The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.

    I have noticed that people who play video games are Officially Allergic To Fun™, why is this?

    Because they force themselves to sit through lots of boring games and start to hate fun.
  • recalled to life

    recall election
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    I've seen these before. This is evidence. Evidence of... A DOOOOOOOOOOOOOM HOUSE!!!
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    Now he's in my basement... and out of my mind.

    One of Mr. Winston’s favorites is a bolt of cloth printed with Zodiac-themed variations on the Kama Sutra. “A customer had me make a jacket out of this for his sister’s wedding on Fishers Island some years ago,” he said. “I bought a lot of it and use it as tuxedo linings now. Some of the women in my workrooms refused to do it, so I had to have one guy bring it home to work on.”
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    Gashed my hand on a door latch. Latches are evil.
  • edited 2014-02-26 12:36:47
    ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    My foot itches.  Grrrr.

    Also, I have an itch on my head.

    Gashed my hand on a door latch. Latches are evil.

    Ouch!  That's awful.
  • fukdyfil9iv;uip;yhipu;hk 9puog 9pyfv9p[7f p f9p7 9  98 98 08 98 97t087t ou6fulyfilu;b
  • edited 2014-02-26 13:13:15
    ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)

    fukdyfil9iv;uip;yhipu;hk 9puog 9pyfv9p[7f p f9p7 9  98 98 08 98 97t087t ou6fulyfilu;b

    Translation in Spoiler:

    fu:  Fullerene.  Like Buckminsterfullerene

    kdyfil:  Kay dy fill.  Katie fill.  Kady fill.

    9iv:  Nine ivies.

    So, Katie fills nine ivies with  buckminsterfullerene.

    ;uip;yhipu:  Ui; py hipu.  Ui is short for Uinta, a native american tribe in Utah.  Py hipu is short for Pigmy Hippo.  Katie fills nine ivies with Buckminsterfullerene for Pigmy-Hippo-Riding Uintas.

    ;hk 9puog: Hike nine quog.  Hike Nine Qagga.  The Pigmy-Hippo-Riding Uintas want to hike with nine qaggas; but they can't do it until Katie fills nine ivies with Buckminsterfullerene.  Katie fills nine ivies with Buckminsterfullerene for Pigmy-Hippo-riding Uintas so they can hike with nine Qaggas.

    Clearly, a buckminsterfullerene-filled ivy is what allows you to hike with a qagga.

    9pyfv9p[7f:  Oh no!  9 pyf = 9 perfidious!  9 pyf fv = Nine perfidious Favonians!  9p[ =  Nine p. Bracket = Nine P. Racketball players = Nine Peaceful Racketball players! 9pyfv9p[ = Nine Perfidious Favonians disguised as nine peaceful racketball players!  7f = seven fullerenes.  Nine Perfidious Favonians disguised as nine peaceful Racketball players steal seven of Katie's nine buckminsterfullerenes!

    Katie fills nine ivies with Buckminsterfullerene for Pigmy-Hippo-riding Uintas so they can hike with nine Qaggas. Alas, Nine Perfidious Favonians disguised as nine peaceful Racketball players steal seven of Katie's nine buckminsterfullerenes!

    p f9p7 9: P. F. 9. P / 7 p.=  Please F. 9 p /7 9. = Please Fight 9. P /7 9.  Please fight Nine Perfidious-favonians / seven of nine.  Seven of nine must refer to the number of buckminsterfullerenes stolen.  So, "Please fight Nine Perfidious-favonians / seven of nine" is Katie asking the pigmy-hippo-riding Favonians to help her fight the nine perfidious-favonians so as to retrieve the stolen seven Buckminsterfullerenes.

    Katie fills nine ivies with Buckminsterfullerene for
    Pigmy-Hippo-riding Uintas so they can hike with nine Qaggas. Alas, Nine
    Perfidious Favonians disguised as nine peaceful Racketball players steal
    seven of Katie's nine buckminsterfullerenes! Katie asks the pigmy-hippo-riding Uintas to help her fight the nine
    perfidious-favonians so as to retrieve the stolen seven

    98 98 08: 98 refers to Windows 98, which crashes all the time and refuses to do what you need it to do.  So, the Uintas are pulling a Windows 98 and refusing her.  Since it's written twice, it means "No, no!".  08 refers to the number of times they do this.  The uintas say "No, no!" and Katie asks again, and the Uintas say "No, no!", and katie asks again, until the Uintas have said "no, no" eight times.

    Katie fills nine ivies with Buckminsterfullerene for
    Pigmy-Hippo-riding Uintas so they can hike with nine Qaggas. Alas, Nine
    Perfidious Favonians disguised as nine peaceful Racketball players steal
    seven of Katie's nine buckminsterfullerenes! Katie asks the pigmy-hippo-riding Uintas to help her fight the nine
    perfidious-favonians so as to retrieve the stolen seven
    Buckminsterfullerenes. The uintas say "No, no!" and Katie asks again, and the Uintas say "No,
    no!", and katie asks again, until the Uintas have said "no, no" eight

    98 97: 98 9 7 = the Uintas Windows-98 a ninth time; but then agree to retrieve the seven stolen buckminsterfullerenes so they can refill the ivies and go hiking with the nine qaggas.

    Katie fills nine ivies with Buckminsterfullerene for
    Pigmy-Hippo-riding Uintas so they can hike with nine Qaggas. Alas, Nine
    Perfidious Favonians disguised as nine peaceful Racketball players steal
    seven of Katie's nine buckminsterfullerenes! Katie asks the pigmy-hippo-riding Uintas to help her fight the nine
    perfidious-favonians so as to retrieve the stolen seven
    Buckminsterfullerenes. The uintas say "No, no!" and Katie asks again, and the Uintas say "No,
    no!", and katie asks again, until the Uintas have said "no, no" eight
    times. The Uintas refuse a ninth time; but then agree to retrieve the seven stolen buckminsterfullerenes so they can refill the ivies and go hiking with the nine qaggas.

    t087t: t0 8, 7 t.  t0 is short for Total Ownage.  The Uintas totally own the Perfidious-Favonians in the fight.  8 is short for Great.  What is great?  The fact that they retrieved what they wanted.  7 buckminsterfullerenes is what they wanted.  Is it gr8 that they retrieved the 7.  T is short for Ta-da!

    The uintas totally own the Perfidious-Favonians in the fight, and things are great now that they retrieved the seven stolen fullerenes!  Ta-Da!  The Uintas can go hiking with the Qaggas now!

    : O u6 = Oh, you six.  Oh, you s ix = Oh, you s nine.  Nine is a mispelling of nice.  Katie is saying " Oh, you so nice uintas!" to the Uintas.  It looks like she is about to request something from them.

    fuly: F you'll y.  Fullerene you will wise.  The Fullerenes are now only relevant to the hike, so Katie requesting the Fullerenes means that she wants to go on the hike, and is trying to say that it would be a wise decision to let her go.  Clearly, the fact that she flatters them earlier with "nice" means that she doesn't expect them to do what she wants.  But we know that Katie is friends with the Uintas.  Clearly, it is the Qaggas that Katie things won't accept her.

    filu: supposed to be ufil.  You fill.  "You fill".  The Uintas are telling Katie that she will fill a basket.  This way, with her hidden in a basket, they can bring her along on the hike without the Qaggas knowing.

    ;b  is an emoticon showing the general mood at the end.

    fukdyfil9iv;uip;yhipu;hk 9puog 9pyfv9p[7f p f9p7 9  98 98 08 98 97t087t ou6fulyfilu;b means:

    "Katie fills nine ivies with Buckminsterfullerene for
    Pigmy-Hippo-riding Uintas so they can hike with nine Qaggas. Alas, Nine
    Perfidious Favonians disguised as nine peaceful Racketball players steal
    seven of Katie's nine buckminsterfullerenes!

    Katie asks the pigmy-hippo-riding Uintas to help her fight the nine
    perfidious-favonians so as to retrieve the stolen seven
    Buckminsterfullerenes. The uintas say "No, no!" and Katie asks again, and the Uintas say "No,
    no!", and katie asks again, until the Uintas have said "no, no" eight
    times. The Uintas refuse a ninth time; but then agree to retrieve the seven stolen buckminsterfullerenes so they can refill the ivies and go hiking with the nine qaggas.

    The uintas totally own the Perfidious-Favonians in the fight, and things
    are great now that they retrieved the seven stolen fullerenes!  Ta-Da! 
    The Uintas can go hiking with the Qaggas now!

    Katie says " Oh, you so nice uintas!" to the Uintas.  It looks like she is about to request something from them.  The request the Fullerenes, which are only relevant to the hike.  She wants to hike with them!  But the Qaggas won't allow it.  The Uintas let her hide in a basket and come with them on the hike.  :b"

  • Floral House made of flowers.
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    What a charming story, Glennmagnusharvey!
  • Aliroz said:

    You don't know what real snow or real cold even is.

    Same way my "lakes" are your puddles and my "mighty rivers" are your creaks and streams.

    I know mountains and snow. You know rivers and lakes.

    current temp including wind chill here is -10 degrees Fahrenheit. Not including wind chill it's gonna go down to -14 tonight. Temperatures won't go above 10 again until next Wednesday. Looking out the window I see slightly more than a foot of snow, with several 5-6 foot snow banks.
  • Further proof that ghostbusters was hella lame
    Myr: Wow, someone must have been really bored. Yes, Ghostbusters was made in 1984 and has marks of its time on it, but I don't buy it being a Reaganite tract, especially considering it only briefly talks about economics.
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)

    Aliroz said:

    You don't know what real snow or real cold even is.

    Same way my "lakes" are your puddles and my "mighty rivers" are your creaks and streams.

    I know mountains and snow. You know rivers and lakes.

    current temp including wind chill here is -10 degrees Fahrenheit. Not including wind chill it's gonna go down to -14 tonight. Temperatures won't go above 10 again until next Wednesday. Looking out the window I see slightly more than a foot of snow, with several 5-6 foot snow banks.
    Ugh, Wind chill.  That's just awful.  (hardly get wind chill in my valley, because valley).  :(

    Maybe, by a fair scale, five feet of snow in Siberia should be counted as less snow than two inches of snow in Atlanta.

    I mean, some places aren't used to snow.

    I guess in a place used to certain amounts of snow, we kind of have less of a severe problem than a hypothetical place completely unused to snow.

    In fact, maybe it's Atlanta who should be yelling at Siberia for not knowing how much of a problem winter can be.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Marxists are bad at distinguishing what a work is self-consciously about, what it's assumptions are, and what audiences take from it.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
  • I'm not going back outside

    I will live in this McDonald's until spring arrives.
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    I'm not going back outside

    I will live in this McDonald's until spring arrives.

    You couldn't have chosen a better place to squat?
  • Haters gonna hate. All the peeps here are super friendly an shit.

    Plus there are no cafes or anything like that around here, unless you think I should hang out at the pawn shop or the liquor store?
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    You look a lot like Conan O'Brien there.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    You should join a Conan O' Brien looking club with Klinotaxis.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
  • Aliroz said:

    fukdyfil9iv;uip;yhipu;hk 9puog 9pyfv9p[7f p f9p7 9  98 98 08 98 97t087t ou6fulyfilu;b

    Translation in Spoiler:

    fu:  Fullerene.  Like Buckminsterfullerene

    kdyfil:  Kay dy fill.  Katie fill.  Kady fill.

    9iv:  Nine ivies.

    So, Katie fills nine ivies with  buckminsterfullerene.

    ;uip;yhipu:  Ui; py hipu.  Ui is short for Uinta, a native american tribe in Utah.  Py hipu is short for Pigmy Hippo.  Katie fills nine ivies with Buckminsterfullerene for Pigmy-Hippo-Riding Uintas.

    ;hk 9puog: Hike nine quog.  Hike Nine Qagga.  The Pigmy-Hippo-Riding Uintas want to hike with nine qaggas; but they can't do it until Katie fills nine ivies with Buckminsterfullerene.  Katie fills nine ivies with Buckminsterfullerene for Pigmy-Hippo-riding Uintas so they can hike with nine Qaggas.

    Clearly, a buckminsterfullerene-filled ivy is what allows you to hike with a qagga.

    9pyfv9p[7f:  Oh no!  9 pyf = 9 perfidious!  9 pyf fv = Nine perfidious Favonians!  9p[ =  Nine p. Bracket = Nine P. Racketball players = Nine Peaceful Racketball players! 9pyfv9p[ = Nine Perfidious Favonians disguised as nine peaceful racketball players!  7f = seven fullerenes.  Nine Perfidious Favonians disguised as nine peaceful Racketball players steal seven of Katie's nine buckminsterfullerenes!

    Katie fills nine ivies with Buckminsterfullerene for Pigmy-Hippo-riding Uintas so they can hike with nine Qaggas. Alas, Nine Perfidious Favonians disguised as nine peaceful Racketball players steal seven of Katie's nine buckminsterfullerenes!

    p f9p7 9: P. F. 9. P / 7 p.=  Please F. 9 p /7 9. = Please Fight 9. P /7 9.  Please fight Nine Perfidious-favonians / seven of nine.  Seven of nine must refer to the number of buckminsterfullerenes stolen.  So, "Please fight Nine Perfidious-favonians / seven of nine" is Katie asking the pigmy-hippo-riding Favonians to help her fight the nine perfidious-favonians so as to retrieve the stolen seven Buckminsterfullerenes.

    Katie fills nine ivies with Buckminsterfullerene for
    Pigmy-Hippo-riding Uintas so they can hike with nine Qaggas. Alas, Nine
    Perfidious Favonians disguised as nine peaceful Racketball players steal
    seven of Katie's nine buckminsterfullerenes! Katie asks the pigmy-hippo-riding Uintas to help her fight the nine
    perfidious-favonians so as to retrieve the stolen seven

    98 98 08: 98 refers to Windows 98, which crashes all the time and refuses to do what you need it to do.  So, the Uintas are pulling a Windows 98 and refusing her.  Since it's written twice, it means "No, no!".  08 refers to the number of times they do this.  The uintas say "No, no!" and Katie asks again, and the Uintas say "No, no!", and katie asks again, until the Uintas have said "no, no" eight times.

    Katie fills nine ivies with Buckminsterfullerene for
    Pigmy-Hippo-riding Uintas so they can hike with nine Qaggas. Alas, Nine
    Perfidious Favonians disguised as nine peaceful Racketball players steal
    seven of Katie's nine buckminsterfullerenes! Katie asks the pigmy-hippo-riding Uintas to help her fight the nine
    perfidious-favonians so as to retrieve the stolen seven
    Buckminsterfullerenes. The uintas say "No, no!" and Katie asks again, and the Uintas say "No,
    no!", and katie asks again, until the Uintas have said "no, no" eight

    98 97: 98 9 7 = the Uintas Windows-98 a ninth time; but then agree to retrieve the seven stolen buckminsterfullerenes so they can refill the ivies and go hiking with the nine qaggas.

    Katie fills nine ivies with Buckminsterfullerene for
    Pigmy-Hippo-riding Uintas so they can hike with nine Qaggas. Alas, Nine
    Perfidious Favonians disguised as nine peaceful Racketball players steal
    seven of Katie's nine buckminsterfullerenes! Katie asks the pigmy-hippo-riding Uintas to help her fight the nine
    perfidious-favonians so as to retrieve the stolen seven
    Buckminsterfullerenes. The uintas say "No, no!" and Katie asks again, and the Uintas say "No,
    no!", and katie asks again, until the Uintas have said "no, no" eight
    times. The Uintas refuse a ninth time; but then agree to retrieve the seven stolen buckminsterfullerenes so they can refill the ivies and go hiking with the nine qaggas.

    t087t: t0 8, 7 t.  t0 is short for Total Ownage.  The Uintas totally own the Perfidious-Favonians in the fight.  8 is short for Great.  What is great?  The fact that they retrieved what they wanted.  7 buckminsterfullerenes is what they wanted.  Is it gr8 that they retrieved the 7.  T is short for Ta-da!

    The uintas totally own the Perfidious-Favonians in the fight, and things are great now that they retrieved the seven stolen fullerenes!  Ta-Da!  The Uintas can go hiking with the Qaggas now!

    : O u6 = Oh, you six.  Oh, you s ix = Oh, you s nine.  Nine is a mispelling of nice.  Katie is saying " Oh, you so nice uintas!" to the Uintas.  It looks like she is about to request something from them.

    fuly: F you'll y.  Fullerene you will wise.  The Fullerenes are now only relevant to the hike, so Katie requesting the Fullerenes means that she wants to go on the hike, and is trying to say that it would be a wise decision to let her go.  Clearly, the fact that she flatters them earlier with "nice" means that she doesn't expect them to do what she wants.  But we know that Katie is friends with the Uintas.  Clearly, it is the Qaggas that Katie things won't accept her.

    filu: supposed to be ufil.  You fill.  "You fill".  The Uintas are telling Katie that she will fill a basket.  This way, with her hidden in a basket, they can bring her along on the hike without the Qaggas knowing.

    ;b  is an emoticon showing the general mood at the end.

    fukdyfil9iv;uip;yhipu;hk 9puog 9pyfv9p[7f p f9p7 9  98 98 08 98 97t087t ou6fulyfilu;b means:

    "Katie fills nine ivies with Buckminsterfullerene for
    Pigmy-Hippo-riding Uintas so they can hike with nine Qaggas. Alas, Nine
    Perfidious Favonians disguised as nine peaceful Racketball players steal
    seven of Katie's nine buckminsterfullerenes!

    Katie asks the pigmy-hippo-riding Uintas to help her fight the nine
    perfidious-favonians so as to retrieve the stolen seven
    Buckminsterfullerenes. The uintas say "No, no!" and Katie asks again, and the Uintas say "No,
    no!", and katie asks again, until the Uintas have said "no, no" eight
    times. The Uintas refuse a ninth time; but then agree to retrieve the seven stolen buckminsterfullerenes so they can refill the ivies and go hiking with the nine qaggas.

    The uintas totally own the Perfidious-Favonians in the fight, and things
    are great now that they retrieved the seven stolen fullerenes!  Ta-Da! 
    The Uintas can go hiking with the Qaggas now!

    Katie says " Oh, you so nice uintas!" to the Uintas.  It looks like she is about to request something from them.  The request the Fullerenes, which are only relevant to the hike.  She wants to hike with them!  But the Qaggas won't allow it.  The Uintas let her hide in a basket and come with them on the hike.  :b"

    OMFG this is win.
  • why tsubasa kazanari so intriguing

    yet so hard to find good wallpaper of
  • edited 2014-02-26 15:05:55
  • edited 2014-02-26 14:51:32
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Tools said:


    When people say "we're going shopping at 1 o'clock", I sort of expected to be going at 1 o'clock.

    I know the feeling. My family never manages to get going when they say we will...

    how are those traffic signals scary

    Because they're not displaying any indications

    Thus meaning the traffic is UNCONTROLLED
  • 15th letter of the alphabet
  • how are those traffic signals scary

    Because they're not displaying any indications

    Thus meaning the traffic is UNCONTROLLED

  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    You know, they blatantly reused that animation in "Castle Mane-ia":

  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    "Bing Rewards" is offering 100 GB of OneDrive free if you earn 100 "Bing points" or whatever they're called

    I don't really like Bing, but damned if I'm going to turn down free stuff...
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    >Discovery completed the acquisition of the SBS Nordic operations of ProSiebenSat.1 Group in 2013. The move gave Discovery an additional 12 television networks in the area, most notably channels that offer scripted entertainment, which was a first for Discovery.

    Mr. Saglimbeni doesn't realize that they own half of Hub Network, and owned it outright when it was Discovery Kids
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat

    "Bing Rewards" is offering 100 GB of OneDrive free if you earn 100 "Bing points" or whatever they're called

    I don't really like Bing, but damned if I'm going to turn down free stuff...
    do you have to be a Windows user to qualify?
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Anonus said:

    "Bing Rewards" is offering 100 GB of OneDrive free if you earn 100 "Bing points" or whatever they're called

    I don't really like Bing, but damned if I'm going to turn down free stuff...
    do you have to be a Windows user to qualify?
    Not that I know of; you just have to have a Microsoft account (Hotmail, Outlook, of those, you know)
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat

    If you notice it, then it's a callback, not a reuse.

    Also, we must not besmirch the great DHX Vancouver
  • edited 2014-02-26 16:05:14
    Let me tell you. About Fallen London.

    You know, they blatantly reused that animation in "Castle Mane-ia":

    "sarcastically hoof-waving to imitate a ghost" probably doesn't come up enough to justify having a different animation. Sadly.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    They have to save time so they can work on crap like Looped

    I can besmirch the place because I'm about to own it
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Aliroz said:

    Maybe, by a fair scale, five feet of snow in Siberia should be counted as less snow than two inches of snow in Atlanta.

    I mean, some places aren't used to snow.

    I guess in a place used to certain amounts of snow, we kind of have less of a severe problem than a hypothetical place completely unused to snow.

    In fact, maybe it's Atlanta who should be yelling at Siberia for not knowing how much of a problem winter can be.

    This is kind of what i've been saying all along. i don't like the whole 'you don't know what winter is' thing, because of course different places have different weather, and the local infrastructure and tolerances will reflect that. The UK doesn't get the extremes of weather found in parts of the US, but since houses here are built without air conditioning and without the expectation of snowfall, 'freak' weather can still mess things up for us, even if elsewhere it would be normal weather. You know?
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    Chanticleer Oligarchy
    Chanticleer Democracy
    Chanticleer Tyranny
    Chanticleer Space Dandy
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    Chanticleer Democracy

    Chanticleer Anarchy
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    Damn blasphemous Helix followers. They sicken me to the core.
  • What would you even use 100 GB of whateverdrive space for?
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