The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • Spooky, scary skeletons.

    It's bizarre how animated skeletons got included in the scary monster guild, especially with how they're treated.

    Skeletons and bones, unanimated, are only scary because they mean that something that eats/kills humans is nearby. 

    An animated skeleton could be scary. I mean, bones are pretty tough. We used them to kill people once upon a time. But they're always held together by magic or something that's so flimsy that it falls apart in one hit.

    And if it's always so flimsy, then why do they even bother magicking them up?
    one assumes that animating some bones is easier than animating something more complex.
  • The sadness will last forever.
    skulls everywhere
  • I never actually listened to Random Access Memories.

    I get the feeling I'd like Daftside's remix album better though, just off what I know of the two albums.
  • Spooky, scary skeletons.

    It's bizarre how animated skeletons got included in the scary monster guild, especially with how they're treated.

    Skeletons and bones, unanimated, are only scary because they mean that something that eats/kills humans is nearby. 

    An animated skeleton could be scary. I mean, bones are pretty tough. We used them to kill people once upon a time. But they're always held together by magic or something that's so flimsy that it falls apart in one hit.

    And if it's always so flimsy, then why do they even bother magicking them up?
    one assumes that animating some bones is easier than animating something more complex.
    Yes, but the weakness of the skeletons usually cancels out the utility of using them. 

    I mean, they're child's play to any Lvl 2 Warrior.
  • I haven't listened to anything outside of Get Lucky. I like Daughter's take on the song.

    And that image comes from Get Spooky, which is so, so good.
  • The sadness will last forever.
  • Kexruct said:

    "KINDA OF"

    Tyler the Creator's twitter is modern art.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    Like so

    also you have to make sure that your end product is nowhere as good as the original

    and then because you are only using those 808 samples you barely have to know how to mix your shit
    mixing is for people who can afford good headphones.
    You can still mix stuff with less-than-stellar audio equipment, and if you know where to look and what to look for, you can get pretty good headphones for very reasonable prices.

    Which is not to say that "bad" mixing can't sound good. It's an aesthetic thing. But saying that you can't mix something if your equipment isn't perfect is just silly.
  • Reasonable prices usually translates to somewhere in the $50-$70 range, $30 at cheapest, which is still way too expensive for me.

    Besides that, the total lack of mixing (I don't even try) is one of the few things I've never received complaints about in regards to my music, and I don't have much of a desire to learn something I can't appreciate on my end anyway.
  • The sadness will last forever.
    help me feminism
  • The sadness will last forever.
    soo opwessed by dudes being nice 2 mee
  • also that's not an original sentiment on my part, it's a paraphrase of something Party Supplies said once.
  • I bring word from Aliroz.

    The valley in which the scaly one resides has been struck with the exact opposite of a drought. Like, there's water everywhere and such. 

    The scaly one is very excited by this turn of events.

    And now I must leave you all.
  • The sadness will last forever.
  • The sadness will last forever.
    meow meow
  • I bring word from Aliroz.

    The valley in which the scaly one resides has been struck with the exact opposite of a drought. Like, there's water everywhere and such. 

    The scaly one is very excited by this turn of events.

    And now I must leave you all.
    Speaking of which, my aunt's basement has flooded. I don't know if it would be mean spirited to think this is hilarious, and some sort of karmic retribution or something dumb like that. So I made a conscious decision have no opinion one way or another.

  • The sadness will last forever.
    nice ppl r evil and must die
  • The sadness will last forever.
    grrrrr internet rage
  • oh I forgot to pitch these snares down and this sounds awful now.

  • The sadness will last forever.
    raging planets
  • This dr. pepper can is shaped like a fussball.

  • The sadness will last forever.
    those characters lisa frank made should have their own tv show
  • The sadness will last forever.
    i don't want to go to the gym today but my mom tells me to otherwise i have to go there tomorrow.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    Reasonable prices usually translates to somewhere in the $50-$70 range, $30 at cheapest, which is still way too expensive for me.

    Besides that, the total lack of mixing (I don't even try) is one of the few things I've never received complaints about in regards to my music, and I don't have much of a desire to learn something I can't appreciate on my end anyway.

    If you intend to do this for the long haul, you are going to want to invest in some decent headphones. Speaking as someone with absolutely no money, I can totally sympathise with your situation, but I am still going to advise that you set aside some cash for that. You will need them sooner or later.

    Also, mixing is a pretty broad thing. If you've ever tweaked the volume or left-right placement of different tracks or raised or lowered the bass or treble levels, you have done mixing in some form.

    also that's not an original sentiment on my part, it's a paraphrase of something Party Supplies said once.

    I remember reading Tyler, the Creator talking about his fondness for lo-fi, "bad" mixing before; DJ Sprinkles talked about it at one point, too.

    My views on the matter are slightly different...
  • Reasonable prices usually translates to somewhere in the $50-$70 range, $30 at cheapest, which is still way too expensive for me.

    Besides that, the total lack of mixing (I don't even try) is one of the few things I've never received complaints about in regards to my music, and I don't have much of a desire to learn something I can't appreciate on my end anyway.

    If you intend to do this for the long haul, you are going to want to invest in some decent headphones. Speaking as someone with absolutely no money, I can totally sympathise with your situation, but I am still going to advise that you set aside some cash for that. You will need them sooner or later.

    I don't have any money to set aside, dude. I don't have a job, and my entire college refund is going to getting us an apartment so we have somewhere to live when the bank finally shows up and repossesses our house.

    also that's not an original sentiment on my part, it's a paraphrase of something Party Supplies said once.

    I remember reading Tyler, the Creator talking about his fondness for lo-fi, "bad" mixing before; DJ Sprinkles talked about it at one point, too.

    My views on the matter are slightly different...
    and you're entitled to them, but they're not the same as mine.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    Reasonable prices usually translates to somewhere in the $50-$70 range, $30 at cheapest, which is still way too expensive for me.

    Besides that, the total lack of mixing (I don't even try) is one of the few things I've never received complaints about in regards to my music, and I don't have much of a desire to learn something I can't appreciate on my end anyway.

    If you intend to do this for the long haul, you are going to want to invest in some decent headphones. Speaking as someone with absolutely no money, I can totally sympathise with your situation, but I am still going to advise that you set aside some cash for that. You will need them sooner or later.

    I don't have any money to set aside, dude. I don't have a job, and my entire college refund is going to getting us an apartment so we have somewhere to live when the bank finally shows up and repossesses our house.


  • It's fine.

    Honestly, if I wanted mixing advice I'd probably go to Sam or Stripes or someone else who works within the general confines of hip-hop as a genre. Your music is very different from my own.
  • and honestly I've long given up on music as a career. I'm going to get a job as a soundboarder or effects guy somewhere and pursue music as a hobby. Mixing is probably going to be more important in the former than the latter honestly.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    I would think that mixing would be more important behind the board than as a musician, which is why I brought it up in the first place. But either way, I think it might be more better to just cross that bridge when you come to it...
  • Really there's a lot of things I could conceivably invest my money in, music-wise (such as actually getting people on my beats, because the internet has spawned this backwards culture where as a producer I am expected to pay money to give people songs), but I have more important things, like food, school, and my health.

    Anyway, I really wish I could remember what episode of Serial Experiments Lain that snippet I like to sample is from, because I can't find it.
  • I haven't listened to anything outside of Get Lucky. I like Daughter's take on the song.

    And that image comes from Get Spooky, which is so, so good.
    For a split second i was really thrilled that Daughters had gotten back together and also kinda miffed that i had not heard earlier and then realised that you said "Daughter's" and i was very sad u_u
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    the earth
  • The sadness will last forever.
    i, the sun
  • Ironic meta-references to other “corporate” and “simple-minded” advertising strategies actually work as advertising strategies: the consumer loves to feel smart and above all of that media crap, but this strategy hooks them just like the traditional direct methods do. Irony sells.
  • Ironic meta-references to other “corporate” and “simple-minded” advertising strategies actually work as advertising strategies: the consumer loves to feel smart and above all of that media crap, but this strategy hooks them just like the traditional direct methods do. Irony sells.
    Are we quoting my Intro To Media professor now.
  • Smee, Maiman, Doktar, Pavelier, Button-Lee, Juan Ovyu

    This is it.

    The greatest internet video

  • Ironic meta-references to other “corporate” and “simple-minded” advertising strategies actually work as advertising strategies: the consumer loves to feel smart and above all of that media crap, but this strategy hooks them just like the traditional direct methods do. Irony sells.
    Are we quoting my Intro To Media professor now.

    I don't really see the problem with the original statement.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Kexruct said:

    Ironic meta-references to other “corporate” and “simple-minded” advertising strategies actually work as advertising strategies: the consumer loves to feel smart and above all of that media crap, but this strategy hooks them just like the traditional direct methods do. Irony sells.
    Are we quoting my Intro To Media professor now.

    I don't really see the problem with the original statement.
    Same. It's pretty on the nose in a lot of cases. And it's not like it's a new or particularly radical idea: There is an album by XTC from the late '70s with a block of text on the cover that discusses the double bind of being told not to read something that plays on precisely this notion.
  • Kexruct said:

    Ironic meta-references to other “corporate” and “simple-minded” advertising strategies actually work as advertising strategies: the consumer loves to feel smart and above all of that media crap, but this strategy hooks them just like the traditional direct methods do. Irony sells.
    Are we quoting my Intro To Media professor now.

    I don't really see the problem with the original statement.
    Neither do I but it's totally something he'd say.
  • I used to nol get advertisement gimmicks....

    I still don't understand it.

    Also, work is finished for the week, finally, time to bury regret and laze
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I just finished a Kirby game

    go me
  • edited 2013-09-13 21:26:33
    I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat

    I just finished a Kirby game

    go me

    Which one?
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Kirby Super Star

    8 games in one! Which are all a tad easy, but I enjoyed it. Much humor and fun was to be had.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    There was even a shmup part, Miko will be happy to know
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Kirby games are meant to be easy

    I still enjoy them, though...I should play more >_>
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