The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    @Fossilmaiden It's Glenn Magus Harvey.  His tastes are...incomprehensible.
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.

    get headphones

    animals wont steal those
    have you never met a dog
  • get really sturdy headphones and a cat instead
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    "insult against people who like oversized boobs"

    shut up
  • edited 2014-05-04 23:09:46

    aww, I didn't get an insul-

    insult against machoism

    *gasp* You remembered me AND my cult

    My MANLY heart goes doki doki
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • edited 2014-05-04 23:11:58

    *unpanics imi WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE*
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    you make my kokoro go
  • edited 2014-05-04 23:17:15
    Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    Someone called me a "gook" today. I responded with "white trash" and "barbarian."

    I really wish that there was a really bad ethnic slur that I could throw at white people to make them feel subhuman.

    Also, he called me a "minority", which exhibits an inability to understand basic mathematics. My folks outnumber them all by ourselves.

    Seriously, I calculated. There are around 800 to 817 million people in the world who can be considered "white", and there are about 1300 million who can be considered Chinese.

    Needless to say, I am very angry.
  • edited 2014-05-04 23:21:00
    insult against people who like death metal
    insult against people who think that going from a four chord to a one chord is a strong cadence
    insult against foods so greasy they make it difficult to wash out the packaging for dumping in the recycle bin
    insult against the basij militia
    insult against ali khamenei
    insult against bashar al-assad
    insult against kim jong un
    insult against kim jong il's dead body
    insult against mao tse-tung's dead body (/me takes penalty card)
    insult against embalmed dictators' dead bodies, in general
    insult against john c. calhoun, for good measure
    insult against the confederate flag
    insult against people who think that techno and trance and eurobeat are gay
    insult against people who use "gay" or "fag" or similar terms as an insult, or use implications of homosexuality as an insult
    insult against people who care about the lyrics
    insult against people who insult detroit
    insult against joe arpaio
    insult against people who hate nancy pelosi, because it's fun to piss them off
    insult against the lonely island
    insult against south park
    insult against seth macfarlane
    insult against dark chocolate
    insult against chocolate in general
    insult against jojo's bizarre adventure
    insult against space dandy
    insult against kill la kill
    insult against attack on titan
    insult against people who refuse to use the card reader or doorbell on a university dorm on a friday night because their religion prohibits them from completing electric circuits, and instead just wait outside en masse until someone else lets them in
    insult against people who think of women as baby-making machines
    insult against people make "stay in the kitchen" jokes, unless they are ironic
    insult against people who keep on associating horrible driving with women in the youtube comments sections of videos of driving fails
    insult against people who expect men to be sexually and socially dominant jerks
    insult against people who say that women who wear revealing clothing and are assaulted "have it coming"
    insult against racists
    insult against sexists
    insult against dirty jokes
    insult against people who think k-pop is better than j-pop
    insult against people who think that the dancing, costumes, love lives,
    and general spectacle of the japanese idol industry is more important
    than the music
    insult against the japanese pop idol industry
    insult against north american pop music
    insult against historical revisionists
    insult against young-earth creationists
    insult against that one rich guy who runs donetsk or someshit
    insult against cynics who insist that voting doesn't ever change a damn thing
    insult against ronald reagan
    insult against people who think that reagan was a great u.s. president
    insult against people who hate gerald ford for pardoning nixon
    insult against joe mccarthy
    insult against mac users
    insult against laws criminalizing being homosexual or homosexual activity
    insult against the belief that human life begins at fertilization
    insult against thinking of everything through a lens of sex, sexual relations, and sexuality
    insult against the crazy proliferation of trending websites trying to make it big in the social media business and introducing tons of terms and contexts that i don't understand (what the heck is pinterest, anyway? how does tumblr even work?)
    insult against the videogame industry putting out a new system every few years
    insult against region-locking
    insult against drm
    insult against casinos
    insult against gambling, in general
    insult against (gridiron) football
    insult against the gender role stereotyping strongly at play between cheerleading and (gridiron) football
    insult against people who unreasonably hate nuclear power
  • ~*tasteless*~

    I though gook referred to Koreans, unless he's even dumber than I thought in which case nvm
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    Insult against mlennhagusgarveys.
  • insult against people who use "gay" or "fag" or similar terms as an insult, or use implications of homosexuality as an insult
    that's a hella faggy thing to say tbh
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I like some death metal
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.

    I though gook referred to Koreans, unless he's even dumber than I thought in which case nvm

    I thought that too, but now it's really a general slur against all Asians.
  • have i succeeded at insulting everyone yet
  • Someone called me a "gook" today. I responded with "white trash" and "barbarian."

    I really wish that there was a really bad ethnic slur that I could throw at white people to make them feel subhuman.

    Also, he called me a "minority", which exhibits an inability to understand basic mathematics. My folks outnumber them all by ourselves.

    Seriously, I calculated. There are around 800 to 817 million people in the world who can be considered "white", and there are about 1300 million who can be considered Chinese.

    Needless to say, I am very angry.
    well, I have occaisonally heard "cracker" and "honky", at least in America, but I do not know how universal those are.

    not that you should ever be in a position where you have to get into an insult match with anyone anyway, but you know, they do exist.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    you got me twice, you bastard
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.

    well, I have occaisonally heard "cracker" and "honky", at least in America, but I do not know how universal those are.

    not that you should ever be in a position where you have to get into an insult match with anyone anyway, but you know, they do exist.

    aren't those only referent to Southerners
  • well you could always use the term "redneck" or "hillbilly"
  • or, in some parts of the world, "republican"
  • well, I have occaisonally heard "cracker" and "honky", at least in America, but I do not know how universal those are.
    but those are barely even insults
  • edited 2014-05-04 23:28:50
    Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    "Cracker" or "honkey" just don't have the power to do it. There's no weight to it, because nobody actually takes those insults seriously.

    I am probably dealing with someone who considers the term "Republican" a source of pride.

    Also I didn't want to be in this position, but here I am.
  • Lilly said:

    well, I have occaisonally heard "cracker" and "honky", at least in America, but I do not know how universal those are.

    not that you should ever be in a position where you have to get into an insult match with anyone anyway, but you know, they do exist.

    aren't those only referent to Southerners
    Not that I know of.

    There are some terms that refer specifically to like, the Irish, or slavs, but then you get into actual racism.

    Which I suppose kind of drives home the point that relatively few people actually find "honky" and "cracker" offensive.

    The entire idea of whiteness is stupid anyway tbh.
  • you should have called him a faggot
  • you should have called him a faggot

    relevant: (possibly NSFW for language)

  • I suppose you coulda just like, hit him, or something.

    But then, I guess that's kind of letting the other guy win.

    My only real point here is that that's a shitty situation.
  • Lilly said:

    and confuse kara no kyoukai with kyoukai no kanata

    it's really simple: kyoukai no kanata is kyoani crap, while kara no kyoukai is actually good.  duh
    [insult] the fact that you like rahxephon and utena makes me suspicious
    Frankly, disliking Utena is far more suspicious.
    i don't actually dislike the show but i just dislike the art style
  • edited 2014-05-04 23:31:29
    Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    I'm not sure if this person has enough conflicted sexual hang-ups for that to properly shake them to the core.

    Oh, I'd hit him. I'd beat him to an inch of his life, and maybe a little more if I felt like it.

    But this is the internet.
  • well as insults that you could hurl against a white dude go that's the most venomous one i can come up with.

    granted it would make you look like a bigoted piece of shit but i don't think that the sort of person who would throw around words like that would be the sort of person one would keep up appearances for.
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.

    Lilly said:

    and confuse kara no kyoukai with kyoukai no kanata

    it's really simple: kyoukai no kanata is kyoani crap, while kara no kyoukai is actually good.  duh
    [insult] the fact that you like rahxephon and utena makes me suspicious
    Frankly, disliking Utena is far more suspicious.
    i don't actually dislike the show but i just dislike the art style
    My point still stands.
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    I wish I had actual venom to use.

    And a knife.

    And a target.
  • I'm not sure if this person has enough conflicted sexual hang-ups for that to properly shake them to the core.

    Oh, I'd hit him. I'd beat him to an inch of his life, and maybe a little more if I felt like it.

    But this is the internet.
    oh, this was an internet thing

    people are shitheads on the internet a lot of the time for no reason, it's dumb.
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    Please let me not miss post 250,000

    a quarter of a million posts...

    Truly, a record that could help future biographers and historians understand us.
  • edited 2014-05-04 23:43:10
    insult against disney
    insult against aol
    insult against warner music group
    insult against universal
    insult against fans who clamor for sequels
    insult against haters who think franchises should die
    insult against fans who insult devs for pushing back release dates in order to fix problems
    insult against the mega man fandom for being so merciless toward capcom for bungling the megaman legends 3 publicity stuff
    insult against people who consume media just to forget it in six months or a year
    insult against people who think that stories are just bags of tropes
    insult against stories that are just bags of tropes
    insult against the tsundere trope
    insult against the yandere trope
    insult against the kuudere trope
    insult against the people who insisted on instance-specific trope naming when no one outside a fandom could understand them
    insult against those people who were insulting the people who insisted on instance-specific trope naming when no one outside a fandom could understand them, as weeaboos etc.
    insult against harem stories
    insult against hentai
    insult against smut
    insult against porn
    insult against panty shots
    insult against bouncing boobs
    insult against "male gaze" camera angles
    insult against anatomically impossible (or near-impossible or otherwise stupidly painful) postures, which are especially common for female characters in drawn visual media
    insult against fanservice
    insult against the lack of legal protection for non-parodic transformative derivative works
    insult against youtube takedowns
    insult against dropbox for making it harder to share files
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.

    insult against fanservice

    weren't you planning on watching free! because of the possibility of a girl in a swimsuit
  • edited 2014-05-04 23:48:53

    Lilly said:

    and confuse kara no kyoukai with kyoukai no kanata

    it's really simple: kyoukai no kanata is kyoani crap, while kara no kyoukai is actually good.  duh
    [insult] the fact that you like rahxephon and utena makes me suspicious
    Frankly, disliking Utena is far more suspicious.
    i don't actually dislike the show but i just dislike the art style
    My point still stands.
    and also the general setting, at least as i understand it
  • okay i think i'm done making lists of insults to things
  • edited 2014-05-04 23:53:11
    Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    maybe you should actually watch Utena then

    Utena > you
  • no

    i am currently watching nodame cantabile

    futari wa precure, angelic layer, fractale, or madomagi is probably up next
  • how about this, if you watch allison & lillia (2 cours) and arpeggio (1 cour) i'll watch utena

    that's three cours on both sides

    alternatives: element hunters (3 cours); or strain (1 cour), arpeggio (1 cour), and uta~kata (1 cour)
  • edited 2014-05-05 00:08:40
    let's make that last one, three of the following five 1-cour shows: strain, arpeggio, uta~kata, rocket girls, leviathan

    or heck, just mix-and-match 3 cours out of everything i've mentioned

    give it more variety

    note that leviathan is for snarking
  • come to think of it i might actually be able to watch stuff since it'll be summer
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    HH could use more fanservice
  • Glenn

    you are literally asking him to watch four shows to get you to watch one

  • no, i'm asking him to watch rougly 39 episodes worth of stuff, to get me to watch 39 episodes worth of utena

    also, that's only as many as 3 shows, since the smallest size of them is 11-13 episodes, which is one cour.  39 episodes is 3 cours.
  • also i think i've figured out why i sometimes don't like using periods

    periods make sentences seem more serious and emphatic, and often, i don't want to sound more serious and emphatic

    i just want to say something and just kinda leave it there~
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