The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • For once, or maybe twice, I was in my prime.
    Or when I'm at the end of my rope, she cuts the line and offers me hope. No shame to say I need her.
  • For once, or maybe twice, I was in my prime.
    When the coast is clear you can kiss me, dear! Together we'll have hell to pay! So wear a beard, the pastor's here! Put the R rated movie away!
  • For once, or maybe twice, I was in my prime.
    The grass is breaking through. It's just a blade or two, up through the concrete.
  • Bind your tortoise mouth
    With mist and curved teeth
    The main joke had been cracked
    And whilst the laughter melted
    Into smaller worlds like whirlpools
    Sucking in the slaughtering sheep
    I looked at your face in pearl light
    And sleepy the clouds that kissed your mouth
    And silver-lidded the moon that laughed and cried
    Whilst the crumbs of night that leap into
    Shadows as windows close and curtains open
    Hissed as smoke might if God could give it tongues
    You were not alone in Sanctus sound
    As bells shaft spires into liquid dogs
    And cats curl and arch into kittens again
    From the corner of my eye
    I see Black Ships have killed the sky
    And you're not alone in Sanctus sound
    As bells shaft spires into liquid dogs
    And cats curl and arch into kittens again
    Yet from the corner of my eye
    I see Black Ships have killed the sky
  • I met a guy whose favorite book series is the Inheritance cycle.

  • For once, or maybe twice, I was in my prime.
    Everything is automatic, predictable, devoid of action. I like the role of spoiling the show, predicting your psychotic reaction.
  • For once, or maybe twice, I was in my prime.
    Don't hate yourself.
  • kill living beings

    im pretty sure that i could learn more through a wikiwalk than i could through this course and it's really starting to get to me

    i miss learning shit and feeling engaged, but to be honest

    i'm just not super interested in college and i don't feel justified in pursuing a college education further without a clear plan that i actually wanna follow through on

    right now i just want to learn how to sew and design patterns and get a day job, maybe at Pier1 or something
    ;_; same

    well except that last thing

    and i like roughly half my classes but that's not enough
  • For once, or maybe twice, I was in my prime.
    Bibles dressed in spandex pants. If you could get the girl to dance, she'll follow you all the way to Heaven.
  • For once, or maybe twice, I was in my prime.
    Now you cannot tell if he's devil or angel. He drank with the sinners, he hung with the thieves.
  • For once, or maybe twice, I was in my prime.
    Actually, that's more like calculated existential angst. Coco...
  • For once, or maybe twice, I was in my prime.
    Who's that midget on your shoulder now, throwing his voice like it's coming from you?
  • For once, or maybe twice, I was in my prime.
    I don't know about those other guys. There's somethin' in the back of their eyes.
  • For once, or maybe twice, I was in my prime.
    Here's a speck on the canvas of future projections. A drop in the bucket of tomorrow's successes.
  • For once, or maybe twice, I was in my prime.
    We might love someone who's an enemy. We might break the laws of entropy.
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    It's nobody's fault, but we need somebody to burn.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • For once, or maybe twice, I was in my prime.
    Who cares? Shut up! Shut down! Retire! They're the band that won't go away.
  • For once, or maybe twice, I was in my prime.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Alice Henderson stole the Muppets' employment contracts with Disney

    Why didn't this occur to me
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • Wait, which of those two guys is voiced by Samuel L. Jackson?

    I honestly can't tell.
  • edited 2014-03-27 02:23:45
    See?  It's not just voice actors speaking in a foreign language!  It's also voice actors in my own language!  And it applies to both genders!  I told you so!
  • MetaFour said:

    Let's all kill the giants. Let's all kill the giants.

    Ok, so follow with me for a second, If Angels and Humans spawned some creatures called Nephilim, and these offspring were giants.

    Are you telling us to kill Angel babies?
  • Wait, which of those two guys is voiced by Samuel L. Jackson?

    I honestly can't tell.

    The one without the hat.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
  • edited 2014-03-27 02:52:26
    ^^^ After I posted that, I started to lean toward that one, because his voice seemed a little deeper.  But yeah, it's not something automatic for me like it apparently is for a lot of other people.  I dunno why.

    In other news, why is it so amusing and cheaply satisfying to defy someone else's telling you to do something?  Even if it is simply posting fun facts about the word "media" in the "Fun facts about media" thread.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i don't think that's fun

    that's taking a good joke thread and crapping in it
  • edited 2014-03-27 02:55:28

  • edited 2014-03-27 02:55:22
    imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    (If that was excessively hostile, i'm sorry.  i'm tired and not in the best of moods.)

    But that is how i feel about that kind of thing.
  • oh.

    ......sorry about that.
  • edited 2014-03-27 03:01:12
    ...come to think of it, i wonder if that demonstrates two different ideas for what this site means to us.

    for me, it's about goofing off, being completely silly and irreverent.  like a sort of forum poop, a la youtube poop; all those things that i wouldn't do in polite conversation are things i can do here (with some limits).  (well, it _is_ "shit"posting...)

    but for others, such as yourselves, it's about being able to talk freely about and even obsess over the things that you and others are interested in, without the need to rein in oneself or face criticism over them.

    what do you think of this idea? / how valid does this hypothesis sound? / does this make sense? / etc.?
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    For me it's both, but... i'm not sure how to explain this?  There are times when a joke doesn't work.  Like if the thread is asking you to be funny and you instead do something boring that appears to be missing the point altogether (deliberately or otherwise).
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    It's like when everyone is making a joke and that one guy who doesn't get it tries to join in anyway, and nobody laughs.

    You're that guy, only you're doing it on purpose because you find it amusing.
  • hm


    and that cat wasn't there earlier
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    But anyway, yeah, to me this is both a site for posting whatever nonsense i feel like posting and a place for talking about stuff that interests me, and also (perhaps predominantly) a place for talking to friends and hanging out with them.
  • kill living beings
    to be fair
  • cats are straaaange beasties, known to appear and disappear at will :O
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    It's a cute cat.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    to be fair

    go on
  • Tachyon said:

    It's a cute cat.

    This is Lenore. I first saw her in a little cage at the Petco I frequent (I used to take my parents’ dog in for puppy play time), and she looked like the grouchiest, old, crotchety cat in the world, and I fell instantly in love. She was cranky, she was anti-social, hanging out at the back of her cage. Her fur was matted because she wouldn’t let the groomers near her.

    She was perfect.

    But I didn’t have a place for her. I wasn’t living in my own space yet, and where I was, I wasn’t allowed cats. So I pressed my face to the bars of her cage and I promised that if no one had adopted her by the time I’d bought a house, I would come back for her.

    I visited her every week for over six months while I looked for a house. At one point, they had to just shave her entire rear-end because the mats or fur were so bad. They told me she clawed the heck outta the groomer that did it, screamed the entire time, and spent the next two days growling at anyone that came near the cage.

    A couple of weeks later, I closed on my house. I went back and I got an employee, and I said: “That one. I need that cat.”

    They got the paperwork and the lady who ran the rescue that was bringing the cats in told me that Lenore (at the time, Lila) was 8 years old, had been owned by an elderly lady who had died, and brought in to a different rescue, who’d had her for six months on top of the time I’d been seeing her at Petco.

    This kitty had been living in a 3x3’ cube for over a YEAR because she was older and “less adoptable.”

    I signed the paperwork, put her in a cat carrier, and drove her to my new home. I had pretty much nothing; a bed, an old couch, a couple of bookcases, and a tank of mice I called “Cat TV”. I let her out of the carrier and onto my bed, and I told her “I told you I would come back for you when I had a place. It’s not much, but it’s yours too now.”

    Lenore spent the next three days straight purring non-stop. She followed me around the house purring. Sat next to me purring. Slept next to me purring. Leaning into every touch, purring, purring, always purring. She still purrs if you so much as think about petting her. She’s amazing, and I love her.

    So, you know, if you’re thinking about adopting, and you see a beast that others consider “less adoptable,” think about Lenore.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    No cat should be forced to live in a box for that length of time... it really isn't humane.

    i suppose they can't afford better facilities for animals nobody's willing to adopt.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Someone help me out here: how can a seemingly-reasonable individual hold beliefs like 'Climate change is bullshit' and 'It's not creepy for an adult to lust after 14-year-olds because 14 is the age of consent in some countries' and 'The Western media is a pack of lies but Russia does not produce propaganda' and 'Gay people chose to be gay, and all claims to the contrary are highly controversial amongst the scientific community and their spread is the product of cultural imperialism'?

    i want to say the guy in question is an idiot, but he isn't.  He's a seemingly intelligent fellow who's wrong about absolutely everything.

    i mean i'd chalk it up to cultural differences but to me that seems kind of patronizing.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Oh also 'Stealing is perfectly ethical, under any and all circumstances', but i'm not convinced he actually believes this.
  • edited 2014-03-27 03:58:56
    imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Oh, pagetopper.

    But seriously, how?  i know how naive this probably sounds but i don't even understand how this can come about.

  • Tachyon said:

    Someone help me out here: how can a seemingly-reasonable individual hold beliefs like 'Climate change is bullshit' and 'It's not creepy for an adult to lust after 14-year-olds because 14 is the age of consent in some countries' and 'The Western media is a pack of lies but Russia does not produce propaganda' and 'Gay people chose to be gay, and all claims to the contrary are highly controversial amongst the scientific community and their spread is the product of cultural imperialism'?

    i want to say the guy in question is an idiot, but he isn't.  He's a seemingly intelligent fellow who's wrong about absolutely everything.

    i mean i'd chalk it up to cultural differences but to me that seems kind of patronizing.

    Intelligence and wisdom are different things.
  • sometimes I just wish people would humor me.
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