The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • edited 2014-01-12 17:21:02
    Also, IJBM: I can't participate in any conversations in this thread.

    Because the conversation moves so fast.  I check back in in half an hour and I'm already a page behind and the topic has shifted to something a mile away.
  • it would only be a small leap of faith to close your eyes and imagine Future as Adele performing "Someone Like You" at the Brit Awards. 
  • edited 2014-01-12 17:22:16
    Which is partly why I wonderpost here.  Or just don't give a crap and reply to someone's post from like an hour or five hours or two days ago.  Because I can't actually keep up with the conversation, and consequently, I have to not take the conversation seriously or it'll just completely eat my time F5ing this page.
  • Also, IJBM: I can't participate in any conversations in this thread.

    Because the conversation moves so fast.  I check back in in half an hour and I'm already a page behind and the topic has shifted to something a mile away.

    what kind of conversation just pauses for half an hour?
  • And of course, what I'm saying right here is going to be buried under another heap of posts and then forgotten to history.

    Like everything anyone ever does.  Lost to the dustbin of history.  Forgotten.  And eventually erased.
  • And of course, what I'm saying right here is going to be buried under another heap of posts and then forgotten to history.

    Like everything anyone ever does.  Lost to the dustbin of history.  Forgotten.  And eventually erased.

    Well, damn, that's pleasant. :|
  • Also, IJBM: I can't participate in any conversations in this thread.

    Because the conversation moves so fast.  I check back in in half an hour and I'm already a page behind and the topic has shifted to something a mile away.

    what kind of conversation just pauses for half an hour?
    Do you mean staying on topic for half an hour or no one saying anything for half an hour?

    Well, possibly both, since that kind of conversation would be a topic-specific conversation rather than a "just hanging out chit-chatting" conversation.  If such a conversation were very active it might have posts every few minutes but it could go for hours without another post.  Observe, for example, most of the more specific threads on here -- even the wonderposting ones where people could potentially post anything they want (as long as it's even got an inkling of relevance).
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    basically conversations in this thread tend to move like actual meatspace conversations, or an IRC channel, rather than a forum discussion
  • and then the things form historical dustbunnies that eat all of the aetherial carrots
  • Tachyon said:

    basically conversations in this thread tend to move like actual meatspace conversations, or an IRC channel, rather than a forum discussion

  • Tachyon said:

    basically conversations in this thread tend to move like actual meatspace conversations, or an IRC channel, rather than a forum discussion

    Yeah, basically.  As I said, chit-chat.

    Which is kinda unwieldy on a forum, unfortunately.  Would work much better if it were in meatspace or on IRC, rather than on a webpage that has to be constantly refreshed.
  • Though I guess I am sufficiently bored procrastinating...
  • Sorry for being depressing.
  • Tachyon said:

    basically conversations in this thread tend to move like actual meatspace conversations, or an IRC channel, rather than a forum discussion

    Is that on its own a bad thing, though?

    I mean, I actually kind of like that about this thread-- you can say something and people will actually respond relatively quickly.

    That isn't to say I'm against wonder posting here though-- I actually like when that happens too because it validates those times when I want to mention my random thoughts.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    Genre definitions are too tied to instrumentation anyway.

    folk music, to my mind, is music in the tradition(s) of pre-industrial music performed and enjoyed outside of the Western classical tradition

    a looser definition would also encompass contemporary music which derives heavily from such traditions

    what it is not is soft rock which happens to feature a banjo or an acoustic guitar
  • Tachyon said:

    basically conversations in this thread tend to move like actual meatspace conversations, or an IRC channel, rather than a forum discussion

    Yeah, basically.  As I said, chit-chat.

    Which is kinda unwieldy on a forum, unfortunately.  Would work much better if it were in meatspace or on IRC, rather than on a webpage that has to be constantly refreshed.
    At least we're running on Vanilla, though. I think I'd have a heart attack if I had to go back to TVT's system.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i don't think it's a bad thing

    i'm not a fan of IRC channels; they move too fast for me

    this thread moves at about the right pace
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    also shitposting is fine

    what i dislike is when i suspect people are trying to troll or spark arguments under the guise of shitposting, but i'm not sure to what extent that actually happens

    i know i've sometimes had people respond to my shitposts as though they were meaningful comments so i guess it could be i read too much into stuff
  • Tachyon said:

    i don't think it's a bad thing

    i'm not a fan of IRC channels; they move too fast for me

    this thread moves at about the right pace

  • edited 2014-01-12 17:35:01
    > At least we're running on Vanilla, though. I think I'd have a heart attack if I had to go back to TVT's system.

    I actually suggested Vanilla way back when, before IJBM 2 was founded, because it had a very simplistic design -- avatar, timestamp, text signature, and post, and was (or at least looked) much more lightweight than more traditional forum stuff like phpBB or IPB.  In fact, I picked it in part because it was similar to TVT's forum, in being simple-looking and non-clunky and relatively easy to use.

    Then Longfellow took up my suggestion and founded IJBM 2.0 on the Vanilla Forums site (back when they hosted people's sites), and then IJBM 2.1 spawned from that, and HH also picked up Vanilla.  Which is why we're all using Vanilla.

    Which I don't mind.  But I just wanted to point out this little bit of site history trivia -- that the person who suggested the idea (namely, yours truly) did so in part because it was similar to, rather than different from, TVT's interface style.
  • edited 2014-01-12 17:35:33

    ah trig, my old friend

    i missed you
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    groovy tunes, d00d
  • Tachyon said:

    i don't think it's a bad thing

    i'm not a fan of IRC channels; they move too fast for me

    this thread moves at about the right pace

    I find IRC channels that have about 15 to 40 people have about the right pace, depending on how fast they're talking.  The #trashheap IRC channel is a pretty good example, incidentally.  I like that pace.

    Also with IRC channels, each person's postings are even more simplistic than on Vanilla or TVT: just a username and some text.  (Maybe a bit of markup like bold or underline or colors.)

    It's very, very, very simple, and takes up so little space.

    So a chat client can actually give show quite a bit of conversation history at once.

    Basically I can walk away for half an hour, then come back, then read up on the chat, and do so without waiting for two webpages to load -- I can just scroll up a bit, and after a few seconds of skimming, I'm caught up with the chat.
  • ...Would it be self indulgent to start a second personal thread if you have one already?

    I mean, I started Trevorland with the intent of making it all encompassing, but I think I'd prefer if that one stayed as my home for long form stuff I don't want to lose track of (my writing, Photoshop projects, etc.)

    I think I want a "Tre talks to himself" thread, like Kex has. Sort of like a place to dump those momentary thoughts without dealing with the stigma of putting them on Tumblr.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i already have 2 personal threads

    which isn't a no but
  • you're cool enough to warrant 2 thoooooo
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    Also with IRC channels, each person's postings are even more simplistic than on Vanilla or TVT: just a username and some text.  (Maybe a bit of markup like bold or underline or colors.)

    another reason why i prefer forums, tbh

    also i feel nervous in IRC chats, like i'm on the spot and being watched

    dunno why that is, personal quirk i guess
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    My one thread is enough for me, it can contain all my awesome
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Tre said:

    you're cool enough to warrant 2 thoooooo

  • Incidentally, and ironically, I'm carrying on a conversation in this thread right now.  lol.

    Also, have I ever mentioned that I'm a big fan of very simple communication mediums that are low-tech but low-size?  Such as how IRC is text-based.  I much prefer IRC over things like AIM or GTalk.  Mostly because it's so low-tech that people have developed clients with lots of features and you can pick and choose your features or you can get a barebones client that does just the basics (and might do them really well) and at the end of the day you're communicating in a format that takes very little bandwidth (you can IRC on dial-up very easily!) but can be very meaningful.

    And people have come up with ways to put lots of meaning into IRC chatting.  From bots that do various things (e.g. quoting, chat games, file-serving) to the idea of using temporary username changes to indicate one's status to creating fixed-width ASCII art.  All of these are emergent properties of a very simple and small-footprint technological basis.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    My one thread... can contain all my awesome

  • you know it's true
  • im with tachyon on all this
  • Tachyon said:

    My one thread... can contain all my awesome

    Okay, well, this is a lie

    But my original statement stands
  • That simple basis means you can implement it as a java applet or other scripted feature of a webpage.  Or you can just download one of many standalone clients.  And you don't need proprietary software to do this.  Almost anyone can pick this up and make sense of IRC and use it.

    Also if you need to look back at history, you can generate logs, which are very small because they are text-based, and can be read using any basic text editor.
  • Also why I like text-based quoting and markup and stuff like that.

    Using a >, such as for e-mails and 4chan, I can indicate a reply with a simple copy/paste.

    If not, I have to use indentation, which becomes confusing if the page loads improperly and the format breaks.  But even with broken format, one can see a >.  Or quotation marks.  Or a low-tech solution like that.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    well, thank you Tre

    you are wrong though if you are insinuating you are not cool enough to have 2 threads
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    IRC isn't worse than forums imo, it's simply a different way of doing things with its own conventions and features

    i just don't feel very comfortable with it, so i prefer forums
  • Fair enough.

    I feel that forums go at a slower pace and allow for more thought and more formalizing what I want to say.  While on IRC I noticeably rarely use punctuation or capitalization because I see that as much more informal and conversational and "flows right by".
  • To be honest, I didn't really care much for having my own thread, if that other forum I used to visit during the free-time I got at work didn't become boring, I probably still wouldn't have my own thread.

    But I kind of wanted to belong here again, which is an odd thing to say.

    But I didn't say it, I typed it.
  • edited 2014-01-12 17:58:56
    imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i used to use punctuation and capitalization on forums all the time.

    i've gotten sloppy of late.
  • Whether I pay attention to those mostly depends on the post and the length thereof.

    Generally longer = more punctuation with me.
  • edited 2014-01-12 17:59:44
    imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Nobody belongs here, but that's OK.

    You fit in here just fine Clock.
  • Tachyon said:

    i used to use punctuation and capitalization on forums all the time

    i've gotten sloppy of late

    Was it the arrow to your leg joint?

    When is it funny to use old memes again? I mean surely there must be a time after the initial bombardment of them that it's safe to use them.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i feel more self-conscious about punctuation if i know the person i'm talking to cares about punctuation.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    It was never safe to use that meme.  Using that meme is liable to summon Alduin, the World-Devourer.
  • I am excited, this punctuation lets you know that!!!
  • Exciting pagetopper!
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Expression of surprise!
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    And possibly confusion?
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