The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • The sadness will last forever.
  • The sadness will last forever.
    A bakening has started
  • The sadness will last forever.
    Is it just me or video game commercials are getting rarer?
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Something about the dark, rainy sky combined with the sound of that weird-ass train horn (which seems to be the only one they use now) is kinda eerie, in a cool way.

    Also the streetlights were off for the morning but now they're lit again. Weird.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

    Number plates were traditionally made by the motor vehicle's original supplier, and replacement plates could be made by anybody with the correct equipment. (Some people even had street address numbers made up this way for affixing to their houses.) Under the new law, plates sold in England and Wales can now only be supplied by a supplier registered by the DVLA - The Register of Number Plate Suppliers (RNPS). The supplier needs to confirm that the person is the registered keeper or other authorised person and verify their identity.[56] The name and postcode of the supplier must be shown at the bottom of the plate.[1] Number plates in the UK are in general flat and made of plastic, embossed aluminium plates are available from specific suppliers.

    This is bizarre to me on multiple levels
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    yay I get to be happy today
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    in your gloomy 32-bit faces
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    lol j/k
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    really though today can be pleasant-ish I guess?
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    danger rumpus

    dangle runner

    dingdong rope

    doggone romp

    daguerreotype rumpelstiltskin

    dumber ronald

    donkey rack
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    I can't stop watching the news

    I'm just sort of awestruck at how massively this whole ordeal's escalated

    Also WBNS-TV keeps flipping between their regular programming and the CBS News feed...they're not handling this very well
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    moo, you nonexistent people
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Nonexistence speaks! Or at least posts an exclamation mark
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

    avenuepoints for anyone who gets that reference
  • edited 2013-04-19 11:27:54

    sunn wolf said:

    i was feeling sad and hopeless

    now i am not
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • image

    gee i sure have been listening to a lot of metal over the past month
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    10,000 Maniacs are metal?
  • no

    i just had the mental image of natalie merchant in corpse paint

  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    off to work go I

    ho hi, ho hi
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Naney said:

    sunn wolf said:

    i was feeling sad and hopeless

    now i am not
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Naney said:


    gee i sure have been listening to a lot of metal over the past month
    I have noticed. 'Tis curious.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    And the question of the day is: "Why am I still awake?"
  • Is it OK if I vent a bit?
  • Aw hell, I'm going to vent anyways.

    As someone who doesn't believe in God, I am frankly sick of condescending atheists. Whoop dee doo, you don't believe in God. Can you please please PLEASE stop wagging it around like it's a goddamn substitute for your penis? Not believing in God does not automatically give you any superiority, intellectual or otherwise, to Christians. In fact, by rubbing it in other peoples' faces, you're actually making yourselves look stupider!

    And while I've definitely encountered my share of ignorant, intolerant and generally hateful Christians in the past, I've met waaaaaaaay more asshole atheists. 
  • edited 2013-04-19 13:12:01
    ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    It's okay to vent, Acerak.

    And, well, I agree with you about jerkface atheists; but some atheists are awesome.  I just wish that Atheists could accept that Atheism is a religion (kind of) and religions are awesome and religious people are awesome; and thus, atheists are awesome and have no need to be snooty to those of other religious beliefs.

    An octopus has eight tentacles; and each tentacle has 220 to 280 suckers on it.  Each sucker is independently movable, can manipulate objects and is an independant sensory organ capable of taste and smell; in addition to being sticky and sucking.

    Each tentacle is amazingly flexible and quite strong; since the Octopus has no bones nor cartilage nor any hard part other than its beak; it has no practical limit to how flexible it can be.

    If an octopus can fit its beak through a hole, it can fit its whole body through the hole.

    The Octopus is claustrophilic, it likes tight spaces; and it likes to squish itself small and hide in small things.  That's the reason that aquariums have not so very big enclosures for the Octopus, if the enclosures were larger, the Octopus would feel scared and threatened; and would hide all the time.  The enclosed space is comforting; and it allows the Octopus to comfortably not-hide and be visible.

    Another favorite trick of the Octopus is to take a coconut; break it into pieces with its beak; and then put the pieces together and hide inside the reconstructed coconut shell; with suckers sucking it together.  The pieces of the coconut fit like a jigsaw puzzle; so it forms a sort-of shell for the Octopus; which it really needs since it has no hard parts except its beak.

    Often, the Octopus will travel and take its coconut along in pieces; hanging on to it with suckers and tentacles; and reconstructing it when it gets to its destination.

    It's hard to accurately estimate the size of the larger specimens of Octopus because of how they tend to hide at the bottom of the ocean.
  • edited 2013-04-19 13:16:55
    ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)

  • edited 2013-04-19 13:18:47
    Rrrgh, I'm just...Yeah, I know a bunch of douchebags. 

    It just amazes me how insensitive some people are towards the relatives of a recently deceased person who they have never even met simply because said deceased person is getting a Christian burial. 
  • And, well, I agree with you about jerkface atheists; but some atheists are awesome.
    Not all atheists are r/atheism posters, yeah. It's just that the atheists who are are really really vocal about it and hurt other peoples' feelings along the way. 
  • The institution of a leisure class is found in its best development at
    the higher stages of the barbarian culture; as, for instance, in feudal
    Europe or feudal Japan. In such communities the distinction between
    classes is very rigorously observed; and the feature of most striking
    economic significance in these class differences is the distinction
    maintained between the employments proper to the several classes.
    The upper classes are by custom exempt or excluded from industrial
    occupations, and are reserved for certain employments to which a degree
    of honour attaches. Chief among the honourable employments in any
    feudal community is warfare; and priestly service is commonly second to
    warfare. If the barbarian community is not notably warlike, the priestly
    office may take the precedence, with that of the warrior second. But the
    rule holds with but slight exceptions that, whether warriors or priests,
    the upper classes are exempt from industrial employments, and this
    exemption is the economic expression of their superior rank. Brahmin
    India affords a fair illustration of the industrial exemption of both
    these classes. In the communities belonging to the higher barbarian
    culture there is a considerable differentiation of sub-classes within
    what may be comprehensively called the leisure class; and there is a
    corresponding differentiation of employments between these sub-classes.
    The leisure class as a whole comprises the noble and the priestly
    classes, together with much of their retinue. The occupations of the
    class are correspondingly diversified; but they have the common economic
    characteristic of being non-industrial. These non-industrial upper-class
    occupations may be roughly comprised under government, warfare,
    religious observances, and sports.

    At an earlier, but not the earliest, stage of barbarism, the leisure
    class is found in a less differentiated form. Neither the class
    distinctions nor the distinctions between leisure-class occupations are
    so minute and intricate. The Polynesian islanders generally show this
    stage of the development in good form, with the exception that, owing
    to the absence of large game, hunting does not hold the usual place of
    honour in their scheme of life. The Icelandic community in the time of
    the Sagas also affords a fair instance. In such a community there is
    a rigorous distinction between classes and between the occupations
    peculiar to each class. Manual labour, industry, whatever has to
    do directly with the everyday work of getting a livelihood, is the
    exclusive occupation of the inferior class. This inferior class includes
    slaves and other dependents, and ordinarily also all the women. If there
    are several grades of aristocracy, the women of high rank are commonly
    exempt from industrial employment, or at least from the more vulgar
    kinds of manual labour. The men of the upper classes are not only
    exempt, but by prescriptive custom they are debarred, from all
    industrial occupations. The range of employments open to them is rigidly
    defined. As on the higher plane already spoken of, these employments are
    government, warfare, religious observances, and sports. These four lines
    of activity govern the scheme of life of the upper classes, and for
    the highest rank--the kings or chieftains--these are the only kinds of
    activity that custom or the common sense of the community will allow.
    Indeed, where the scheme is well developed even sports are accounted
    doubtfully legitimate for the members of the highest rank. To the lower
    grades of the leisure class certain other employments are open, but they
    are employments that are subsidiary to one or another of these typical
    leisure-class occupations. Such are, for instance, the manufacture
    and care of arms and accoutrements and of war canoes, the dressing
    and handling of horses, dogs, and hawks, the preparation of sacred
    apparatus, etc. The lower classes are excluded from these secondary
    honourable employments, except from such as are plainly of an industrial
    character and are only remotely related to the typical leisure-class
  • If we go a step back of this exemplary barbarian culture, into the
    lower stages of barbarism, we no longer find the leisure class in fully
    developed form. But this lower barbarism shows the usages, motives,
    and circumstances out of which the institution of a leisure class has
    arisen, and indicates the steps of its early growth. Nomadic hunting
    tribes in various parts of the world illustrate these more primitive
    phases of the differentiation. Any one of the North American hunting
    tribes may be taken as a convenient illustration. These tribes
    can scarcely be said to have a defined leisure class. There is a
    differentiation of function, and there is a distinction between classes
    on the basis of this difference of function, but the exemption of the
    superior class from work has not gone far enough to make the designation
    "leisure class" altogether applicable. The tribes belonging on this
    economic level have carried the economic differentiation to the point
    at which a marked distinction is made between the occupations of men and
    women, and this distinction is of an invidious character. In nearly
    all these tribes the women are, by prescriptive custom, held to those
    employments out of which the industrial occupations proper develop at
    the next advance. The men are exempt from these vulgar employments and
    are reserved for war, hunting, sports, and devout observances. A very
    nice discrimination is ordinarily shown in this matter.
  • This division of labour coincides with the distinction between the
    working and the leisure class as it appears in the higher barbarian
    culture. As the diversification and specialisation of employments
    proceed, the line of demarcation so drawn comes to divide the industrial
    from the non-industrial employments. The man's occupation as it stands
    at the earlier barbarian stage is not the original out of which any
    appreciable portion of later industry has developed. In the later
    development it survives only in employments that are not classed as
    industrial,--war, politics, sports, learning, and the priestly office.
    The only notable exceptions are a portion of the fishery industry
    and certain slight employments that are doubtfully to be classed as
    industry; such as the manufacture of arms, toys, and sporting goods.
    Virtually the whole range of industrial employments is an outgrowth of
    what is classed as woman's work in the primitive barbarian community.

    The work of the men in the lower barbarian culture is no less
    indispensable to the life of the group than the work done by the women.
    It may even be that the men's work contributes as much to the food
    supply and the other necessary consumption of the group. Indeed, so
    obvious is this "productive" character of the men's work that in the
    conventional economic writings the hunter's work is taken as the type of
    primitive industry. But such is not the barbarian's sense of the matter.
    In his own eyes he is not a labourer, and he is not to be classed with
    the women in this respect; nor is his effort to be classed with the
    women's drudgery, as labour or industry, in such a sense as to admit
    of its being confounded with the latter. There is in all barbarian
    communities a profound sense of the disparity between man's and woman's
    work. His work may conduce to the maintenance of the group, but it is
    felt that it does so through an excellence and an efficacy of a kind
    that cannot without derogation be compared with the uneventful diligence
    of the women.
  • At a farther step backward in the cultural scale--among savage
    groups--the differentiation of employments is still less elaborate
    and the invidious distinction between classes and employments is less
    consistent and less rigorous. Unequivocal instances of a primitive
    savage culture are hard to find. Few of these groups or communities
    that are classed as "savage" show no traces of regression from a more
    advanced cultural stage. But there are groups--some of them apparently
    not the result of retrogression--which show the traits of primitive
    savagery with some fidelity. Their culture differs from that of the
    barbarian communities in the absence of a leisure class and the absence,
    in great measure, of the animus or spiritual attitude on which the
    institution of a leisure class rests. These communities of primitive
    savages in which there is no hierarchy of economic classes make up but a
    small and inconspicuous fraction of the human race. As good an instance
    of this phase of culture as may be had is afforded by the tribes of the
    Andamans, or by the Todas of the Nilgiri Hills. The scheme of life of
    these groups at the time of their earliest contact with Europeans seems
    to have been nearly typical, so far as regards the absence of a leisure
    class. As a further instance might be cited the Ainu of Yezo, and, more
    doubtfully, also some Bushman and Eskimo groups. Some Pueblo communities
    are less confidently to be included in the same class. Most, if not all,
    of the communities here cited may well be cases of degeneration from a
    higher barbarism, rather than bearers of a culture that has never risen
    above its present level. If so, they are for the present purpose to be
    taken with the allowance, but they may serve none the less as evidence
    to the same effect as if they were really "primitive" populations.

    These communities that are without a defined leisure class resemble one
    another also in certain other features of their social structure
    and manner of life. They are small groups and of a simple (archaic)
    structure; they are commonly peaceable and sedentary; they are poor; and
    individual ownership is not a dominant feature of their economic system.
    At the same time it does not follow that these are the smallest of
    existing communities, or that their social structure is in all respects
    the least differentiated; nor does the class necessarily include
    all primitive communities which have no defined system of individual
    ownership. But it is to be noted that the class seems to include the
    most peaceable--perhaps all the characteristically peaceable--primitive
    groups of men. Indeed, the most notable trait common to members of such
    communities is a certain amiable inefficiency when confronted with force
    or fraud.
  • The evidence afforded by the usages and cultural traits of communities
    at a low stage of development indicates that the institution of a
    leisure class has emerged gradually during the transition from primitive
    savagery to barbarism; or more precisely, during the transition from
    a peaceable to a consistently warlike habit of life. The conditions
    apparently necessary to its emergence in a consistent form are: (1) the
    community must be of a predatory habit of life (war or the hunting
    of large game or both); that is to say, the men, who constitute the
    inchoate leisure class in these cases, must be habituated to the
    infliction of injury by force and stratagem; (2) subsistence must be
    obtainable on sufficiently easy terms to admit of the exemption of
    a considerable portion of the community from steady application to a
    routine of labour. The institution of leisure class is the outgrowth
    of an early discrimination between employments, according to which
    some employments are worthy and others unworthy. Under this ancient
    distinction the worthy employments are those which may be classed as
    exploit; unworthy are those necessary everyday employments into which no
    appreciable element of exploit enters.

    This distinction has but little obvious significance in a modern
    industrial community, and it has, therefore, received but slight
    attention at the hands of economic writers. When viewed in the light of
    that modern common sense which has guided economic discussion, it seems
    formal and insubstantial. But it persists with great tenacity as
    a commonplace preconception even in modern life, as is shown, for
    instance, by our habitual aversion to menial employments. It is a
    distinction of a personal kind--of superiority and inferiority. In the
    earlier stages of culture, when the personal force of the individual
    counted more immediately and obviously in shaping the course of events,
    the element of exploit counted for more in the everyday scheme of life.
    Interest centred about this fact to a greater degree. Consequently a
    distinction proceeding on this ground seemed more imperative and more
    definitive then than is the case to-day. As a fact in the sequence of
    development, therefore, the distinction is a substantial one and rests
    on sufficiently valid and cogent grounds.
  • The ground on which a discrimination between facts is habitually made
    changes as the interest from which the facts are habitually viewed
    changes. Those features of the facts at hand are salient and substantial
    upon which the dominant interest of the time throws its light. Any given
    ground of distinction will seem insubstantial to any one who habitually
    apprehends the facts in question from a different point of view and
    values them for a different purpose. The habit of distinguishing and
    classifying the various purposes and directions of activity prevails of
    necessity always and everywhere; for it is indispensable in reaching a
    working theory or scheme of life. The particular point of view, or the
    particular characteristic that is pitched upon as definitive in the
    classification of the facts of life depends upon the interest from which
    a discrimination of the facts is sought. The grounds of discrimination,
    and the norm of procedure in classifying the facts, therefore,
    progressively change as the growth of culture proceeds; for the end for
    which the facts of life are apprehended changes, and the point of view
    consequently changes also. So that what are recognised as the salient
    and decisive features of a class of activities or of a social class at
    one stage of culture will not retain the same relative importance for
    the purposes of classification at any subsequent stage.

    But the change of standards and points of view is gradual only, and it
    seldom results in the subversion or entire suppression of a standpoint
    once accepted. A distinction is still habitually made between industrial
    and non-industrial occupations; and this modern distinction is a
    transmuted form of the barbarian distinction between exploit and
    drudgery. Such employments as warfare, politics, public worship, and
    public merrymaking, are felt, in the popular apprehension, to differ
    intrinsically from the labour that has to do with elaborating the
    material means of life. The precise line of demarcation is not the same
    as it was in the early barbarian scheme, but the broad distinction has
    not fallen into disuse.
  • The tacit, common-sense distinction to-day is, in effect, that any
    effort is to be accounted industrial only so far as its ultimate purpose
    is the utilisation of non-human things. The coercive utilisation of man
    by man is not felt to be an industrial function; but all effort directed
    to enhance human life by taking advantage of the non-human environment
    is classed together as industrial activity. By the economists who have
    best retained and adapted the classical tradition, man's "power over
    nature" is currently postulated as the characteristic fact of industrial
    productivity. This industrial power over nature is taken to include
    man's power over the life of the beasts and over all the elemental
    forces. A line is in this way drawn between mankind and brute creation.

    In other times and among men imbued with a different body of
    preconceptions this line is not drawn precisely as we draw it to-day.
    In the savage or the barbarian scheme of life it is drawn in a different
    place and in another way. In all communities under the barbarian
    culture there is an alert and pervading sense of antithesis between
    two comprehensive groups of phenomena, in one of which barbarian
    man includes himself, and in the other, his victual. There is a felt
    antithesis between economic and non-economic phenomena, but it is not
    conceived in the modern fashion; it lies not between man and brute
    creation, but between animate and inert things.
  • It may be an excess of caution at this day to explain that the barbarian
    notion which it is here intended to convey by the term "animate" is not
    the same as would be conveyed by the word "living". The term does not
    cover all living things, and it does cover a great many others. Such
    a striking natural phenomenon as a storm, a disease, a waterfall, are
    recognised as "animate"; while fruits and herbs, and even inconspicuous
    animals, such as house-flies, maggots, lemmings, sheep, are not
    ordinarily apprehended as "animate" except when taken collectively.
    As here used the term does not necessarily imply an indwelling soul or
    spirit. The concept includes such things as in the apprehension of the
    animistic savage or barbarian are formidable by virtue of a real or
    imputed habit of initiating action. This category comprises a large
    number and range of natural objects and phenomena. Such a distinction
    between the inert and the active is still present in the habits of
    thought of unreflecting persons, and it still profoundly affects the
    prevalent theory of human life and of natural processes; but it does not
    pervade our daily life to the extent or with the far-reaching practical
    consequences that are apparent at earlier stages of culture and belief.

    To the mind of the barbarian, the elaboration and utilisation of what is
    afforded by inert nature is activity on quite a different plane from his
    dealings with "animate" things and forces. The line of demarcation may
    be vague and shifting, but the broad distinction is sufficiently real
    and cogent to influence the barbarian scheme of life. To the class of
    things apprehended as animate, the barbarian fancy imputes an unfolding
    of activity directed to some end. It is this teleological unfolding of
    activity that constitutes any object or phenomenon an "animate" fact.
    Wherever the unsophisticated savage or barbarian meets with activity
    that is at all obtrusive, he construes it in the only terms that are
    ready to hand--the terms immediately given in his consciousness of his
    own actions. Activity is, therefore, assimilated to human action, and
    active objects are in so far assimilated to the human agent. Phenomena
    of this character--especially those whose behaviour is notably
    formidable or baffling--have to be met in a different spirit and with
    proficiency of a different kind from what is required in dealing with
    inert things. To deal successfully with such phenomena is a work of
    exploit rather than of industry. It is an assertion of prowess, not of
  • Under the guidance of this naive discrimination between the inert and
    the animate, the activities of the primitive social group tend to fall
    into two classes, which would in modern phrase be called exploit and
    industry. Industry is effort that goes to create a new thing, with a
    new purpose given it by the fashioning hand of its maker out of passive
    ("brute") material; while exploit, so far as it results in an outcome
    useful to the agent, is the conversion to his own ends of energies
    previously directed to some other end by an other agent. We still speak
    of "brute matter" with something of the barbarian's realisation of a
    profound significance in the term.

    The distinction between exploit and drudgery coincides with a difference
    between the sexes. The sexes differ, not only in stature and muscular
    force, but perhaps even more decisively in temperament, and this must
    early have given rise to a corresponding division of labour. The general
    range of activities that come under the head of exploit falls to the
    males as being the stouter, more massive, better capable of a sudden
    and violent strain, and more readily inclined to self assertion, active
    emulation, and aggression. The difference in mass, in physiological
    character, and in temperament may be slight among the members of the
    primitive group; it appears, in fact, to be relatively slight and
    inconsequential in some of the more archaic communities with which we
    are acquainted--as for instance the tribes of the Andamans. But so soon
    as a differentiation of function has well begun on the lines marked
    out by this difference in physique and animus, the original difference
    between the sexes will itself widen. A cumulative process of selective
    adaptation to the new distribution of employments will set in,
    especially if the habitat or the fauna with which the group is in
    contact is such as to call for a considerable exercise of the sturdier
    virtues. The habitual pursuit of large game requires more of the manly
    qualities of massiveness, agility, and ferocity, and it can therefore
    scarcely fail to hasten and widen the differentiation of functions
    between the sexes. And so soon as the group comes into hostile contact
    with other groups, the divergence of function will take on the developed
    form of a distinction between exploit and industry.
  • In such a predatory group of hunters it comes to be the able-bodied
    men's office to fight and hunt. The women do what other work there is
    to do--other members who are unfit for man's work being for this purpose
    classed with women. But the men's hunting and fighting are both of the
    same general character. Both are of a predatory nature; the warrior
    and the hunter alike reap where they have not strewn. Their aggressive
    assertion of force and sagacity differs obviously from the women's
    assiduous and uneventful shaping of materials; it is not to be accounted
    productive labour but rather an acquisition of substance by seizure.
    Such being the barbarian man's work, in its best development and widest
    divergence from women's work, any effort that does not involve an
    assertion of prowess comes to be unworthy of the man. As the tradition
    gains consistency, the common sense of the community erects it into a
    canon of conduct; so that no employment and no acquisition is morally
    possible to the self respecting man at this cultural stage, except such
    as proceeds on the basis of prowess--force or fraud. When the predatory
    habit of life has been settled upon the group by long habituation, it
    becomes the able-bodied man's accredited office in the social economy
    to kill, to destroy such competitors in the struggle for existence as
    attempt to resist or elude him, to overcome and reduce to subservience
    those alien forces that assert themselves refractorily in the
    environment. So tenaciously and with such nicety is this theoretical
    distinction between exploit and drudgery adhered to that in many hunting
    tribes the man must not bring home the game which he has killed, but
    must send his woman to perform that baser office.

    As has already been indicated, the distinction between exploit and
    drudgery is an invidious distinction between employments. Those
    employments which are to be classed as exploit are worthy, honourable,
    noble; other employments, which do not contain this element of exploit,
    and especially those which imply subservience or submission, are
    unworthy, debasing, ignoble. The concept of dignity, worth, or honour,
    as applied either to persons or conduct, is of first-rate consequence
    in the development of classes and of class distinctions, and it is
    therefore necessary to say something of its derivation and meaning. Its
    psychological ground may be indicated in outline as follows.
  • As a matter of selective necessity, man is an agent. He is, in his own
    apprehension, a centre of unfolding impulsive activity--"teleological"
    activity. He is an agent seeking in every act the accomplishment of some
    concrete, objective, impersonal end. By force of his being such an agent
    he is possessed of a taste for effective work, and a distaste for futile
    effort. He has a sense of the merit of serviceability or efficiency
    and of the demerit of futility, waste, or incapacity. This aptitude
    or propensity may be called the instinct of workmanship. Wherever the
    circumstances or traditions of life lead to an habitual comparison
    of one person with another in point of efficiency, the instinct of
    workmanship works out in an emulative or invidious comparison of
    persons. The extent to which this result follows depends in some
    considerable degree on the temperament of the population. In any
    community where such an invidious comparison of persons is habitually
    made, visible success becomes an end sought for its own utility as a
    basis of esteem. Esteem is gained and dispraise is avoided by putting
    one's efficiency in evidence. The result is that the instinct of
    workmanship works out in an emulative demonstration of force.

    During that primitive phase of social development, when the community is
    still habitually peaceable, perhaps sedentary, and without a developed
    system of individual ownership, the efficiency of the individual can
    be shown chiefly and most consistently in some employment that goes to
    further the life of the group. What emulation of an economic kind there
    is between the members of such a group will be chiefly emulation in
    industrial serviceability. At the same time the incentive to emulation
    is not strong, nor is the scope for emulation large.
  • When the community passes from peaceable savagery to a predatory phase
    of life, the conditions of emulation change. The opportunity and the
    incentive to emulate increase greatly in scope and urgency. The activity
    of the men more and more takes on the character of exploit; and an
    invidious comparison of one hunter or warrior with another grows
    continually easier and more habitual. Tangible evidences of
    prowess--trophies--find a place in men's habits of thought as an
    essential feature of the paraphernalia of life. Booty, trophies of
    the chase or of the raid, come to be prized as evidence of pre-eminent
    force. Aggression becomes the accredited form of action, and booty
    serves as prima facie evidence of successful aggression. As accepted at
    this cultural stage, the accredited, worthy form of self-assertion
    is contest; and useful articles or services obtained by seizure or
    compulsion, serve as a conventional evidence of successful contest.
    Therefore, by contrast, the obtaining of goods by other methods than
    seizure comes to be accounted unworthy of man in his best estate. The
    performance of productive work, or employment in personal service, falls
    under the same odium for the same reason. An invidious distinction
    in this way arises between exploit and acquisition on the other hand.
    Labour acquires a character of irksomeness by virtue of the indignity
    imputed to it.

    With the primitive barbarian, before the simple content of the notion
    has been obscured by its own ramifications and by a secondary growth of
    cognate ideas, "honourable" seems to connote nothing else than
    assertion of superior force. "Honourable" is "formidable"; "worthy" is
    "prepotent". A honorific act is in the last analysis little if
    anything else than a recognised successful act of aggression; and where
    aggression means conflict with men and beasts, the activity which comes
    to be especially and primarily honourable is the assertion of the strong
    hand. The naive, archaic habit of construing all manifestations of
    force in terms of personality or "will power" greatly fortifies this
    conventional exaltation of the strong hand. Honorific epithets, in
    vogue among barbarian tribes as well as among peoples of a more advance
    culture, commonly bear the stamp of this unsophisticated sense of
    honour. Epithets and titles used in addressing chieftains, and in the
    propitiation of kings and gods, very commonly impute a propensity for
    overbearing violence and an irresistible devastating force to the person
    who is to be propitiated. This holds true to an extent also in the more
    civilised communities of the present day. The predilection shown in
    heraldic devices for the more rapacious beasts and birds of prey goes to
    enforce the same view.
  • Under this common-sense barbarian appreciation of worth or honour, the
    taking of life--the killing of formidable competitors, whether brute
    or human--is honourable in the highest degree. And this high office of
    slaughter, as an expression of the slayer's prepotence, casts a
    glamour of worth over every act of slaughter and over all the tools and
    accessories of the act. Arms are honourable, and the use of them, even
    in seeking the life of the meanest creatures of the fields, becomes a
    honorific employment. At the same time, employment in industry becomes
    correspondingly odious, and, in the common-sense apprehension, the
    handling of the tools and implements of industry falls beneath the
    dignity of able-bodied men. Labour becomes irksome.

    It is here assumed that in the sequence of cultural evolution primitive
    groups of men have passed from an initial peaceable stage to a
    subsequent stage at which fighting is the avowed and characteristic
    employment of the group. But it is not implied that there has been an
    abrupt transition from unbroken peace and good-will to a later or higher
    phase of life in which the fact of combat occurs for the first time.
    Neither is it implied that all peaceful industry disappears on the
    transition to the predatory phase of culture. Some fighting, it is safe
    to say, would be met with at any early stage of social development.
    Fights would occur with more or less frequency through sexual
    competition. The known habits of primitive groups, as well as the habits
    of the anthropoid apes, argue to that effect, and the evidence from the
    well-known promptings of human nature enforces the same view.
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