The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • I'm not one for piracy either, to be honest, but that doesn't justify the 'wacky shenanigans' that companies go to in order to counter it. 

    And vice versa.
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    When it gets to the point of essentially installing rootkits onto someone's computer, it's kinda hard to feel sorry for the company.
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    Blind, Henry Bemis felt the cold, hard, floor for books he could not possibly read.  The least one can do is to stack them and show that someone in this lonely world still cares for books.

    After walking and crawling for what seemed like miles, feeling the pages of every book just in case it was braille, Henry Bemis found what he was looking for.

    Sadly, Henry Bemis could not read Braille.

    "Why, It's just like a cryptogram" he said to himself.

    Only, Cryptograms are much harder when you can't see them to review.

    But he had time.

    All the time in the world.
  • When it gets to the point of essentially installing rootkits onto someone's computer, it's kinda hard to feel sorry for the company.

    But here's the thing: they only do so as a reaction to piracy. 
  • the solution: no more video games ever
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    Sorry, but that does not give them an excuse to silently install rootkits, even if the user refused the EULA.
  • do you know what doesn't silently install rootkits on your computer?


    as a matter of fact, shirts are entirely incapable of installing malware on anything

  • The sadness will last forever.
    do nothing
  • The sadness will last forever.
  • The sadness will last forever.
    the answer to life
  • The sadness will last forever.
    pew pew pew zooop
  • see, norman gets it
  • No, it doesn't. I agree. But it doesn't justify piracy either. And besides, intrusive DRM or no, piracy is going to happen.

    Which is a knock on both sides, really.
  • The sadness will last forever.

    i'm gonna play cookie clicker
  • human law is defective
  • destroy civilisation and its Cult of Self
  • edited 2013-08-28 21:42:43
    ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    The words the, and, I, a, are all helpful to any cryptogram, but how to tell the word THE from the word AND, how to guess if the single letter word was I or A, and all without being able to look over notes or see any markings one might make, how to use the context of the sentence that is the crux of cryptograms when all you can read is one letter at a time, and without even knowing which letter it was.

    weeks passed with no success, months passed, and Henry Bemis lost all hope of translating, was simply running his fingers over the Braille as a child looks at the letters he can't read, as a foreigner listens intently to the language he can't understand.







    could it be? Yes it could. There is only one six letter word with that letter pattern. PEOPLE.

    "people, people, it was PEOPLE!" Bemis screamed, having been given a second chance, a Rosetta Stone, the first word he had read since his glasses broke.

    Bemis now had four letters, P, O, L, and E. with this breakthrough, he could slowly begin to read Braille.

    Henry Bemis, a man who hated people, a man who abandoned people for books, is now saved by PEOPLE; for in such ways work... The Twilight Zone!
  • [[SincerityMode Cool story Aliroz.]]
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    Kexruct said:

    [[SincerityMode Cool story Aliroz.]]

    [[SincerityMode Thank you, Tucker.]]
  • cooking prostrat / lifehack / whatever:

    *home made pizza, made with ingredients purchased at a store is fucking gross. This is a fact.
    *those pizza lunchables many of us had as children were awesome, this is also a fact.
    *you can buy pizza crusts, loose mozzarella cheese blends, and Tombstone sauce at an average grocery store. This, lastly, is a fact as well.

    Thus, you should:

    *buy the aforementioned items
    *make a lunchable pizza the size of a regular pizza
    *flip off any who would judge you
  • Mo

    thank you

    so much
  • *home made pizza, made with ingredients purchased at a store is fucking gross. This is a fact.
    *those pizza lunchables many of us had as children were awesome, this is also a fact.
    intense wrong
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    (obligatory mention of how us Ohiofolk use provolone on pizza and not mozzarella)
  • *home made pizza, made with ingredients purchased at a store is fucking gross. This is a fact.
    *those pizza lunchables many of us had as children were awesome, this is also a fact.
    intense wrong

    Homemade pizza tastes, at best, like nothing. It is like eating cheesy air.

    Lunchable pizzas--don't get me wrong, taste nothing like real pizza--but at least they are a good food.
  • (obligatory mention of how us Ohiofolk use provolone on pizza and not mozzarella)

    I always knew there was something wrong with that state.
  • *those pizza lunchables many of us had as children were awesome, this is also a fact.
    intense wrong
  • Homemade pizza tastes, at best, like nothing. It is like eating cheesy air. 
    Lunchable pizzas--don't get me wrong, taste nothing like real pizza--but at least they are a good food.
    i am really sorry


    how is it that nobody in your home can make a pizza

    it's not exactly rocket science?
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    stairway to kevin
  • Homemade pizza tastes, at best, like nothing. It is like eating cheesy air. 
    Lunchable pizzas--don't get me wrong, taste nothing like real pizza--but at least they are a good food.
    i am really sorry


    how is it that nobody in your home can make a pizza

    it's not exactly rocket science?
    It's not us. For a long time I thought it was but I've had homemade pizza at others' houses too, and the fact remains that from what I have seen and more importantly tasted, good homemade pizza is impossible to achieve.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Hi Imi

    I don't like provolone very much
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Hi Anonus

    Sometimes I eat these kinda frozen pizzas that I just have to heat up

    they're pretty ok
  • Homemade pizza tastes, at best, like nothing. It is like eating cheesy air. 
    Lunchable pizzas--don't get me wrong, taste nothing like real pizza--but at least they are a good food.
    i am really sorry


    how is it that nobody in your home can make a pizza

    it's not exactly rocket science?
    It's not us. For a long time I thought it was but I've had homemade pizza at others' houses too, and the fact remains that from what I have seen and more importantly tasted, good homemade pizza is impossible to achieve.

    all you need is an oven that goes up to 500, a baking peel & stone... you don't even need anything special?

    seriously my dad makes the best deep dish pizza, it has these artichoke hearts and it is just completely =w=
  • Hi Anonus

    Sometimes I eat these kinda frozen pizzas that I just have to heat up

    they're pretty ok

    those range from awful to alright in my experience.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    alright is all right with me
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I mean, it's just food.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    My mother makes homemade pizza I quite like

    She uses Mexican chorizo instead of Italian sausage, gives it a nice spiciness
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    What is Welcome to Night Vale, anyway?
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
  • What is Welcome to Night Vale, anyway?

    Podcast styled as a local radio station for a weird Twin Peaks style town somewhere in the south.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

    What is Welcome to Night Vale, anyway?

    Podcast styled as a local radio station for a weird Twin Peaks style town somewhere in the south.

    that sounds kind of interesting actually
  • I recommend it. It's free and it's really interesting.
  • Hachaaaaaaa, just won a match against an Akuma while using Dan. A higher-ranked Akuma.

    How do I make a good comparison for you lot who don't play SSFIV?

    It's like winning against Grinder with an Octopode Fighter.

    It's like winning against a Touhou endboss by timing out all of the spellcards.
  • edited 2013-08-28 22:44:11
    ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    I used to be kind of afraid of Lee because she is a former Mormon, and there are a lot of former Mormons on the Internet that are really bitter towards Mormonism; and so many blogs and sites like exmormon; the recovery from Mormonism website.

    This is, of course, silly, as Lee is one of the most gentle and nice people and is about as scary as musty styrofoam.

    Lesson learned: people are nicer than you think, give them a chance.
  • Professional violinist and adorable Link crossplayer whose name I can't quite recall is a Mormon.

    I wish I could remember her name. She really is the cutest thing.
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)

    What is Welcome to Night Vale, anyway?

    Podcast styled as a local radio station for a weird Twin Peaks style town somewhere in the south.

    that sounds kind of interesting actually

    you should also try The Thrilling Adventure hour, which is a Podcast styled as an old radio station; and it is hilarious. It also has guest stars like Nathan Filion or however you spell his name.

    Cactoid Jim is one of the greatest characters ever.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.

    Hachaaaaaaa, just won a match against an Akuma while using Dan. A higher-ranked Akuma.

    How do I make a good comparison for you lot who don't play SSFIV?

    It's like winning against Grinder with an Octopode Fighter.

    It's like winning against a Touhou endboss by timing out all of the spellcards.
    put in Super Mario terms please kthx
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    It's like putting Bowser on a slice of toast and then selling the eel to a goomba.
  • It's like putting Bowser on a slice of toast and then selling the eel to a goomba.

    Imagine living beneath the waves with a strong-sighted blessing of most excellent fabric. Holding the fabric over your gills, you would begin to breathe-drink its warp and weft. Though the plantmatter fibers imbue your soul, the wretched plankton would pollute the cloth until it stank to heavens of prophecy. This is one manner in which the Scrolls first came to pass, but are we the sea, or the breather, or the fabric? Or are we the breath itself?
    Can we flow through the Scrolls as knowledge flows through, being the water, or are we the stuck morass of sea-filth that gathers on the edge?
    Imagine, again, this time but different. A bird cresting the wind is lifted by a gust and downed by a stone. But the stone can come from above, if the bird is upside down. Where, then, did the gust come from? And which direction? Did the gods send either, or has the bird decreed their presence by her own mindmaking?
    The all-sight of the Scrolls makes a turning of the mind such that relative positions are absolute in their primacy.
    I ask you again to imagine for me. This time you are beneath the ground, a tiny acorn planted by some well-meaning elf-maiden of the woodlands for her pleasure. You wish to grow but fear what you may become, so you push off the water, the dirt, the sun, to stay in your hole. But it is in the very pushing that you become a tree, in spite of yourself. How did that happen?
    The acorn is a kind of tree-egg in this instance, and the knowledge is water and sun. We are the chicken inside the egg, but also the dirt. The knowledge from the Scrolls is what we push against to become full-sighted ourselves.
    One final imagining before your mind closes from the shock of ever-knowing. You are now a flame burning bright blue within a vast emptiness. In time you see your brothers and sisters, burnings of their own in the distance and along your side. A sea of pinpoints, a constellation of memories. Each burns bright, then flickers. Then two more take its place but not forever lest the void fills with rancid light that sucks the thought.
    Each of our minds is actually the emptiness, and the learnings of the Scrolls are the pinpoints. Without their stabbing light, my consciousness would be as a vast nothingness, unknowing its emptiness as a void is unknowing of itself. But the burnings are dangerous, and must be carefully tended and minded and brought to themselves and spread to their siblings.
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