The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • the more i listen to it the more i am sure that peverelist is the best dubstep producer of all time
  • also (*More whining about broken headphones*)
  • TreTre
    edited 2013-03-29 23:27:24
    Vriska said:


    do some people have title thingies like Imi's I heart 8oo8s
    I made them for those that requested them. Because reasons.
    So my niece pestered me into renting Wreck-It Ralph. It was worth it. :D
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    I love that movie
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    It's apparently my brother-in-law's favorite movie
  • I think Minecraft would be better if it were more Zelda-esque.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    most things would be better if they were more Zelda-esque

    though not everything
  • edited 2013-03-30 00:30:32
    You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Central Avenue would be better if she were more Zelda-esque

    On account of Zelda is a female woman and also a princess

    I'm so clever
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    and then Anonus could be Link and get to wear that nifty green hat
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    And I'd get to have a sword!
  • Central Avenue would be better if she were more Zelda-esque

    On account of Zelda is a female woman and also a princess

    I'm so clever
    Your personality is more Romani.
  • Romani?


    the Roma ethnic group? ._.?????

  • oh wait there's a character named




  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • According to my brother, having HH, Tumblr, and Runescape open at the same time is having "like, twenty tabs open."
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    I have 19 tabs open.

    That's close to having 20 tabs open.
  • i have 10 tabs open

    that's 1/2 of one 20 and that's terrible
  • Kexruct said:

    According to my brother, having HH, Tumblr, and Runescape open at the same time is having "like, twenty tabs open."

    have you pointed out that that's actually just three?
  • Kexruct said:

    According to my brother, having HH, Tumblr, and Runescape open at the same time is having "like, twenty tabs open."

    have you pointed out that that's actually just three?
    Yes. He only complains about this when he has to check something while I'm on, so I don't have much sympathy for him.

    In all fairness, my computer can only handle having about five tabs open before it starts to slow down.
  • I have like 30-odd open right now because I've lost control of my life.
  • Every time you've posted a screenshot I've commented on how many tabs you have.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I have one.
  • I wonder what it is.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • edited 2013-03-30 01:50:23
    More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    I think Minecraft would be better if it were more Zelda-esque.
    Minecraft is Zelda-esque to me. :) Unrelatedly, lately I have wanted to re-play A Link to the Past again, even though I literally did this like two months ago.
  • I think Minecraft would be better if it were more Zelda-esque.
    Minecraft is Zelda-esque to me. :) 
    Me too. But I can't pinpoint what makes it so. Either way, still NEEDS MOAR ZELDA

    also you don't strike me as the minecraft type
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I just did that. It went by very fast.
  • I tried replaying ALttP but I stopped for three reasons:

    1. I'd decided to only fight Ganon when I found all the Pieces of Heart.
    2. I couldn't find two.
    3. I'd resolved to never use a guide.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I found 'em all, but I had to use a guide for the last one.
  • TreTre
    edited 2013-03-30 02:00:59
    Non-Zelda related post time: I tend to use guides sparingly because I've realized that I am, to put it bluntly, a crappy gamer, but I can figure out most things in games given enough time and patience.

    Hence why Portal 2 and Mirror's Edge took me years to complete despite me going through a lot of both in 1 sitting.
  • Vague hints are fine though.


  • The sadness will last forever.
    I aint so sure about converting to Christianity and the like because I don't see god and I'm not straight.
  • TreTre
    edited 2013-03-30 02:05:26
    Also I've never played Zelda.

    I feel like that makes me a heathen of sorts. Like, it's a thing that everyone adores but I've never really found a ton of interest in.

    Maybe it's a "play it and you'll understand" thing. That happened to me with TF2. I'm willing to try it out but the series is just so big... I dunno.
  • The sadness will last forever.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Try either A Link to the Past or Ocarina of Time or both.

    If neither of those appeals to you then the series probably ain't for you
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    I like what I've played of Zelda (OOT all the way through, and parts of MM, WW, and ST)...
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Kexruct said:

    Vague hints are fine though.


  • edited 2013-03-30 02:07:43
    More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    Kex: You probably couldn't get the one where you use the magic cape to go through the bumper thingy at the Death Mountain entrance in the dark world, and also the one where you ram into the lumberjack's tree to open a cave. Or if you got these, then just scour the dark world and use the magic mirror a lot! (or just use a guide and make your life easier :p )
    also you don't strike me as the minecraft type
    I am very much the Minecraft type. :D
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    Oh ummmm also that one mini-game with like a zillion chests and you can only open like 2 or 3 per try. There is a heart piece there.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    That was the one I was missing.
  • Wikipedia says Zelda isn't an RPG series.

    Which means, for at least the past ten years, I have been LIED TO.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I tend to think of it as action/adventure, with occasional RPG elements
  • Kex: You probably couldn't get the one where you use the magic cape to go through the bumper thingy at the Death Mountain entrance in the dark world, and also the one where you ram into the lumberjack's tree to open a cave. Or if you got these, then just scour the dark world and use the magic mirror a lot! (or just use a guide and make your life easier :p )

    also you don't strike me as the minecraft type
    I am very much the Minecraft type. :D
    1. I actually got all of those and WHAT PART OF VAGUE DO YOU NOT GET
    2. Cool! You wouldn't happen to have the Xbox version, would you?
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    you need that one in that one cave in the one place
  • The one in the cave that also sort of looks like a dungeon in the Dark World's desert? Got that one too.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    no the other one
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