The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • man nirvana is so borrinnnggggg

    just an imo
    yeah, I knew someone would jump on me for using that term - I should've been clearer, in retrospect.

    Assessments of their quality aside (I'm not huge on them myself, although I do like a couple of their songs) it is undeniable that they ushered in an era where weirder stuff had a chance at making the charts, at least for a while.

    That's more what I was talking about.
    i know that

    i just felt like throwing in the obligatory thing that i say
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    man nirvana is so borrinnnggggg

    just an imo
    I think they were decent. Not the most exciting thing in the universe, but they had a few interesting touches.

    Tachyon said:

    what exactly do you guys mean by 'paradigm shifts' because i don't think i'm following this

    Big sudden changes in popular taste. The breakthrough of a new genre into the mainstream that displaces an older one's dominance of the charts would be one.
  • I've gone over before how little rock music speaks to me and Nirvana aren't really an exception there unfortunately. At least not what little bit I've heard, but I've never been motivated to listen to more.
  • We can do anything if we do it together.

    man nirvana is so borrinnnggggg

    just an imo
    yeah, I knew someone would jump on me for using that term - I should've been clearer, in retrospect.

    Assessments of their quality aside (I'm not huge on them myself, although I do like a couple of their songs) it is undeniable that they ushered in an era where weirder stuff had a chance at making the charts, at least for a while.

    That's more what I was talking about.
    i know that

    i just felt like throwing in the obligatory thing that i say
    ah, fair 'nuff

    movin' on with the discussion then
  • I wish I could listen to some music right now but my headphones are broken.

    Granted, everyone is asleep, but still.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i will say this

    i'm not totally sure what's 'weird' or so especially innovative about Nirvana

    maybe i don't have enough perspective on this, i don't know

    but like, there was a lot of stranger music before them that never made it into the charts

    the loud-soft grunge formula was a formula like any other
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    I have heard two Nirvana songs in my entire life.

    One was "Smells Like Teenage Spirit" (duh) and the other one was something Kurt Cobain did live with members of some other band called like, The Meat Brothers, I think.

    I would be more pissed off about your failure to recognise one of the seminal American post-punk/progressive hardcore acts if I were not acutely aware that the majority of people probably have no idea who Meat Puppets were or why they were important.

    In very few words: They were from the Southwest and they made punk trippy. You might like their second and third LPs.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    speaking of rock music in the charts

    i still think it's unusual and kind of cool that this was the first new UK number 1 of the new millennium:

  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Tachyon said:

    i will say this

    i'm not totally sure what's 'weird' or so especially innovative about Nirvana

    maybe i don't have enough perspective on this, i don't know

    but like, there was a lot of stranger music before them that never made it into the charts

    the loud-soft grunge formula was a formula like any other

    They broke through and cleared the proverbial table with a broad sweep of the arm. That was important.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Now I'm just grumpy.
  • edited 2014-01-23 02:17:08
    imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    ^^ fair enough

    i get the impression you guys are a lot more aware of music history than i am

    ^ sorry

    if i'm ignorant, it's genuine ignorance, i'm not trying to bait you
  • I have heard two Nirvana songs in my entire life.

    One was "Smells Like Teenage Spirit" (duh) and the other one was something Kurt Cobain did live with members of some other band called like, The Meat Brothers, I think.

    I would be more pissed off about your failure to recognise one of the seminal American post-punk/progressive hardcore acts if I were not acutely aware that the majority of people probably have no idea who Meat Puppets were or why they were important.

    In very few words: They were from the Southwest and they made punk trippy. You might like their second and third LPs.
    I listen to neither of those genres, so I find my ignorance excusable here.

    I may consider looking into it, but again, headphones, so it's not like I can exactly do it now.
  • edited 2014-01-23 02:19:20
    We can do anything if we do it together.

    I would be more pissed off about your failure to recognise one of the seminal American post-punk/progressive hardcore acts if I were not acutely aware that the majority of people probably have no idea who Meat Puppets were or why they were important.

    In very few words: They were from the Southwest and they made punk trippy. You might like their second and third LPs.
    I'm a big fan of II, in particular.

    They broke through and cleared the proverbial table with a broad sweep of the arm. That was important.

     R.E.M. were another important band in that regard.
  • Tachyon said:

    fair enough

    i get the impression you guys are a lot more aware of music history than i am

    I am knowledgeable on some aspects of the history of American hip-hop and basically nothing else.

    Few people are genuinely well versed in the history of popular music.
  • Now I'm just grumpy.

    who's a widdle gwumpyferret?

    (*pats your noggin*)

    its youuuuuu

    (*scooops up, absconds with to lair*)
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    I have heard two Nirvana songs in my entire life.

    One was "Smells Like Teenage Spirit" (duh) and the other one was something Kurt Cobain did live with members of some other band called like, The Meat Brothers, I think.

    I would be more pissed off about your failure to recognise one of the seminal American post-punk/progressive hardcore acts if I were not acutely aware that the majority of people probably have no idea who Meat Puppets were or why they were important.

    In very few words: They were from the Southwest and they made punk trippy. You might like their second and third LPs.
    I'm a big fan of II, in particular.
    That is a really good album.

    I actually really do think that you will like it, Mo.

    1. every time i scan over one of their records at the store for a second i think it's a Meat Beat Manifesto record and then i do a double take and it isn't and i become sad

    2. They do not sound like Meat Beat Manifesto at all
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    I edited my last post to add another point, probably as you were already replying to it.

    Just making sure you see it.
  • "My musical influences are J Dilla, Hudson Mohawke, and the Season 1 YuruYuri OP."
  • I actually enjoy most R.E.M. that I have heard (which includes a few full albums) but people tend to group them together in a category with a lot of other bands that I don't like at all, so I don't know, maybe I just don't understand something.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    Tachyon said:

    fair enough

    i get the impression you guys are a lot more aware of music history than i am

    I am knowledgeable on some aspects of the history of American hip-hop and basically nothing else.

    Few people are genuinely well versed in the history of popular music.
    My expertise primarily extends to experimental music and the progeny of punk and post-punk.
  • real talk those guys are a bunch of heartless sadists getting my hopes up and then dashing them to the floor like so much generic hard candy that tastes vaguely like soap
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    I actually enjoy most R.E.M. that I have heard (which includes a few full albums) but people tend to group them together in a category with a lot of other bands that I don't like at all, so I don't know, maybe I just don't understand something.

    Like who?
  • I actually enjoy most R.E.M. that I have heard (which includes a few full albums) but people tend to group them together in a category with a lot of other bands that I don't like at all, so I don't know, maybe I just don't understand something.

    Like who?
    off the top of my head it's hard to remember many specifics.

    The Pixies and The Breeders came up a lot I think.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    real talk those guys are a bunch of heartless sadists getting my hopes up and then dashing them to the floor like so much generic hard candy that tastes vaguely like soap

    That's only fair when talking about their mid-period albums, which are... bland. Their early stuff is great, if an acquired taste for some.
  • edited 2014-01-23 02:24:03
    We can do anything if we do it together.

    I actually enjoy most R.E.M. that I have heard (which includes a few full albums) but people tend to group them together in a category with a lot of other bands that I don't like at all, so I don't know, maybe I just don't understand something.

    Like who?
    off the top of my head it's hard to remember many specifics.

    The Pixies and The Breeders came up a lot I think.
    I love The Pixies, but I can see why you wouldn't.
  • real talk those guys are a bunch of heartless sadists getting my hopes up and then dashing them to the floor like so much generic hard candy that tastes vaguely like soap

    That's only fair when talking about their mid-period albums, which are... bland. Their early stuff is great, if an acquired taste for some.
    but they do not sound like meat beat manifesto 8<
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    I actually enjoy most R.E.M. that I have heard (which includes a few full albums) but people tend to group them together in a category with a lot of other bands that I don't like at all, so I don't know, maybe I just don't understand something.

    Like who?
    off the top of my head it's hard to remember many specifics.

    The Pixies and The Breeders came up a lot I think.

    OK, granted, they're not the best comparison to R.E.M. (Guadalcanal Diary are much, much closer), but I really like both of them.
  • fun fact: "how close does this fly to the gravity well created by Meat Beat Manifesto's awesometude" is the only objective way to evaluate music
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    real talk those guys are a bunch of heartless sadists getting my hopes up and then dashing them to the floor like so much generic hard candy that tastes vaguely like soap

    That's only fair when talking about their mid-period albums, which are... bland. Their early stuff is great, if an acquired taste for some.
    but they do not sound like meat beat manifesto 8<
    No, they do not.

    They are more like a psychedelic alt-country band with post-punk and hardcore elements... although their first record and EP are like a free-jazz-inflected hardcore group with country and psych-rock elements.
  • I like only a very specific type of alternative rock that I have not yet pinned down and likely never will.

    Oh well.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    You will probably like Guadalcanal Diary. And quite possibly Meat Puppets, at least on their second and third albums. Having heard the sort of things that you like, I am reasonably certain of this.
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    I should probably check out Guadalcanal Diary myself. Thanks for the recommendation.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    They are very R.E.M.-ish in some ways, but they diverge in a fashion that is hard to describe and have rather different subject matter, as their name might imply.
  • I've got school tomorrow but thankfully I don't have to be there til 2.

    I'm bored. Should I keep being hte Holland or should I play something else.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    I feel like this, so I'm listening to this.

  • I feel like this, so I'm listening to this.
    (*dances with you*)

    (*is accosted by angry Michael Gira*)
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    *morning stars*
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    be hte Holland unless there's something you'd rather be doing
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    or help me decide whether to get EoSD in English or Japanese
  • Tachyon said:

    or help me decide whether to get EoSD in English or Japanese

    ...why would you want to get it in Japanese?
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    this is perplexing to me as afaik no official English version exists

    but i don't speak hte Japanese
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    The five best Nirvana songs are

    1. Blew
    2. Scentless Apprentice
    3. Drain You
    4. Sliver
    5. Rape Me

    It is important that you know this
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