The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Yarrun said:

    Nope. This one was later. Mystery Incorporated


    I've heard nothing but good things about that show before now
  • I keep finding so much awesome stuff on tumblr that it is like porn except without the sex part. :)

    Did you get a new Tumblr?
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.

  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    Did you get a new Tumblr?
    Yes but it is so secret that you need the Big Key to open it. :D
  • Tre said:

    Kexruct said:

    Incidentally, I also find urbex interesting anyway, but I can't do it because bluh bluh bland suburbia.

    I know this isn't an optimal time to ask but are you me?
    Yes. The avatar exchange proves it.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    (peeps can just ask where it is tho)
  • Did you get a new Tumblr?
    Yes but it is so secret that you need the Big Key to open it. :D
    Okay that's done, what is it?
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
  • edited 2013-04-01 00:27:53
    More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    Actually there is a link on the most recent post of Central Avenue's blog. ^_^
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    A Link?
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    ya duh where it says I am like the only person who responded to her queshton.
  • I responded to her question ;_;
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    *clicks "Notes"* why am I dumb >_<
  • hardmode Terraria is aptly named.

    I really should have isolated the chunk of land me and my NPCs live on before killing the Wall of Flesh, at the rate the Corruption is spreading, we might have to relocate to one of the floating islands.

  • Jenna Maroney's movies The Rural Juror and Urban Fervor are on Hulu

    I can't wait to find out the perpetrator of Irma's murder
  • Also, Google launched the beta for Google Nose today

    Go try it out, it works like a charm
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I read that as "Google Noose"
  • [Noose search][I'm feeling depressed]

    Clicking "I'm feeling depressed" calls an emergency support center.
  • I read that as "Google Noose"

  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    My middle name
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Imipolex Macabre G
  • edited 2013-04-01 01:10:45
    I just drew a picture of a rather miffed looking woman wearing a dress standing next to a man, who is in much higher spirits and is incidentally wearing a suit. They have a conversation that goes thusly

    Miffed woman: I hate you so much.
    Suit guy: Good, that makes us more believable as a high society couple.
    Miffed woman: I'm wearing nothing but bear skin for the rest of my life after this.

    I'm probably going to put this in that comic thing that I'm sortakindanotreally working on.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    eaten by wolves!
  • image

    who told my avatar he was allowed to be an adorable kid

    because he is too adorable
  • Gallade is my favorite because he looks like Link. YNTKT
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    something has happened

    something...has changed
  • Ralts is my spirit animal.
  • Likewise, Mordecai is mine.

    That applies to both Mordecais.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    I love transmales. I love guys crossdressing. I love gender non-conformity, especially when guys are cool with dressing like a princess.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    well I see nothing wrong with that
  • i am not a princess

    i am a kitty
  • edited 2013-04-01 03:18:51
    More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    Been a little while but I'm still battling
    Moving fast while you's just prattling
    No time for me, no tangling
    Hit you in the spot with no angle and

    I'm not a princess
    (A lot of anger in it)
    Not your cutie girlfriend, oh no
    don't you know?

    Flashy rhymes coated with spangles
    Add some sounds in it times wangles
    Three dots connect to rectangles
    Just like music sounds connect to rambles

    You cannot run away
    (Hell nah no man can run away)
    From me I stay in your head as
    one big threat!

    It's demolition
    Wiping all out
    (Wipe out)
    I won't go
    (Yeah, yeah)
    Until it's over
    (Once again)

    It's coalition
    Pieces of wreckage
    Come to me
    and let it be one
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
  • sunn wolf said:

    i could have bought a used copy of the thomas ligotti/current 93 cd-and-small-book for £6 yesterday but i did not have the cash and so did not

    should i be castigated forever for this

    Which one, dare I ask?
    In A Foreign Town, In A Foreign Land
  • maaaaaan the IJBM logo is ugly
  • edited 2013-04-01 11:14:57

    Best april fools day

    read the reviews seriously
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    Kochiya Sanae x Imipolex G
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    Tenshi Hinanawi x Earthquakes OTP.
  • While undoubtedly more well-known for the banal post-grunge trite that they played later on in their career, I've always been partial towards Nickelback's earlier works. Remarkably few people know that this album exists, at least in its purest form; in a surprisingly clever move, when confronted by Roadrunner who were interested in repressing their first two albums, Nickelback disassociated from their brutal death metal roots and embraced a more family-friendly route, "re-recording" their first and second albums by writing entirely new songs in their place. This has led most people to disregard the band entirely, which is a shame when one takes into account the sheer ass-kicking the band delivered on their first two albums. It honestly amazes me that the original CD pressing of The State isn't as highly-valued of a collector's item as, say, The Entity by Sororicde. The album displays that all parties involved, especially the virtuoso Chad Kroeger, have a masterful grip on how to not only properly worship Suffocation, but how to take the entire genre to the next level. That this was released a year before Molesting the Decapitated only makes it more impressive.

    Although aesthetically misleading, Nickelback's second album is most certainly brutal as FUCK. There isn't much complexity to be found here, just retardedly huge, beefy slams that stick to 4/4 and trudge through the music, serving as mush to harbor Kroeger's slurred, deep roars and occasional accented pig squeals. "Cowboy Hat" is the most impressive song here, with what is apparently a second vocalist (rumored to be Kid Rock) trading off duties with Chad Kroeger in a multi-directional assault of nothing short of pure face-melting brutality. The "acoustic" version of "Leader of Men" is also worthy of any metal fan's time - the song is shockingly little more than a crude, percussion-centric rendition of the original song, kept in rhythm by the band's drummer at the time (Mitch Guindon) snapping the rib bones of a mutilated four-year-old girl named Alexandria Ferland. (Mitch's drumming credits were later removed by the band and accredited to their new, mainstream drummer Ryan Vikedal. To this day, Mitch is still in prison as a result of the recording process of this song, where he faces a life sentence without the possibility of parole. Take that, Varg Vikernes!)

    The fact that this could have come out as early as 1998 is baffling - The State is easily one of the heaviest, most thugged brutal death metal albums of all time. If you took the retarded brutality of Torsofuck's debut full-length and amplified it a couple dozen times, you would maybe be somewhere within the range of how catchy, how groovy, how astonishingly stellar Nickelback's second album is. This is a sadly-overlooked gem and I highly advise those reading this to avidly seek out the original recordings of The State and Curb (which is also an impressive album, but dabbles more in Finnish black metal than slam death). With this, I think it's safe to say that Devourment's throne has been usurped - hail Nickelback, the new kings of slam death metal!
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    fuck this gay earth <3
  • Deserted-
    Demiurges running free.
    Arcing archangels-
    Only resonate out of sympathy.
    Summoning shocking
    Demonstrations of the method
  • Naney said:

    Demiurges running free.
    Arcing archangels-
    Only resonate out of sympathy.
    Summoning shocking
    Demonstrations of the method

    ew, Death Metal Lyrics

    seriously in all the various branches of metal which focus on speed/heaviness/general brutality, like the only one with lyrics that arent bad is agoraphobic nosebleed

  • Naney said:

    Demiurges running free.
    Arcing archangels-
    Only resonate out of sympathy.
    Summoning shocking
    Demonstrations of the method

    ew, Death Metal Lyrics

    seriously in all the various branches of metal which focus on speed/heaviness/general brutality, like the only one with lyrics that arent bad is agoraphobic nosebleed

    not death metal

  • Naney said:

    Naney said:

    Demiurges running free.
    Arcing archangels-
    Only resonate out of sympathy.
    Summoning shocking
    Demonstrations of the method

    ew, Death Metal Lyrics

    seriously in all the various branches of metal which focus on speed/heaviness/general brutality, like the only one with lyrics that arent bad is agoraphobic nosebleed

    not death metal

    in that case it isnt good that it reads like death metal lyrics
  • real talk AN lyrics are the best

    Jerking off in meetings with his attorneys
    Sentenced to death

    Holy man, supreme being
    Biological weapons, levitation, drugs
    Where he was once blind, he can now see
    Stand down!
    The eye of Horus is opening

    Asahara has requested
    To be fed only pork
    For his last meal
    Wild boar

    Giraffe tongue makes
    A noose around his head
    Hung from the rising sun
    Until made immortal

    He dropped into a white lotus
    Butterfly bursting from his eyes in a cloud of sarin gas
    Traversing the globe, wings spread
    Landing only once, for a moment, on a retarded kid's head

  • real talk AN lyrics are the best

  • in other musical news i made a 4 hour round trip to see Tangled Thoughts of Leaving play live and they were absolutely mindblowing

    weirdly they were at the top of the bill at this 4 day mini festivall in basingstoke which was mainly just local bands and clearly very few people there had any idea who TToL were, so there were a lot of scene kkids who  just had no idea what was going on

    still mindblowing though. also notably probably the only band in the world where the keyboardist has the most stage presence of anyone in the band

  • wow am i the only one who really hates the fuck out of this color scheme
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