What if we tried to talk without using the words, "the", "and", "from", "for", "not" "was", "those" "is", "if", "on", "in", "it", "of", "this", "an", "these", "you", "do", "a", "so", "are" "with", "to", "were", "had", or "or".
We would struggle.
i find constrained writing difficult, but challenging oneself can be fun. One finds oneself considering every word carefully.
Ooh, I forgot "but", "can", and "be". Also, "would". .
We struggle even more. Communication might become difficult.
Bobby, go in big nun hull now. If foggy, find burly duck digging in Ohio. Find duck wing in yucky Ohio duck digging dock. Go down in hound-dug hiding chink in Dock.
Bobby, go in big nun hull now. If foggy, find burly duck digging in Ohio. Find duck wing in yucky Ohio duck digging dock. Go down in hound-dug hiding chink in Dock.
no go in big nun hull. no foggy, no duck digging, no in Ohio
"Lolita is incredibly female-positive in that it takes these traditionally female signifiers like lace and bows and makes them ultra-visible in a deliberately subversive way..."
Ooh, confounding. No do.
Un|355 i ch34+, bu+ +hi5 |ook5 +3|2|2ib|3.
whu i c4n'+
ok so
no go in big nun hull. no foggy, no duck digging, no in Ohio
Ohio no yucky
no go down, i no know you much!
ok you win
i couldn't even say your name, Aliroz.
And nothing that i could say meant anything.
traditionally female signifiers like lace and bows and makes them
ultra-visible in a deliberately subversive way..."
Drat it.
those are the actual worst
and no i don't mean fun pain
i mean actually distressing pain
...what's self-genocide anyway? destroying the selves of people belonging to a particular ethnic group?
so i guess it's what Fossilmaiden said
And I mean, either way, you could consider humans as a species to be a very large ethnic group if we're going to split hairs in silly ways anyway.