The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • You're a good reason Naney!

    There I said it!
  • Naney said:


    BUT YOU IMPLIED IT SO I'M GOING TO ARGUE WITH YOU AT LENGTH ABOUT THis actually I don't really care anymore.

    Seen any cute cats lately

  • I have just discovered that the english publisher of infamous ecchi/comedy manga My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute is Darkhorse Comics.

    I have absolutely no idea what to think about that.

  • I have just discovered that the english publisher of infamous ecchi/comedy manga My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute is Darkhorse Comics.

    I have absolutely no idea what to think about that.

    Gotta get that red-neck crowd somehow!

    Why is this even a thing!

  • I have just discovered that the english publisher of infamous ecchi/comedy manga My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute is Darkhorse Comics.

    I have absolutely no idea what to think about that.

    Gotta get that red-neck crowd somehow!


  • >(#)<

    I have a waffle for you.

  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit
    I spent, like, this entire weekend playing warframe.

  • My dreams exceed my real life

    One of you music people remix or sample this and make it awesome.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Anonus said:

    You're marketers' worst nightmare, Imi

    You don't watch TV, you don't go to the movies or read magazines (I presume), and you probably use AdBlock
    Mission accomplished

    In fact, earlier today I was reflecting on how easy I find it to become detached from popular culture.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I know that post is pages old but fuck the police
  • I know that post is pages old but fuck the police

    Police are people too, with their own desires and urges.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    they are all repressed homosexuals
  • millions of dead cops
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat

    Horse_ebooks: The Animated Series

    That seems like it could actually be good

    Anyway I'm thinking about Hollywood's obsession with franchises and how much it parallels the animation landscape in the 1980s
  • I spent, like, this entire weekend playing warframe.



    I dunno when I tried that out I thought it was pretty bad.

    Anonus said:

    Horse_ebooks: The Animated Series

    That seems like it could actually be good

    Anyway I'm thinking about Hollywood's obsession with franchises and how much it parallels the animation landscape in the 1980s
    I'd watch it.
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit

    I spent, like, this entire weekend playing warframe.



    I dunno when I tried that out I thought it was pretty bad.

    Anonus said:

    Horse_ebooks: The Animated Series

    That seems like it could actually be good

    Anyway I'm thinking about Hollywood's obsession with franchises and how much it parallels the animation landscape in the 1980s
    I'd watch it.
    Because we had fun with it.

    It's the most fun I've had playing with a shooter for quite some time, the only real complaint I have with it is that paying gets you more than it should, in my opinion.
  • I dunno, I tried it out as soon as the Beta went public and the controls were super bad for me (both controller and K+M). It's possible they've since tightened them up but I didn't really find it a particularly compelling experience in the first place, neat aesthetics aside.
  • actually it seems like it's just the cover page for now.


  • im seeing system of a down in the summer and my opinion on system of a down is illustrated by the fact that theyre one of the about four or five bands on the leeds festival bill that i dont find completely terrible

    bring on SOAD i say, they have a lot of dumb songs about capitalism bad, but i like Question! and the self-titled is decent and seems to tread a good ground without getting too overly 'hey we are wacky' or 'hey we are political with no subtlety' so who cares imo. they will be fun live i imagine

  • actually it seems like it's just the cover page for now.


  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Who would do the voice of Horse_ebooks?

    Also I might take a walk later. I feel like I'm wasting the nice May weather...
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit

    I dunno, I tried it out as soon as the Beta went public and the controls were super bad for me (both controller and K+M). It's possible they've since tightened them up but I didn't really find it a particularly compelling experience in the first place, neat aesthetics aside.

    Honestly, the controls feel super tight right now. The biggest problem I have with them is that the initial mapping for crouch is ctrl and run is shift, which is terrible when you want to slide (which is crouching while sprinting).

    Also, the wall running and wall jumping and those sorts of acrobatics are a little clunky, but that doesn't come into play too often.
  • I wonder if it can invoke the same feelings as the game.

    That might be a rhetorical question.

  • I wonder if it can invoke the same feelings as the game.

    That might be a rhetorical question.

    The way they've chosen to draw Madotsuki is interesting. Seems like she'll have perpetually-closed eyes like in the game, and her pigtails seem to stick out at an angle all the time. 

    I dunno, I tried it out as soon as the Beta went public and the controls were super bad for me (both controller and K+M). It's possible they've since tightened them up but I didn't really find it a particularly compelling experience in the first place, neat aesthetics aside.

    Honestly, the controls feel super tight right now. The biggest problem I have with them is that the initial mapping for crouch is ctrl and run is shift, which is terrible when you want to slide (which is crouching while sprinting).

    Also, the wall running and wall jumping and those sorts of acrobatics are a little clunky, but that doesn't come into play too often.

    maybe it was a fragment of the beta, then.

    I will agree with your earlier assessment about it being somewhat pay-to-winny. IIRC you can't even recolor your character without dropping some money.

  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit

    I dunno, I tried it out as soon as the Beta went public and the controls were super bad for me (both controller and K+M). It's possible they've since tightened them up but I didn't really find it a particularly compelling experience in the first place, neat aesthetics aside.

    Honestly, the controls feel super tight right now. The biggest problem I have with them is that the initial mapping for crouch is ctrl and run is shift, which is terrible when you want to slide (which is crouching while sprinting).

    Also, the wall running and wall jumping and those sorts of acrobatics are a little clunky, but that doesn't come into play too often.

    maybe it was a fragment of the beta, then.

    I will agree with your earlier assessment about it being somewhat pay-to-winny. IIRC you can't even recolor your character without dropping some money.

    Actually if you ask me that's the way a cash shop should be done: cosmetic items are sold, but real items can be bought with in game money alongside being bought in the cash shop.

    Warframe is mostly good about it, as you can acquire all frames and weapons with in game cash, but it gets real super grindy to get weapons. I'm only starting to be able to craft weapons outside the few you can get at the start about 15 hours in. >_>

    That being said, I'm having enough fun with it with the starting weapons and frame that I honestly don't mind it that bad, but if somebody really doesn't like using Assault Rifle, Pistol, and Sword, they will quickly get irritated at the lack of options in the beginning.
  • ironic acoustic covers of linkin park songs
  • one of those "does hipster covers of rap songs" people got sampled by A$AP Rocky recently. She reportedly wasn't too happy about it.
  • Speaking of A$AP Rocky I am sort of pissed that almost every Aesop Rock video now has the top comment about him in some way shape or form.

    The hip-hop community's inability to register the idea of two people with vaguely similar stage names is very annoying.


    today's cool music discovery

    i mean it is free and

    Recorded by Kurt Ballou

    so basically yeah my day has been made even if i feel like shit at this particular moment.

  • so a lot of the pages in this manga starting at chapter 28 are just....missing? Like they're not there at all and also for some reason my keyboard input is lagging which keeps sticking words together
  • Naney said:

    today's cool music discovery

    i mean it is free and

    Recorded by Kurt Ballou

    so basically yeah my day has been made even if i feel like shit at this particular moment.

    you know i like kurt ballou as a member of Converge but i think i like him even more as a producer. everything he touches is just so fucking good. he did Kvelertak's self-titled and BATS' debut album both of which were absolutely fantastic
  • if i were to keep a dinner diary over the last few days it would look so fuckin nice.

    wednesday: spicy indian style tomato soup with brioche bread and butter pudding for dessert

    thursday: chili burgers w/ homemade cumin spiced potato wedges and kidney bean salad

    friday: "navarin of west country cheddar and chive sausages" aka awesome vegetables sausage stew followed by a HUGE cheeseboard

    saturday: tomato & mozzarella couscous salad

    sunday: halloumi tikka masala (!!! so tasty!)

  • did i say that at my poetry reading, one of my poems made somebody throw up???

    i consider it a great success of mine

  • kurt ballou -> food -> poetry vomiting

    i have a train of thought that is just fine yes

    i think i am getting too tired. to bed

  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    You made someone vomit with a poem? You are a true artist.
  • You made someone vomit with a poem? You are a true artist.


    like i said, great success

    Every time I saw the ending of Super Mario World back when I was in high school, I used to mentally insert the DiC "Kid in Bed" (the original 1987 version, which I really liked) after the end of the song. #yntkt
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Y'know I put the Super Mario World ending music in my own game which might've been a mistake because now all I can picture is DOG
  • image

    this manga likes to do a thing where it will follow up something heartwarming, depressing, cringey, or otherwise serious with something like say, this.

  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    hair on fire is not serious?
  • well if it were to happen to you or I, yes.

    in fiction though, it is quite hilarious.

    Example A:

  • Denzel Washington in: Hair on Fire.
  • edited 2013-05-19 22:00:54
    I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    I think reading Deadline comments is somewhat fun

    Yet it makes me worry

    They always bemoan the blockbusters, yet the thought of buying Hasbro and establishing a Hasbro Cinematic Universe just sounds like So. Much. Fun.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    If it's fun, then do it, just make sure it doesn't suck
  • Fine then, I'll save my breath, so to speak,

    and I'll be the more wiser for realizing the futility in trying to converse.

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