The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • I am super disappointed to hear that Namco-Bandai (who I mostly care about for Dark Souls but they're a prolific company) have hopped aboard the "we should be able to claim Youtube videos and make ad money off of them instead of you, nyeh nyeh nyeh" train.

    i would kinda get it if they wanted part of the ad money

    but all of it does not make any sense imo
  • Tachyon said:

    i do not understand why people say that

    1. the main characters are little girls

    2. the people doing the saying fap to all their favorite animes, and they assume that everyone else does as well

    3. as such, they think that the people who watch lucky star must fap to it

    flawless logic if i do say so myself
    tbh I do not find it difficult to find animated characters attractive, but the entire cast of Lucky Star is so far from what I'd consider attractive that I find it baffling that anyone would even think anyone would.

    it's like assuming that the reason people sleep with pillows is because they want to fuck the pillows.
    Yeah pretty much
  • TreTre
    edited 2014-01-12 16:27:27
    Admittedly I didn't really know if I wanted to start KLK because I heard about the whole objectification debate about it but when I saw a bit more of the storyline deets I finally decided to try it against my better judgment

    I'm at about Episode 6, and my feelings are mixed about the whole thing because it's well-written and does a great job of getting the viewer hooked but despite acting as a parody of the whole "skimpy femme" trope it still makes things sort of uncomfortable if you're not watching it to get a boner.

    I probably will keep watching, though-- the show's good enough that I can bring myself to try ignoring that part of it.
  • I am super disappointed to hear that Namco-Bandai (who I mostly care about for Dark Souls but they're a prolific company) have hopped aboard the "we should be able to claim Youtube videos and make ad money off of them instead of you, nyeh nyeh nyeh" train.

    i would kinda get it if they wanted part of the ad money

    but all of it does not make any sense imo
    well with Youtube's current model it's literally impossible to split revenues from a channel.

    The legal argument is that Lets Plays and Reviews use enough of the pre-existing copyrighted content that they're not protected under fair use blah blah blah. The point (as always) is not whether or not the company can do it, it's whether or not they should.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    it's like assuming that the reason people sleep with pillows is because they want to fuck the pillows.
  • it's like assuming that the reason people sleep with pillows is because they want to fuck the pillows.
    not that kind of pillow Imigee.
  • if it makes you feel any better i like the show plenty and you know i am not the sort of person who is big on skimpily clad ladies
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • I am super disappointed to hear that Namco-Bandai (who I mostly care about for Dark Souls but they're a prolific company) have hopped aboard the "we should be able to claim Youtube videos and make ad money off of them instead of you, nyeh nyeh nyeh" train.

    i would kinda get it if they wanted part of the ad money

    but all of it does not make any sense imo
    well with Youtube's current model it's literally impossible to split revenues from a channel.
    that's pretty dumb
  • TreTre
    edited 2014-01-12 16:30:29
    well, if Ubisoft ever gets on that train I will be sort of SOL if I ever want to make money off of my future LPs

    But they're refraining from that, IIRC, so that's cool
  • I am super disappointed to hear that Namco-Bandai (who I mostly care about for Dark Souls but they're a prolific company) have hopped aboard the "we should be able to claim Youtube videos and make ad money off of them instead of you, nyeh nyeh nyeh" train.

    i would kinda get it if they wanted part of the ad money

    but all of it does not make any sense imo
    well with Youtube's current model it's literally impossible to split revenues from a channel.
    that's pretty dumb
    many things about Youtube are either pretty dumb or just entirely dumb.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    many things about Google are either pretty dumb or just entirely dumb.
  • ah, Google, a company I wish I didn't rely on as much as I do

    better them than Apple, though
  • or, god forbid, Microsoft

  • google play is pretty great

    i like gmail too

    and google docs
  • google play is pretty great

    i like gmail too

    and google docs
    I use all of these, their search, Chrome, Android, YouTube and Hangouts.

    God help me.
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    I need to catch up on Kill La Kill soon. I liked the first few episodes when I watched them a while back. Episode 4 was the one that really hooked me, FWIW.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Google Docs, i have no complaints about

    Chrome is fine, also, although i'm kind of attached to Firefox
  • edited 2014-01-12 16:36:34
    Pizza Dog
    Google presents, Google docks.

    Where the google trade boats bring in imported google goods from Google land.

    Google has bought out australlia, their main export is google death.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    KLK is great, really

    i love the sheer over-the-topness of it
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    why would you bother importing death into Australia

    it was already the continent of death to begin with
  • Episodes 3 and 4 are my favorites so far.

    I dunno what it is about the show, but I think I like it best when it skews toward either the action side of things or the humor. It's not bad in the middle, though.
  • as for Google, well, they've been consistently good enough for me that I'm not hesitant to keep using their stuff

    Apple is similar but since iOS 7 I've been less enthused with their attitude toward legacy users like myself; it seems like the planned obsolescence thing is getting a bit worse these days

    and finally, I only use Microshit because of market domination, and even that's starting to lose its grip (i.e., if/when Steam OS gains some steam, I will be dropping Windows like a hot pot sticker)
  • Tachyon said:

    It's just such a poor, strawman response to that question. 

    That's the kind of answer that gets people called radfems and dismissed.

    maybe so, but being kind of grouchy on tumblr isn't exactly on the same level as being an antisemite

    not saying there aren't valid criticisms to be made of radical feminists, but if someone dismisses someone just because she's a radical feminist that's really unfair

    (no idea if she really is a misandrist; also her tumblr's theme is horrible, i can barely read it)

    also with regards to Gandhi, maybe worth noting that Hitler regarded the British as weak for not simply shooting him; any admiration there was certainly one-way
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i use Microsoft because i'm not a huge fan of Macs and i wouldn't know where to begin with Linux

    maybe the next time i buy a PC i'll consider switching to a different OS, but for the time being i see no reason not to stick with what i have
  • i honestly don't mind microsoft

  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i greatly dislike what i've seen and read of Windows 8, although i have never used it myself
  • anti-gravity Auto-Tune
  • Windows 8 is like, basically Windows 7 but moreso.

    The tiles thing is superficial and an annoyance at worst, but it also doesn't really have any practical uses because nothing exists for it.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • anti-gravity Auto-Tune

    T-Pain as an astronaut.
  • it had a bit of a learning curve, and it still has some weird non-intuitive shit going on but it's not as bad as people say it is imo

    and it might actually be pretty nice with a touch screen
  • I wish my touchscreen worked more consistently* so I could actually take advantage of it.

    *I seem to somehow often disable the touchscreen by accident and I don't know how I do it.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    to me it seems like the embodiment of this current trend towards making everything minimalistic, coupled with an attitude towards user-friendliness that's nothing short of condescending

    i want my PC to be a PC, not a PC pretending to be a phone pretending to be a PC
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    besides which, i greatly dislike having to adapt to a new interface

    that's nothing really against Microsoft or anyone else, i just hate drastic changes
  • There are three separate Queens named Beatrix I on this map.
  • Windows 8 isn't as terrible as people say it is but the current version of it does stink of that whole "we know what you want and we're kinda-sorta giving it to you but you should still conform to how we like things because what are you gonna do otherwise" attitude, you know?

    The introduction of the Start screen for all versions of the OS just seems like them shoving a new design onto users just because they can, and while I don't mind it too much those that do are sort of left to their own devices, and I don't like that part of it, honestly. Like, I think I should be able to have a competent, traditional Start menu without having to go to third parties for it.

    Just my $0.02 though.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    If I hear another One Direction song I'm gonna snap
  • TreTre
    edited 2014-01-12 17:01:08
    Tachyon said:

    i want my PC to be a PC, not a PC pretending to be a phone pretending to be a PC

    Which is exactly the problem I'm talking about. Metro and the Live Tiles work on phones/tablets because they're the kinds of devices that are meant to be interacted with directly, and while they're notably prettier than the default Desktop interface, the Desktop is more useful if you're the type of person who prefers a keyboard and mouse on a PC.

    tl;dr we should be able to choose rather than having to resort to silent rebellion
  • in other, happier news


    I've unearthed a work of art
  • *scuffling noises*


    *keith flint sneezes*
  • is that doctor robotnik
  • or peter griffin

    pick one, both are valid answers
  • Tachyon said:

    i know this isn't a logical reason to dislike them, but i'm just sick of people calling them 'folk' because they play acoustic instruments

    and giving them airtime on folk programmes over the heads of actual folk artists when Mumford and Sons get played on mainstream radio regardless

    Genre definitions are too tied to instrumentation anyway.
  • doctor griffin

    sonic officially hits rock bottom
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