The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • Tachyon said:

    Well, what is gender identity?  I'd take it to mean the gender you identify as, right?

    For the record, since I realize I'm sounding like some horrible strawman set up to discredit trans issues, I never at any point identified as a girl.  I just wanted to be one.


    and yeah, I guess you can say it depends how strongly you identity - probably everyone has wondered what'd it be like as the other gender at least once in their life

    seeing yourself to be between male and female or be neither are gender identities too, btw
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I had gender confusion-type thoughts as a child, but I would never have been certain enough to want to go through with HRT and all that.

    Everyone's different, though
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    For the record, since I realize I'm sounding like some horrible
    strawman set up to discredit trans issues, I never at any point
    identified as a girl.  I just wanted to be one.
    I was the same. It wouldn't make sense if I insisted I am a girl after being taught repeatedly that I am not. During most of my life, I believed I was a boy. I liked "pretending" to be a girl, but I knew I wasn't one and could never be one (I was wrong, but how could I have known?). I was once taught that some men had a surgery to get a vagina, but that such people were mentally ill men and that the only thing that changed was in their pants. I became interested in such things, and in cross-dressing, when I was older. I tried to be "feminine." Through all of this, I "knew" I could never be one of the girls. Three years ago, I learned that it was possible for a person to undergo a complete gender change. This made me happy. I knew immediately that I would pursue this, somehow, sometime.
  • edited 2014-06-06 23:56:34
    well, actually, coming off of tachyon's question about what exactly gender identity is -- and this includes how changeable it is (and thus makes me wonder whether my understanding of it is different from sf_sorrow's)

    1. does it make any sense for a person to have no gender identity?
    1'. is there a difference between agenderedness (not identifying as female or male) and not having a sense of gender identity at all?

    2a. if a hypothetical biologically-male heterosexual person finds a (biologically or otherwise based on appearance to the senses) female person (or fictional character) attractive and feels a sexual attraction toward said female person, does this tell us anything about this hypothetical heterosexual male's gender identity, and if so, what does it tell us?
    2b. same as 2a, but in this case, the sexual attraction is specifically thought of as heterosexual sexual contact, with the male person in the male role in such contact
    2c. same as 2a, but in this case, the sexual attraction is part of the desire to be more similar to that female person
    2d. same as 2c, but the desire to be more similar to that female person includes imagining/fantasizing oneself as that female person
    2e. does the answer to 2d depend on whether or not the male person imagines an explicitly sexual situation as part of imagining being that female person?

    (i should really have shut up about gender stuff already but i'm having more questions)
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    For me it certainly went beyond just wondering, at one point.

    Now... I don't know, maybe it is just wondering.  I wonder about it a lot.  But I don't think I'd be happy being a woman.  I don't feel right, but I don't think that's the answer.

    I dunno, maybe I'm just a cis person who thinks too much about this, as I do with everything else.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    I don't know the answers to your questions, Glenn, but I really don't think your hypothetical male's sexual preferences tell us anything about his gender identity, setting aside the fact that you identified him as male.
  • sorry, i meant to indicate biological male
  • let's talk about building giant radio transmitters deep in the woods to get the annunaki to beam you some sick tunes
  • let's talk about building giant sculptures of scrap metal to insectoid gods near those radio transmitters so that the deep vibes might be bounced back into the universe at that very same frequency
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    In that case I don't think that tells us anything about that person's gender identity whatsoever.

    I don't know what there is to say about building giant radio transmitters deep in the woods to get the annunaki to beam you some sick tunes
  • edited 2014-06-07 00:00:23

    on question 1, maybe, but it's rather semantic; "asexual" is considered a sexual orientation too
    Tachyon said:

    I don't know the answers to your questions, Glenn, but I really don't think your hypothetical male's sexual preferences tell us anything about his gender identity, setting aside the fact that you identified him as male.

    this for question 2
  • let's talk about painting arcane symbols on your forehead with metallic paint so that you might be chosen by the videolords.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    sorry, i meant to indicate biological male

    Still not helpful. There are transwomen who like women. Might be biologically male, but that doesn't make them any less female mentally.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    let's talk about painting arcane symbols on your forehead with metallic paint so that you might be chosen by the videolords.

    Why would I want to be chosen by the videolords? I need incentive.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • our humble world's very own arcane digital art instillation cyber-superstar Pink Kokane has gone missing from her apartment in downtown Lookitoo following a call to police from that same address earlier this evening.

  • residentials are advised to contact the Locators with any relevant information
  • lol i missed a whole videogames conversation

    including listing the names of star wolf
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    can't let you do that, glenn
  • I don't mind the conversation, btw - it's a good thing to want to understand things more deeply
  • edited 2014-06-07 00:08:46
    More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    I hypothesize that most(?) people with no sense of gender identity are actually people with an invisible gender identity: it's invisible because it is never contrasted with a disparate reality. But if you live as a man, and you thoroughly think through a scenario in which you are a woman, as if it would become reality tomorrow, and you don't get a feeling that it's the wrong thing, then maybe it's possible that you could be happy as either gender. I hypothesize that most people are inherently happier as one gender than the other, and that a majority are born with the appropriate body.

    If a heterosexual male (I don't mind referring to him as such, for the purposes of convenience in this scenario) sees a woman and naturally imagines himself as her, then I think that can be a definite clue to how his internal psyche feels about being a woman. Even if it's a purely sexual attraction, I *still* think that, if it is thought through very thoroughly and still seems right, then it isn't really purely sexual after all. Even if a trans woman has autogynophilia, it's not like being a woman is sexiness 24/7, and it's not like trans women have to be asexual, or can't have their gender as part of their sexuality; in fact, in my experience, my gender is a very important factor in my sexuality (i.e. it "shuts down" when I think of myself putting a penis in things).

    I dunno if I'm making sense anymore, but I felt like trying to answer those questions with my views.
  • sSSSSSssshe was alone in the woods tryin to reach a higher realm

    but you can't dance with the devil in the moonlight by yourself
  • can't let you do that, glenn

    Andross has ordered me to write your names down.
  • sSSSSSssshe was alone in the woods tryin to reach a higher realm

    but you can't dance with the devil in the moonlight by yourself

    Dancing in the Moonlight~
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    umm, I will stop short of getting into even weirder territory, but, no, I am not trans for the sexual thrill, and such people really don't exist, I imagine. The few examples that are this way have realized very quickly that it wasn't for them. I am just saying that I can only have sex with a female body and not feel extremely uncomfortable.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    And, until last year, I thought I could never do the sex without it feeling unnatural and weird.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Personally, I find sexuality and relationships to be significantly impacted by my muddled sense of gender. But I'm sure not everyone with gender issues is like that.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Miko said:

    I hypothesize that most(?) people with no sense of gender identity are actually people with an invisible gender identity: it's invisible because it is never contrasted with a disparate reality. But if you live as a man, and you thoroughly think through a scenario in which you are a woman, as if it would become reality tomorrow, and you don't get a feeling that it's the wrong thing, then maybe it's possible that you could be happy as either gender. I hypothesize that most people are inherently happier as one gender than the other, and that a majority are born with the appropriate body.

    If a heterosexual male (I don't mind referring to him as such, for the purposes of convenience in this scenario) sees a woman and naturally imagines himself as her, then I think that can be a definite clue to how his internal psyche feels about being a woman. Even if it's a purely sexual attraction, I *still* think that, if it is thought through very thoroughly and still seems right, then it isn't really purely sexual after all. Even if a trans woman has autogynophilia, it's not like being a woman is sexiness 24/7, and it's not like trans women have to be asexual, or can't have their gender as part of their sexuality; in fact, in my experience, my gender is a very important factor in my sexuality (i.e. it "shuts down" when I think of myself putting a penis in things).

    I dunno if I'm making sense anymore, but I felt like trying to answer those questions with my views.

    Most but not all. There are people who are physically outside of the gender binary; being mentally outside of it really doesn't strike me as much of a stretch.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    I'm confusing myself.

    I need to go to sleep, but my dad won't get out of the living room.
  • let's talk about meeting in secret in the woods at night with the last two witches still alive on the east coast for your yearly commune. You can't do it more often anymore because there just aren't enough witches left anymore, but you can still dance and sometimes the old magic shakes you like it shook your grandmothers and their grandmothers and their grandmothers before them, and sometimes life becomes a blur behind your eyes
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • edited 2014-06-07 00:16:09
    More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    fuk yea witches *does witchy things*
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    let's talk about meeting in secret in the woods at night with the last two witches still alive on the east coast for your yearly commune. You can't do it more often anymore because there just aren't enough witches left anymore, but you can still dance and sometimes the old magic shakes you like it shook your grandmothers and their grandmothers and their grandmothers before them, and sometimes life becomes a blur behind your eyes

    Odd art style aside, I think that you would seriously vibe with some of the Lamezone comics.
  • life sometimes is the code below the flow
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    walpurgisnacht time
  • I have like nine different stories in my head and they're all bleeding together and spilling out like technicolor ooze from inside a video tape nailed to a crucifix left to rot and to die in Old Penn's Woods.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    so tired
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    I post here half-asleep too much. I have strong opinions on some things.
  • uh like what's that one aesop rock line

    "sometimes I get these feelings deep within my stomach that travel up through my throat and out into the public"?


    something like that
  • Miko said:

    I post here half-asleep too much. I have strong opinions on some things.

    I have strong opinions on the lack of neon blue clothing you're wearing
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    *wears a skin-tight neon blue outfit* Is that better? :o
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    It's ok to have strong opinions on some things.
  • yea dat's better good job miko 10/10

    wanna go burn down Old Man Thompson's house
  • aw man the come down that is slowly sliding back into real reality after spending a solid hour or two inside your own head is the worst feeling on earth
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    wanna go burn down Old Man Thompson's house
    Didn't he die last week? Yeah sure I guess, but first let's steal all his stuff!
  • life sometimes is bittersweet

    I don't really remember the thoughts that I had
    Miko said:

    wanna go burn down Old Man Thompson's house
    Didn't he die last week? Yeah sure I guess, but first let's steal all his stuff!
    and eat it!
  • Sharon van Etten kinda sounds like Red from Transistor.
  • edited 2014-06-07 00:28:48
    More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    ^^ yeah :O ...wait, even his drain cleaner collection?
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