The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • that was a random post, not a response to your query
  • Crapville

    Didn't you say that was the name of your Animal Crossing town? Or was it Craptown?
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.

    And I'm surprised you remember that.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • i would rather like to get my ears pierced

    dunno where i would like to go to get that done tho
  • edited 2014-01-14 22:41:21
    > everyone who is alive today should play Dark Souls. Extensively, if possible.

    I've actually kinda concluded that the game isn't my sort of game.  I think.  Maybe.

    I still don't really understand why other people like it so much, because as far as I can tell the gameplay looks irritatingly slow and tedious, and there isn't cool music or vibrant visuals to tide me through the gameplay.  Of course, I haven't played it myself, so I can't say for sure.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • dark souls is insufficiently kawaii for me
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    serious answer: maybe name it after the reigning monarch of the period, as with Virginia?
  • > everyone who is alive today should play Dark Souls. Extensively, if possible.

    I've actually kinda concluded that the game isn't my sort of game.  I think.  Maybe.

    I still don't really understand why other people like it so much, because as far as I can tell the gameplay looks irritatingly slow and clunky.  Of course, I haven't played it myself, so I can't say for sure.

    The gameplay is definitely deliberate but I wouldn't describe it as slow. More like, weighty or somesuch.

    Even if you're not into the gameplay it's worth it for the lore and worldbuilding alone and it goes on sale all the time. No better time to get into it than now since the sequel is coming out this year.
  • Tachyon said:

    serious answer: maybe name it after the reigning monarch of the period, as with Virginia?

    hmm Alexandria or Alexanderland? It could work.

    Are there other English suffixes for "land"? I should look that up.

    Stephenia or Stephenland could also work since he was the previous emperor and died young.
  • He has had this truck for years and just fixes it himself when it breaks down, which is about every other month. He is so far beyond giving a single shit about anything driving related. He takes this beast everywhere, to and from work, speeds, parks wherever the hell he feels like. No collision insurance.

    And yet he mysteriously has no tickets or has ever been in a collision.

    New role model.
  • I also had thought of New Normandy, since in this world Albion (Great Britian) is still ruled by direct descendents of William the Conqueror, and Normandy is still an Albionic possession.
  • For once, or maybe twice, I was in my prime.
    Is anyone else bugged by the fact that till is universally accepted as an abbreviation of until? If you're just dropping a syllable, then you get 'til (or just til if you absolutely have to drop the apostrophe), right? And till is something you do to soil, right?
  • edited 2014-01-14 22:47:19
    For once, or maybe twice, I was in my prime.
    Stupid doublepost.
  • oh god Settler Growth of 1.5%

    this is gonna take forever
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • I changed it to "slow and tedious" FWIW.  Not saying it isn't deliberate, but just saying that I'd expect myself to get bored with its repetitiveness.  Contrast it to the smooth animations and physics of some of the recent (2D) Castlevania games, or the crisp quickness of (original) Spelunky or the Metroid GBA games.
  • I changed it to "slow and tedious" FWIW.  Not saying it isn't deliberate, but just saying that I'd expect myself to get bored with its repetitiveness.  Contrast it to the smooth animations and physics of some of the recent (2D) Castlevania games, or the crisp quickness of (original) Spelunky or the Metroid GBA games.

    It's not repetitive.

    Slow, sure, not repetitive. The combat system is very involved.

    Also, are you saying you prefer the original Spelunky to the remake?
  • gorton's freesherman
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.


    what's a good name for an alternate universe Guyana founded by alternate universe Englishmen.

  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    Are there other English suffixes for "land"? I should look that up.

    lond, londe, loond, lan and lont are all variants, but i know of no direct alternatives

    besides that the English have historically been fond of Latin suffixes
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    oh, New [somethingorother] is always a good bet
  • > Also, are you saying you prefer the original Spelunky to the remake?

    I haven't played the remake, but from what I've heard, it takes out a lot of key features that I enjoyed.  So maybe I could enjoy the Spelunky remake as a separate game, but not as an improved version of original Spelunky.
  • edited 2014-01-14 22:51:56
    image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    A till is a thing you put money in when engaging in the sale of goods.

    > Also, are you saying you prefer the original Spelunky to the remake?

    I haven't played the remake, but from what I've heard, it takes out a lot of key features that I enjoyed.  So maybe I could enjoy the Spelunky remake as a separate game, but not as an improved version of original Spelunky.

    Uh... what?
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • > besides that the English have historically been fond of Latin suffixes

    but they don't call anything terr
  • Also, more inflammatory version of my answer: Yes, I prefer the original Spelunky.
  • edited 2014-01-14 22:53:02

    i remember the best guide to men's haircuts i've ever read was aimed at FTM trans people
  • > Also, are you saying you prefer the original Spelunky to the remake?

    I haven't played the remake, but from what I've heard, it takes out a lot of key features that I enjoyed.  So maybe I could enjoy the Spelunky remake as a separate game, but not as an improved version of original Spelunky.

    Like, the only things that were removed from the original that anyone misses are the bow and arrow and the pistol (which wasn't useful anyway).

    In contrast a number of secret levels, an additional way to play the game, and the Daily Challenge function were added. It's as near an objective improvement as I'm comfortable calling anything.
    Tachyon said:

    Are there other English suffixes for "land"? I should look that up.

    lond, londe, loond, lan and lont are all variants, but i know of no direct alternatives

    besides that the English have historically been fond of Latin suffixes
    ooh what about Xanderloon?
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    'till' always bugged me because it looks like it should be wrong, but is actually more correct than 'til' (with or without an apostrophe)
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Xanderloon sounds strange

    kind of fun, but improbable, somehow
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    Well, they also removed the Spiked Shoes's ability to stomp on Man Eaters. Gave me a nasty shock the first (and last) time I tried that.
  • im going through the womens clothing section on amazon

    why does anybody need such a variety of underwear

    i could never be a ladyperson

    i would become too bewildered when getting dressed and have like a nervous breakdown
  • somehow, despite being besieged away and picked at by countries like France, Upper Burgundy, various Holy Roman Empire states, Venice, Genoa, and The Republic of The Navarrese company, Aquitaine has manged to hold on to the two disparate provinces it has owned in the Holy Land since like the 1100s.
  • Tachyon said:

    Xanderloon sounds strange

    kind of fun, but improbable, somehow


    oh improbable not impronounceable.

    Well maybe.

    Also there are sizable Castillian Spanish, Andalusian, Berber, Norwegian, Scottish, and Irish minorities in various parts of Great Albion, so I should consider that as well.
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    Male clothes have the distinct advantage of having sizes that weren't chosen by throwing darts at a rotating wheel whilst drunk, blindfolded, and dancing the can-can.
  • also I finally have competition in the colonial ventures field. What's left of Castile has started colonizing islands and bits of Africa.
  • Male clothes have the distinct advantage of having sizes that weren't chosen by throwing darts at a rotating wheel whilst drunk, blindfolded, and dancing the can-can.

    this is true

    except when you are talking about pants

    have you ever tried on a pair of dockers
  • Also the Protestant reformation happened. It started in Grodno, which is roughly around where Lithuania is.
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.

    Male clothes have the distinct advantage of having sizes that weren't chosen by throwing darts at a rotating wheel whilst drunk, blindfolded, and dancing the can-can.

    this is true

    except when you are talking about pants

    have you ever tried on a pair of dockers
    don't even get me started on trouser sizes
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    whose territory is Grodno?
  • edited 2014-01-14 23:05:57
    > Like, the only things that were removed from the original that anyone
    misses are the bow and arrow and the pistol (which wasn't useful

    Well, from what I hear:
    * boulder now crushes (i.e. destroys) items it rolls over; it does not open up gems (or gold, either?) for the taking.
    ** jumping over the boulder may no longer be possible.
    * Olmec Head now crushes items it stomps on, it does not open up gems (or gold, either?) for the taking.
    * time limit is no longer lifted by getting the hedjet.
    * can't use spike shoes to stomp man-eating plants.
    * crouch-crawling doesn't negate ice physics anymore.
    * can't drop (but not use) a bomb or rope to trigger an arrow trap below you on a ledge.
    * can't whip a pot to destroy spiders/snakes inside anymore (must whip twice).
    * can't whip while clinging to a ledge.
    * can no longer drop onto a spike from one block above (which was actually changed since version 1 of original Spelunky, so I continue to play version 0.99.9 for specifically this reason).

    Source: this post and the next few pages
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