The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • Ugggggggggggggggghhhhhh

    I don't feel like doing this again, dammit. Maybe CA will come in and back me up or something? I dunno.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Miko said:

    No!! ^_^ I can't even get to the final stage yet.


    well keep trying!
  • we are on to numero six

    it is Started From The Bottom, the first really shit song on the list so far IMO aside from that country one that i had never heard until just now
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    If it's any help, Kex, what little I've heard of pop music lately has sounded downright terrible to me.

    Of course, I am a dedicated Psychedelic Stoner Metalhead, so
  • I may not always give the impression but I do try to keep an open mind about these things

    that said, every music review I have ever watched on Youtube has been awful, so I no longer bother.
  • we are on to numero six

    it is Started From The Bottom, the first really shit song on the list so far IMO aside from that country one that i had never heard until just now
    Anything off of Nothing Was The Same is another candidate for "the list should just be that but 20 times" territory.

    I don't think I actually heard "Started From The Bottom" on the radio at all though.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    heights to which I will never aspire

  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    Kexruct said:


    I don't feel like doing this again, dammit. Maybe CA will come in and back me up or something? I dunno.

    RULES CHANGE: Doing somwething incredibly stupid now invalidates your opinion. Assuming this rules change applies to me:So, Imipolex is always talking about breasts and Miko is often inappropriate and silly, so yeah, how about that makes it so everything they must be on that level.
  • that said, every music review I have ever watched on Youtube has been awful, so I no longer bother.

    i have rather liked what i have seen of The Needledrop

    even if Anthony sticks mainly to p4k type things he always explains why he feels a certain way about an album and gives nice track-by-track breakdowns

    which works pretty well if you are of a similar mind with him on music and you haven't heard the album in question already, two descriptors which like never describe me
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    Also, there are people at NPR who do good music reviews.


  • Maybe I'm just being defensive and pissy as always but when I mention something I like and then Naney goes on to perform his usual over-the-top negative shtick on it it's kind of hard for me not to get a bit upset.
  • that said, every music review I have ever watched on Youtube has been awful, so I no longer bother.

    i have rather liked what i have seen of The Needledrop

    even if Anthony sticks mainly to p4k type things he always explains why he feels a certain way about an album and gives nice track-by-track breakdowns

    which works pretty well if you are of a similar mind with him on music and you haven't heard the album in question already, two descriptors which like never describe me
    I don't like Needledrop either. I've had a lot of people recommended to me over time to try to persuade me that there are Youtube music reviewers worth watching but I have yet to find one I enjoy or even really agree with on much. Although apparently he liked Run The Jewels so that's a point in his favor, but then, so did everyone who heard it.


    it's Lil Wayne, there's nothing surprising about this.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Aliroz said:

    RULES CHANGE: Doing somwething incredibly stupid now invalidates your opinion. Assuming this rules change applies to me:So, Imipolex is always talking about breasts and Miko is often inappropriate and silly, so yeah, how about that makes it so everything they must be on that level.

    Well, given the nature of this site, that's the whole forum's opinions invalidated...
  • yeah as i said i don't usually find it worth watching myself

    but he does not seem overly objectionable as music critics go, he does his job and he does it consistently and thoroughly.
  • Kexruct said:

    Maybe I'm just being defensive and pissy as always but when I mention something I like and then Naney goes on to perform his usual over-the-top negative shtick on it it's kind of hard for me not to get a bit upset.

    You do have to realize that you're defending the opinions of someone you don't know. You even admitted you're not much of a music guy.

    I haven't watched Todd's videos but I've watched Rap Critic's, and they're on the same network and if their review styles are at all similar, I have no desire to watch Todd's channel and am very likely to agree with upwards of 90% of what he says. That is all.

    If you want to watch him and agree with him because you find him entertaining or w/e, by all means. It doesn't make any of us think less of you as a person, I just think people like Todd are bad for the industry.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    I'm not even sure what to think of all this, to be honest

    I don't pay nearly as much attention to the pop charts as I used to, but I get exposed to a lot of it anyway by virtue of having a 14-year-old sister

    And 2013 didn't strike me as an especially bad year for pop music? *shrug*

    But it did seem like Todd struggled throughout 2013 because so many songs were just kinda meh and he didn't have a lot of entertainingly bad songs to work with
  • And two other people take his side without actually having seen any of the guy's videos.

    Of course, I should just spontaneously decide to not get upset by something that you guys know has always upset me. Because such a thing only just occurred to me now.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i'm not taking anyone's side
  • ...are we arguing?
  • i guess we are.

  • Kexruct said:

    And two other people take his side without actually having seen any of the guy's videos.

    Of course, I should just spontaneously decide to not get upset by something that you guys know has always upset me. Because such a thing only just occurred to me now.
    My opinions on the entire TGWTG network are not exactly a secret.

    I understand finding exaggerated negativity annoying but the thing here is that this argument is not actually about you, and you should stop treating it like it is. No one here is trying to make you feel bad.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i mean i said i didn't think it was a bad year for pop music, that's true

    but i really couldn't care less what Todd said

    and i find the whole 'oh no, rockist critics' thing rather silly to be honest

    they're not hurting the industry because nobody cares what rockist critics have to say except for other rockist critics and people in their fifties
  • Tachyon said:

    i mean i said i didn't think it was a bad year for pop music, that's true

    but i really couldn't care less what Todd said

    and i find the whole 'oh no, rockist critics' thing rather silly to be honest

    they're not hurting the industry because nobody cares what rockist critics have to say except for other rockist critics and people in their fifties

    I actually meant "youtube reviewers" when I said that.

    I don't actually know if Todd is a rockist and don't particularly care.
  • sorry dude, didn't mean to like bug you and shit my bad
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    I will never be able to play 999 because whenever I see that main character guy I will think of pointless arguments like this.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    ah, right

    may i ask how they're hurting the industry?

    not looking for a fight, i just aren't sure what you mean
  • edited 2014-01-11 23:44:36
    More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    lol doublepost with

  • sorry dude, didn't mean to like bug you and shit my bad

    Urgh, I'm sorry for acting like a pissy overly defensive prick as always.
  • edited 2014-01-11 23:48:08
    More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
  • edited 2014-01-11 23:52:26
    Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I made a tileset I don't know what to do with
  • well, he apparently enjoyed Radioactive

    This will be my final post in this post-tastic debacle

    Miko said:

    I will never be able to play 999 because whenever I see that main character guy I will think of pointless arguments like this.

    Miko, your attempting to referee other people's talking is uncalled for and rude, and i would appreciate it if you would refrain from doing so in the future.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    this is not the nsfw thread Miko

    Anonus told you not to do that
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    oh whoops sorry >_<
  • Kexruct said:

    sorry dude, didn't mean to like bug you and shit my bad

    Urgh, I'm sorry for acting like a pissy overly defensive prick as always.
    eh it's fine dude, you ain't too bad or anything

    the ball is in my court, i have this unfortunate tendency to just start rambling on oblivious to everyone else...
  • Tachyon said:

    ah, right

    may i ask how they're hurting the industry?

    not looking for a fight, i just aren't sure what you mean

    personally I think that they rely more on their personality and quirks and in general, relating to the audience over actual criticism of the material.

    This isn't a bad thing in the gaming industry because it's possible to both have an up-front "stage personality" while also reviewing your product and showing both off in equal measure at the same time. There, the relationship is mutually beneficial--you're growing your channel and the game in question is getting coverage. In the music industry, the personality and the product are in conflict with each other, and it's basically impossible to review a piece of music when you're putting on an act and have the review still actually be about the music.

    Now the alternative is to just not have a stage personality when doing your reviews, but in that case you're not providing me with anything you couldn't provide in a written review, which is more convenient a medium, so I have no reason to watch.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    Miko, your attempting to referee other people's talking is uncalled
    for and rude, and i would appreciate it if you would refrain from doing
    so in the future.
    okay fine :o

    *gives whistle and uniform to Imipolex G*
  • Also I should point out that while I'm singling out music reviewers on Youtube specifically, this does happen with both written music reviews and other kinds of Youtube reviews, just far less often in my experience.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I'm not gonna referee anything

  • Music critics in general seem to operate under this assumption that music has to prove that it's not crap (*implying that music has no intrinsic value*), and seem to operate under the opinion that their standards are the only ones that matter, and that anybody who disagrees with them has poor taste.

    I find this intensely grating.
  • an example of the latter would be John "TotalBiscuit" Bain, who is primarily a game critic and who I feel exaggerates his opinions to fit an established "character", rather than actually reflecting what he thinks.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Reviews are useless
  • Music critics in general seem to operate under this assumption that music has to prove that it's not crap (*implying that music has no intrinsic value*), and seem to operate under the opinion that their standards are the only ones that matter, and that anybody who disagrees with them has poor taste.

    I find this intensely grating.
    There is also this problem. It's not the one I'm talking about, but it exists.

    I am reminded in particular of a specific breed of rap critic who often criticize albums for "just" being really good rap albums.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    I own a bunch of games by Cave now. No one cares but I'm sharing it anyway because it's fun and also not personally identifiable. There are things I won't talk about, like my injured pet, or chapter 4 of V.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    that makes sense

    i don't really follow any particular reviewer, but i like reviews best when they tell you something about the content of whatever they're reviewing, not merely their opinions of it

    if the review is sufficiently informative, you can read a negative review of something you'll enjoy and recognize it as something you might like, and vice versa
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Miko said:

    I own a bunch of games by Cave now. No one cares but I'm sharing it anyway because it's fun and also not personally identifiable. There are things I won't talk about, like my injured pet, or chapter 4 of V.

    what about chapter 4 of V?

    also I am sorry your pet is injured. :(
  • Tachyon said:

    that makes sense

    i don't really follow any particular reviewer, but i like reviews best when they tell you something about the content of whatever they're reviewing, not merely their opinions of it

    if the review is sufficiently informative, you can read a negative review of something you'll enjoy and recognize it as something you might like, and vice versa

    I follow a very small few--all games reviewers, I want to throttle music critics too often to watch or read any with deliberate consistency.
  • It seems a bit odd to me to watch a top ten and expect anything other than the reviewer's opinions. Personally, I can appreciate something even if it is obviously biased and even if I disagree with the conclusion reached. I don't think I've ever found a critic I liked who I always agreed with.
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