The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • free jazz and cats are what is best in life
  • dear microsoft

    ur gay


    Emile K****e

    some singing meerkats told me this
  • The sadness will last forever.
    35 worst strawmen ever

    23 signs you've went to grad school
  • The sadness will last forever.
    9 reasons pizza hut is awesome

    13 reasons whole foods is the best grocery store in the world
  • is there an actual grocery store called whole foods?
  • The sadness will last forever.
    4 best dog breeds for old people

    37 ways you're from ohio
  • The sadness will last forever.
    ^ ^ Yes.
  • that's kinda funny
  • The sadness will last forever.
    Finally a site worse than or as Gawker.

    It's Buzzfeed.
  • The sadness will last forever.
    yeah it's a bit funny and ironic
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    I'm going to start a grocery called Hole Foods. It will only sell things like penne, doughnuts, and bagels.
  • europe: that place where the state takes away your kids if they don't look enough like you
  • europe: that place where the state takes away your kids if they don't look enough like you

    ya idk whats up with all of that because last i checked 'GYPSIES STEALIN OUR CHILDREN' was a myth i thought ddisappeared in, like, the 18th century or something

    then again Greece started all this and greece is a totally mental country
  • well actually what it is is, greece is a mental country, and then the british tabloids pick up on the story, because 'GYPSIES STOLE MY KID' makes a good headline, and then stupid people, who are fed this racist shit, get paranoid every time they see someone living in a caravan with a blond kid and ring the police

    basically as with most problems in this country its a) stupid people and b) Rupert Murdoch which are the root causes
  • in happier Greece/Britain news, some dudes have discovered how to read ancient greek music, results are cool as hell
  • basically as with most problems in this country its a) stupid people and b) Rupert Murdoch which are the root causes
    you know i think this applies to many countries

    the slimy tentacles of Rupert Murdoch and stupid people are both rather ubiquitous
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Whole Foods bought out a Boulder-based chain called Wild Oats a while back

    It's another example of how the less interesting names tend to survive corporate mergers/buyouts...
  • taken without the vocals, it almost sounds as though it could have been written & recorded yesterday
  • also now i looked up the trobairitz and they sound cool as hell. so little seems to have survived though
  • ars nova/ars subtilior is the coolest weird medieval music tho

  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    My old school has "No beards or moustaches" as part of its current uniform policy. I'll leave it to you to work out how this is a sensible rule for an all male school.

    what are they doing about Movember this year, then?
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    Cutxerk said:

    There's a rather funny joke on the TvT page for Hitler Ate Sugar that goes something like this:

    Alice: I think I might go commit genocide.
    Bob: You shouldn't do that!
    Alice: Why not?
    Bob: Hitler did that!
    Alice: Oh, wow, you're right. Never mind then.
    Okay, I admit, that made me laugh out loud.

    Anyways, my favorite part of Ivanhoe is the archery duel between Hubert (whose grandfather drew a good long bow at Hastings) and Locksley (Who is actua--nevermind that's a spoiler for the three people who haven't read Ivanhoe.)

    Hubert (whose grandfather drew a good long bow at Hastings) carefully aims for the farthest (not furthest) target and almost hits the center (nobody else even got in the inner ring (not the center)).  Locksley shoots his arrow without taking time to aim; and his arrow hits two inches closer to the center than the arrow of Hubert (whose grandfather drew a good long bow at Hastings).  Hubert (whose grandfather drew a good long bow at Hastings) takes aim, adjusts for the wind, and his arrow hits right exactly in the perfect center of the target.  You, the reader, go all "whoa!  it's actually legitimately impossible to do better than that!"  Locksley takes, like, a quarter of a second to aim; shoots his arrow, and it frigging splits the arrow of Hubert (whose grandfather drew a good long bow at Hastings).

    King John demands another arrow-duel (and for once, the readers are rooting for him to get what he wants); and Locksley points at a tiny willow wand (a little thicker than a thumb) an absurd distance away, so far it can hardly be seen on the flat horizon, and claims that as the target.  Hubert (whose grandfather drew a good long bow at Hastings) says "Sorry, I simply cannot hit that.  Nuh-uh, not even my grandpa (who drew a good long bow at Hastings) coulda hit that; that's like asking me to hit a rainbow or a sunbeam, or a wheat straw".

    And you, the reader, agree with him; because of crap like the distance making it almost literally impossible to see that little willow wand.  Locksley actually prepares his shot this time, replacing the string of his bow; taking deliberate care; and the audience goes all (crap just got REAL) and he shoots.  His arrow splits the willow wand.

    And so King John is all like, "Holy crap did that just happen?" and procedes to give the silver reward to Locksley; who says "Naw, I dun wan it; Hubert (whose grandfather drew a good long bow at Hastings) coulda hit it if he hadn't decided to suddenly go all modest and not shoot.  By the way John, you stink." and hands it to Hubert.

    Locksley then blends into the crowd and everyone realizes that they forgot to ask him his real name; because no sane person in heck would have "Locksley" as a real name.

    Except it's all done in Walter Scott's writing, so it's better than my report just there.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    I'm awake, finally

    I hate when I sleep too long
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.

    My old school has "No beards or moustaches" as part of its current uniform policy. I'll leave it to you to work out how this is a sensible rule for an all male school.

    what are they doing about Movember this year, then?
    Hell if I know.
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    Students should take pride in their uniform and be in correct uniform at all times including on
    the journey to and from school. We consider appearance to be important and ask parents to
    support us to maintain high standards.

    A signed and dated explanatory note is necessary if a boy is unable to meet the requirements set below.

    Uniform List
    ? Black, single-breasted blazer with black buttons and the Pomegranate School badge
    ? School tie in the colour of the student's house (or a county tie where awarded)
    ? Plain black formal school trousers (no ‘jean’ style trousers with external sewn pockets). Belts should
    be black with a plain buckle.
    ? Plain white shirt worn with the school tie. The top button should be done up and the shirt fully tucked
    in at all times
    ? Pomegranate School Polo Shirt (white with school crest) is optional for terms 5 and 6 only and should be
    worn tucked in. Note: The official Pomegranate School Polo Shirt is the only version permitted
    ? No visible undershirts should be worn
    ? Pomegranate black V-necked sweater or smart plain black V-necked sweater. Note: The sweater should
    not be worn with polo shirts or instead of a blazer
    ? Plain dark grey or black socks
    ? Plain black shoes (office shoes), not trainers or trainer type shoes (see shoe guidance document)
    (NB: Dr. Marten's shoes may be worn; Dr. Marten's boots or any other boots are considered
    ? A suitable overcoat without large logos.  

    No hoodies of any kind to be worn as a coat or jumper ? a hoody is defined as a hooded sweatshirt
    with or without a zipper.

    Earrings may not be worn at school as they are considered to be a health and safety risk. No jewellery of
    any sort is permissible.

    Hairstyles should reflect the fact that pupils are at school primarily to work, not to make a fashion statement.
    Hair should be tidy in style and of a colour natural to the student (shaven or near shaven heads are not
    acceptable). Long hair should be neatly tied back. Beards and moustaches are not allowed.

  • Students should take pride in their uniform and be in correct uniform at all times including on
    the journey to and from school. We consider appearance to be important and ask parents to
    support us to maintain high standards.

    A signed and dated explanatory note is necessary if a boy is unable to meet the requirements set below.

    Uniform List
    ? Black, single-breasted blazer with black buttons and the Pomegranate School badge
    ? School tie in the colour of the student's house (or a county tie where awarded)
    ? Plain black formal school trousers (no ‘jean’ style trousers with external sewn pockets). Belts should
    be black with a plain buckle.
    ? Plain white shirt worn with the school tie. The top button should be done up and the shirt fully tucked
    in at all times
    ? Pomegranate School Polo Shirt (white with school crest) is optional for terms 5 and 6 only and should be
    worn tucked in. Note: The official Pomegranate School Polo Shirt is the only version permitted
    ? No visible undershirts should be worn
    ? Pomegranate black V-necked sweater or smart plain black V-necked sweater. Note: The sweater should
    not be worn with polo shirts or instead of a blazer
    ? Plain dark grey or black socks
    ? Plain black shoes (office shoes), not trainers or trainer type shoes (see shoe guidance document)
    (NB: Dr. Marten's shoes may be worn; Dr. Marten's boots or any other boots are considered
    ? A suitable overcoat without large logos.  

    No hoodies of any kind to be worn as a coat or jumper ? a hoody is defined as a hooded sweatshirt
    with or without a zipper.

    Earrings may not be worn at school as they are considered to be a health and safety risk. No jewellery of
    any sort is permissible.

    Hairstyles should reflect the fact that pupils are at school primarily to work, not to make a fashion statement.
    Hair should be tidy in style and of a colour natural to the student (shaven or near shaven heads are not
    acceptable). Long hair should be neatly tied back. Beards and moustaches are not allowed.

    gay-ass bullshit, 0/10 would not attend
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    only at Pomegranate
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    (the truth is they think they are a public school)
  • I have had a very good day.

    I found out (in no particular order)
    that we might've finally found a new house, that I am not in
    particularly poor health (I have a relatively common version of acid
    reflux disease that can mostly be tamed with a pill), and my financial
    aid will not be cut unless I fail all of my classes or drop out of more
    than one of them.

    So, I'm good, basically.
  • The sadness will last forever.
    20 ways to carve a pumpkin

    14 candy bars from the 90s
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    What do you have to be doing for earrings to be a health and safety risk, anyway? Not like you see many boys going around with hoops in. Maybe if you're working with jewelery stealing fairies, but I don't recall that being a lesson whilst I was there.
    Jabberwock: Yeah, that sounds like the sort of thing kids in private schools around here would wear.
  • The sadness will last forever.
    31 signs that person over there is stalking you

    11 ways to ignore the haters
  • Ludmila said:

    I have had a very good day.

    I found out (in no particular order)
    that we might've finally found a new house, that I am not in
    particularly poor health (I have a relatively common version of acid
    reflux disease that can mostly be tamed with a pill), and my financial
    aid will not be cut unless I fail all of my classes or drop out of more
    than one of them.

    So, I'm good, basically.

    Huzzah! (*high five*)

    i am making music atm
  • edited 2013-10-23 16:52:33
    imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Congratulations Mo! :D

    VERY glad it was only acid reflux and is treatable.
  • The sadness will last forever.
    90 reasons to make a list based article
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    What do you have to be doing for earrings to be a health and safety risk, anyway? Not like you see many boys going around with hoops in. Maybe if you're working with jewelery stealing fairies, but I don't recall that being a lesson whilst I was there.

    possibly sports?

    someone at my old school (not 'Pomegranate', the one before that) injured his ear because he had a stud in while playing rugby

  • someone on tumblr reminded me of this. Blame Emmy, not me.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    Solution: The students should wear pomegranates to school.
  • whatever happened to Kardinal Offishal anyway.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i never knew Naney and Mr Darcy had a fight:

  • The sadness will last forever.
    50 shades of trash
  • The sadness will last forever.
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