The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • Odradek said:

    Kexruct said:

    Crazy is a bit of an exaggeration. IIRC, all that happened was he sort of flipped out on Twitter.

    It turned out he was bipolar and had a crazy serious heart condition.
  • Ah. Well, my father is bipolar. I'm not super offended or anything but maybe be a bit more conservative with when you apply the word crazy in the future?
  • Odradek said:

    He's been doing better lately, apparently. Been getting out more, taking medication, and seeing a therapist. 

    That is good to hear! :D
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    Every Final Fantasy since 1997 has been a teen angst fantasy in my humble opinion. ^_^ Not that it's a bad thing. But FFX is a little too bombastic, over-produced, and under-developed story-wise to feel "sincere" to me. I still think it has the best gameplay in the whole series, and an awesome setting, and an awesome soundtrack. :D
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    I like FFX too.

    It's weird that people consider Tidus whiny. He always seemed really happy go-lucky to me.

    I think it's just his voice grating on people.
  • I seem to very consistently just not like video game music and I don't know why.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    Tidus is the best Final Fantasy character ever.

  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    I have become kind of a grouch, huh.
  • Kexruct said:

    i'm not saying that liking imagine dragons is good/bad

    im saying that he has a weird double standard going on because it seems, at least to me, that they are like the exact embodiment of that kinda inorganic pop music he claims to hate so much.
    The only song by them he liked was It's Time (which he called cliche, but had enough heart to make it work), and he was more or less just surprised at how much of a dip in quality all their other popular songs were. He mentioned in another review that he only found Radioactive kinda-sorta okay.
    "kinda-sorta okay" is a big step up from "over the top cartoonish loathing" imo
    Kexruct said:

    Which irks me. I've only ever gotten into one (Final Fantasy X) but that game is very important to me, and it seems like a good deal of its hatedom dislikes it basically because it was kind of cheesy and melodramatic. But you know? I kind of love it for that. I like it when a work can be sure of itself enough to be cheesy and melodramatic. The entire game felt very... sincere. None of the dramatic moments felt fake or like they weren't earned.
    I like that you articulated why you liked the game for the reasons that other people disliked it w/o invalidating their dislike (*sincere here btw*)
    To be honest, while I "get" while people would dislike it I still find the reasons why to be kind of off-putting (Namely, I really don't like that so many people will scoff at a work that is sincere and self assured enough to be cheesy, because it reflects a trend towards insincerity that I really resent). Maybe I wouldn't find it as much so if the hatred for it wasn't so virulent and more just a matter of "stories that are doofy and sentimental just don't do it for me."
  • I seem to very consistently just not like video game music and I don't know why.

    me too.

    Bastion's soundtrack is real good in the context of the game, even if outside of said context the only song I'd listen to is "Build That Wall".

    Yume Nikki's soundtrack is untouchable.

    Otherwise I don't much care for VGM.
  • Speaking of FF i really, really enjoyed The Four Heroes Of Light and i'm really looking forward to playing Bravely Default.

    Also, teen angst can be painful in hindsight for those that are older, but it's still like a valid thing for the people that experience it and that it is perfectly ok to center a work around it.
  • my dad's a big fan of the online FF games

    I remember casually enjoying 11 but I don't think I got into it very much, and I can't help but feel like I'd be wasting money if I got into 14...
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    Also, teen angst can be painful in hindsight for those that are older, but it's still like a valid thing for the people that experience it and that it is perfectly ok to center a work around it.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    Speaking of FF i really, really enjoyed The Four Heroes Of Light and i'm really looking forward to playing Bravely Default.
    Me too~!!! :D
    Also, teen angst can be painful in hindsight for those that are older,
    but it's still like a valid thing for the people that experience it and
    that it is perfectly ok to center a work around it.
    hmm, that is a good point.
  • There will never be a Final fantasy, because they keep making sequels to it.

  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
  • -applause-

    Damn, Naney, that's probably the most mature way I've heard anyone talk about the subject. Good on you, bro.
  • edited 2014-01-12 01:12:18

    Deicide is p much the definition of a good fun band imo

    there are other bands that are more arty, and others that are more technical or brutal or heavy or whatever

    but Deicide just rocks, y'know?
    I'll admit Deicide is better than a lot of death metal bands from that era (and death metal bands in general), but I never really got into Deicide. Always preferred Morbid Angel and Entombed, even though their solos were too Slayer-ish.

  • Also, teen angst can be painful in hindsight for those that are older, but it's still like a valid thing for the people that experience it and that it is perfectly ok to center a work around it.
    Like Fullmetal Alchemist.

    The new one.
  • the four heroes of light was juuust right for me in JRPG terms

    cute graphics, a shallow but fun storyline, a bit of character development and some fun strategic stuff.

    it could have standed to be a bit harder I think though, and more strategy-oriented, and as i understand it Bravely Default will be both so yaaaaay
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    I thought it was really cute and fun~
  • Also in hindsight one really impressive aspect of it is how it managed to have a relatively large cast, all with distinct and memorable personalities and with compelling arcs without ever making it feel overcrowded (although part of this might be because some of the characters essentially already finished their character arcs by the time you meet them, which is another credit to the game, really. You get a good feel for those characters because of things like voice acting and character design which is pretty hard to pull off). Some of it is pretty complex stuff, too, particularly Yuna and Tidus's stories.
  • He Tre are you going to sign up for that RP thing
  • Deicide is p much the definition of a good fun band imo

    there are other bands that are more arty, and others that are more technical or brutal or heavy or whatever

    but Deicide just rocks, y'know?
    I'll admit Deicide is better than a lot of death metal bands from that era (and death metal bands in general), but I never really got into Deicide. Always preferred Morbid Angel and Entombed.
    I've never been super big into them either, as i usually prefer more brutal/tech death, but i can kinda see why people like them and i do throw on an album of theirs if i'm in the mood.

    also whenever i think of entombed my mind kinda drifts to a few years back when all those metallic crustcore / "blackened crust" outfits started using that kinda entombed guitar tone

    a few really good records came out of that
  • I just basically don't get anything that uses guitar as more than a rhythm instrument.

    I often talk about Naney having weird ears but I guess mine are weird in their own way.
  • Deicide is p much the definition of a good fun band imo

    there are other bands that are more arty, and others that are more technical or brutal or heavy or whatever

    but Deicide just rocks, y'know?
    I'll admit Deicide is better than a lot of death metal bands from that era (and death metal bands in general), but I never really got into Deicide. Always preferred Morbid Angel and Entombed.
    I've never been super big into them either, as i usually prefer more brutal/tech death, but i can kinda see why people like them and i do throw on an album of theirs if i'm in the mood.

    also whenever i think of entombed my mind kinda drifts to a few years back when all those metallic crustcore / "blackened crust" outfits started using that kinda entombed guitar tone

    a few really good records came out of that
    You know what albums they were of the top of your head? That sounds kinda interesting.
  • I just basically don't get anything that uses guitar as more than a rhythm instrument.

    I often talk about Naney having weird ears but I guess mine are weird in their own way.

    I dunno about weird, but I don't really understand your point of view on that.
  • I just basically don't get anything that uses guitar as more than a rhythm instrument.

    I often talk about Naney having weird ears but I guess mine are weird in their own way.

    I dunno about weird, but I don't really understand your point of view on that.
    Like, I have tried listening to a variety of music that uses guitar as a "lead" instrument. Either in solos in more traditional rock/metal or just as an atmosphere setter, and like 99% of guitar playing sounds very, very similar to me. I don't know why.
  • first one that comes to mind is Trap Them's Darker Handcraft, which is definitely one of my favorite hardcore albums.
  • unless there are some unorthodox playing techniques going on acoustic guitar stuff definitely blends together for me
  • Young And In The Way are also really really good, but they're pretty much straight up hardcore/black metal
  • random aside: i don't like hardcore without some amount of metal influence

    like it always sounds kinda half-assed to me

  • that said i haven't listened to much metal as of late

    my interest in it kinda waxes and wanes
  • You know, someone I follow on Tumblr made a good point recently in that the Pokemon series' infatuation with Generation I is really holding the series back. There is simply no way it will ever capture the magic of Generation I again, and the constant attempts to do so both highlight this fact and validate genwunners (UGH).
  • Kexruct said:

    You know, someone I follow on Tumblr made a good point recently in that the Pokemon series' infatuation with Generation I is really holding the series back. There is simply no way it will ever capture the magic of Generation I again, and the constant attempts to do so both highlight this fact and validate genwunners (UGH).

    there is an infatuation with generation 1?

    I genuinely hadn't noticed.
  • He Tre are you going to sign up for that RP thing

    I had my reservations, but I might.
  • Kexruct said:

    You know, someone I follow on Tumblr made a good point recently in that the Pokemon series' infatuation with Generation I is really holding the series back. There is simply no way it will ever capture the magic of Generation I again, and the constant attempts to do so both highlight this fact and validate genwunners (UGH).

    ?  ?  ?
  • Remember back in the 50s when they'd record like Elvis singing YOU AIN'T NOTHIN BUT A HOUND DOG and then they'd turn the record over and reverse it and it was all NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP and people were all like, "That is actually the voice of Satan coming from that song."

    Kexruct said:

    You know, someone I follow on Tumblr made a good point recently in that the Pokemon series' infatuation with Generation I is really holding the series back. There is simply no way it will ever capture the magic of Generation I again, and the constant attempts to do so both highlight this fact and validate genwunners (UGH).

    there is an infatuation with generation 1?

    I genuinely hadn't noticed.
    For a moment there, I was confused and thought you were talking about the fandom, not the games and anime themselves.

    I have to admit, I haven't really noticed all that much of it in the games, unless you count expanding the Pokédex to include older Pokémon and letting you have the Kanto starters again. The anime seems to be throwing in more callbacks to Gen. I (especially if they're using a remix of the season 1 theme in the English dub), but it doesn't seem too over-the-top.
  • edited 2014-01-12 01:59:39

    hmm, it seems my two least favorite kinds of music have some things in common
  • this probably says something about me idk
  • man i have not seen the pokemon anime in ages
  • >I'm probably the last gay man on the planet to discover the allure of trance music

    naney's existence proves otherwise
  • Remember back in the 50s when they'd record like Elvis singing YOU AIN'T NOTHIN BUT A HOUND DOG and then they'd turn the record over and reverse it and it was all NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP and people were all like, "That is actually the voice of Satan coming from that song."
    I haven't either. Admittedly, I'm judging from the trailers and snippets on Bulbapedia, so I may be wrong.
  • oh no now i am looking at huff po gay voices again

    make it stop ;_;
  • no please dont remind me that grindr exists make it stopmakitstopmakitstop
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    why must my fingers be cold
  • "Grinder" just makes me think of the horde mode from Mech Assault.
  • i feel lonely

    i wish i had some incense and also my boo
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