The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • I have only ever heard like two of their songs so you're probably more well-versed in your Palmer Squares lore than I am at this point.

    also is it that "fiyah" sample everyone uses? I actually like that one a lot and have used it myself once or twice.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    casual racism
  • nah it's this one sample of chatter at a cafe that's in this one free field recordings sample pack on musicradar
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    casual causality
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    why the hell am I still awake
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    *throws a starfish at the thread and goes to bed*
  • nah it's this one sample of chatter at a cafe that's in this one free field recordings sample pack on musicradar


    I recorded twelve minutes of ambient noise at McDonald's the other day.

    I should put the track I made out of it on my soundcloud. I think I'll go do that now.
  • idk anything about hip-hop coverage in pitchfork really, hence my not commenting on it

    their rap reviews tend to be....overly enthusiastic. Such as when they fellated that one dude whose video I posted where it was a really generic brag rap over a beat that the best thing I could say about it was that it was unconventional.

    Really seems to be a problem a lot of sites that review rap albums have. Potholes In My Blog is way worse about it (how are you going to give a Wale album anything north of a 2/10?).
    man you know this is the same problem i have with video game reviews and most sites that review electronic music

    like even the most utterly by-the-numbers shit is gonna get a 7/10
  • edited 2013-11-21 03:07:35

    also if you want to die go to any review of a metal album on any site ever and take a shot every time someone says the music is "crushing like/heavy as (something related to the album art, the album title, or one of the track names)"
  • idk anything about hip-hop coverage in pitchfork really, hence my not commenting on it

    their rap reviews tend to be....overly enthusiastic. Such as when they fellated that one dude whose video I posted where it was a really generic brag rap over a beat that the best thing I could say about it was that it was unconventional.

    Really seems to be a problem a lot of sites that review rap albums have. Potholes In My Blog is way worse about it (how are you going to give a Wale album anything north of a 2/10?).
    man you know this is the same problem i have with video game reviews and most sites that review electronic music

    like even the most utterly by-the-numbers shit is gonna get a 7/10
    the thing is that P4k and other sites seem to put a lot of stock in like, things the artist does that don't actually have anything to do with the music.

    Drake gets a Best New Music because he's "honest" and "sincere", not because his music is actually worth listening to. Chief Keef and Li'l Durk are "raw", not "bad at rapping". Kool A.D. is "being ironic", not "fucking terrible".

    You see the pattern here.
  • also if you want to die go to any review of a metal album on any site ever and take a shot every time someone says the music is "crushing like/heavy as (something related to the album art, the album title, or one of the track names)"

    I avoid the metal scene like the plague honestly.

    I don't have anything against metal or people who listen to it necessarily (except in a joking way) but some of the more out-there metal fancommunities are downright scary and I just prefer to avoid them altogether.
  • man i remember in the Metal Bronies group on there were at least 2 regulars who were nazis
  • man i remember in the Metal Bronies group on there were at least 2 regulars who were nazis

    "Brony Metalhead Nazis" legit sounds like something you'd say while having a stroke.

    this Abstraxion track isn't exactly what I was looking for but it is pretty good.
  • i had no idea until i visited their profile pages and they had all these NSBM band scrobbles and were members of various anti-christian nationalist groups as well?


    apart from that they were chill dudes tho #whiteprivilege

    this Abstraxion track isn't exactly what I was looking for but it is pretty good.

    yeah as i said John Talbot isn't quite my sort of area of expertise, when it comes to the whole songs vs. tracks continuum i fall very hard on the tracks side
  • in other news i actually think i like Bisnap's LPs?

    i recall not liking them at first
  • i had no idea until i visited their profile pages and they had all these NSBM band scrobbles and were members of various anti-christian nationalist groups as well?


    apart from that they were chill dudes tho #whiteprivilege

    I don't really think any amount of being chill justifies being a nazi unless they're from one of those countries where people don't receive proper history education (which is a few, sadly).

    this Abstraxion track isn't exactly what I was looking for but it is pretty good.

    yeah as i said John Talbot isn't quite my sort of area of expertise, when it comes to the whole songs vs. tracks continuum i fall very hard on the tracks side
    I don't really know what you mean by that.

    in other news: I hate that my computer just decides to sometimes not connect to the internet unless I restart it.

    granted, it only takes like four seconds to reboot this thing, but still. It's freakin annoying

    in other news i actually think i like Bisnap's LPs?

    i recall not liking them at first
    he's like, fine, I guess

    but he's just really un-entertaining imo.
  • his reactions to things are kinda similar to mine, he's made me giggle once or twice


    in other news: I hate that my computer just decides to sometimes not connect to the internet unless I restart it.

    granted, it only takes like four seconds to reboot this thing, but still. It's freakin annoying

    stupid question, but have you tried right-clicking the little network icon and going to troubleshooting?

    that usually works for me

  • stupid question, but have you tried right-clicking the little network icon and going to troubleshooting?

    that usually works for me
    I mean, no, because general wisdom is that never works.

    I can do it next time I guess.
  • it almost always works for me
  • his reactions to things are kinda similar to mine, he's made me giggle once or twice

    idk he's always struck me as one of those LPers who's big on knowledge but low on personality.

    Plus I unfairly always assume that people who know a lot about video games are just sort of snobs, which is more my problem than his. I have similar issues watching Arumba07 who does a lot of Crusader Kings shit.

  • hey have you heard "Wide Ocean Shot" yet? I want your opinion on it even if it's just whether or not you like it. Most of the people I've tried to show it to so far have been rap fans so I want a different perspective.
  • i will listen to it now!
  • i've used vocodex on a few occasions, but it's one of those things that's both not very flexible and requires lots of non-intuitive knowhow so i've never really bothered with it


    I really really like all the sounds (*except the snare*), but the beat feels weird and out of sync
  • Seems pretty intuitive to me but I'm probably using it wrong.

    Out of sync how?
  • the way that keyboard/piano riff repeats itself is not playing happy with the beat at all, it creates this weird staggering effect that makes them seem whally unrelated to one another.

    plus the other drums aren't really grooving with the kick at all.

    here, try doing a couple of these and picking them apart ect, i think it'd help a lot plus this article here

    they helped me a lot.
  • I'm not sure that first link is going where you want it to.

    Also I've always kind of felt that these "how to do X in FL Studio" tutorials are kind of cheating, for lack of a better word. Even though second link doesn't deal specifically in FL.

    I also kind of can't understand what they're saying anyway.

    Here, the hi-hats are highlighted in red, the kick in yellow and the
    snares in blue. By setting the piano-roll grid to 48th notes, we can
    read our sequencer in both 6/8 and 4/4 easily. (Every three 48ths will give you 16ths, thus keeping the part in 4/4. Every four 48ths is a 12th, which will divide the beats into 3rds. If you’re scratching your head, don’t worry – the important point to remember is that both 6/8 and 4/4 fall perfectly on the gridlines with the grid divisions set to 48ths .)

    I don't really know what this means.

  • edited 2013-11-21 04:04:54

    both those links are going to their right places.

    And I'm not suggesting that you use those beats at all, just try making them, then tinkering with them as a learning experience. It'll help you understand  the rules of what makes a beat tick.

    and the lessons you learn there will help a lot! ^w^

    ^ oh, basically you can ignore that, they're just showing how they have it set up to allow you to see what's going on.
  • well, if you say so.

    I just immediately see all of these comparisons to Aphex Twin and Zomby and a bunch of other stuff I don't listen to and generally assume it's irrelevant to me, and I don't know if you've ever seen any, but rap beat tutorials are terrible.

    I'll try it anyway. Though not now because it's 4AM.
  • edited 2013-11-21 04:09:24

    the #1 thing a tutorial needs is explanations of what is going on. because once you know why certain things are the way they are, you can use them as tools in your own stuff.

    like, of course a tutorial that says "put these hit on these steps and BAM you have a beat" is useless
  • the problem with me reading this is that I don't know how to translate any time signature other than 4/4 into a step sequencer (on purpose, anyway), and the article assumes I do.
  • you can just dump the step sequencer pattern into the piano roll, or hit f11, go to "general" and change it there.

    and that article is really secondary tbh, like for spicing things up
  • The sadness will last forever.
    flaws r no gud

    be perfect or else
  • The sadness will last forever.
  • I don't see how that would help, I don't know how to work a specific time signature onto the piano roll either.


    something like this makes a lot more sense to me even if I still have no frame of reference for exactly how much space is between those sounds.
  • We’ll start with a very raw, hollow-sounding kick sample with lots of
    low end and enough thump to power through the mix (check out ‘Goblin’
    by Coki for an example of the type of kick sound we’re after here). The
    kick pattern is a simple rhythm with some offbeats towards the end to
    increase the groove. The last kick in the pattern is triggered at a
    lower velocity to provide a subtle variation
    . (Note that the grids in
    this Beats Dissected example are set at 32 divisions. Click the images
    to enlarge.)


  • those are 4th notes, so every one of those is one tick in the sequencer.
  • We’ll start with a very raw, hollow-sounding kick sample with lots of
    low end and enough thump to power through the mix (check out ‘Goblin’
    by Coki for an example of the type of kick sound we’re after here). The
    kick pattern is a simple rhythm with some offbeats towards the end to
    increase the groove. The last kick in the pattern is triggered at a
    lower velocity to provide a subtle variation
    . (Note that the grids in
    this Beats Dissected example are set at 32 divisions. Click the images
    to enlarge.)


    click the sample with the velocities you want to edit and click the Graph Editor button (*it's next to the swing bar*)
  • Start with a straight four-to-the-floor kick. We’ve gone for a hybrid
    sound built from a 909 sample layered with an acoustic hit to give a
    mixture of low-end weight and mid-range punch. Although kick drums are
    rarely treated to reverb, this beat demands it. The secret is in how the
    reverb tail is sculpted. Ensure you cut the lows from the reverb return
    to avoid clogging up the bottom end of the mix. Adjust the decay of the
    tail so that it just bleeds into the next kick hit – the exact time
    will depend on the tempo of your track.

    I am too tired for this shit.

  • click the sample with the velocities you want to edit and click the Graph Editor button (*it's next to the swing bar*)

    I don't even know what a "velocity" is, in the context of music.
  • alternate title for this series of articles: Bob Ross makes House Music
  • basically it's volume (*it also effects certain other parameters on certain synths and synth patches*)
  • fuck it's 3 in the morning i need to go to sleeeppppp

    night yall
  • there is so much shit in here that it is assumed I know how to do that I just don't know how to do.

    Whatever, I'm just pissing myself off with my own ignorance now.

    Goodnight everyone.
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