The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    Pangur Ban I bet you like men's wear. :o
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    Pillows! :D
  • it's a japanese fashion label

  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    ^^ :o
  • Miko said:

    Pangur Ban I bet you like men's wear. :o

    this is true
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Miko I am so glad I am home

    the weather outside is frightful
  • edited 2013-12-06 21:59:01
    More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    ^^ See? Miko knows. :3
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    ^^ It's okay, you are home now. ^_^ *hugs tight and gives you hot chocolate*
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    thank you. *hugs*
  • Pillows said:

    Miko I am so glad I am home

    the weather outside is frightful

    but the miko hugs are delightful?
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    Winter is beautiful but I think you prefer a different season. :)
  • And since we've no place to go,

    Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!
  • winter is the prettiest season

    but i prefer fall and spring.

    summer is right out of course.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    Autumn is the best but the others are nice too.
  • autumn can be hit and miss because sometimes it gets cold too fast and it doesn't get the time to really become pretty
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
  • The sadness will last forever.
  • The sadness will last forever.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I like when it's warm
  • The sadness will last forever.
    My red book
  • edited 2013-12-06 22:23:16
    ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    Why didn't anyone watch the video I posted?

  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Because it did not feature enough

    a) weird music no one's heard of
    b) video game stuff
    c) mammaries
    d) bacon
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.

    autumn can be hit and miss because sometimes it gets cold too fast and it doesn't get the time to really become pretty

    omg I hate when that happens I want perfect bright and warm colored autumns with gentle crisp wind and a soft rain of fluttering leaves and days with silvery clouds and nights with huge bright full moons and eerily glowing jack o lanterns and dead gnarled woods
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    Okay, here's one with more mammaries and wierd music.

  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    It's snowed quite a lot here today

    I'm glad I don't have anywhere to go
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    the mammaries were minimal and the music was not weird at all

    however, I did enjoy some of the clever rhymes.
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    Pillows said:

    the mammaries were minimal and the music was not weird at all

    however, I did enjoy some of the clever rhymes.

    Look, posting videos containing unclothed human mammaries is against my religion.

    And if you want weird (or just headache-giving)  then fine:

  • I wanna 8e an official something.

    I'm not sure what official something.
  • edited 2013-12-06 22:28:40
    ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    Vriska said:

    I wanna 8e an official something.

    I'm not sure what official something.

    Be the official First Reader of the Heap

    You can attain this position by becoming the first heaper to read The King's Shadow by Elizabeth Alder.

    You'll have to act fast to beat Yarrun, though.  He's the current Official First Reader, and he's already ordered the book (presumably for christmas).
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    I got a compendium of Jimmy Olsen comics at the comic convention.

    I am very excited about this, I will have you know.
  • Aliroz said:

    Vriska said:

    I wanna 8e an official something.

    I'm not sure what official something.

    Be the official First Reader of the Heap

    You can attain this position by becoming the first heaper to read The King's Shadow by Elizabeth Alder.

    You'll have to act fast to beat Yarrun, though.  He's the current Official First Reader, and he's already ordered the book (presumably for christmas).
    I don't think I'd 8e a8le to get the 8ook 8efore then, so I'll have to 8e an official something else.

    Like the official we8 spinner or official luck stealer or something.

    Hmm. Official Luck Stealer........
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    Vriska said:

    Aliroz said:

    Vriska said:

    I wanna 8e an official something.

    I'm not sure what official something.

    Be the official First Reader of the Heap

    You can attain this position by becoming the first heaper to read The King's Shadow by Elizabeth Alder.

    You'll have to act fast to beat Yarrun, though.  He's the current Official First Reader, and he's already ordered the book (presumably for christmas).
    I don't think I'd 8e a8le to get the 8ook 8efore then, so I'll have to 8e an official something else.

    Like the official we8 spinner or official luck stealer or something.

    Hmm. Official Luck Stealer........
    You could be the official First Paralyzing Spider Terezisenses Vriskagirl Reader by reading the book.
  • The sadness will last forever.
    evolution song by charles darwin
  • The sadness will last forever.
    that brat is the wurst
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    Who did the awesome song Dancing Queen?

    That song is my secret guilty pleasure.
  • The sadness will last forever.
  • The sadness will last forever.
    Christmas in the Galapagos Islands
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)




  • Just got back from the first of four showings of my play. Wooo.
  • Also this.

    Is not terribly good.
  • edited 2013-12-06 23:03:06

    "Ted Rall" is not an anagram for "douchebag"

    but it should be
  • edited 2013-12-06 23:20:02
    ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    Okay, I know that Horrible Histories is stupid, obsessed with poo, vomit, deaths, and has basically the maturity of a five year old; and really is an entry-level theme park version of history that isn't actually all that respectful; and I know that some of the books are grimdark; but I still love the show for its characters and songs; and, well, it's a good way to introduce kids to history.  When they grow up, they'll get a more nuanced, thoughtful look at history, and they'll age past fart jokes and poop jokes so the general effect is education.

    I know loads of effort goes into the costumes and research (even though the final product is vastly dumbed down for entertainment purposes), but still, for what it's worth, it's pretty great for its songs; and as long as you don't take it as being something like Gibbon's Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire; and take it as a gaggle of history scholars making extensively researched puke jokes; it's good.

    I'm of a mixed mind of the show.  On the one hand, I hate stupid offensiveness and vile stuff; I'm not one for obscene humor or such.  On the other hand, I reallylike the songs, and where else can I get a music video of Elagabalus, Caligula, Commodus, and Nero doing music and dancing to Micheal Jackson tunes?

    And dang it, that last song of the show made me cry.  I'm gonna miss those characters, even the background ones.

  • The sadness will last forever.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
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