The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    I just upvote or downvote things so as to make stuff relatively equal.  OR to lower a thing I really don't like like the swear word in the Ponys one.
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)

    I wanted Psychedelic Squid fanfiction, nobody wrote it

    I wanted "20 stalks" to be all over this place, it isn't

    I wanted Lady Time to be showing up all the...well, time. She doesn't

    I wanted the Octopus Launch to be mentioned at least now and then

    I wanted the Pillow Pets cow to be here there and everywhere

    And I wanted everyone to hate almond ice cream.
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    And I wanted RESURGAM to catch on.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Throwing starfish never really took off

    I like sea urchin but that doesn't seem to hold water either
  • edited 2014-02-08 21:33:35
    i like thinking about establishing alliances and shifting alliances and fighting over territory for reasons other than simply controlling the world.  that's cool.

    that's why i like Risk and GXC.  but they're not as good on the "for reasons other than simply controlling the world" bit.
  • okay, let's be honest here, burgundy, people +1 and -1 stuff in that game based on what they like and dislike.  it's pretty simple, but there's definitely a pattern.  there are other patterns that also play into this (among them are dogpiling as well as contrarianism) as well.

    but so basically it's sort of a mark of coolness for something to be upvoted a lot.

    so it feels nice if something you like gets upvoted a lot.

    okay, i can't say for sure about you, but it feels nice for me if something I like gets upvoted a lot.

    so i automatically start strategizing to get stuff i like upvoted.  or to try to make things turn out the way i want them to.  like, it happens automatically.

    and we all do that.  just that we don't usually talk about this out loud or think it through to this depth or log our thoughts in internet postings. no we don't.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Well, I hate almond ice cream...
  • edited 2014-02-08 21:33:41
    We can do anything if we do it together.
    Aliroz said:

    I wanted Psychedelic Squid fanfiction, nobody wrote it

    I wanted "20 stalks" to be all over this place, it isn't

    I wanted Lady Time to be showing up all the...well, time. She doesn't

    I wanted the Octopus Launch to be mentioned at least now and then

    I wanted the Pillow Pets cow to be here there and everywhere

    And I wanted everyone to hate almond ice cream.
    DOG's a running gag around here now, so at least I have that to be proud of.
  • Smee, Maiman, Doktar, Pavelier, Button-Lee, Juan Ovyu
    Most of the things I posted just now are already menes and catchphrases in a dark place on the Internet
  • You know what baffles me?

    The continued development of Unity.

    All the nerds I talk to seem to share my opinion that it's terrible, and who the hell besides nerds is using Ubuntu?
    Unity as in the game engine? Unity is widely considered to be the best free (well, semi-free) game engine available. A lot of people also like it a good deal better than UDK, which is paid.

    okay, let's be honest here, burgundy, people +1 and -1 stuff in that game based on what they like and dislike.  it's pretty simple, but there's definitely a pattern.  there are other patterns that also play into this (among them are dogpiling as well as contrarianism) as well.

    but so basically it's sort of a mark of coolness for something to be upvoted a lot.

    so it feels nice if something you like gets upvoted a lot.

    okay, i can't say for sure about you, but it feels nice for me if something I like gets upvoted a lot.

    so i automatically start strategizing to get stuff i like upvoted.  or to try to make things turn out the way i want them to.  like, it happens automatically.

    and we all do that.  just that we don't usually talk about this out loud or think it through to this depth or log our thoughts in internet postings.

    Yeah but like that doesn't actually matter in the long run.

    Like if something gets upvoted there a lot people aren't going to start saying it.

    I mean hell nobody says anything about sea urchins except me, really, and that in-joke has long transcended the boundaries of this website (see my latest post in the "The Northernlion Story" thread).
  • edited 2014-02-08 21:35:47
    [yon_assassin], we don't.

    maybe not consciously or to the organized extent that i make it sound like.

    but simple things like "i want this teacher to write me a good rec letter so I want to do well in her class".  that's an example.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    DOG is pretty cool, I like DOG.

    I also like Mega Milk but I didn't make that one up either
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

    You know what baffles me?

    The continued development of Unity.

    All the nerds I talk to seem to share my opinion that it's terrible, and who the hell besides nerds is using Ubuntu?
    Unity as in the game engine? Unity is widely considered to be the best free (well, semi-free) game engine available. A lot of people also like it a good deal better than UDK, which is paid.
    Bleh, should have been more specific. I mean Ubuntu's Unity desktop environment.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    okay, let's be honest here, burgundy, people +1 and -1 stuff in that game based on what they like and dislike.  it's pretty simple, but there's definitely a pattern.  there are other patterns that also play into this (among them are dogpiling as well as contrarianism) as well.

    but so basically it's sort of a mark of coolness for something to be upvoted a lot.

    so it feels nice if something you like gets upvoted a lot.

    okay, i can't say for sure about you, but it feels nice for me if something I like gets upvoted a lot.

    so i automatically start strategizing to get stuff i like upvoted.  or to try to make things turn out the way i want them to.  like, it happens automatically.

    and we all do that.  just that we don't usually talk about this out loud or think it through to this depth or log our thoughts in internet postings.

    You are taking this so very seriously.

    It's a game in which people give and remove points from things that they find funny, not some vast battle of wills or a world champion chess match.
  • [burgundy queen] Like if something gets upvoted there a lot people aren't going to start saying it.

    yeah, i know.  well, the rational part of me knows that.

    the emotional part still enjoys blowing it out of proportion and making it a game.
  • ALSO Sredni, Mari Funami (The Sea Urchin Lass) is actually from YuruYuri.
    Mari (まり?) is the daughter of one of Yui's relatives who often visits Yui. She is a fan of Mirakurun, though does not take kindly to Chinatsu after learning her personality doesn't match her image. Her favorite food is sea urchin and she is very smart for her age.

  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    Nobody ever responds to my updates on the Rozburgian situation.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    you'll be eaten!
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    Throwing starfish never really took off

    I like sea urchin but that doesn't seem to hold water either

    I would up-vote starfish throwing. I found that an amusing throwaway.
  • [burgundy queen] Like if something gets upvoted there a lot people aren't going to start saying it.

    yeah, i know.  well, the rational part of me knows that.

    the emotional part still enjoys blowing it out of proportion and making it a game.

    It is a game, that's why it's in the Forum Games section.

    It's just not anything more significant than a game.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • Aliroz said:

    Nobody ever responds to my updates on the Rozburgian situation.

    I gave one a 10/10 just an hour or so ago.
  • You are taking this so very seriously.

    It's a game in
    which people give and remove points from things that they find funny,
    not some vast battle of wills or a world champion chess match.
    Yeah, I know.

    But i'm just saying that it's tempting to take it seriously.

  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    ALSO Sredni, Mari Funami (The Sea Urchin Lass) is actually from YuruYuri.

    Mari (まり?) is the daughter of one of Yui's relatives who often visits Yui. She is a fan of Mirakurun, though does not take kindly to Chinatsu after learning her personality doesn't match her image. Her favorite food is sea urchin and she is very smart for her age.

    I knew that it was one of the Yu-series in that vein.
  • Throwing starfish never really took off

    I like sea urchin but that doesn't seem to hold water either

    I would up-vote starfish throwing. I found that an amusing throwaway.
    starfish throwing is only a one-panel gag so there are not many images I can extract from it.

    By contrast, sea urchins are ubiquitous.
  • i think starfish throwing is a bigger meme than sea urchins
  • to me it is at least
  • ALSO Sredni, Mari Funami (The Sea Urchin Lass) is actually from YuruYuri.

    Mari (まり?) is the daughter of one of Yui's relatives who often visits Yui. She is a fan of Mirakurun, though does not take kindly to Chinatsu after learning her personality doesn't match her image. Her favorite food is sea urchin and she is very smart for her age.

    I knew that it was one of the Yu-series in that vein.
    Mari only shows up in two episodes of the anime and a few areas in the manga.

    She's so very minor a character, but she's cute and random in a way that is not typical internet random, so I find her admirable.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    You are taking this so very seriously.

    It's a game in
    which people give and remove points from things that they find funny,
    not some vast battle of wills or a world champion chess match.
    Yeah, I know.

    But i'm just saying that it's tempting to take it seriously.

    Not everything is a secret war, Glenn. Let these things go and you will be a happy man.
  • @gmh have you considered like taking up sociology

    six and a half minutes in.
  • edited 2014-02-08 21:42:33

    You are taking this so very seriously.

    It's a game in
    which people give and remove points from things that they find funny,
    not some vast battle of wills or a world champion chess match.
    Yeah, I know.

    But i'm just saying that it's tempting to take it seriously.

    Not everything is a secret war, Glenn. Let these things go and you will be a happy man.
    It's not that I'm not letting it go.  I am letting it go.

    Even when I "take it seriously" I'm not actually taking it seriously in the sense of "it is important to me".  It's more like "this is more fun than I first thought because now i have a strategic goal to try to achieve and stuff in this game" and "crap, now i'm wasting time thinking too much about it".
  • @gmh have you considered like taking up sociology

    I'm already a policy major.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    someday Miko and I are going to eat raspberry pies on the beach by the ocean, and when we do, I will throw a starfish
  • funny idea of the moment: a snowclone forum game called "hurl and heat".

    unfortunately i have no idea what sort of game this would be.  it would have to be sufficiently similar to the hurt and heal game, but also distinctively different.  that's the rule of how to make an ideal snowclone.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Someday Anonus and I are going to kiss on the beach by the ocean
  • someday Miko and I are going to eat raspberry pies on the beach by the ocean, and when we do, I will throw a starfish

    don't throw starfish
  • image

    someday Miko and I are going to eat raspberry pies on the beach by the ocean, and when we do, I will throw a starfish

  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    I admit, it made me kind of sad to see Ai To Yuuki Harukanaru Toki No Asobi Ni Iku Ginga Sengoku Ninomiya-kun Rokubou No Shichinin Gensou die in that thread
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat

    Someday Anonus and I are going to kiss on the beach by the ocean

    Which beach?
  • burgundy, what series are these two iamges from?
  • what requirements does your university have sociology-wise for a policy major?
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    It's not that I'm not letting it go.  I am letting it go.

    Even when I "take it seriously" I'm not actually taking it seriously in the sense of "it is important to me".  It's more like "this is more fun than I first thought because now i have a strategic goal to try to achieve and stuff in this game" and "crap, now i'm wasting time thinking too much about it".

    It's just that you word everything in a way that makes you sound super-cereal-serious and seem to project motives onto other people in a way that comes off as a little presumptuous.

    Not that reading it in that way isn't amusing, but you have to recognise that it's a bit like synching The Wizard of Oz to Dark Side of the Moon: Pure, self-conscious fanwank that happens to sort of work.
  • image

    ever just feel like some musicians have too much time on their hands
  • Anonus said:

    I admit, it made me kind of sad to see Ai To Yuuki Harukanaru Toki No Asobi Ni Iku Ginga Sengoku Ninomiya-kun Rokubou No Shichinin Gensou die in that thread

    is this actually even a thing?
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Anonus said:

    I admit, it made me kind of sad to see Ai To Yuuki Harukanaru Toki No Asobi Ni Iku Ginga Sengoku Ninomiya-kun Rokubou No Shichinin Gensou die in that thread

    Where is that even from?
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Anonus said:

    Someday Anonus and I are going to kiss on the beach by the ocean

    Which beach?
    I dunno...we've both expressed a desire to go to Florida and California, maybe we'll find a beach there!
  • burgundy, what series are these two iamges from?


    which also has a terrific season one theme song.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    so I looked at that hurt & heal thread finally

    let me get this straight

    Ai To Yuuki Harukanaru Toki No Asobi Ni Iku Ginga Sengoku Ninomiya-kun Rokubou No Shichinin Gensou died in it, as did my love for breasts.

    Fuck you guys. The hell with all of you, forever
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