The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.


    that's the standard term for a run of 12 or 13 episodes (11 if you're noitaminA)
  • also i think the list of "things ponicalica has asked me to watch" also includes rahxephon and the tatami galaxy and kamen rider gaim, if i recall correctly

    "things noimporta has asked me to watch" includes rahxephon and infinite ryvius

    i've actually seen one ep of rahxephon and a few eps of ryvius
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    I actually haven't seen Tatami.  That would probably have been Sredni Vashtar.
  • edited 2014-05-05 00:22:22

    watching anime is fun!

    talking about anime is akin to taking corkscrews to ones ears.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    even if it's me gushing about Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt? :(
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    Watch Gaim, Glenn.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • no

    it's just that percentage of free time watching anime seems to roughly correlate with being intolerable when it comes to media related matters in general

    in other words

    fuckin weaboos get off my lawn
  • edited 2014-05-05 00:32:08

    to be fair this is not exclusive to anime, there is this specific sort of nerd who seems to devour media endlessly whilst having no standards for quality (or deep appreciation for anything they're actually watching that happens to be good for that matter), seeking instead to mine from it a few specific features/qualities that they find interesting

    as though the thing that they are watching/reading/playing is just a vehicle or wrapper for a specific thing that they crave
  • admittedly the reason i spent part of my evening compiling a gigantic list of insults is because i'm punting a paper that i am stuck with sitting in front of me and which i've been trying to finish for the past four days
  • i guess that's what bugged me about TVT, it seemed to encourage this sort of mindless, non-holistic media consumption through its dismantling of things into their component ideas
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.

    to be fair this is not exclusive to anime, there is this specific sort of nerd who seems to devour media endlessly whilst having no standards for quality (or deep appreciation for anything they're actually watching that happens to be good for that matter), seeking instead to mine from it a few specific features/qualities that they find interesting

    as though the thing that they are watching/reading/playing is just a vehicle or wrapper for a specific thing that they crave
    Those people are very annoying.
  • anyways death metal is second best metal

  • watching anime is fun!

    talking about anime is akin to taking corkscrews to ones ears.
    this is probably because "anime" is not a type of show or a genre or anything like that

    it is a supercategory of genres, and basically refers to all japanese cartoons, of which there are a shitton, with a shitton of variety to go along with them
    so if you try to find people to talk anime with, chances are your tastes are not going to match theirs
    (unless you happen to both be watching all the really current mainstream shows)
  • to be fair this is not exclusive to anime, there is this specific sort of nerd who seems to devour media endlessly whilst having no standards for quality (or deep appreciation for anything they're actually watching that happens to be good for that matter), seeking instead to mine from it a few specific features/qualities that they find interesting

    as though the thing that they are watching/reading/playing is just a vehicle or wrapper for a specific thing that they crave
    and yet, continuing from my previous post, people speak of "anime" like it's a unified bloc of something, and whoever you run into has their own tastes and thus some sort of non-random selection of shows they like and they'll probably give off the sense that, for example, "anime" as a whole is filled with moëshit if what they like is moëshit
  • watching anime is fun!

    talking about anime is akin to taking corkscrews to ones ears.
    this is probably because "anime" is not a type of show or a genre or anything like that

    it is a supercategory of genres, and basically refers to all japanese cartoons, of which there are a shitton, with a shitton of variety to go along with them
    so if you try to find people to talk anime with, chances are your tastes are not going to match theirs
    (unless you happen to both be watching all the really current mainstream shows)
    there may be many sorts of anime, but it seems to me that the sorts of anime fan are much fewer
  • ....there is not an umlaut over the "e" in "moe".

    I don't like to correct how people write things, but that particular one bothers me to no end and I don't get why people do it.
  • watching anime is fun!

    talking about anime is akin to taking corkscrews to ones ears.
    this is probably because "anime" is not a type of show or a genre or anything like that

    it is a supercategory of genres, and basically refers to all japanese cartoons, of which there are a shitton, with a shitton of variety to go along with them
    so if you try to find people to talk anime with, chances are your tastes are not going to match theirs
    (unless you happen to both be watching all the really current mainstream shows)
    there may be many sorts of anime, but it seems to me that the sorts of anime fan are much fewer
    There is a sentiment often expressed that there is a difference between people who play games and people who self-identify as gamers. Most recently I've heard Northernlion talk about this, but it's a pretty common idea.

    I think that for most forms of media, there is something similar, anime not excepted.
  • i've noticed that some people use an umlaut to indicate that a vowel is not diphthonged with its following vowel.

    it seems to be a more common practice in older publications.
  • edited 2014-05-05 00:47:59

    yeah.  apparently, the symbol counts as a diaeresis, not umlaut, in this usage.  and, as wikipedia observes, it is considered archaic.

    i still find it useful to prevent confusion with the name "moe".  this is because i thought that the term was pronounced "moh" the first time i saw it because it was spelled without the diaeresis.
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.

    ....there is not an umlaut over the "e" in "moe".

    I don't like to correct how people write things, but that particular one bothers me to no end and I don't get why people do it.

    as glenn mentioned, it's a dieresis.  it's still modern in French, I think, though yeah it's archaic in English.
  • i think i used to spell anime as "animé"

    because, similarly, the first time i saw it pronounced it as "ah-NEEM", and so i want to spell it in such a way to clarify that it's not pronounced that way.
  • Really I can't think of many instances where there'd be confusion between moe, the type of anime, Moe, the Simpsons character or anyone sharing his name, and moe., the jam band.
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    maybe but I get to be pretentious about diacritics and that's almost as good
  • edited 2014-05-05 00:53:58
    We can do anything if we do it together.

    Really I can't think of many instances where there'd be confusion between moe, the type of anime, Moe, the Simpsons character or anyone sharing his name, and moe., the jam band.

    or Moe! Staiano, the noise musician

  • Lilly said:

    maybe but I get to be pretentious about diacritics and that's almost as good

  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
  • well it helps to know what is being talked about if you just happen on some chatter about it on IRC or on a forum or blogpost or something.

    also it helps prevent that feeling of incredible stupidity when you say it out loud in a meatspace context and then realize you've been mentally pronouncing it wrong all this time
  • also i get to use my US-International keyboard layout :D
  • well it helps to know what is being talked about if you just happen on some chatter about it on IRC or on a forum or blogpost or something.

    also it helps prevent that feeling of incredible stupidity when you say it out loud in a meatspace context and then realize you've been mentally pronouncing it wrong all this time

    man you could just like

    look it up.

    besides, English isn't a language that uses umlauts naturally, so by using them when speaking English, you are only creating more confusion unless you explicitly spell out what you're using it for every time you post it, which is just time-consuming and more trouble than it's worth.
  • well it helps to know what is being talked about if you just happen on some chatter about it on IRC or on a forum or blogpost or something.

    also it helps prevent that feeling of incredible stupidity when you say it out loud in a meatspace context and then realize you've been mentally pronouncing it wrong all this time

    man you could just like

    look it up.

    besides, English isn't a language that uses umlauts naturally, so by using them when speaking English, you are only creating more confusion unless you explicitly spell out what you're using it for every time you post it, which is just time-consuming and more trouble than it's worth.
    how often do you look up a term used on a not-particularly-serious topic in preparation for an informal social event

    also, as was pointed out, English-language writing has actually used diaereses, though it's just that their usage is decreasing.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    fancy light show
  • i'm playing through my backlog of games now that i'm trying to get a paper done

    i played bit trip runner earlier

    and now i'm playing steel storm: burning retribution
  • Why would anyone talk about Gaim, that show's for fruits.

  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    for some reason I'm reminded of the time some dude got on your computer and posted stuff in which "gay" was used as an insult
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    kex did you really just
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    then again, Magenta's made a similar joke
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    i wonder what the seal is thinking

    people in the comments are arguing over whether it might be concerned or just confused or what
  • The name "Zoe" sometimes has the diaresis over the e for that reason.  Also the Brits do it more than the Americans.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    yeah, i've seen that spelling

    it also wouldn't register as particularly weird or archaic to see 'noöne'... slightly unusual, but nothing more

    also the acute accent on 'café' is pretty normal here

    i used to write 'anime' as 'animé', but stopped because nobody else was doing it
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Hard-hitting season 2 episode where Panty and Stocking have to kill a Ghost representing DIC
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.

    HH could use more fanservice

    *slides leg into sock, seductively*
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Like I'm Five

    Lol it's funny because Randall does this all the time.
  • Morven said:

    The name "Zoe" sometimes has the diaresis over the e for that reason.  Also the Brits do it more than the Americans.

    Tachyon said:

    yeah, i've seen that spelling

    it also wouldn't register as particularly weird or archaic to see 'noöne'... slightly unusual, but nothing more

    also the acute accent on 'café' is pretty normal here

    i used to write 'anime' as 'animé', but stopped because nobody else was doing it

    u.s. americans confirmed for lazy
  • I can't help but wonder how the heck they would bring PASWG back if a second season were made

    the ending kind of killed any chance of that, but you never know
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    I like having friends.
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