The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I remember wanting Naked Lunch (the book) to never end.

    Weird choice? I dunno
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    I have refrained from watching the final two episodes of Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt because I don't want it to be over...
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    omg this is the actual narrator

  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
  • Smee, Maiman, Doktar, Pavelier, Button-Lee, Juan Ovyu
    My favourite final boss on a Zelda-like game is not actually from a Zelda game. It's the Okami one
  • edited 2014-01-03 06:44:23
    More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    That's because the best 3D Zelda game is Okami. :)
  • Smee, Maiman, Doktar, Pavelier, Button-Lee, Juan Ovyu
    I like Majora's Mask more but Okami is still ebin and best
  • I cleaned out my cedar chest today.

    What an endeavor! I found (aside from literal, actual junk and clothes, which is what's in there now) the following:
    • my iPod, which I'd been missing for months
    • a completely unscathed pair of fucking glasses (the prescription seems to be correct too)
    • my tape player/dubber. With a copy of One Second by Yello inside (you may know them as the guys behind the song "Oh Yeah", which is on this album).
    • my shortwave radio which has been busted for a long time unfortunately.
    • about two to three dozen CDs I burned at some point a few years ago. Everything from Dazzle Ships by Orchestral Manouvres in the Dark to My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy by Kanye West. Fun fact, one also contains my own Lightex Tapes, to continue the "me finding my old music" theme from the other day.
    • a small tiki statue I bought a few years ago on vacation in Ocean City, Maryland.
    • a plastic skull
    • the cases (but not the actual games) for Pokemon White, Pokemon Black 2, and The Battle for Middle Earth II. That LoTR RTS.
    • several paintings I made for art class in middle school (lord were those dark times). One is of a badass panther.
    • postcards and photos from a trip I took to Philadelphia with my mom in 6th grade
    • a broken calculator
    • about fifty pens and pencils
    • a copy of Inception on DVD, from fucking Blockbuster (I have never seen the movie Inception).

    I need to clean more often.

  • image

    you can't exactly tell, but this is The Lightex Tapes.

    No metadata on any of these songs, which sucks, because I don't remember what any were called.
  • oh hey I'm pretty sure that one in the middle isn't supposed to be half an hour long.

    that's interesting.
  • oh no it's just a half hour long keyboard improvisation while Nirvana plays in the background.

    OK 2011 me, whatever you say.
  • oh hey, I found Dream of 100 Nations by The Transglobal Underground.

    I've been lookin' for that.
  • image

    I often wonder who these random-ass people are who like my stuff on Soundcloud. My first inclination is "bots".
  • image

    this is one of the strangest things i have ever seen
  • is that a Byzantine cross on a flatbrim cap?
  • nah that's the Psychic TV cross on a flatbrim cap
  • The weirdest thing is when you get those users who act like spambots but don't have any bait on their profiles. Like, links to weird sites or something

    (Also, I already like how the remix is looking)
  • edited 2014-01-03 08:46:31
    image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    "Our understanding of the war has been overlaid by misunderstandings,
    and misrepresentations which reflect an, at best, ambiguous attitude to
    this country and, at worst, an unhappy compulsion on the part of
    some to denigrate virtues such as patriotism, honour and courage. The
    conflict has, for many, been seen through the fictional prism of dramas
    such as Oh! What a Lovely War, The Monocled Mutineer and Blackadder, as a
    misbegotten shambles – a series of catastrophic mistakes perpetrated by
    an out-of-touch elite. Even to this day there are Left-wing academics
    all too happy to feed those myths."
    Michael Gove continues to talk about things he knows nothing about.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
  • The weirdest thing is when you get those users who act like spambots but don't have any bait on their profiles. Like, links to weird sites or something


    (Also, I already like how the remix is looking)
  • I just realized it's been five days since I (or anyone in my family aside from my mom) has left the house.

  • I think randomly buying an African Head-Charge album that one time was among the oddest legal music purchases I have ever made.

    I don't regret it mind, but it made no sense at the time.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    LOL some of these consumer reviews on Amazon are like they were written by idiots bred on mainstream console gaming. A shmup is *supposed* to be short enough to play through in one sitting. It's *supposed* to be challenging. God, if people play games for mindless fetch-questing and hour-long cut-scenes, why didn't they look at the back of the box before they bought the game? Judge a game on its own terms, not IGN's. I just want to find out what features are included in these editions but instead half of what I am reading is moronic drivel. ._.
  • why are you looking at Amazon reviews? They are useless for literally everything.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    hehe, I'm getting that impression. ^_^ Anyway!! If these Japanese Cave imports were not so expensive I would buy them all. There are English-language versions of three of them though that are more reasonably priced and two of them are on sale. :o
  • the only thing Amazon Reviews are good for is occasional hilarity. They're not useful.

    remember when M.I.A. made good music

    I have never figured out if her moniker is supposed to stand for "Missing in Action" or something else.
  • Certainly, we can admire the application for its survival, an
    anachronism of the now defunct '90s PC era, a pre-Web program written at
    a time when NT Server terrorized the data center landscape with the
    confidence of a T. rex born to yuppie dinosaur parents who fully bought
    into the illusion of their son's utter uniqueness because the
    big-mouthed, tiny-armed monster infant could mimic the gestures of the
    Itsy-Bitsy Pterodactyl.

    this is from a company email from Yahoo! to its employees trying to get the latter to use the company's own email service.


  • For others, you might now be running in your
    head to a well worn path of justified resistance, phoning up the ol’
    gang, circling the hippocampian wagons of amygdalian resistance. Hold on
    a sec, pilgrim.

  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    yayy~ I bought some Cave games. But I have more games now than I know what to do with...
  • Hello Yahoos,

    Earlier this year we asked you to move to Yahoo Mail for your
    corporate email account. 25% of you made the switch (thank you). But
    even if we used the most generous of grading curves (say, the one from
    organic chemistry), we have clearly failed in our goal to move our
    co-workers to Yahoo Mail.

    It’s time for the remaining 75% to make the switch. Beyond the
    practical benefits of giving feedback to your colleagues on the Mail
    team, as a company it’s a matter of principle to use the products we
    make. (BTW, same for Search.)

    For some reading this email, you are saying, “Jeff, shut up, you had
    me at hello.” *hug* Jump over to yo/dogfood, click “Corp Mail/Cal/
    Messenger” and you are ready to join our brave new world at yo/corpmail

    For others, you might now be running in your head to a well worn path
    of justified resistance, phoning up the ol’ gang, circling the
    hippocampian wagons of amygdalian resistance. Hold on a sec, pilgrim.

    First, it doesn’t feel like we are asking you to abandon some
    glorious place of communications nirvana. At this point in your life,
    Outlook may be familiar, which we can often confuse with productive or
    well designed. Certainly, we can admire the application for its
    survival, an anachronism of the now defunct 90s PC era, a pre-web
    program written at a time when NT Server terrorized the data center
    landscape with the confidence of a T-Rex born to yuppie dinosaur parents
    who fully bought into the illusion of their son’s utter uniqueness
    because the big-mouthed, tiny-armed monster infant could mimic the
    gestures of The Itsy-Bitsy Pterodactyl. There was a similar outcry when
    we moved away from Outlook’s suite-mates in the Microsoft Office
    dreadnaught. But whether it’s familiarity, laziness or simple
    stubbornness dressed in a cloak of Ayn Randian Objectivism, the time has
    come to move on, commrade [sic...go deep in this pun, it is layered].

    Using corp mail from the Y Mail web interface is remarkably feature
    rich. It supports booking conference rooms, folders, calendar, filters
    and global address book. Plus, you get built-in Messenger, smart
    conversation threading, powerful keyboard shortcuts, the new quick
    actions, attachment preview and our beautiful new rich themes. In the
    rare case you do need Outlook, like adding a delegate for your calendar,
    you can still fire up Outlook for 30 seconds.

    But wait there’s more. By using corporate Mail, you’ll automatically
    get to dogfood our new features first. I’m especially excited about a
    new feature premiering in just a few more days: smart auto-suggest,
    powered by a platform from the still-have-that-new-acquisition-smell
    Xobni team. We have been testing this feature with select users in and
    out of the company and the response has been fantastic: “Whoa!”,
    “Amazing”, “Already in love with it. Woot!” and, my favorite, “So nicely
    integrated that it appears as if it’s always been there. I already
    can’t imagine it not being there again.”

    Feeling that little tingle? Take a deep breath, you can do this. We want you on board, sailor!

    Please note, on the mobile side, corp mail is not yet supported in
    our Mail app for Android or iOS, but that will change (PB&J!). And,
    like all dogfood offerings, there is a feedback link in the product. Use
    it generously so we can make the improvements to make Yahoo Mail the
    unquestioned inbox champion of the world. I pitty [sic] the fool who

    Thanks for your support. It really does matter and we appreciate it.

    Jeff Bonforte, SVP Communications Products

    Randy Roumillat, CIO

  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    like omg should I count the number of shmups I have, not counting other game genres? It's a lot. Like, a *lot.*

  • if the entirety of PRISM sounds like this it's a great album, but I know it doesn't.

    also, Juicy J.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    I counted. I have 38 shmups through legal means because ROMs don't count. Although I do have some old ones (shh). ^_^
  • although this doesn't sound as good on headphones as it does over the car radio (something weird is up with the kick drums but I can't place what exactly).
  • Miko said:

    I counted. I have 38 shmups through legal means because ROMs don't count. Although I do have some old ones (shh). ^_^

    many shmups.
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
  • I beat that game the other day.

    Is gewd gaem
  • edited 2014-01-03 12:06:06

    i have scored the old hand-knit Dale of Norway hand knit sweater w/ silver clasps that my dad bought for the woman he cheated with my mother on with while they were dating

    it's luxe as fuck, fits nice too

    so i guess this trip has been worthwhile after all
  • it does seem to be a mans sweater strangely enough

    im willing to bet that he bought it for himself and then foisted it off on her when it didn't fit him rather than return it
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
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