The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    Dirty Pillows
  • edited 2013-07-02 01:08:41
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    ^^^ The context is an American (or perhaps North American) one in this particular circumstance: The people that most loudly complain about things like their not being, say, a "White History Month," are more often than not white Americans talking at large rather than particular ethnic groups that happen to be whatever passes for "white" trying to lobby for their own individual group—most of whom are acknowledged as having shared historical experiences independent of their "whiteness."
  • The context is an American (or perhaps North American) one in this particular circumstance: The people that most loudly complain about things like their not being, say, a "White History Month," are more often than not white Americans talking at large rather than particular ethnic groups that happen to be whatever passes for "white" trying to lobby for their own individual group.

    Indeed, but tumblr has a tendency to be American-centric and I'm all for trying to avoid that.
  • Living tissue over endoskeleton.
    Yarrun said:

    Wikipedia says that he's Arabian. Like, ancient nomad Arabian.

    I can't say what he was, or if canon on his origin was retconned, because I don't follow Ra's Al Ghul. Never struck me as a proper part of Batman lore.

    (Naturally, my feelings on Damian Wayne's existence are...mixed).

    If I recall correctly, Birth of the Demon is still his canon origin. Now that I've said that, DC will change it tomorrow.

    To my knowledge he's never been revealed to be some public domain character; he's always been Ras al Ghul.

    Fun fact about Damian Wayne: technically, he started off in a noncanon one-shot called Son of the Demon. Batman and Talia get together, Talia's pregnant, Ras decides to give up his fight against Batman. Things happen, that doesn't work out, Talia tells Batman she had a miscarriage but secretly gives the baby up for adoption.

    DC said this wasn't canon, probably cause they just wanted to keep Batman single. When Grant Morrison began his run, he revisited the concept, but didn't reread the story, so we end up with this fuzzy mishmash of the original book and Morrison's version. That's where we get Damian in a test tube and all that.

    While I've warmed up to the role Ras al Ghul plays in Batman's stories, I've never liked Damian. It's more a matter of how he's been written than anything else; he's randomly standoffish and excessively violent, but look, he's a kid too! He can get it away with it because he's Batman's son.

    I dislike Morrison's run in its entirety, really.

  • is Tre around? I needs to ask him a thing.

    To my knowledge he's never been revealed to be some public domain character; he's always been Ras al Ghul.

    This is frankly astounding to me and I suppose DC deserve some congratulation on it.

  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    I wanna play DDR but I don't own it.
  • I do have to say, Ra's 'level' in Arkham City was a good thing. I won't give a penny for that game's plot, but flying around random sand ruins and fighting off sand demons is the correct amount of ridiculous for that game (unlike the finale, but let's not get into another giant rant, shall we?)

    And I've gotten around the weirdness of one of DC's Big Three having a child. I just wish that Talia wasn't involved. (and she's also an unpleasant part of Arkham City, which doesn't help her)
  • I'm pretty sure "sand ruins" are the only kind of ruins besides "Mayan-Aztec-Olmec-Incan Ruins".
  • Living tissue over endoskeleton.
    What appeals to me about Ras al Ghul is that he represents something most people probably don't associate with Batman: the globetrotting adventurer.

    Batman fights crime, but most of it is street crime or domestic terrorism; Ras creates that huge, dire, end of the world threat for Batman to counter. You can write crazy, apocalyptic, Indiana Jones stuff with Ras at the helm and it'll always make sense.
  • Okay, to Arkham's City's credit, they're not random sand ruins. I remembered wrong.

    They're actually Dali-esque constructions of sand ruins and machinery. It's pretty cool. I'd compare it to Skyrim's Apocrypha or, well, a lot of stuff out of Alice Madness Returns, but I don't think you'd get the references. It's definitely on my list of visually impressive things in videogames, right under Skyrim's Sovngarde.

    ^ True. As much as I don't like Batman being out of Gotham (unless it's some Justice League business or Batman Inc or something), it's good to have someone to turn to when Batman being out of Gotham is necessary.
  • The sadness will last forever.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    dirty pillowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwws
  • Living tissue over endoskeleton.
    Yarrun said:

    ^ True. As much as I don't like Batman being out of Gotham (unless it's some Justice League business or Batman Inc or something), it's good to have someone to turn to when Batman being out of Gotham is necessary.

    Okay, I'll give Morrison credit where it's due: Batman Inc. is an awesome idea. Ninja manbats are also awesome. Those are the only things out of his run that I like.

    That said, while my favorite stories are the ones with Batman in the city, sometimes I think he spends too much time there. Crime doesn't stop at the city limits. Unfortunately, he doesn't have many villains who work on that kind of scale.

    I always wanted Bane to become that kind of rogue, who would be toppling governments in other countries and building armies that Batman had to go and stop. Instead we got...whatever he is now.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Mo' said:

    I should call a song "Dirty Pillows"

  • I have a work-in-progress with no title somewhere around here that samples Rush so that's probably as good a candidate as any.
  • you know who doesn't get the respect he deserves in pop culture?

    The Arbiter from Halo.

  • Okay, I'll give Morrison credit where it's due: Batman Inc. is an awesome idea. Ninja manbats are also awesome. Those are the only things out of his run that I like.

    I'm kind of curious as to what you thought of his Batman RIP storyline.
  • ...Honestly, Mo, I have no idea what you'd play. My image of your entire game library right now is just multiple copies of Crusader Kings II.

    Also, I have odd feelings about Alice Madness Returns myself, so I have no idea who would like it.
  • Yarrun said:

    ...Honestly, Mo, I have no idea what you'd play. My image of your entire game library right now is just multiple copies of Crusader Kings II.

    I'll copy/paste my games folder. Holdup.

    Yarrun said:

    Also, I have odd feelings about Alice Madness Returns myself, so I have no idea who would like it.

    I don't like it but I know it exists.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    Sometimes I want to stop being off-puttingly weird but then I make more posts that are weird because I lack that sort of restraint. Oh well! *flies into your house and breathes fire on a bunch of stuff, including your fireplace if you have one*
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    *slap* I don't like fire!
  • The sadness will last forever.
    wikipedia tv show
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • The sadness will last forever.
  • edited 2013-07-02 01:44:28
    More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    *slap* I don't like fire!
    You can do that again if you want. :>
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    *slaps Miko* wtf u bitch you are being weirder than normal
  • The sadness will last forever.
    fast food gods
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    I like myself like .01% more today, a round of applause. *is bitchslapped; also flies around and dodges danmaku*
  • edit: stupid vanilla

    • Mo's Games Library:

      • 4Goose2Feather
      • ActionFist!
      • Against the Wall
      • Alex Adventure
      • Answered Prayers (Beta)
      • Boxlife
      • Broken Balls
      • Danmak-Fu
      • Depletion
      • E.X.O.
      • Endless Forms Most Beautiful (PC Remake)
      • Fantastic Game
      • Fleshchild
      • Fragmentation
      • Good Morning, Commander
      • Hammerwatch (Demo Build)
      • Ib
      • In Ruins
      • Lain's Horrible Adventure
      • Lavalanche
      • MagicMaker
      • Marathon (Durandal, Infinity, EVIL, Phoenix, Rubicon)
      • Mega Popoidz
      • MegaMek
      • Metro 2033
      • Middens
      • Monster
      • Moon-Rift (Pre-Alpha Build)
      • OFF!
      • Panorama
      • Path of Exile
      • Picture
      • Pocket Planet
      • Re: Prince of Nigeria
      • Reconstruction
      • Renegade Theologian
      • Return to the Marathon
      • Risk of Rain (Demo Build)
      • SEYKEN
      • Shoot First!
      • Siris' Inferno
      • Six-Sided Sanctuary
      • Sokolism
      • Somnosa
      • Species
      • Spelunky (Original)
      • Stealth Bastard
      • Stone Soup, Dungeon Crawl
      • Tec
      • Touhou (Various)
      • The Looking Glass
      • The Other Line
      • Tiny Plumbers
      • Title
      • Torus Trooper
      • Transcendence
      • Treasure Adventure Game
      • Unalamentia
      • Very Pink Game Plus
      • Yume 2kki
      • Yume Nikki
      • Yume Nikki the Metroidvania
      • Zineth

      Steam Library:

      • Antichamber
      • Awesomenauts
      • Bastion (Demo)
      • Crusader Kings II
      • DC Universe Online
      • Defense of the Ancients 2
      • Dungeons & Dragons Online
      • Galactic Civilizations II: Ultimate Edition
      • Magic The Gathering: Tactics
      • Magicka
      • PoxNora
      • Realm of the Mad God
      • Sid Meier's Civilization III: Complete Edition
      • Super Crate Box
      • Super House of Dead Ninjas
      • Terraria
      • Torchlight II
    • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
      Off is the best game.
    • edited 2013-07-02 01:53:59
      More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
      Espgaluda II
    • Touch the cow. Do it now.
      Pillows' game library:

      Super Mario Bros. X (various episodes)
      Yume Nikki
      Super Mario World
      Zelda: ALTTP
      Sonic 1 & 2
    • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
      Mushihime-sama Futari
    • Living tissue over endoskeleton.

      I'm kind of curious as to what you thought of his Batman RIP storyline.

      That's where I started reading, actually. I subscribed in anticipation of the event and read up on everything I could.

      My disappointment came in waves. At first I was pretty okay with it, just appreciating the story and the art (gotta love those Alex Ross covers). As it went on, though, there were a bunch of things I just couldn't get past:
      • Dr. Thomas Hurt and all the wacky shenanigans that the Waynes got up to. While Thomas and Martha are usually portrayed as nothing more than charitable socialites and turning that on its head can be interesting, I didn't feel it was done well. Bruce Wayne was the result of an orgy? Alfred is his biological father? Dr. Hurt is actually Thomas Wayne? Did I even read that right?
      • The focus on all the crazy Silver Age stuff was too weird for me to accept and was sort of tainted by the story's otherwise dark tone. Zurr En Arrh and Bat-Mite showing up while Batman beat people with a stick was just jarring, and not in a good way.
      • Batman's crazy preparedness and general overcompetence. I'm the biggest Batman fanboy you'll ever see, and while I'll argue all day that he could beat Superman, I was rolling my eyes at all this. A separate personality triggered by a codeword? Man.
      • Lack of a true ending. This goes without saying, I think, since the actual death of Batman was part of Final Crisis.

      In the end I thought it was meandering and too crazy for its own good.

    • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
      Dodonpachi Saidaioujou
    • Touch the cow. Do it now.

      • Dr. Thomas Hurt and all the wacky shenanigans that the Waynes got up to. While Thomas and Martha are usually portrayed as nothing more than charitable socialites and turning that on its head can be interesting, I didn't feel it was done well. Bruce Wayne was the result of an orgy? Alfred is his biological father? Dr. Hurt is actually Thomas Wayne? Did I even read that right?
      • The focus on all the crazy Silver Age stuff was too weird for me to accept and was sort of tainted by the story's otherwise dark tone. Zurr En Arrh and Bat-Mite showing up while Batman beat people with a stick was just jarring, and not in a good way.
      • Batman's crazy preparedness and general overcompetence. I'm the biggest Batman fanboy you'll ever see, and while I'll argue all day that he could beat Superman, I was rolling my eyes at all this. A separate personality triggered by a codeword? Man.
      • Lack of a true ending. This goes without saying, I think, since the actual death of Batman was part of Final Crisis.

      In the end I thought it was meandering and too crazy for its own good.

      I bet I would enjoy this
    • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    • you don't wanna gaze into my big crystal balls (suck the future)
    • Now see, Mo, what you just did, that only told me that you have varied interests.

      That reminds me though. Terraria. Whenever the new update rolls in, we gotta get on that.
    • Miko said:

      Off is the best game.

      it has a great plot and the art style and general surrealism are incredible. The puzzles are decently engaging but I found the combat system ridiculously lacking (random encounters in 2013? Seriously?) so I've endeavored to just watch an LP to experience the rest of the plot. I've yet to do so though.
      Yarrun said:

      Now see, Mo, what you just did, that only told me that you have varied interests.

      erm...sorry? ^_^; Most of those are just free games.

      Yarrun said:

      That reminds me though. Terraria. Whenever the new update rolls in, we gotta get on that.

    • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
      What if life was a Cave shmup where you only have one chance to 1cc both loops and then beat the "true last boss" and if you lose then you die permanently? Is this a metaphor for life?
    • The sadness will last forever.
      ultra ooc
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