The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Hi Tools.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    what was the sandwich like?
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    I want one.
  • I would send you one through the internet, but such technology does not yet exist.


    what is even this comic

  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    UKIP have won about 26% of the vote in the local elections. To hell with everything. (I say about as the results are still coming in, but that's the projected value from commentators since we've got a fairly large chunk of the country covered right now.)
  • Ōgon Bat has a golden skull-shaped head, wears a green and white costume with a high-collared red cape and carries a rapier. He possesses superhuman strength and invulberability as well as the ability to fly and is based out of a fortress in the Japanese Alps.
    Ōgon Bat is a “god of justice and protector of the weak” from Atlantis who was put into suspended animation in an Egyptian sarcophagus to be awakened in the future to fight the forces of evil such as his evil counterpart Kurayami Bat (暗闇バット Dark Bat).
    In modern times, Ōgon Bat's sarcophagus is discovered by Prof. Yamatone and his daughter Marie in a tomb in modern Egypt. When Yamatone's family is threatened by Mazo (マゾ), Dr. Nazō's main henchman, Marie starts to cry and beg for help. Her tears fall on Ōgon Bat's body and re-animate him. From then on, he appears whenever Marie asks for his help.

    His main antagonist is Dr. Erich Nazō (ナゾー), the leader of a crime syndicate bent on world domination. Nazō wears a black costume and mask with Batman-like ears.

    I have not heard about this before today because????

  • why am i so cold

    (*snuggles next poster for warmth*)
  • school is warm enough though

    but it is snowing outside.

  • edited 2013-05-03 10:50:03

    Comprehensive personality profiles may not help you find a simpatico
    lover, but advertisers still fervently believe they can help you find
    products you can love. Of Plenty of Fish, Slater writes, “With so many
    people providing so much personal information, all kinds of advertisers,
    from book publishers to tobacco addiction remedies, loved the
    opportunity for targeted marketing.” The sites also deploy liberal
    amounts of gamification as bait for users, giving them, for example,
    additional access or nominal rewards in return for answering intrusive
    personal questions or rating dates. This makes plain that dating-site
    users are not clients so much as workers who produce themselves and
    others as indexable data. Some entrepreneurs dream of taking this to its
    logical conclusion with frictionless dating services, for which users
    would allow information to be collected automatically from their phones.

    Given the expected value of our personal data, the sites have every
    incentive to prevent you from finding a steady partner so you will keep
    feeding them information. Slater concedes that “to varying degrees,” the
    dating companies “want satisfied daters. But they also spend their days
    focused on maximizing nonromantic metrics, such as ‘customer
    acquisition,’ ‘conversion rates,’ and ‘lifetime value.’ ” Justin
    Parfitt, a “dating entrepreneur” Slater quotes, uses less euphemistic
    language: “They’re thinking, ‘Let’s keep this fucker coming back, and
    let’s not worry about whether he’s successful.’ ”
  • UKIP have won about 26% of the vote in the local elections. To hell with everything. (I say about as the results are still coming in, but that's the projected value from commentators since we've got a fairly large chunk of the country covered right now.)

    hi we are ukip let us execute all the drug dealers!!

    ukip is dumb. i preferred it when they were boring

    i was at the count for lancashire county today it was interesting and the greens (who i was with) lost one councillor but gained another so hey kinda alright?

  • i was at the count because my boyfriend was standing for a seat and he beat the lib dems which is a good result, and also beat UKIP. labour won though which sucks but then again, any given result would suck except a green win p much so....
  • edited 2013-05-03 11:21:43

    Right there on Page 40, in the “Munchies” section, nestled between
    “pretzels” and “twelve (12) Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups,” is a
    parenthetical alert so adamant you can’t miss it: “M&M’s,” the text

    This is the famed rider
    to Van Halen’s 1982 concert contract. In a sentence fragment that would
    define rock-star excess forevermore, the band demanded a bowl of
    M&M’s with the brown ones laboriously excluded. It was such a
    ridiculous, over- the-top demand, such an extreme example of superstar
    narcissism, that the contract passed almost instantly into rock lore.

    It also wasn’t true.

    I don’t mean that the M&M language didn’t appear in the contract,
    which really did call for a bowl of M&M’s — “NO BROWN ONES.” But
    the color of the candy was entirely beside the point.

    “Van Halen was the first to take 850 par lamp lights — huge lights —
    around the country,” explained singer David Lee Roth. “At the time, it
    was the biggest production ever.” Many venues weren’t ready for this.
    Worse, they didn’t read the contract explaining how to manage it. The
    band’s trucks would roll up to the concert site, and the delays,
    mistakes and costs would begin piling up.

    So Van Halen established the M&M test. “If I came backstage and I
    saw brown M&M’s on the catering table, it guaranteed the promoter
    had not read the contract rider, and we had to do a serious line check,”
    Roth explained.

  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    My area won a Green. Still a lot of Tories though. On the plus side, we're NOC instead of Tory now, and would have been even without the three UKIP seats.
  • this UKIP thing sounds delightful

    and by delightful i mean awful
  • there are a lot of tories everywhere except Scotland tbh

    we were having a glass of wine in celebration (he did well and i finished my second year of university today) and that turned into a bottle of wine and now i am quite tipsy at half 4 in the afternoon? and i am going to see some male strippers tonight now?? okay this will be interesting

    god i had planned to just sit down and spend a night reading Bulgakov

  • reading their wikipedia page it seems neatly sanitized of any real information.
  • Real Talk: Male strippers, like strippers in general, sound about as appealing as a bucket of worms.
  • Naney said:

    this UKIP thing sounds delightful

    and by delightful i mean awful

    UKIP is britains version of the various reactionary right wing parties that are all gaining slightly worrying amounts of electoral clout across europe as a result of everyone's finances going down the shitter

    on the one hand they arent literal neo-Nazis (hello, Greece), but yes, part of their manifesto is that they want to introduce capital punishment for drug dealers which is just insane

    they also believe that climate change is a myth etc etc and various other completely ridiculous things but they are gaining popularity half because the Tories are trying to be more cuddly and less traditionally right-wing, and half just as a protest vote, and half because they keep going 'WE NEED TO GET OUT OF THE EU OR WE WILL END UP LIKE GREECE/CYPRUS' which only dumb people actually believe

    also if we did end up like greece/cyprus they might get literally elected to power so i dont see why they are encouraging britain to not be that way

  • capital punishment for drug dealers
    wow they really are nuts
  • edited 2013-05-03 11:38:35

    well, greece has that nice mediterranean climate

    also baklavas
  • Naney said:

    well, greece has that nice mediterranean climate

    also baklavas

    dont forget tzatziki!!

    financially like greece. as in 'hey we have no money.'

    you know what would be hilarious? if greece won Eurovision this year. 'hey we know you have no money but now you have to host a music event which costs hundreds of millions to put on and is essentially pointless other than letting everyone have a good laugh at the former eastern bloc'

  • edited 2013-05-03 11:43:36
    i cant link to youtube right now but go look up Latvia's entry for eurovision this year. halfway through there is this hilarious horn break which comes out of fucking nowhere and all the performers point to this giiant screen that spells out the word 'LATVIJA' in giant pixelated letters and then there are some generic dubstep noises. it is priceless
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • edited 2013-05-03 11:51:16

    i cannot believe i forgot tzatziki

    that reminds me of this restaurant about 10-15 blocks from here called Shish, which is like some bizarre amalgam of a cafe, a greek restaurant and an indian restaurant. Good prices too, gotta go there some time this weekend.

    RE: Eurovision:

    (*if you cannot see it atm it is the My Lovely Horse song from Father Ted*)
  • sunn wolf said:

    i cant link to youtube right now but go look up Latvia's entry for eurovision this year. halfway through there is this hilarious horn break which comes out of fucking nowhere and all the performers point to this giiant screen that spells out the word 'LATVIJA' in giant pixelated letters and then there are some generic dubstep noises. it is priceless

    that sounds rad as fuck
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • Bababadalgharaghtakamminarronnkonnbronntonnerronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenthurnuk

  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    The Easternblocvision Song Contest.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    So they're basically like the Tea Party (which is more of a movement than an actual party) or the Constitution Party (which is a real party, though with very little constituency) over here. Great. :P
  • i think i like american crazies more than the british ones
  • aww jeez im starvinnngggg
  • edited 2013-05-03 12:38:59
    Oh boy:
    Apple exclusively owns US Patent No. 7311526 ("Magnetic connector for electronic device", issued in 2007) and does not license the MagSafe connector or the patent.
    There had been a variety of reports of the newer MagSafe AC adapter not
    working with older MagSafe-powered MacBooks and MacBook Pros.[citation needed] Apple released a firmware update in October 2010 that it claims resolves this issue.[16]
    However, the installer for the firmware update will not run on certain
    older MacBooks, which means that the firmware can not be updated. This,
    in turn, means that it is not possible to use the new MagSafe power
    adapter with these MacBooks. Currently,[when?]
    it is not possible to buy new replacement MagSafe AC adapters (either
    from Apple or third-party suppliers) that work with these MacBooks,
    forcing owners to look for used original adapters.
    Which means that if you have an older MacBook and the charger cord fails, you either have to retrofit a charger from a regular laptop and ruin the case, or chuck the thing in the bin. Fuck you too, Apple. :P This sort of "proprietary for it's own Goddamned sake" bullshit is why I don't buy Apple products made after 2006 anymore. IT'S NOT 1988 ANYMORE YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES. :(
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Naney said:

    Real Talk: Male strippers, like strippers in general, sound about as appealing as a bucket of worms.

    I don't think you're the target audience, Naners.
  • The Easternblocvision Song Contest.

    if they did this but also allowed France to enter it would be absolutely the most entertaining thing
    Also, the MacBook (sigh) I typed that last comment on is running Debian because fuck Apple, that's why. If I had the budget for it, it would be replaced with a Clevo or an ASUS post-haste...right now, it's just my utility laptop for when I need a laptop for something.
  • i have absolutely no opinions on strippers currently. i anticipate i might have some tomorrow but i do no know what they might be
  • Naney said:

    i think i like american crazies more than the british ones

    usually the british ones are less religious

    but they also have fewer hilarious 'oh look [anti-gay activist] was caught sucking off a rent boy' scandals

  • edited 2013-05-03 13:18:42
    ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
  • where on earth did i say i was smart, tolerant or all-accepting?
  • oh sweet, the course instructor is playing R.E.M. as opposed to bleh country music.
  • shoot i was gonna do a thing but i have now have no recollection of what it was, even vaguely.
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