The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • edited 2014-05-10 19:47:28
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    Odradek said:

    I think the difference is that Superman is supposed to not be the person he was in Man of Steel, while Batman has always been a fasho.

    Also Nolan has more street cred than Snyder.
    Well, I'd say that Batman's sufficiently malleable that you could get away with making him fascist.

    You can see some elements of it in his 'let's have contingencies for every member of the Justice League' thing, but it's hardly an element in every incarnation of Batman. 
    Yeah, I would agree, although Odradek's point does hold some water: Batman has always been the kind of hero willing to compromise himself as a moral actor in favour of a greater good in really bad no-win situations, while Superman is the sort of hero who will not compromise on his morals because he understands that his power obligates him to set a moral example. The former is not at heart a "fascist," but he is a very dark shade of hero; the latter is much more idealistic, but he can afford to be and would be to some degree even if he could not because that is who he is. Batman sees himself as a necessary evil in a society that should not need him, a human weapon; Superman sees himself as a protector sworn to a moral good higher than himself, a human shield. Or so I have gleaned.
  • edited 2014-05-10 20:15:17
    ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)

    epIn the national forests trespass growths, old tires are often used to surround young marijuana plants. These tires are just left to decompose and contaminate groundwater supplies.

    Many of the bigger marijuana trespass plantations in national parks and forests have support from certain Mexican drug cartels. 
  • Smee, Maiman, Doktar, Pavelier, Button-Lee, Juan Ovyu



  • the pobble who has no toes

    once had as many as we
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”





    Why is Eurovision such serious business to every European nation not either in the Baltic or the Balkans?
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    the pobble who has no toes

    once had as many as we

    I recognise this!
  • Smee, Maiman, Doktar, Pavelier, Button-Lee, Juan Ovyu





    Why is Eurovision such serious business to every European nation not either in the Baltic or the Balkans?
    In the words of 21st century philosopher Yui Hirasawa, "fun things are fun"
  • When they said "Some day you may lose them all;"
    He replied "Fish, fiddle-de-dee!"
    And his Aunt Jobiska made him drink
    Lavender water tinged with pink,
    For she said "The World in general knows
    There's nothing so good for a Pobble's toes!"

    The Pobble who has no toes
    Swam across the Bristol Channel;
    But before he set out he wrapped his nose
    In a piece of scarlet flannel.
    For his Aunt Jobiska said "No harm
    Can come to his toes if his nose is warm;
    And it's perfectly known that a Pobble's toes
    Are safe, -- provided he minds his nose!"

    The Pobble swam fast and well,
    And when boats or ships came near him,
    He tinkledy-blinkledy-winkled a bell,
    So that all the world could hear him.
    And all the Sailors and Admirals cried,
    When they saw him nearing the further side -
    "He has gone to fish for his Aunt Jobiska's
    Runcible Cat with crimson whiskers!"

    But before he touched the shore,
    The shore of the Bristol Channel,
    A sea-green porpoise carried away
    His wrapper of scarlet flannel.
    And when he came to observe his feet,
    Formerly garnished with toes so neat,
    His face at once became forlorn,
    On perceiving that all his toes were gone!

    And nobody ever knew,
    From that dark day to the present,
    Whoso had taken the Pobble's toes,
    In a manner so far from pleasant.
    Whether the shrimps, or crawfish grey,
    Or crafty Mermaids stole them away -
    Nobody knew: and nobody knows
    How the Pobble was robbed of his twice five toes!

    The Pobble who has no toes
    Was placed in a friendly Bark,
    And they rowed him back, and carried him up
    To his Aunt Jobiska's Park.
    And she made him a feast at his earnest wish
    Of eggs and buttercups fried with fish, -
    And she said "It's a fact the whole world knows,
    That Pobbles are happier without their toes!"
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    In the words of 21st century philosopher Yui Hirasawa, "fun things are fun"

    Fair enough. Although the bonkers ones from the countries that don't actually expect to win are the best.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    image image image
    image image image
  • Odradek said:

    I think the difference is that Superman is supposed to not be the person he was in Man of Steel, while Batman has always been a fasho.

    Also Nolan has more street cred than Snyder.
    Well, I'd say that Batman's sufficiently malleable that you could get away with making him fascist.

    You can see some elements of it in his 'let's have contingencies for every member of the Justice League' thing, but it's hardly an element in every incarnation of Batman. 
    Yeah, I would agree, although Odradek's point does hold some water: Batman has always been the kind of hero willing to compromise himself as a moral actor in favour of a greater good in really bad no-win situations, while Superman is the sort of hero who will not compromise on his morals because he understands that his power obligates him to set a moral example. The former is not at heart a "fascist," but he is a very dark shade of hero; the latter is much more idealistic, but he can afford to be and would be to some degree even if he could not because that is who he is. Batman sees himself as a necessary evil in a society that should not need him, a human weapon; Superman sees himself as a protector sworn to a moral good higher than himself, a human shield. Or so I have gleaned.
    Well, yeah. Out of anybody in the DCU, Batman's the most likely to go fascist without having to make an Elseworld. 
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Johnny Test is why no one celebrates Cookie Jar
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Except me, I celebrate them entirely because they killed DIC
  • these shows are what, twenty two minutes long?  that's like a whip every seven seconds
  • Back when I had to watch TV, Johnny Test was like the mark of death. 

    And that was before I realized that the character set-up was ripping off Dexter's Laboratory.
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    People die when they are fun.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    Yeah, I would agree, although Odradek's point does hold some water: Batman has always been the kind of hero willing to compromise himself as a moral actor in favour of a greater good in really bad no-win situations, while Superman is the sort of hero who will not compromise on his morals because he understands that his power obligates him to set a moral example. The former is not at heart a "fascist," but he is a very dark shade of hero; the latter is much more idealistic, but he can afford to be and would be to some degree even if he could not because that is who he is. Batman sees himself as a necessary evil in a society that should not need him, a human weapon; Superman sees himself as a protector sworn to a moral good higher than himself, a human shield. Or so I have gleaned.

    Well, yeah. Out of anybody in the DCU, Batman's the most likely to go fascist without having to make an Elseworld. 
    I still think it pretty unlikely given the kind of person that Batman tends to be characterised as. He does not think of himself as morally righteous in the way that someone with a truly fascistic mindset does. Rather, he sees himself as a compromised moral actor capable of doing awful things that good people should never be forced to do. It's a strange way of thinking, and perhaps insane, but not quite so authoritarian as it is made out to be.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    Oh, and I learned about tritone substitutions today.

    So that's how them piano players do that thing.
  • People die when they are fun.

    Being fun is suffering.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    -calica said:

    these shows are what, twenty two minutes long?  that's like a whip every seven seconds

    Johnny Test is typically divided into two eleven-minute segments...
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Why are people stupid

    I don't understand.
  • ~*tasteless*~

    am not

    wait nvm
  • edited 2014-05-10 20:54:44
    Now I'm up to the Captain Planet review, and holy matte lines, Batman, especially on the "ring" scene.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Goddamnitall, I am highly intelligent! That is one of my few noteworthy attributes of actual use.

    In fairness, I do not have great self-preservation or frugality skills, but that's not stupidity per se.
  • Goddamnitall, I am highly intelligent! That is one of my few noteworthy attributes of actual use.

    In fairness, I do not have great self-preservation or frugality skills, but that's not stupidity per se.
    You are also cute! and comfy.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    But those are mainly useful to you. And to my using you for personal satisfaction.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Freaking the fuck out over minor criticism of a white supremacist invalidates the human race.

    Dammit math nerds, in the end you did manage to prove antinatalism.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Odradek said:

    Freaking the fuck out over minor criticism of a white supremacist invalidates the human race.

    Dammit math nerds, in the end you did manage to prove antinatalism.

    Stop reading LessWrong, even by proxy. I think it's going to give you soul cancer.

    On a barely related note, I realised why it's not a contradiction in terms for a philosophical pessimist to look forward to the end of the universe. Kind of face-palmed at my own failure to realise it earlier.
  • ~*tasteless*~

    Do philosophies need to be proved so much as validated / justified?
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    Odradek said:

    Freaking the fuck out over minor criticism of a white supremacist invalidates the human race.

    Dammit math nerds, in the end you did manage to prove antinatalism.

    Stop reading LessWrong, even by proxy. I think it's going to give you soul cancer.

    On a barely related note, I realised why it's not a contradiction in terms for a philosophical pessimist to look forward to the end of the universe. Kind of face-palmed at my own failure to realise it earlier.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    Do philosophies need to be proved so much as validated / justified?

    Good point.
  • Aliroz said:

    > Also, it takes up crudloads of nitrogen and water.

    You mean to grow it?

    I bet it's chump change compared to the amount of nitrogen and water that people waste just to maintain lawns.

    Yes, Eurasian lawn grasses are inefficient and meant for climates with much more rain and with more nitrogen replenishing factors. But, plant for plant, space for space, pound of soil vs pound of soil, marijuana is more inefficient than corn, which is far more inefficient than lawn grasses. If people had lawns of marijuana instead of grass, it would require much more water and nitrogen.

    Another difference is how much marijuana is grown indoors, which is, in fact, extreme with regards to energy needed vs plant output inefficiency. Lawn Grasses are at least hardy (to temperature and varying sun and humidity) much more than marijuana.

    Grasses of lawns can be left alone, though watered and fertilized, and live, though with weeds and parasites. Marijuana must be Cultivated. At least agriculture produces food

    Growing marijuana in place of grass would be pretty incredibly stupid anyway.

    What I meant was, going after people growing marijuana is probably a waste of effort on a policy scale if your intent is to focus on waste of natural and ecosystem resources.  You're much better off dissuading people from filling their lawns with grass...

    ...y'know, if I were a policymaker, I might be inclined to subsidize housing options that have no lawns, or very small lawns.
  • lawns are bullshit

    except when you need a place to grill out
  • oh sweet it's raining
  • edited 2014-05-10 21:11:07

    lucky            FUN FACT: this might be the only time I've ever heard / seen the words "good point" directed at me
    Another thing: The early NC really, really likes using screams from Tom and Jerry whenever he needs a scream. Cracks me up every time he does it.
  • Oh, and I learned about tritone substitutions today.

    So that's how them piano players do that thing.
    Ooh, I never knew there was a term for this.

    I just knew that tritone-away chords were closely related.

    Also, putting a scale degree 5 below a tritone-substituted V chord is a pretty neat sound.  So, for example, a Db major chord with a G in the bass, resolving to a C major or C mnor chord.
  • bonus points if you use a C# minor chord in stead of a Db major chord
    for resolving to C minor
    stepwise chromaticism FTW
  • lawns are bullshit

    except when you need a place to grill out

    Isn't that what patios and decks are for?
  • Y'know what would be nice?  Instead of each house having its own lawn, which people inevitably fence in and stuff, have a common backyard shared by a number of surrounding houses.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    I know this is stupid

    But that little neurotic autistic part of me is irritated that Mozilla revamped Firefox's interface for version 29 instead of waiting for a nice round number like 30
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Odradek said:

    Odradek said:

    Freaking the fuck out over minor criticism of a white supremacist invalidates the human race.

    Dammit math nerds, in the end you did manage to prove antinatalism.

    Stop reading LessWrong, even by proxy. I think it's going to give you soul cancer.

    On a barely related note, I realised why it's not a contradiction in terms for a philosophical pessimist to look forward to the end of the universe. Kind of face-palmed at my own failure to realise it earlier.
    Simple: Philosophical pessimism, despite sharing the name and root of the dispositional variety (and frequently being espoused by dispositional pessimists), is not using that root in the same way.

    Optima is the Latin word for "best," pessima the one for "worst." Dispositional optimism and pessimism are about outcomes, being either the best or the worst; the philosophical varieties apply more to the statement "this is the _____ of all possible worlds," or, "being alive is the _____ thing."

    A philsophical optimist in the extreme sense would basically be Pangloss but actually sincere, although most people tend towards some form of philosophical optimism because the alternative is frequently depressing. Most schools of Buddhism are pessimistic in philosophy, but optimistic in disposition; many evangelical Chistian sects are the opposite.

    And there you are.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    lee4hmz said:

    Another thing: The early NC really, really likes using screams from Tom and Jerry whenever he needs a scream. Cracks me up every time he does it.

    Sometimes I want to practice one of Tom's screams in particular, but it's too loud and Mother's around almost all the time...
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    Odradek said:

    Odradek said:

    Freaking the fuck out over minor criticism of a white supremacist invalidates the human race.

    Dammit math nerds, in the end you did manage to prove antinatalism.

    Stop reading LessWrong, even by proxy. I think it's going to give you soul cancer.

    On a barely related note, I realised why it's not a contradiction in terms for a philosophical pessimist to look forward to the end of the universe. Kind of face-palmed at my own failure to realise it earlier.
    Simple: Philosophical pessimism, despite sharing the name and root of the dispositional variety (and frequently being espoused by dispositional pessimists), is not using that root in the same way.

    Optima is the Latin word for "best," pessima the one for "worst." Dispositional optimism and pessimism are about outcomes, being either the best or the worst; the philosophical varieties apply more to the statement "this is the _____ of all possible worlds," or, "being alive is the _____ thing."

    A philsophical optimist in the extreme sense would basically be Pangloss but actually sincere, although most people tend towards some form of philosophical optimism because the alternative is frequently depressing. Most schools of Buddhism are pessimistic in philosophy, but optimistic in disposition; many evangelical Chistian sects are the opposite.

    And there you are.
    Makes sense
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Anonus said:

    lee4hmz said:

    Another thing: The early NC really, really likes using screams from Tom and Jerry whenever he needs a scream. Cracks me up every time he does it.

    Sometimes I want to practice one of Tom's screams in particular, but it's too loud and Mother's around almost all the time...
    I quietly practice death growls and other metal screaming techniques when nobody is too close by, albeit at low volume...
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