The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • Tachyon said:

    whose territory is Grodno?

    oh no, what I was trying to get at is the nation is called The Kingdom of Grodno.

    It's one of several Slavic-German states in the Baltic.


    I could tell you how that particular cultural dynamic came to exist if you want.
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    can no longer drop onto a spike from one block above (which was
    actually changed since version 1 of original Spelunky, so I continue to
    play version 0.99.9 for specifically this reason).
    ...Er, you most certainly can.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    how did it come to exist?
  • > Like, the only things that were removed from the original that anyone
    misses are the bow and arrow and the pistol (which wasn't useful

    Well, from what I hear:
    * boulder now crushes (i.e. destroys) items it rolls over; it does not open up gems (or gold, either?) for the taking.
    ** jumping over the boulder may no longer be possible.
    * Olmec Head now crushes items it stomps on, it does not open up gems (or gold, either?) for the taking.
    * time limit is no longer lifted by getting the hedjet.
    * can't use spike shoes to stomp man-eating plants.
    * crouch-crawling doesn't negate ice physics anymore.
    * can't drop (but not use) a bomb or rope to trigger an arrow trap below you on a ledge.
    * can't whip a pot to destroy spiders/snakes inside anymore (must whip twice).
    * can't whip while clinging to a ledge.
    * can no longer drop onto a spike from one block above (which was actually changed since version 1 of original Spelunky, so I continue to play version 0.99.9 for specifically this reason).

    A lot of this is either very minor or false.

    No one ever did the hedjet trick anyway (because Spelunky had no competetive community at the time) and it was imbalanced. Crouching still disables ice physics to my knowledge, you can still trigger arrow traps with ropes and bombs (I have no idea why you wouldn't be able to), it is still entirely possible to jump over the boulder, etc.

    the mantrap thing is because it made mantraps too easy to avoid

    honestly if these are your only hangups (and even if every one of them were true, and a lot of them aren't) I still recommend the remake over the original.

  • edited 2014-01-14 23:21:38
    Wait, which ones are false (other than the ice physics one)?

    Can you drop an unused rope or bomb over a ledge to trigger the arrow trap?  The post I linked to specifies this, and relates it to the lack of "pick item" button.

    Also, fair enough, there was no competitive community, and you could use the time to blood-farm for health if you have the kalpala.  Which I've done a few times, though it's very time-intensive, so the tradeoff for me is that it takes fucking forever and is boring.

    I just enjoy the game as something that lets me do very fast (and different every time, so it's entirely skill-based rather than memorization-based) platforming and try all sorts of crazy shit to and take insane risks to see if I can get away with them.  The vast majority of my fuckups are in the first area of the game because I try to get away with crazy shit like robbing every shop in the dungeon (this is trickiest with a brothel kissing parlor if the shopkeeper is already pissed; generally requires a bomb) and jumping over boulders and sacrificing every single corpse on the altar and robbing the entire black market after everyone's pissed at me and stuff.
  • Tachyon said:

    how did it come to exist?

    Essentially, because the preexisting states in the Baltic stayed pagan for much longer than they did comparatively in our own world, and specifically because of the sizable power of the Romuva Kingdom of Lithuania, a crusade was called for the area. Much like in our own history, this caused the Teutonic Knights to take control of much of the Baltic, unlike in our own history, they were soon placed under the "protection" of the Holy Roman Empire, and were soon disbanded. What was left in their wake was a number of smaller states within the Holy Roman Empire that still had largely Slavic populations, but that were ruled by German families.

    Something rather similar happened further south in the general area of what we'd now call Hungary. In the 1066 start in Crusader Kings 2 Hungary begins as a Christian nation, and it was such for a fair chunk of much of my playthrough. However! The Mongols came, and as they are wont to do, they conquered things. This resulted in Hungary being under the thumb of the Tengrist Mongols for about a century. The Teutonics eventually "liberated" the area, and much like with the Baltic formed a number of Christian, German-controlled states with largely foreign to them populations.

    This has had an interesting long-term reprecussion. Since I converted the savegame to EU4, the Kingdom of Transylvania has managed to slowly unify all of those Hungaro-German states, and it's currently the strongest nation in the Holy Roman Empire. This hasn't really happened in the Baltic where the states have changed, but there are still a lot of them (also, Imperial Luxembourg exists there, which is distinct from Luxembourg as we'd know it and an entirely different story).

    I should note that the HRE is a single nation in CK2, but when converted to EU4 it becomes a looser structure of constituent nations unless a very difficult condition is met.

    Here's Transylvania:


    and here is the Holy Roman Empire, in green

  • edited 2014-01-14 23:22:30
    Also, spike shoes are sometimes annoying because they make it harder to keep a man-eating plant around as sacrifice fodder.  So there's a tradeoff.
  • Wait, which ones are false (other than the ice physics one)?

    Can you drop an unused rope or bomb over a ledge to trigger the arrow trap?  The post I linked to specifies this, and relates it to the lack of "pick item" button.

    Also, fair enough, there was no competitive community, and you could use the time to blood-farm for health if you have the kalpala.  Which I've done a few times, though it's very time-intensive, so the tradeoff for me is that it takes fucking forever and is boring.

    I just enjoy the game as something that lets me do very fast (and different every time, so it's entirely skill-based rather than memorization-based) platforming and try all sorts of crazy shit to and take insane risks to see if I can get away with them.  The vast majority of my fuckups are in the first area of the game because I try to get away with crazy shit like robbing every shop in the dungeon (this is trickiest with a brothel kissing parlor if the shopkeeper is already pissed; generally requires a bomb) and jumping over boulders and sacrificing every single corpse on the altar and robbing the entire black market after everyone's pissed at me and stuff.

    to use an overused phrase, robbing the shops and killing the shopkeepers is the new meta (ie. required if you want to get a high score).
  • edited 2014-01-14 23:24:35
    Also, I'm concerned that some of the physics might have been changed; I do a lot of jumping out of 1-block-high passages, and running to ledgegrab across 2-block-wide pits, and running and jumping against the ceiling in a 1-block-high passage to ledgegrab 3-block-wide pits.
  • Also, I'm concerned that some of the physics might have been changed; I do a lot of jumping out of 1-block-high passages, and running to ledgegrab across 2-block-wide pits, and running and jumping against the ceiling in a 1-block-high passage to ledgegrab 3-block-wide pits.

    I haven't played OG Spelunky recently enough to know if this is true (nor do I pay enough attention to my own play in the current game) but even if it is you'll get used to any changes relatively quickly.
  • I have crappy country music stuck in my head send help
  • Ev'rybody knows ev'rybody
    Ev'rybody calls you friend
    You don't need an invitation
    Kick off your shoes and come on in
    We know how to work and we know how to play
    We're from the country and we like it that way
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    @ mo: what's EU4?
  • edited 2014-01-14 23:41:17
    @ mojave music: Also, I think I'm very used to the original Spelunky since I've done at least 7000 or so game-starts.  Maybe 10000.  Not sure.  I've deleted my game and switched computers at least a couple times between the first time I touched Spelunky and the present.

    The vast majority of those game-starts ended in less than five minutes, of course.  But still.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    the Brain
  • Tachyon said:

    @ mo: what's EU4?

    EU4 is the game I just posted screenshots from, Europa Universalis 4.

    You can import games from Crusader Kings 2 which is a similar but distinct 4X game from the same company.
  • @ mojave music: Also, I think I'm very used to the original Spelunky since I've done at least 7000 or so game-starts.  Maybe 10000.  Not sure.  I've deleted my game and switched computers at least a couple times between the first time I touched Spelunky and the present.

    The vast majority of those game-starts ended in less than five minutes, of course.  But still.

    the original and the remake are not that different, trust me.
  • edited 2014-01-14 23:43:35
    I was actually wondering, what kind of competitive category would it have to be that I would actually do really well at?  Because I don't run through the game quickly; I try to maximize my score but enjoy taking far too many risks (I could play less riskily but I would find it boring).

    Maybe if someone made a "most spectacular(ly stupid)" run category.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    ah... sorry, i should have been able to figure that out myself.

    i hadn't registered that you could import games from the one to the other.  i thought you were still playing CK2.
  • Ev'rybody knows ev'rybody
    Ev'rybody calls you friend
    You don't need an invitation
    Kick off your shoes and come on in
    We know how to work and we know how to play
    We're from the country and we like it that way

    Yeah stupid self-congratulatory crap like that.

    Bro country and "I'm so glad I'm from the country" country seem to be the only kinds that get any airtime. I'm not the biggest fan of that genre but it'd at least be tolerable if they played stuff other than that.
  • Tachyon said:

    ah... sorry, i should have been able to figure that out myself.

    i hadn't registered that you could import games from the one to the other.  i thought you were still playing CK2.

    nah it's fine.

    I love the games but all the DLC/expansion packs are so expensive.

    so expensive.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    keeping up with video games always did strike me as an expensive hobby
  • it is which is why by and large I don't actually buy very many.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    Ev'rybody knows ev'rybody
    Ev'rybody calls you friend
    You don't need an invitation
    Kick off your shoes and come on in
    We know how to work and we know how to play
    We're from the country and we like it that way

    this is such a laughable romanticization

    in small, rural communities, if you *don't* like somebody, or if somebody doesn't like you, they're not easily avoided
  • > the Brain

    /me probes the broab with the probe
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    All the DLC for CKII is like, 80 quid right now. Including the cosmetic stuff.
  • edited 2014-01-14 23:59:00
    Tachyon said:

    Ev'rybody knows ev'rybody
    Ev'rybody calls you friend
    You don't need an invitation
    Kick off your shoes and come on in
    We know how to work and we know how to play
    We're from the country and we like it that way

    this is such a laughable romanticization

    in small, rural communities, if you *don't* like somebody, or if somebody doesn't like you, they're not easily avoided
    American Southern culture is weird.

    Mostly because a good ninety percent of it is about more or less comparing dick sizes. For people around here, everything is some sort of competition.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    how much is a quid
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    A quid is the British equivalent of a buck.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    A dollar.
  • edited 2014-01-15 00:04:52
    I like how even though a good portion of us live in Europe us American heapers constantly have to ask questions like

    how much is a quid

  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    Of course, none of this accounts for currency conversion cause slang.
  • edited 2014-01-15 00:03:04
    image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    Tachyon said:

    New books, particularly paperbacks, should be 'broken in'. A book that wants to shut all the time is not helping you to read it: the fight is rather off-putting. Place the spine of the book on the table. Open the book at regular intervals, starting roughly at page 30; with the palm of your hand press the book open several times along inside the book. Repeat every thirty pages or so, to the end.

    aaaaaaaaaaughghgh!!!!!!! My reaction entirely, Leia!
  • edited 2014-01-15 00:09:16
    ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)

    my brain has decided to read the whole of the current tvt mock thread

    all 70 something loving pages of it

    Why do it?

    -I originally read that as "loving all 70 pages of it". I ologize for my prior reaction.
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    *xylophone solo*
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)

    clean feet

    How awful! What a thought!

    You really are a shocker, naneypangurassassin.
  • i see your heart

    over there
  • Does anyone know of a good tool to design a card game template with?
  • upside down and completely carefree
  • edited 2014-01-15 00:18:17
    imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    @ Kex: aside from photoshop or an equivalent program, you mean?
  • divorced from gravity due to your manic egotism, you fly away into the emptiness
  • this dude I know on twitter just gave me three games for free :D

    they are To The Moon, BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner 2 Future Legend of Rhythm Alien, and Reus

  • Tachyon said:

    @ Kex: aside from photoshop or an equivalent program, you mean?

    Equivalent program maybe, defs not overpricedshop.
  • edited 2014-01-15 00:20:39

    a god of average size

    cast into the measure of a man
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