The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    ^^ I've expressed my views on this before, but I think that I can repeat them succinctly: The user base of TVT is too immature on the whole to have clear-minded discussions about the issues raised by the existence of such works without digressing into inanity or creepiness. Not that most people there are terrible or anything, but... they are mostly teenagers, with a handful of people with issues in their midst.

    As to the second point, I think that making the site about works rather than patterns and idioms in fiction was probably a serious step in the wrong direction before any of the sleazier stuff came into play because of what it brought into the fold.

    But I honestly don't want to keep talking about this. I'm not exactly a hater, but I find this subject terribly unpleasant.

    ^ That is unfortunate.
    Yeah, I've said before that if you wanted to have a mature, deep reference to patterns in fiction, it'd likely have to be an adjunct to a university English or humanities department, and edited mainly by students under the supervision of the staff. This would end up being closer in format to IMDb than Wikipedia, though.
  • It's fun for what it is. And reasonably informative. Not necessarily educational though, but I did learn a bit there.
  • edited 2014-01-27 19:57:21
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    ^^ I think that such an analytical trope/device/archetype catalogue could exist without sacrificing thoughtfulness, thoroughness or entertainment value, but one would need a small, dedicated editorial staff rather than a vast pool of casual contributors to maintain quality, which would defeat at least some of the populist element...

    ^ It's OK, but it's a disappointment because it could be so much more.
  • Smee, Maiman, Doktar, Pavelier, Button-Lee, Juan Ovyu
    People comparing the Wii U to the Dreamcast are stupid. Their arguments mostly amount to "the wii u is selling bad and the dreamcast sold bad too :DDD" and "they have screens in the controllers did you notice ;))"
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    I had fun there in my day

    And to be honest, I've always preferred the sperging aspect to the troping aspect...

    ^^ I think that such an analytical trope/device/archetype catalogue could exist without sacrificing thoughtfulness, thoroughness or entertainment value, but one would need a small, dedicated editorial staff rather than a vast pool of casual contributors to maintain quality, which would defeat at least some of the populist element...

    Yeah, exactly. IMDb has always been manned by a team of editors who are the only ones that can edit the site, but the information has always been user-contributed, hence the comparison. 

    And come to think of it, TVT has had an identity crisis ever since it got big , hasn't it? Speifically, it's never been able to decided whether it wants to be a serious reference work (like Wikipedia), or a multi-work fan site with the anorak levels cranked up to 11 (like the old TV Tome, before CBS bought it, or the TV IV Wiki, or pretty much any site on Wikia). The reason people dislike the mods so much, all hissy-fits and fiats notwithstanding, is that the mods want it to be the first thing, while it's clear it's become the second and no amount of "positivity" will make it an Oxford University Press publication. :P
  • Hi guys. I'm home now

    and depressed about the economy.

    hooooooo hum.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Aww...I'm sorry.
  • I read an article on al-Jazeera (I never know if you're supposed to capitalize the "a" in "al", I usually don't because I think it looks better, idk) yesterday about how we essentially live in an economy now where disposability is prized above skillfulness, and this means that the vast majority of my generation is unlikely to ever hold a long-term career, or even a steady job.
  • sometimes I like to zoom really far in in Europa Universalis 4 and just watch trade happen.

    It's represented by tiny boats (in the ocean) and tiny caravans (on land) and if you hover over them you can see what good is being transported and where it came from. Right now my capitol (Holland) is getting sugar from The Canarias (for some reason we're not importing our own sugar, which seems weird to me, idk).
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    I think the thing that sums up TvTropes is around the time I joined, four years ago or so, cleaning up natter became a big thing and has remained that way.

    There is still tons of natter.
  • edited 2014-01-27 20:17:51
    Smee, Maiman, Doktar, Pavelier, Button-Lee, Juan Ovyu
    Apparently you have to capitalize it when it's the first part of a name (like Al Jazeera) but not when it is in the middle (As in Bashar al-Asad)
  • edited 2014-01-27 20:18:45
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    lee4hmz said:

    Yeah, exactly. IMDb has always been manned by a team of editors who are the only ones that can edit the site, but the information has always been user-contributed, hence the comparison. 

    And come to think of it, TVT has had an identity crisis ever since it got big , hasn't it? Speifically, it's never been able to decided whether it wants to be a serious reference work (like Wikipedia), or a multi-work fan site with the anorak levels cranked up to 11 (like the old TV Tome, before CBS bought it, or the TV IV Wiki, or pretty much any site on Wikia). The reason people dislike the mods so much, all hissy-fits and fiats notwithstanding, is that the mods want it to be the first thing, while it's clear it's become the second and no amount of "positivity" will make it an Oxford University Press publication. :P
    Pretty much. It doesn't help that even the moderation seems to be divided on the matter, or collectively sitting on the fence.

    Anywho, enough about this subject for now...

    ^ Yes. It's like "the" at the beginning of a title.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Their name is "Al Jazeera"...

    Also, disposability being prized over skillfulness? :/

    When it gets to the point when the majority of people entering the workforce can't even hold a steady job then shouldn't something be done to fix this?
  • For once, or maybe twice, I was in my prime.
    Tre said:

    but everyone talks about how terrible he is for God knows whatever reason, be it that his sound changed, his new sound sucks or his old sound sucked

    I mean, I can understand why his stuff would be divisive but somehow I'm not seeing the reason why trying out new genres within EDM (ugh) is an inherently bad thing.

    I'm only familiar with Avicii's song "Wake Me Up", but I could explain why I don't care much for that song, if you're genuinely curious.
  • Apparently you have to capitalize it when it's the first part of a name (like Al Jazeera) but not when it is in the middle (As in Bashar al-Asad)

    That makes a good deal of sense, actually.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    I read an article on al-Jazeera (I never know if you're supposed to capitalize the "a" in "al", I usually don't because I think it looks better, idk) yesterday about how we essentially live in an economy now where disposability is prized above skillfulness, and this means that the vast majority of my generation is unlikely to ever hold a long-term career, or even a steady job.

    This is the same mentality that drives companies to make appliances that break down after four years, if you think about it. Both are tremendously short-sighted and dangerous trends.
  • Anonus said:

    Also, disposability being prized over skillfulness? :/

    When it gets to the point when the majority of people entering the workforce can't even hold a steady job then shouldn't something be done to fix this?
    Well, in a country where attempting to control the economy isn't considered a social taboo, yes, but English-speaking countries in general, and the United States in particular, are very funny about that.

    Anywho, enough about this subject for now...

    ^ Yes. It's like "the" at the beginning of a title.
    it's probably because I don't speak Arabic (I think the "al-" participle comes from there anyway, though I think I sometimes hear it in names in other languages) but it never occured to me before now that that'd be the case.
  • I read an article on al-Jazeera (I never know if you're supposed to capitalize the "a" in "al", I usually don't because I think it looks better, idk) yesterday about how we essentially live in an economy now where disposability is prized above skillfulness, and this means that the vast majority of my generation is unlikely to ever hold a long-term career, or even a steady job.

    This is the same mentality that drives companies to make appliances that break down after four years, if you think about it. Both are tremendously short-sighted and dangerous trends.
    I basically hate capitalism and am veering dangerously close to becoming a socialist.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Kick out the grunts when they get "too expensive" to keep around...

    Planned obsolescence is bullshit too...
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    I read an article on al-Jazeera (I never know if you're supposed to capitalize the "a" in "al", I usually don't because I think it looks better, idk) yesterday about how we essentially live in an economy now where disposability is prized above skillfulness, and this means that the vast majority of my generation is unlikely to ever hold a long-term career, or even a steady job.

    This is the same mentality that drives companies to make appliances that break down after four years, if you think about it. Both are tremendously short-sighted and dangerous trends.
    I basically hate capitalism and am veering dangerously close to becoming a socialist.
  • My mom has been working at the same McDonald's for 30 years and her current manager is trying to get her fired because it's more expensive to have her on the staff full time than several people part time.

    This is in spite of the fact that there are several machines in the store that she is the only person who can fix if they break down, a lot of the equipment at this particular location is outdated since it's a franchise and not a corporate store.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Gaiz there is a podcast that covers every area of Dark Souls and Demon's Souls, taking an average of an hour to talk about each area.

    The Souls fandom is crazy.
  • Odradek said:

    I read an article on al-Jazeera (I never know if you're supposed to capitalize the "a" in "al", I usually don't because I think it looks better, idk) yesterday about how we essentially live in an economy now where disposability is prized above skillfulness, and this means that the vast majority of my generation is unlikely to ever hold a long-term career, or even a steady job.

    This is the same mentality that drives companies to make appliances that break down after four years, if you think about it. Both are tremendously short-sighted and dangerous trends.
    I basically hate capitalism and am veering dangerously close to becoming a socialist.
    I have actually always quite liked the Soviet hammer & sickle.

    Of course, The USSR was hardly the embodiment of a socialist utopia.
  • Smee, Maiman, Doktar, Pavelier, Button-Lee, Juan Ovyu
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    I basically consider myself a Green Partier by now (although I could only register as a Democrat or a Republican...I chose Democrat, though I'd prefer independent)
  • I don't like the Green Party only because I think it's kind of mono-issue.

    There is an American Socialist Party, but I am a registered Democrat so I can vote in the primaries.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Bernie Sanders is an admitted democratic socialist...
  • I'm moving to Canada and changing my name to Ptolemy, had enough a this nonsense.
  • Anonus said:

    Bernie Sanders is an admitted democratic socialist...

    I don't know who that is.

    Momentarily thought you meant Bernie Madoff, which would've been some kind of ironic.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    The Green Party isn't half as one-issue as people seem to think that it is, although it is definitely less comprehensive (if only due to its size) than its UK and New Zealand equivalents.

    As for being a socialist, you are in good company.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    Anonus said:

    Bernie Sanders is an admitted democratic socialist...

    I don't know who that is.
    Senator from Vermont. Independent caucusing with the Democrats. Generally the coolest man in Washington.
  • I honestly have never bothered to look into the Green Party's platform.

    In any case, they seem to have been losing the position of "the one third position party everyone knows about" to Libertarians anyway, and around here and in other Tea Party-heavy areas, the Constitutionalists.
  • Anonus said:

    Bernie Sanders is an admitted democratic socialist...

    I don't know who that is.
    Senator from Vermont. Independent caucusing with the Democrats. Generally the coolest man in Washington.
    Is Vermont a blue state? I always rather unfairly think of all of New England as pretty conservative.
  • i would like a job with pleasant coworkers

    at least 13 dollars an hour

    and a lack of generally terrible things

    that would be ideal
  • edited 2014-01-27 20:35:33
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    ^^ New England at large is mostly Democratic, with New Hampshire and parts of Maine and upstate New York excepted.

    ^ That is a good goal, I think.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

    I basically hate capitalism and am veering dangerously close to becoming a socialist.

    Let's be capitalism-hating buddies! :D
  • i would like a job with pleasant coworkers

    at least 13 dollars an hour

    and a lack of generally terrible things

    that would be ideal
    The problem is that these don't really exist anymore.

    Even when I worked at Wegman's (which is regularly ranked on "Best Companies to Work For" lists), I was only making $8-something an hour, and they cut my hours very often so I was basically breaking even.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    I honestly have never bothered to look into the Green Party's platform.

    In any case, they seem to have been losing the position of "the one third position party everyone knows about" to Libertarians anyway, and around here and in other Tea Party-heavy areas, the Constitutionalists.

    Basically, the Green Party is for single-payer healthcare, increased taxation on the rich, nuclear disarmament, legal equality for LGBT people, the expected environmental causes—think of a socially progressive cause and they probably believe in it.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    I've said it before, but I'd probably vote Green if I didn't live in a swing state
  • I honestly have never bothered to look into the Green Party's platform.

    In any case, they seem to have been losing the position of "the one third position party everyone knows about" to Libertarians anyway, and around here and in other Tea Party-heavy areas, the Constitutionalists.

    Basically, the Green Party is for single-payer healthcare, increased taxation on the rich, nuclear disarmament, legal equality for LGBT people, the expected environmental causes—think of a socially progressive cause and they probably believe in it.
    I suppose that's pretty solid.

    They should consider a name change, though. Branding is important.

    Heck, I don't think "The Progressive Party" is taken anymore.
  • > The user base of TVT is too immature on the whole to have clear-minded discussions about the issues raised by the existence of such works without digressing into inanity or creepiness. Not that most people there are terrible or anything, but... they are mostly teenagers, with a handful of people with issues in their midst.

    Well, looking back at it, I guess you're right.  My idea for what to change the site to would be rather difficult -- you could say impossible, depending on how much effort you're willing to put into moderation changes.

    At the time of the P5 controversy, if you were to turn the site into a serious trope-cataloguing site, you'd have to drag some people kicking and screaming out of the userbase, and this includes both the crazy people who posted on fan-splurging sections as well as non-insane people who just liked the informality and "doesn't matter much" nature of the place, some of whom might have contributed quite a bit to the site.

    So by that point it was probably too late, unless you're willing to be a hardass.  And the site leadership probably didn't even have that objective in mind, let alone the willingness to produce that objective by force.

    > making the site about works rather than patterns and idioms in fiction

    Not really sure what the distinction is; the two kinda go hand-in-hand.  Though I think the site was more focused on the latter anyway; if anything, it was just that it _permitted_ people to be take the former perspective.

    > Yeah, I've said before that if you wanted to have a mature, deep reference to patterns in fiction, it'd likely have to be an adjunct to a university English or humanities department, and edited mainly by students under the supervision of the staff. This would end up being closer in format to IMDb than Wikipedia, though.

    You could probably open it up to the web after getting a critical mass of content uploaded, but it would probably still require very active moderation.
  • I've said it before, but I'd probably vote Green if I didn't live in a swing state

    I voted for Obama because his previous term had been filled mostly with good things and I wanted his Healthcare plan to pass.

    While it did, I can't say I don't regret my decision at least a little bit given some other things that have come to light.
  • > The user base of TVT is too immature on the whole to have clear-minded discussions about the issues raised by the existence of such works without digressing into inanity or creepiness. Not that most people there are terrible or anything, but... they are mostly teenagers, with a handful of people with issues in their midst.

    Well, looking back at it, I guess you're right.  My idea for what to change the site to would be rather difficult -- you could say impossible, depending on how much effort you're willing to put into moderation changes.

    At the time of the P5 controversy, if you were to turn the site into a serious trope-cataloguing site, you'd have to drag some people kicking and screaming out of the userbase, and this includes both the crazy people who posted on fan-splurging sections as well as non-insane people who just liked the informality and "doesn't matter much" nature of the place, some of whom might have contributed quite a bit to the site.

    So by that point it was probably too late, unless you're willing to be a hardass.  And the site leadership probably didn't even have that objective in mind, let alone the willingness to produce that objective by force.

    > making the site about works rather than patterns and idioms in fiction

    Not really sure what the distinction is; the two kinda go hand-in-hand.  Though I think the site was more focused on the latter anyway; if anything, it was just that it _permitted_ people to be take the former perspective.

    > Yeah, I've said before that if you wanted to have a mature, deep reference to patterns in fiction, it'd likely have to be an adjunct to a university English or humanities department, and edited mainly by students under the supervision of the staff. This would end up being closer in format to IMDb than Wikipedia, though.

    You could probably open it up to the web after getting a critical mass of content uploaded, but it would probably still require very active moderation.

    Glenn, it's been made clear that no one really wants to discuss this anymore, please stop.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    I honestly have never bothered to look into the Green Party's platform.

    In any case, they seem to have been losing the position of "the one third position party everyone knows about" to Libertarians anyway, and around here and in other Tea Party-heavy areas, the Constitutionalists.

    Basically, the Green Party is for single-payer healthcare, increased taxation on the rich, nuclear disarmament, legal equality for LGBT people, the expected environmental causes—think of a socially progressive cause and they probably believe in it.
    I suppose that's pretty solid.

    They should consider a name change, though. Branding is important.

    Heck, I don't think "The Progressive Party" is taken anymore.
    It is, I think, although by such a small party that it is functionally irrelevant. Plus, all of the Green Parties in the world are part of the same... I guess you would call it a conference? They get together and talk about policy now and then. Same deal with the Republicans and the Tories being part of the amusingly monikered International Democrat Union.
  • i would like a job with pleasant coworkers

    at least 13 dollars an hour

    and a lack of generally terrible things

    that would be ideal
    The problem is that these don't really exist anymore.

    Even when I worked at Wegman's (which is regularly ranked on "Best Companies to Work For" lists), I was only making $8-something an hour, and they cut my hours very often so I was basically breaking even.
    I think a lot of this depends on where you live
  • I honestly have never bothered to look into the Green Party's platform.

    In any case, they seem to have been losing the position of "the one third position party everyone knows about" to Libertarians anyway, and around here and in other Tea Party-heavy areas, the Constitutionalists.

    Basically, the Green Party is for single-payer healthcare, increased taxation on the rich, nuclear disarmament, legal equality for LGBT people, the expected environmental causes—think of a socially progressive cause and they probably believe in it.
    I suppose that's pretty solid.

    They should consider a name change, though. Branding is important.

    Heck, I don't think "The Progressive Party" is taken anymore.
    It is, I think, although by such a small party that it is functionally irrelevant. Plus, all of the Green Parties in the world are part of the same... I guess you would call it a conference? They get together and talk about policy now and then. Same deal with the Republicans and the Tories being part of the amusingly monikered International Democrat Union.
    That's not shocking, most large parties are I think.

    The fact that the meanings of "Democrat" and "Republican" are largely reversed internationally will never not confuse me, as an American pig-dog scum.
  • i would like a job with pleasant coworkers

    at least 13 dollars an hour

    and a lack of generally terrible things

    that would be ideal
    The problem is that these don't really exist anymore.

    Even when I worked at Wegman's (which is regularly ranked on "Best Companies to Work For" lists), I was only making $8-something an hour, and they cut my hours very often so I was basically breaking even.
    I think a lot of this depends on where you live
    There are some areas that are exempt from or less affected by it, but it's a pretty widespread trend across the united states.
  • We can do anything if we do it together.

    Anonus said:

    Bernie Sanders is an admitted democratic socialist...

    I don't know who that is.
    Senator from Vermont. Independent caucusing with the Democrats. Generally the coolest man in Washington.
    Elizabeth Warren seems like a pretty cool person, too.
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