The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • The sadness will last forever.
    tumblr mras
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    tumblr bras
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    ...that is what I will do. I will go look at tumblr bras
  • Pillows said:

    not sure what's happening here

    people being upset at other people

    more specifically:
    1. people being upset at people they perceive unreasonably to have an agenda
    2. people being upset that there are people being upset at people they perceive unreasonably to have an agenda
    3. people being upset that there are people who are upset that there are people being upset at people they perceive unreasonably to have an agenda
    4. people being upset that there are people who are upset that there are people who are upset that there are people being upset at people they perceive unreasonably to have an agenda
  • The sadness will last forever.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    well jeez

  • edited 2013-12-12 23:20:14
    Okay, that was kinda unexplanatory so I should probably explain myself.

    Basically, you have people who are upset that this person is a community moderator, for some people because she seems to have gone back on saying that she's never played Mega Man games before by claiming to have played Mega Man X, and for some people also in part because they perceive (rightly or wrongly) that she is a feminist or SJW or something they find undesirable.

    Then you have people here who are like, "why are these people being so stupid, being upset about this", and concluding that you have a lot of stupid old gamers with unreasonable expectations.

    Then you have at least me who thinks "damnit, not all of us are like that, and I have a social obligation to show up to present the side of those people who ARE okay with this, so as to not let the stupid opinions drown out the general impression, and because I want this Mighty No. 9 project to actually succeed".  Basically, "these people are getting in the way and now I have a reason to fight."

    And then you have at least Mojave who is looking at me and going "dude, you're being an idiot, because it's a lost cause".

    At least, that's what I think.  Tell me if I got any of this wrong.
  • To my friends and loved ones at the Heap.

    While exploring on the outskirts of the Base Camp, I happened upon the motherload: a propaganda video published by the opposition. It's brutal stuff, I have to say. Dark, hateful stuff. However, it did have the information that I needed: records of Dina's words, albeit used to vilify her.

    As I suspected, the reports from the opposition were indeed overexaggerated. From the quotes used by the video, originally used to condemn her, she appears to be no more into social justice than the typical Tumblr feminist. Nothing along the lines of condemning men for taking up too much space on the subway, or condemning the entire male population for existing. No reports of headmates, or transethnics or any of the other deviant forms of social justice. Their highest condemnation was that she supported Sweden replacing gendered pronouns with a neutral substitute. While I'm kind of attached to 'him' and 'her', it's hardly a deal-breaker.

    The coverage of the events following her appointment is too biased to rely upon, so I'm going back to the field. You are all in my thoughts as I go.

    Yarrun Mace
    Mighty No. 44884
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I played Mega Man X, it's a good game.
  • I used gender-neutral pronouns, it's a good idea.
  • To my friends and loved ones at the Heap.

    While exploring on the outskirts of the Base Camp, I happened upon the motherload: a propaganda video published by the opposition. It's brutal stuff, I have to say. Dark, hateful stuff. However, it did have the information that I needed: records of Dina's words, albeit used to vilify her.

    As I suspected, the reports from the opposition were indeed overexaggerated. From the quotes used by the video, originally used to condemn her, she appears to be no more into social justice than the typical Tumblr feminist. Nothing along the lines of condemning men for taking up too much space on the subway, or condemning the entire male population for existing. No reports of headmates, or transethnics or any of the other deviant forms of social justice. Their highest condemnation was that she supported Sweden replacing gendered pronouns with a neutral substitute. While I'm kind of attached to 'him' and 'her', it's hardly a deal-breaker.

    The coverage of the events following her appointment is too biased to rely upon, so I'm going back to the field. You are all in my hearts as I go.

    Yarrun Mace
    Mighty No. 44884
    What is going on, I need the context.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I think we could probably benefit from having gender-neutral pronouns, personally
  • The sadness will last forever.
    sjws in the news
  • Pillows said:

    I think we could probably benefit from having gender-neutral pronouns, personally

    I have trained myself to mostly use these.

    If only because I don't like making inferred references towards someone's gender unless I know what it is.

    He/she/That person.
  • To my friends and loved ones at the Heap.

    As I lurked outside of the opposition camp, I saw a man in the barracks who made me shudder. He yelled, "as I live, there is no Dina that will stand". Those words were from the Protomen...our heroes. How can we share the same inspiration and yet be at odds over such a thing? 

    It's a lost battle, no matter who wins. Heroes rise against them, and villains rise just as quickly. Like the heads of hydra, they return twice as fierce when they are defeated. It is a lost battle. Whatever happens after this, it will not change that we, the contributers, were split over one decision. It will not change that so many lost their hope and tried to tear away from man in whom they put their trust. My number means nothing now. It's smeared with the blood of cowards and evil men. Even some of those who fight on 'my' side have no hope in this girl, instead hoping that the leaders of the project will cull her if she proves to be too much trouble. Should we not hope that she will provide something unique to the project? That she will be a blessing and not a curse to be borne?

    I've exhausted the local area. I must go deeper into the warzone. But take heart! I still believe that, despite the breaking of our ranks, the leaders will pull through and create the game that we all hope for. And you are all in my thoughts as I go.

    With Love,
    Yarrun Mace
    Mighty No. 44884
  • (I'm willing to use Gender-Neutral Pronouns on request, though I'll be reluctant to use anything other than 'they'. (Sorry, Aliroz))
  • I use " 'ey".  Basically everything that "they" would be, minus the "th".
  • I use " 'ey".  Basically everything that "they" would be, minus the "th".

    I have mainly expanded my vocabulary for the use of terms involving a singular person whenever I must refer to a single person without knowledge of their name.

  • I use " 'ey".  Basically everything that "they" would be, minus the "th".

    yeah but then you sound like Fonzie.
  • I speak in riddles, I have yet to acquire a single item from this so-called "restaurant"
  • Thyme is such a word that only exists to rhyme with rhyme.

    I mean honestly, those words that literally have a small amount of ability to sound like other words is so weird.

    Like Orange.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat

    the joke is that it does not matter what happens to the quality of games gamers will just keep buying them while they whine about how terrible they are

    you have to love nerds and their blind commitment to long-worthless franchises

    which franchises do you consider worthless
  • The joke is, my ability to effectively communicate this joke to you was bad so I have to clearly explain it in the hopes that you'll recognize my wit and intelligence without realizing my failings as a comedian.
  • The sadness will last forever.
    i will only use they as a gender-neutral pronoun
  • edited 2013-12-12 23:40:22
    Touch the cow. Do it now.
    ^^^all of them, probably
  • the first that comes to mind is star wars

    like regardless of what you think of the first three films, most would agree that the franchise has turned into this huge bloated mess with almost no good content (*KOTOR and a few other diamonds in the rough aside*), but people continue to buy star wars shit even white complaining about it.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    no one hates Star Wars as much as Star Wars fans
  • To my friends and loved ones at the Heap.

    I shall be returning home shortly. I see no further reason why I should be here.

    The leaders have issues an official statement from Mighty No. 84, a well-known mod on the forum. The report says that, as community manager, Dina would be required to be neutral when interacting with the fans. Also, her position isn't high enough in the chain of command to seriously affect design in any way, which is...disappointing, really. It diminishes the conflict, making it into even more of a meaningless squabble than it already is. Even then, squabblers in the opposition claim that they're more powerful than they realize and that as long as Dina stands as community manager, the wound will remain open. Of course, they speak in riddles. The wound is already here, it's already forming into a scar, and nothing will change that.
    There remains a bit of hope. I've finally managed to find Dina's response to the outburst of hatred from the fans, and it appears that she's putting on a brave face. True, her continuing use of smilies in this situation is perhaps unwarranted, but she has been faced with some of the worst that the world can throw at her, with people yelling for refunds at her inclusion, and she speaks kindly and positively. She can be our hope for the moment.

    I'll return to Base Camp by morning, and be back home by the end of the week. Even now, you are all in my hearts.

    Yarrun Mace
    Mighty No. 44884
  • The sadness will last forever.
    everyone is a conspiracy theorist
  • does being super mean being better?
  • The sadness will last forever.
  • edited 2013-12-12 23:53:42
    I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Disney bought Star Wars shit for $4 billion, and they're no fools

    I hope they don't fuck up Episode VII, even though they have yet to start even making it
  • The sadness will last forever.
    stealing lets plays
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    why am I saying this, we're talking about things that have become worthless from a narrative standpoint

    but unless it's Cars I don't think Disney is like that these days
  • So, yeah, that was a good waste of an hour.

    Someone suggested that they appoint another Community Manager, one that's less controversial, to work with Dina, which seems like the easiest way to shut up the whiners without losing face. But I think it'd be better, in the long run, for them to just stick with Dina. Show the whiners that the person they're opposing is just a nice girl who wants to do her part to make Mighty 09 a success, the same success that they want so badly.

    Anyways, antlers. The fur that grows on them can be eaten when it falls off upon antler maturity. Nature is so awesome.

  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I sure hope Mr. Mace gets back here in time for the parade
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Oh, I guess he did.
  • Well, Star Wars was literally designed to be a cash cow franchise to support George's more personal projects.

    By it's own criteria it is a perfect success, as being good was never the point.
  • The sadness will last forever.
    cars is dumb
  • The sadness will last forever.
    bling bling
  • which is not to say that the first three films were not technically good.

    i mean they are perfectly crafted, drawing and lifting from a wide variety of spectacular sources and designed to appeal to the widest possible audience.

    Kinda like Kill Bill, but more family friendly and less artsy and IN SPACE
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    George never made those personal projects.

    WTF George
  • i guess after those films far exceeded his wildest dreams of success he was kinda like "aww fuck it not i gots me some MONEY"
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    so he spent it on hookers and blow
  • Senator Corey Hlow (D-NJ)
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Indiana Jones must have made him some MONEY too
  • Sen. Henry Walton Jones, Jr. (D-IN)
  • I definitely like Indiana Jones much more than Star Wars
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