
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    No. In fact, do that first. Time magic is a pain.
  • OK

    I just thought that since Bodyguard Man has left every other battle so far he'd do it here too, but it's good to know cuz I've been focusing on Khamer.
  • also am I correct in my assumption that you can't inflict status conditions on bosses? I've tried before and they always "miss".
  • edited 2014-06-24 15:29:05
    image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    Poison works a lot. And stat debuffs.
  • I meant Sleep, Silence, etc.

    but OK, good to know.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”



    1. Republic of Wales

    2. Free City of Ulm & Surrounding Territories

    3. Kingdom of Barrois

    4. Principality of Lorraine

    5. Free State of Galicia

    6. Tsardom of Ryazan

    7. Kingdom of Brittany

    8. The Isle of Orkney ("Kingdom of Norway")

    9. Sovereign & Most Catholic Archbishopric of Avignon

    I swear this is the best map, save for the absence of an independent Novgorod Republic.
  • hmm, now I'm not sure who to give these asterisks to.

    I have Edea as a Black Mage, Agnes as a White Mage, Tiz as a Monk, and Ringabel as a Knight, all level 6.
  • image


    1. Republic of Wales

    2. Free City of Ulm & Surrounding Territories

    3. Kingdom of Barrois

    4. Principality of Lorraine

    5. Free State of Galicia

    6. Tsardom of Ryazan

    7. Kingdom of Brittany

    8. The Isle of Orkney ("Kingdom of Norway")

    9. Sovereign & Most Catholic Archbishopric of Avignon

    I swear this is the best map, save for the absence of an independent Novgorod Republic.
    Thank you! It is the end map of Europe in my Italy campagin in EU4, with some labeling and aesthetic effects applied in
  • I suppose now that Agnes has learned a lot of healing spells I don't necessarily need a dedicated healer anymore, especially with it being the alt ability of Edea too.
  • Also Sredni if you like that one I posted this map of Indonesia in that same campaign (though over a hundred years earlier) a while back


    the most major developments here were the breakup of China into Ming and Zhou, and the fact that The Kingdom of Sunda is now an independent Republic as opposed to an Italian colony.
  • kill living beings

    the most major developments here were the breakup of China into Ming and Zhou,

    is this like the same zhou that collapsed befor ejesus
  • I made Agnes a Time Mage and Ringabel a Spellfencer

    goodness these outfits are silly.
  • the most major developments here were the breakup of China into Ming and Zhou,

    is this like the same zhou that collapsed befor ejesus
    I (admittedly, and somewhat to my own shame) do not know a lot about Asian history.

    All I know is that in EU4, Ming (China) has several releasable nations that never lose their cores, one of them is Zhou (another is Manchu, and I forget the third.)
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.

    I made Agnes a Time Mage and Ringabel a Spellfencer

    goodness these outfits are silly.

    I actually complained about the female Spellfencer outfits a few months back. Partly because they're dumb, and partly because it's a heavy armour class.
  • edited 2014-06-24 15:56:40
    kill living beings
    that's... interesting.

    as far as i know the zhou was a long-lived dynasty that lived from like, 1000 BC to 200 BC. but for most of that time they didn't control most of "china" (but whatever this was before qin shi huang anyway) so maybe the idea is that they could stay around as a rump state until whenever you're playing? which is like, what, 1600s? that seems implausible but i suppose it's happened before.

    manchu is also interesting, because manchuria was completely taken over by the japanese. that's 20th century though.

    the fact the last imperial dynasty wasn't Han (sorta) is pretty interesting imo

    what's "releaseable"
  • I get that they're supposed to be Arabian Nights-looking, but yeesh.

    Anyway, I just wanted to make sure I'm not making any awful decisions.

    I'm not sure I dig the Time Mage outfits, but at least they're unique.
  • that's... interesting.

    as far as i know the zhou was a long-lived dynasty that lived from like, 1000 BC to 200 BC. but for most of that time they didn't control most of "china" (but whatever this was before qin shi huang anyway) so maybe the idea is that they could stay around as a rump state until whenever you're playing? which is like, what, 1600s? that seems implausible but i suppose it's happened before.

    manchu is also interesting, because manchuria was completely taken over by the japanese. that's 20th century though.

    the fact the last imperial dynasty wasn't Han (sorta) is pretty interesting imo

    Paradox has been criticized before for inaccuracy outside of Europe (see: completely made-up people ruling Yemen in CK2) so it would not shock me.

    I think the idea perhaps is that the new Zhou is more a completely new state that uses the old name.

    And I should clarify that the Manchu are only releasable as their own nation if they don't exist anymore, they start out existing in 1444, to Ming China's immediate north.
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    I actually really like the male spell fencer outfits, it's just the female ones that make me go ugh.
  • kill living beings
    Oh shit! I totally forgot. I was gonna be like "haha new state using old name, yeah that actually happened, lemme find it". and then i looked it up and there was a fucking "new zhou"! still kinda early for whenever you are, probably.

    there was also (still looking it up) a "western xia" around 1000-1200 AD, but they don't seem be named after the xia dynasty of prehistory. Oh and hey a Jin dynasty 1100-1200 not named after the Jin dynasty 200-500.

    chinese history is kind of crazy. paradox would probably have to hire more historians, lol

    what is "releaseable"
  • edited 2014-06-24 16:06:03
    image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.

    what is "releaseable"

    Basically, you can release an acquired piece of land as its own nation. See: Cornwall.
  • If you fully occupy a nation in a war, you can make them release states. What states can be released specifically depends, but most nations have a list (for instance, if you fuck up France badly enough you can release Orleans, Normandy, Armagnac, Auvergne, Bourbannais, and Foix).

    ^England has a bunch too. Wales, Cornwall, and Northumberland/Northampton I think.
  • kill living beings
    Huh. I don't think the Zhou had some ethnic whatever identity that would usually lead to that. hm hm hm.

    not that china doesn't have lots of people like that. fuckers had a lot of murderin goin on.
  • edited 2014-06-24 16:09:45
    kill living beings

    If you fully occupy a nation in a war,

    ooh that is neat.

    here i was thinking it would be voluntary. dumb, right
  • Italy has a bunch too (Tuscany, Ferrara, Urbino, Pisa, Sicily, Naples and Genoa off the top of my head), but you have to actually form Italy first.
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    You don't need to fully occupy. I've had England release Cornwall before just by grabbing bits of land here and there.
  • kill living beings
    the fact that there's a bit of play at the whole "invading power sponsors separatists" strategy is neat, i mean.

    china was to some degree a bunch of fied warring states up until like... 1950... so some breakup is hella believable
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.

    the fact that there's a bit of play at the whole "invading power sponsors separatists" strategy is neat, i mean.

    china was to some degree a bunch of fied warring states up until like... 1950... so some breakup is hella believable

    You can literally fund separatist rebels if you feel like it.
  • the fact that there's a bit of play at the whole "invading power sponsors separatists" strategy is neat, i mean.

    china was to some degree a bunch of fied warring states up until like... 1950... so some breakup is hella believable

    You can literally fund separatist rebels if you feel like it.
    probably the best way to hurt a rival country as Venice in the current patch, truth be told.
  • kill living beings
    hell yeah
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

    help my family are watching Frozen

    ♫ do you want to build a snowman ♫
  • kill living beings
    Warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled. Results may be inaccurate.
    RCOND =  4.495329e-17.
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    For the first time in forever~
  • hell yeah

    you should play EU4.

    also make sure you turn almost all of the map options off or the game starts laggy and it will get worse as you go on.
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