The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • edited 2014-02-13 16:57:07
    Father shall be swallowed by the son, and brother shall be swallowed by brother.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    *bounces into the thread*
  • I just realized that Double D actually has files on everyone in the Cul-De-Sac. In the Treasure Hunt episode.

    Man, Double D, why you so creepy
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Double D?
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.

  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    Imipolex G I posted my boring EoSD walkthrough!
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Well, Edd. Eddy is a different character entirely. But yes, Double D is a weird dude. But then, the other Eds are pretty demented, and he's the most seemingly sane one, so it only follows.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Miko said:

    Imipolex G I posted my boring EoSD walkthrough!

    where might this be
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    hmm, i dunno :o
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    that stuff is so intimidating

    what did you use to record that?
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)



    Seriously, you don't know Ed, Edd, and Eddy?

    I am very disappointed in you, Imipolex.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I don't watch that stuff, my apologies
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    the world is so tragic and full of mystery meat
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    the world is so tragic and full of mystery meat

    I really like this line.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Well, Raocow said it.

    He has said many a fine line.
  • TreTre
    edited 2014-02-13 19:13:26
    a radical dame who likes to play games
  • image

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  • Smee, Maiman, Doktar, Pavelier, Button-Lee, Juan Ovyu
    What if you walked up to Jeff Mangum and told him "I know what you did in 1945"?
  • that is literally Sredni
  • likewise, this is you

  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Ferret & also Kitty
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    Tre said:

    that is literally Sredni

    No, that is an image projected on a screen by a computer of the computer's interpretion of a web browser's interpretation of information stored on a web page supported by a service provider.

    And the image is a projected copy of some original physical image, presumably. And that original physical image is not Sredni. For one thing, Sredni has much more thickness and weight, and takes up much more physical space.

    You're confusing a computer's-projection-of-the images-it interprets-from-the-image-the-browser-interprets-from-the-web-site-data-uploaded-to-encode a-representation-of-a-material-image-similar-in-appearance-to-a-mental-image-of-Sredni-Vashtar with the actual Sredni Vashtar.

    Sredni has legs and cannot be made upside down by turning your computer monitor upside down.

    Additionally, George Washington is not an 18.288 meter disembodied head made of stone. George Washington is also not a disembodied head on rectangular green paper. Additional copies of these green papers do not mean that George Washington can be in multiple places at once.
  • technically george washington is an idea now

    because he's all totally decomposed and stuff

    so then every expression of that idea is george washington

    as such yes he can be in multiple places at once

    george washington is actually like The Flash but better
  • Aliroz said:

    Tre said:

    that is literally Sredni

    No, that is an image projected on a screen by a computer of the computer's interpretion of a web browser's interpretation of information stored on a web page supported by a service provider.

    And the image is a projected copy of some original physical image, presumably. And that original physical image is not Sredni. For one thing, Sredni has much more thickness and weight, and takes up much more physical space.

    You're confusing a computer's-projection-of-the images-it interprets-from-the-image-the-browser-interprets-from-the-web-site-data-uploaded-to-encode a-representation-of-a-material-image-similar-in-appearance-to-a-mental-image-of-Sredni-Vashtar with the actual Sredni Vashtar.

    Sredni has legs and cannot be made upside down by turning your computer monitor upside down.

    Additionally, George Washington is not an 18.288 meter disembodied head made of stone. George Washington is also not a disembodied head on rectangular green paper. Additional copies of these green papers do not mean that George Washington can be in multiple places at once.


    NO U
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Full moon tonight!
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    My new Internet Explorer password is "alesbianmeanie333"
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Are you posting nonsense?

    Also, when Time Warner's holdings are mentioned in the press, they always mention HBO or CNN or WB

    Never Cartoon Network
  • edited 2014-02-13 20:00:35
    ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    So, every expression of the idea of George Washington is the idea of George Washington? The idea is the expression of the idea? Then what is being expressed? If idea is the expression of the idea, then the expression of the idea is the idea. So the expression of the expression of the idea of George Washington is the idea of George Washington, and that expression of an idea is decomposed? We are expressing the expressing of the decomposed idea? Are we expressing the decomposed expression of an idea? If the image of the idea is a mental image, and the idea is the expression of the expression of the expression of the idea, than image

    Is a computer's-projection-of-the-images-it-interprets-from-the-image-the-browser-interprets-from-the-web-site-data-uploaded-to-encode-a-representation-of-a-material-image-similar-in-appearance-to-a-puzzle-box-depiction-of-a-completed-puzzle-depiction-of-an-image-of-a-giant-stone-representation-based-on-models-giving-physical-form-to-the-ideas-enscribed-in-pen-of-a-mental-image-of-George-Washington-based-on-copies-of-portrait-representations-of-George-Washington.

    But you point to it and say, "that is George Washington, the first president of the united states".

  • when you say "that is George Washington" the person reading the sentence can infer from the context that you are identifying what it is a representation of, not identifying it as the man himself.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Anonus said:

    Are you posting nonsense?


  • edited 2014-02-13 20:29:45
    ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)

    when you say "that is George Washington" the person reading the sentence can infer from the context that you are identifying what it is a representation of, not identifying it as the man himself.

    No, that is a representation of a representation of a representation of a representation of a representation of a representation of a representation of a representation of a representation of a representation of a representation of a representation of a representation of a representation of George Washington.

    And, as far as I can tell, that is the right number of "representation of a" to use.

    It is a shame George Washington was a Delegate instead of a representative.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    pipe organ
  • edited 2014-02-13 20:26:44
    ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)

    It's at the very least a digital representation of a puzzle box representation of mount Rushmore, which is a representation of George Washington and three other guys.

    What is pictured there? The puzzle-box? Mount Rushmore? George Washington?

    You point to it and say it is a representation of the first president of the united states.

    But if it is the box being pictured, you are saying that a puzzle box was elected to commander in chief of the United States military. If it is mount Rushmore, then the United States was at one time possessed of an executive branch weighing more than a metric ton, with a twenty foot nose.

    Sadly, reality does not oblige these awesome scenarios, and americans must be content with flesh-and-blood individuals as chief executives.

    See, puzzle box was elected unanimously because everyone gave their ballot to the box.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    this is getting too Baudrillardish for me
  • edited 2014-02-13 20:25:31
    ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    Okay, I made the pun I was leading up to. I'm done now.

    I apologize for the pedantry.
  • edited 2014-02-13 20:54:31
    ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    And Giant Stone Thomas Jefferson won because he was just a head.

    And Roosevelt won with a landslide that buried his opponent. Even before this landslide, Roosevelt's standing was head-and-shoulders above Brooks, who was much closer to earth, as opposed to Roosevelt's origins in the Upper Crust (a lofty position, Brooks complained that Roosevelt had his head in the clouds, and wouldn't go with the flow or keep current, not with such bigheadedness).

    The time of Box Lincoln's political power came to an end because of the Booth.

    Okay, now I am done.
  • Smee, Maiman, Doktar, Pavelier, Button-Lee, Juan Ovyu
  • Aliroz said:

    And Giant Stone Thomas Jefferson won because he was just a head.

    And Roosevelt won with a landslide that buried his opponent. Even before this landslide, Roosevelt's standing was head-and-shoulders above Brooks, who was much closer to earth, as opposed to Roosevelt's origins in the Upper Crust (a lofty position, Brooks complained that Roosevelt had his head in the clouds, and wouldn't go with the flow or keep current).

    Box Lincoln was destroyed by the Booth.

    Okay, now I am done.

    We rescind your apology. 

    ...AAAAH, we joke.
  • Smee, Maiman, Doktar, Pavelier, Button-Lee, Juan Ovyu
    That would be great
  • Smee, Maiman, Doktar, Pavelier, Button-Lee, Juan Ovyu
    ebin pagetopper
  • I own approximately 2265 yu gi oh cards

    How much should I charge for them on ebay
  • bundle all of the useless ones together and sell that for like $50, then sell the ones that are actually valuable individually. You'll get more money that way.
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