The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    I am not sure that I have ever used Winamp, but VLC strikes me as far more suited to video than music. It is extremely spartan, and so far as I can tell lacks the sorting and listing features that I like in iTunes.
  • well, you are using it on a mac, not a PC

    i rather think that apple puts more effort into getting iTunes to run nice for people who own their computers
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit
    Well, yes. VLC is the exact opposite extreme.

    What I'm getting at here is really just that it would be possible for iTunes to be a media player which has many of the useful features for music (such as the sorting and listing features, playlists, and all that jazz) without being so goddamn slow.
  • edited 2014-01-16 02:28:08
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    ^^^ This is quite probable. It's designed with that kind of hardware in mind, after all.
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    My main computer is a Mac laptop, too.

    That's probably why I've never had any problems with using iTunes as my main music player.
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit
    Despite whether this is true or not I can't help but find it enormously funny that apparently Mac users eat more hummus and PC users prefer Harleys over Vespas

    "In April 2011, the Internet was abuzz with the results of a survey on this very topic, conducted by Hunch, a Web site that makes recommendations based on user preferences. It asked users to identify themselves as a Mac or PC person, and then questioned them about a number of self-identifying factors. The results were comically stereotypical. Among the findings were that Mac users were more likely to be liberal, eat hummus and read The New York Times. PC users, on the other hand, were more conservative, had a better grasp on mathematical concepts, and, unlike their Mac counterparts, would rather ride a Harley than a Vespa [source: [source: Hunch]. While these results are certainly interesting, they can't be taken too seriously -- Hunch made these conclusions based on an admittedly unscientific survey."
  • I have annexed a third of Brabant, had them revoke their Hungarian vassal, and made them annul their alliance with Denmark, leaving them without a bulldog.

    Now I am attempting to woo Denmark, so that I may one day turn their former ally against them.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    ^^ What do you have against hummus?

    ^ Excellent.
  • Somewhere in there Alexander died, and I am left with his idiot daughter Edith as Empress.

    her stats are 1/0/1, these are awful stats.
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit

    ^^ What do you have against hummus?

    ^ Excellent.
    Well I formerly didn't but I guess now I'd better start replacing all my hummus with guacamole because the internet says so

    *drives away on a recently bought harley*
  • motorcycles are the dumbest possible thing
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    man, that game sounds complicated.

    I like games where you can throw fireballs at evil goombas
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit
    I'm not sure if I'd say that they're the dumbest thing

    but I personally would not like to risk my life on an explosion powered superbike, as cool as that sounds
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit
    There is only one REAL kind of video game to play

    and that is a game that falls under the Berlin Interpretation

  • I have now formally vassalized Holland, bringing them under my protection.
  • Seems like the people behind the Windows/Mac user survey just had a hunch they could get attention-grabbing headlines with it.
  • speaking of Dutchmen, the Holy Roman Empire just elected the Gelrean King Burchard II as the new Emperor.

    good for him I suppose. As long as the empire doesn't get to the point where unification is possible, I am fine with it.
  • I like Macs, hummus and Vespas.

  • image

    these are the Holy Roman Emperors to present in the current game, since its conversion from CK2, and starting with Empress Agnes (which marked the Emperorship's end as a hereditary office).
  • ok, that's enough conquering the world for today.

    what are y'all up to this fine evening.
  • not much actually
  • thinking about music stuff, pondering over directions and things
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit
    After that long talk about iTunes I did some research on the whole Mac vs. PC thing and I'd like to think I'm more well informed on the subject
  • how much is not much?

    edit: O
    Bunny said:

    After that long talk about iTunes I did some research on the whole Mac vs. PC thing and I'd like to think I'm more well informed on the subject

    I'll be honest, I don't understand why anyone would want a Mac.

    Everything is made for Windows and a lot of Mac stuff is just contrary to how I'm used to operating a computer.
  • im like talking with vash and not listening to that new music i got for some reason
  • also considering throwing 10 bucks at this when i get an additional 10 bucks to throw at things
  • you could throw 10 bucks at me

    the local rednecks would be impressed
  • by 10 bucks?

    peeps round there must be easily impressed
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    I'll be honest, I don't understand why anyone would want a Mac.

    Everything is made for Windows and a lot of Mac stuff is just contrary to how I'm used to operating a computer.

    That is a very narrow-minded way of looking at it. I mean, just because you don't think that way doesn't mean that your way is the only or best way of doing things.

    Bunny said:

    After that long talk about iTunes I did some research on the whole Mac vs. PC thing and I'd like to think I'm more well informed on the subject

    What have you learned?
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit

    how much is not much?

    edit: O

    Bunny said:

    After that long talk about iTunes I did some research on the whole Mac vs. PC thing and I'd like to think I'm more well informed on the subject

    I'll be honest, I don't understand why anyone would want a Mac.

    Everything is made for Windows and a lot of Mac stuff is just contrary to how I'm used to operating a computer.
    There's a number of reasons

    The less viruses thing is definitely true, that's for sure. Macs being contrary to how you operate a computer is basically a personal thing, as both Windows and Macs are fairly intuitive, but going from one to the other is a big jump.

    There's also the fact that Apple is much more streamlined in it's distribution, so you generally know more about what you're getting in your Mac with less research, and you get access to Apple customer support, which is apparently quite excellent.

    You are totally right on how lots of things are made for Windows, but to be honest that's only really a huge problem if you're a gamer.
  • my hair has been really nice today and this shirt/sweater combo is cute

    i would have posted a selfie but facial acne has decided to make a guest appearance
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Bunny said:

    There's a number of reasons

    The less viruses thing is definitely true, that's for sure. Macs being contrary to how you operate a computer is basically a personal thing, as both Windows and Macs are fairly intuitive, but going from one to the other is a big jump.

    There's also the fact that Apple is much more streamlined in it's distribution, so you generally know more about what you're getting in your Mac with less research, and you get access to Apple customer support, which is apparently quite excellent.

    You are totally right on how lots of things are made for Windows, but to be honest that's only really a huge problem if you're a gamer.

    Also, FL Studio's swagness aside, most decent user-friendly DAWs (and, in Logic's case, a fantastic but difficult one) seem to be Mac-based, so that's a thing.
  • FL studio is like the only non-game thing i can think of that does not work on a mac

  • I'll be honest, I don't understand why anyone would want a Mac.

    Everything is made for Windows and a lot of Mac stuff is just contrary to how I'm used to operating a computer.

    That is a very narrow-minded way of looking at it. I mean, just because you don't think that way doesn't mean that your way is the only or best way of doing things.
    I admittedly devote very little thought to this particular subject.

    Just that as far as I am aware, everything I use my computer for except word processing is significantly harder on a Mac.

    idk it's 3am. I'm not prepared to talk about this right now.
  • most DAWs are cross system

    FL Studio and Logic are the only exceptions as far as i'm aware

    Logic because it's developed by apple and FL because it's written "in Delphi with in-line assembly for the DSP code" according to Image-Line
  • Delphi?

    What the fuck is Delphi?

    I read xkcd, it is rare for me to come across a programming language I don't recognize by name. Randall's made jokes about like, all of them.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • Delphi?

    What the fuck is Delphi?

    I read xkcd, it is rare for me to come across a programming language I don't recognize by name. Randall's made jokes about like, all of them.

    i had no fucking clue until i googled, apparently it's some weird IDE that uses it's own weird derivative of Pascal

    so basically fuck if i know i'm not a computer expert
  • that sentence i just wrote might be meaningless CSI level gobbledigook for all i know
  • i do know what an IDE is

    and what Pascal is

    at least
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit

    I'll be honest, I don't understand why anyone would want a Mac.

    Everything is made for Windows and a lot of Mac stuff is just contrary to how I'm used to operating a computer.

    That is a very narrow-minded way of looking at it. I mean, just because you don't think that way doesn't mean that your way is the only or best way of doing things.

    Bunny said:

    After that long talk about iTunes I did some research on the whole Mac vs. PC thing and I'd like to think I'm more well informed on the subject

    What have you learned?
    Well I re-examined most of the "commonly known facts" about the two and they pretty much continue to be true (Macs have less viruses, Windows has more programs and is more customizable, etc). Macs most definitely have more expensive parts, though not necessarily higher quality parts. If you bought very similar PC parts and built your own computer you can get it for cheaper (though mainly around higher price ranges; in lower price ranges they don't vary so much, in the high end range it can be a difference of a thousand dollars or so). At any rate, the main thing you pay for with Apple is customer service, because apparently it's good.

    As far as the OSes themselves really doesn't matter. When comparing OSX 10.9 with Windows 7, both are very solid. OSX is more resource intensive, and it seems like Windows 7 is slightly more prone to crashing, if only by a little bit. As far as intuitiveness goes, both of them are still good. Ultimately, the more intuitive one is going to be the one you pick up first.

    In the end, it really just comes down to personal preference. Windows is slightly better for people who like fiddling with the interior of their machine, cheapskates, and gamers, while Macs are better if you want less viruses or want a solid machine with good support.

    ...So I guess I didn't really learn all that much as opposed to reinforcing what I already knew. Ah well.
  • bunny you are the computer person help me understand this
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit

    that sentence i just wrote might be meaningless CSI level gobbledigook for all i know

    Nope, seems pretty accurate, it's an IDE that uses it's own variation on Pascal as opposed to supporting more commonly used programming languages.

    Somewhat similar to how Inform 7 has it's very own programming language for the sake of writing adventure games.
  • Hammerschnizt owns a Mac.

    Fuck that guy.
  • edited 2014-01-16 03:51:19

    i do know what an IDE is

    and what Pascal is

    at least
    An IDE stands for an integrated development environment. It basically combines a source code editor, a compiler, a debugger and various other build tools. Basically you can write a program, compile it and test it for errors, all in one program instead of using several different programs and the command line to run and test programs.

    Edit: whoops you do know, not don not know. Never mind ignore this, it's 3:30 in the morning.
  • yaaaay

    thank you bun
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