The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Stop putting anime in my gas tank, dammit
  • Stop putting anime in my gas tank, dammit

  • Smee, Maiman, Doktar, Pavelier, Button-Lee, Juan Ovyu
    "Bob's Game": An ARG about Bob's game "Bob's Game", made by Bob
  • ascii art of an atomic bomb
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.

    Stop putting anime in my gas tank, dammit

    anime acids
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    *puts tokusatsu in CA's gas tank*
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Wait a minute

    Why do people kiss?
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    feels good.  there's probably some deeper biological reason but hell if I know it.  you should ask a Nitya
  • edited 2014-05-04 21:21:27
    To get accustomed to each others flavor as they prepare for the fact that one of them will inevitably cannibalize the other
  • i used to confuse trine with braid

    and confuse kara no kyoukai with kyoukai no kanata
  • insult against people who like rock music
  • insult against people who eat cheerios for breakfast
  • insult against people who criticize middle management
  • insult against people who wear sweatpants
  • insult against people who paddle their canoes with computer keyboards
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.

    and confuse kara no kyoukai with kyoukai no kanata

    it's really simple: kyoukai no kanata is kyoani crap, while kara no kyoukai is actually good.  duh
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.

    insult against people who paddle their canoes with computer keyboards
    does anyone do that
  • I am now home.

    Did I mention that I am also a mummy-lich with powers over the undead? I am.
  • also I was at the grocery store and their self-checkout register that I was using crashed.

    Did you know those things run on Windows XP?
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    let's hope they don't get hacked amirite
  • insult against pro-russian troublemakers currently in ukraine
    insult against russian foreign policy on syria
    insult against gun nuts in the united states
    insult against some obnoxious rancher guy who likes making himself a name in the news
    insult against david vitter for his diaper fetish
    insult against trans people for making a big deal about gendered pronouns
    insult against english-speakers in general for being unwilling to adopt non-gendered pronouns
    insult against everyone who thinks gender roles are a thing
    insult against "social justice warriors"
    insult against people who crusade against said "social justice warriors"
    insult against lolicon fans
    insult against people who use the term "loli"
    insult against people who crusade against lolicon fans
    insult against people who like playing military fps games
    insult against people who hate nintendo
    insult against people who hate "kiddie" games
    insult against people who hate indie games
    insult against republicans in general
    insult against strom thurmond
    insult against jesse helms
    insult against the israeli government
    insult against the syrian government
    insult against the saudi arabian government
    insult against the egyptian government
    insult against people who think rape jokes are okay
    insult against mark sanford
    insult against mark sanford's mistress who is currently his fiancee
    insult against everyone in south carolina's first district who voted for mark sanford anyway
    insult against people who insist on using the term "actress" when "actor" is perfectly viable for both genders
    insult against people who say it isn't perfectly viable
    insult against people who think that anime is for pedophiles
    insult against people who spend lots of money to build gaming rigs
    insult against unhelpful and unfriendly professors
    insult against people with 7.1 or 5.1 surround sound systems
    insult against people who think lossless audio sounds better than 320 kbps
    insult against people who say that hdmi is better than vga
    insult against 3d games
    insult against moë
    insult against people who like family guy
    insult against people who file takedown notices against youtube videos
    insult against copyright
    insult against hollywood
    insult against the koch brothers
    insult against rich people
    insult against tabloid publications
    insult against people who write shitty youtube comments
    insult against people who dismiss youtube comments sections because of the shitty comments
    insult against people who are categorically opposed to genetically-modified organisms
    insult against people who drive hummers
    insult against google
    insult against something awful
    insult against people who behave like idiots on tv tropes
    insult against the management of tv tropes
    insult against people who hate tv tropes
    insult against btl
    insult against people who think that the ps2 is superior to the gamecube for reasons of game selection other than that the ps2 got more jrpgs
    insult against the game industry's advertising by emphasizing hardcoreness
    insult against the game industry for pandering to the stereotypical tastes of teenage boys
    insult against computer speaker manufacturers for not making systems where the subwoofer is an optional piece that can be used or removed at will
    insult against laptop manufacturers for making 16:9 screens of 1366x768 resolution or less
    insult against windows 7 starter edition
    insult against people who say that the private sector does everything better
    insult against people who have a fetish for the free market
    insult against libertarians
    insult against rand paul
    insult against people who love ron paul so damn much
    insult against larouchies
    insult against waukesha county, wisconsin
    insult against ozaukee county, wisconsin
    insult against washington county, wisconsin
    insult against scott walker
    insult against glenn grothman
    insult against people who were against u.s. intervention in libya
    insult against people who were against u.s. intervention in syria when it was a good idea
    insult against vladimir putin
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    that's a lot of insults, glenn
  • lolicons and diaper fetishists aren't the same?     they're both into shit
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    lolicons and diaper fetishists aren't the same?     they're both into shit

    Excuse me but as Chagen I take offense to that and furthermore
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    are we gonna do this
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    are we really gonna bring chagen up again
  • it looks like we just did
  • and the sighing stretched on into eternity
  • (*high pitched voice*)

  • ~*tasteless*~

    because complaining is totally more productive than ignoring
  • What if you just like complaining?
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Flandre Scarlet
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Lilly said:

    are we really gonna bring chagen up again

    I'm sorry, too soon.
  • ~*tasteless*~

  • sorting through my dresser drawers:

    wow i have way more MTG cards than i thought i did

    also a bunch of ygo cards that i didn't remember having
  • apologies are for the weak
  • ~*tasteless*~

  • Touch the cow. Do it now.

    You are the winner today, congratulations
  • insult against people who like oversized boobs
    insult against people who are amused by sex talk
    insult against that person who starts dating the person whom oneself is romantically interested in
    insult against wal-mart, just because
    insult against people who say "nucular" instead of "nuclear"
    insult against people who say "relator" instead of "realtor"
    insult against suburbia in the united states
    insult against people who call the midwestern united states "flyover country"
    insult against northern-hemisphere-centric people
    insult against north-america-centric people
    insult against the 12-hour time format
    insult against frank gehry
    insult against smartphones
    insult against tablet computers
    insult against the tiger r-zone, just for good measure
    insult against the idea of patenting human genes
    insult against people who scam/phish on steam
    insult against people who are stupid enough to turn off their steam guard or enter their username and password when some random stranger tells them to
    insult against protections against cross-campus e-mail flamewars between all the dorms on a university campus, such as dorm e-mail lists prohibiting posts by non-members or dropping e-mails that contain too many recipients
    insult against "birthers" (i.e. people who think that barack hussein obama ii isn't "american", whatever that may mean to them)
    insult against politicians who pander to birthers
    insult against "truthers" (i.e. people who believe that 9/11 was staged or faked)
    insult against people who don't believe humans ever landed on the moon
    insult against people who actually think that the united nations is trying to dissolve the sovereignty of the u.s.
    insult against people who oppose the so-called "agenda 21"
    insult against people who don't acknowledge anthropogenic climate change
    insult against people who are oh so angry about the nsa spying thing and the edward snowden or bradley manning stuff and all that bullshit
    insult against facebook
    insult against machoism
    insult against people who wear che guevara paraphernalia
    insult against schadenfreude
    insult against anime comedy
    insult against any suggestion that i take responsibility for the above lists of insults
  • ~*tasteless*~

  • Lilly said:

    and confuse kara no kyoukai with kyoukai no kanata

    it's really simple: kyoukai no kanata is kyoani crap, while kara no kyoukai is actually good.  duh
    [insult] the fact that you like rahxephon and utena makes me suspicious
  • kyoukai no kanata was surprisingly bad

    im not sure why i expected it to be good tbh, i guess because it looked pretty?
  • the lesson: no amount of pretty animation and little girls in cardigans wielding swords made of blood can save character interactions that painfully lifeless and dialogue that inhumanly stilted
  • kyoukai no kanata was surprisingly bad

    im not sure why i expected it to be good tbh, i guess because it looked pretty?
    there was a ludicrous amount of crossover fanart between that show and Kill la Kill in like, the first couple weeks of both of their lifespans, and then never any more after that.

    Still puzzles me.
  • insult against people who say "relator" instead of "realtor"

    that one's not even a thing
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.

    Lilly said:

    and confuse kara no kyoukai with kyoukai no kanata

    it's really simple: kyoukai no kanata is kyoani crap, while kara no kyoukai is actually good.  duh
    [insult] the fact that you like rahxephon and utena makes me suspicious
    Frankly, disliking Utena is far more suspicious.
  • i was ultimately indifferent to faintly positive about Utena.

    I think some rewatching would make me like it more but i have too many things on my plate as it is.
  • My goddamn animals have stolen my goddamn earbuds and I can't music.
  • get headphones

    animals wont steal those
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