The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    It does appear to have been created with the Central Avenue demographic primarily in mind.
  • I swear that someone on Wikipedia


    has made a game


    of always having hip-hop musician's page images


    be as ridiculously awkward and dorky as possible

  • edited 2013-02-24 04:05:54
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    thenamelesssamurai said: a8 said:Just was my favourite from that album.

    Dark Side is not actually my favourite Pink Floyd.  i am not sure i could pick a favourite, but Animals stands out to me.

    Animals is amazing, but Dark Side will always be my favorite Pink Floyd record of all time.

    Sredni Vashtar said: thenamelesssamurai said:

    I'm not 100% sure about the former, but the latter is probably the closest thing to "perfect" in music. The playing, the composition and the production are all immaculate on that album.
    For imperfect masterpieces—that is, music that is perfectly attuned to my own tastes—I think that The Olivia Tremor Control's Black Foliage Animation Music Volume One, Coil's Musick to Play in the Dark (both volumes), Wire's 154, Bügsküll's Snakland, Prurient's Black Vase and Swans' The Great Annihilator are up there.

    I suppose this is kinda redundant, but the factors you listed for why A Love Supreme is so close to perfect is also the reasons I chose Dark Side as a perfect album. Plus, I have never heard a record that flows as smoothly from one song to another as Dark Side does. I don't even perceive any of the songs as separate songs, just parts where the whole is exponentially more than the sum of the parts, which to me is what defines a perfect album.

    I have minor issues with some of the aesthetic and songwriting choices that I do not have with
    A Love Supreme, but in terms of production, arrangement and execution, yes, I would completely agree with you. It is a brilliantly constructed album.

    In pure production terms, I think that Coil's later work is probably the apex of my ideal. Even their weakest and most haphazard work from the latter half of their career has absolutely fantastic sound and arrangement.

    P.S. This forum's quote formatting despises italics, which is a pain when citing album titles.
  • dammit I just love the music I listen to too much to really pick favorites
  • I have minor issues with some of the aesthetic and songwriting choices that I do not have with A Love Supreme
    I'd be interested to hear what those issues are.

  • SF_Sorrow said:

    dammit I just love the music I listen to too much to really pick favorites

  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    SF_Sorrow said:

    dammit I just love the music I listen to too much to really pick favorites

    Ultimately, I feel the same way, but my thought processes have become more critical as time has gone by, so I'm able to make more direct snap decisions when push comes to shove.
  • if someone asked me what my favorite album was I don't think I could give a genuine answer.
  • i like music that is free jazz and noise and breakcore and glitch and some industrial

    and maybe something more chill sometimes


    essentially music is good if it elicits reactions of abhorrence from everybody you know
  • if somebody asked me my fave album i would answer Nail

    Because it is perfect

    or if i was in a more jazzy mood i would answer Spiritual Unity or maybe Ask the Ages

    Because those are also perfect
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Music has to really annoy me for me to dislike it, and that is very rare.

    my tastes are basically mainstream i guess.
  • i was saddened when my mom did not like my taste in jazz
  • "Got To Give It Up" is genius.

    well the beat is anyway.

    The lyrics are pretty standard, but the enunciation thereof is very nice.

  • edited 2013-02-24 04:19:36
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    @Mojave: Nor could I. I could give a list, but any one album would be just part of the picture, I feel. Even ten or twenty would be leaving a lot of details out.
  • so R&B singer Ginuwine's real name is Elgin Lumpkin.


  • @Mojave: Nor could I. I could give a list, but any one album would be just part of the picture, I feel. Even ten or twenty would be leaving a lot of details out.


    also I rarely revisit albums, I'm not sure why.

  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    my mother doesn't seem to like my taste in anything music.

    She says it is all noise (though i listen to very little noise).
  • On June 10th, 2006, in front of an intimate crowd of followers, William Stunt Rock retired from performing. Stunt Rock will continue making music and working on various projects, but does not wish to continue with live shows. As for reasons for the retirement, at commencement of the final live set a list was handed out that featured the fifty reasons for the retirement. They were recorded as follows:

    01. I am tired of having to kiss peoples asses in order to get them to come to my shows.
    02. I am tired of having to remind these same people to come to my shows over and over.
    03. I don’t want these people there, nor do they even want to be there. Said guests and I are just doing things out of
    guilt for each other, which is not healthy.
    04. I am tired of having to get really drunk on stage and sleep over at someone else’s house near the venue,
    when all I really want to do is go home.
    05. I am very annoyed with getting paid less than $7 an hour to perform on stage
    (When you factor in prep time, load in, sound check, etc.)
    06. Lack of free beer and oral sex after performing.
    07. Lack of interest in performing in general.
    08. Lack of interest in hobbies and other endeavors where I am not guaranteed a certain per hour income.
    09. The fact that I would actually pay myself more NOT to have to play shows. For example, on average, I would pay myself $300 to stay home, get up early, mow the lawn, and clean the house as opposed to stand on stage until 2am getting drunk in front of strangers.
    10. No one takes my stand up comedy routine serious, resulting in constant shouting over my jokes and routines.
    This is very disheartening and has resulted in a decline in on stage humor.
    11. All my fans in Wisconsin are meth heads.
    12. All my fans in Illinois are grown men stuck in a perpetual state of frat boy jocularity.
    13. In 8 years I have yet to meet a fellow performer who shares my own opinions and views of the world.
    As a result, a feeling of isolation is perpetual.
    14. The one time after 8 years that I finally went home with a chick was extremely disappointing and led to a
    significant moment of clarity, perhaps for the first time in my adult life.
    15. No one appreciates my attempts at melding with hip hop culture and instead wishes to force me into the long dead hardcore rave scene.
    16. Stupid music labels like “Indie Hop” and “Breakcore” and “Experimental Hip Hop” and “Mash Up.”
    17. People who review my albums without knowing my complete discography.
    18. Is my loss of hearing really worth your enjoyment?
    19. Concern about my prostate.
    20. The fact that after 8 years, I still have to be fall down drunk in order to stand up in front of a group of strangers and play.
    21. Lack of interest in general from people who claim to be “big fans.”
    22. I am tired of having to explain to my ex girlfriend why I don’t want her to come to my shows.
    23. Standing in poorly ventilated clubs filled with smoke doesn’t seem like a very healthy thing to do.
    24. In a way I feel like I am selfishly forcing my real friends to drive approx. 45 to stand around, get drunk, and then be forced to drive home and get potential D.U.I.’s.
    25. Making music comes to easy these days and seems a bit to formulaic even for my simple methods.
    26. All fans with girlfriends serve as a constant reminder of what I should really be doing with my life; meeting a life partner.
    27. My fanbase grows at the approximate rate of 2 males per 8 shows played, and 1 female per 34 shows played. (Actual statistics).
    28. The majority of my fanbase would rather buy me a beer than buy my new CD or T-Shirt.
    29. Venues without a backstage area.
    30. Friends and fans that want to be guest listed.
    31. Having to listen to people’s shitty excuses about why they didn’t make it to a show. (Most common excuses in order: Girlfriend was Being a Bitch, No Ride, No Oxycotin, Forgot Venue Information, Met Hot Chick , No Money, Can’t Find I.D., Overslept).
    32. The majority of women I am finding interested in me because of my music are either: a. Divorced or b. between the ages of 17-19.
    33. Simply put, why am I trying to become what I don’t want to be?
    34. I only smoke cigarettes in the weeks leading up to, and during, a show.
    35. My car is getting old and I am tired of driving it all over Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota, and Indiana.
    36. Touring Europe free of charge for 3 weeks at a time is extremely overrated when all you care about is staying home.
    39. No girls in Europe want to get to know traveling American musicians with self esteem issues.
    40. Fellow musicians constantly mock me and downplay me into “token funny opening act” slots which I have outgrown.
    41. I’m almost at the age where all of my heroes died. Isn’t that a clue to hang it up?
    42. My father does not understand or sees no artistic merit in what I do.
    43. Lack of merchandise sales over all.
    44. My last two albums have been a mockery of my mid period “good” albums which where created while I lived in my moms basement as a 25 year old man. Since moving out, subsequent albums have just been riffing on the same material with sub par results.
    45. Wrist pain.
    46. According to studies, I would drink less if I stopped playing music.
    47. Pressure from my Mother to “grow the fuck up and stop goofing around with these computers and friends.”
    48. Catching colds at shows is a common occurrence.
    49. The guy doing the documentary on me is starting to get a little “weird.”
    50. Lack of response to everything on this list.
  • You've posted that list before, Nanes.
    a8 said:

    my mother doesn't seem to like my taste in anything music.

    She says it is all noise (though i listen to very little noise).

    my mom likes country, so our tastes overlap fairly little.

    Though we both have a soft spot for early 2000s girl-pop.

  • the list is still perfect

    unfortunately he is no longer selling prints of it
  • @Mojave: Nor could I. I could give a list, but any one album would be just part of the picture, I feel. Even ten or twenty would be leaving a lot of details out.


    also I rarely revisit albums, I'm not sure why.

    I'm kind of the opposite, if I find an album I really like, i'll listen to it over and over again.

    Also on a side note, Dark Side of the Moon is the only album which I've ever listened to all the way through over 200 times.
  • Naney I will be honest in stating that I do not understand your obsession with the depressing and abrasive.

    But I expect you do not understand my obsession with the smooth and chillaxyish, so no h8.

  • @Mojave: Nor could I. I could give a list, but any one album would be just part of the picture, I feel. Even ten or twenty would be leaving a lot of details out.


    also I rarely revisit albums, I'm not sure why.

    I'm kind of the opposite, if I find an album I really like, i'll listen to it over and over again.

    Also on a side note, Dark Side of the Moon is the only album which I've ever listened to all the way through over 200 times.

    I don't think I can compete with that.

    I kinda have musical ADD. Earlier today I was listening to UGK's Riding Dirty (great album btw) and now I'm listening to Aaliyah. And a post in another thread has inspired me to download Solange Knowles' 2008 album which I will listen to when it's finished downloading.

  • edited 2013-02-24 04:27:49

    ^ ^ Like attracts like
  • Naney said:

    ^ ^ Like attracts like

    I guess but I don't really find your music all that abrasive or depressing.

    Unless that's not what you mean.

  • i meant my personality.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    Naney I will be honest in stating that I do not understand your obsession with the depressing and abrasive.

    But I expect you do not understand my obsession with the smooth and chillaxyish, so no h8.

    I understand the logic behind both of your interests, personally.

    But then, neither of you guys seem to like wonky dissonant guitar music and I love the stuff.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    my mom likes country, so our tastes overlap fairly little.

    Though we both have a soft spot for early 2000s girl-pop.

    my mum mostly likes folk, but greatly dislikes most folk that i like, e.g. Bellowhead.

    my dad's tastes align closer with my own, but less so lately because a lot of classic rock sounds same-y to me.
    Naney said:

    the list is still perfect

    unfortunately he is no longer selling prints of it


    sold prints of it

    i have absolutely no idea whether to feel amused, impressed, angry or sorry for him here
  • You are not abrasive or depressing.

    you do not know the inside of my head.
  • Naney I will be honest in stating that I do not understand your obsession with the depressing and abrasive.

    But I expect you do not understand my obsession with the smooth and chillaxyish, so no h8.

    I understand the logic behind both of your interests, personally.

    But then, neither of you guys seem to like wonky dissonant guitar music and I love the stuff.

    do you listen to ultraslick modern pop sometimes

    please tell me I'm not alone

  • Naney said:

    You are not abrasive or depressing.

    you do not know the inside of my head.

    I suppose, but you do not seem abrasive or depressing to me.

    Don't make me hug you again.

    I will.

    I will do it.

  • SF_Sorrow said:

    dammit I just love the music I listen to too much to really pick favorites

    I have lots of rock, jazz, and classical, with some splattering of electronic, metal, and hip-hop.

    Quite big on the psychedelic/experimental/noise stuff.

    Currently my playlist in my Android phone has Animal Collective, The Flaming Lips, Boredoms, Lightning Bolt, Deerhoof, and Tame Impala.

    Should add more stuff in that playlist sometime.
  • whatkindofhiphopdoyoulistento


  • nuuu not the hugs

    and while i may not be depressing i most certainly am depressed
  • Naney said:

    nuuu not the hugs

    and while i may not be depressing i most certainly am depressed


    I wish I could help with that but I'm still sorting that out myself.

  • edited 2013-02-24 04:37:45
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    @Mojave: Nor could I. I could give a list, but any one album would be just part of the picture, I feel. Even ten or twenty would be leaving a lot of details out.


    also I rarely revisit albums, I'm not sure why.

    I'm kind of the opposite, if I find an album I really like, i'll listen to it over and over again.

    Also on a side note, Dark Side of the Moon is the only album which I've ever listened to all the way through over 200 times.
    I tend to listen to an album through once, then listen to a lot of other stuff and return to it with a different mindset. Some stuff I listen to over and over, though.

    Which reminds me to add two more to the canon, for being albums that I have listened to more than once in a sitting (above-mentioned aside): Arcade Fire's Neon Bible, HEALTH's Get Color and The Gerbils' The Battle of Electricity.

    Also, Animal Collective's Feels. Perfectly structured.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    SF_Sorrow said:

    SF_Sorrow said:

    dammit I just love the music I listen to too much to really pick favorites

    I have lots of rock, jazz, and classical, with some splattering of electronic, metal, and hip-hop.

    Quite big on the psychedelic/experimental/noise stuff.

    Currently my playlist in my Android phone has Animal Collective, The Flaming Lips, Boredoms, Lightning Bolt, Deerhoof, and Tame Impala.

    Should add more stuff in that playlist sometime.
    Yes. We shall get along nicely.
  • edited 2013-02-24 04:39:51
    imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    ^^ Honestly my listening to the same things over and over is probably a large part of why i don't get into more stuff.  i can't fully enjoy something until i've played it a ridiculous amount.
  • Naney said:

    nuuu not the hugs

    and while i may not be depressing i most certainly am depressed


    I wish I could help with that but I'm still sorting that out myself.

    i'll learn to manage it in time hopefully
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    P.S. Technically Are You Sleepy? is better structured than The Battle of Electricity, but "The White Sky" and "Are You Underwater?" are perfect songs. Also, I might like Strawberry Jam better than Feels most days, but it doesn't quite have the same brilliant sense of pacing and transition.

    God, I'm critiquing my own favourites' list. Help me. Now.
  • edited 2013-02-24 04:42:49

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    Several hours later, but I read the article on the internet tracking and read the comments:

  • P.S. Technically Are You Sleepy? is better structured than The Battle of Electricity, but "The White Sky" and "Are You Underwater?" are perfect songs. Also, I might like Strawberry Jam better than Feels most days, but it doesn't quite have the same brilliant sense of pacing and transition.

    God, I'm critiquing my own favourites' list. Help me. Now.

    listen to Aaliyah.

    she cures all wounds.

  • I don't think I can compete with that.

    I kinda have musical ADD. Earlier today I was listening to UGK's Riding Dirty (great album btw) and now I'm listening to Aaliyah. And a post in another thread has inspired me to download Solange Knowles' 2008 album which I will listen to when it's finished downloading.

    Didn't know we were competing. :P

    I'm the same way with a lot of stuff, specially when I'm finding new music, but at least once a a day, I'll go back and listen to an album that I listened to plenty of times and give it another go through. Recently it's been The Divinity of Oceans by Ahab (great metal album, but I don't think it would be up your alley). I tend to value how much reply value something has equally as much I value finding new music.

    I understand the logic behind both of your interests, personally.

    But then, neither of you guys seem to like wonky dissonant guitar music and I love the stuff.
    You know, I think our combined love of wonky dissonant guitar music is part of the reason we've become such good friends.

    do you listen to ultraslick modern pop sometimes

    please tell me I'm not alone

    Nah, you're definitely not alone. I listen to the stuff to every now and then.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Naney said:

    Naney said:

    nuuu not the hugs

    and while i may not be depressing i most certainly am depressed


    I wish I could help with that but I'm still sorting that out myself.

    i'll learn to manage it in time hopefully
    I have been through depressive episodes myself, but never anything truly prolonged. Merely enduring it briefly was hellish, but chronically is a different matter. I wish you both all of the luck in the world.
  • I'm hesitant to call it chronic, honestly.

    Just cuz like, I don't want to be one of those people who self-diagnoses and whatnot.

  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    I understand the logic behind both of your interests, personally.

    But then, neither of you guys seem to like wonky dissonant guitar music and I love the stuff.
    You know, I think our combined love of wonky dissonant guitar music is part of the reason we've become such good friends.
    This is probably true. Wonky dissonant guitar music is a beautiful thing.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Justice42 said:

    Several hours later, but I read the article on the internet tracking and read the comments:

    Maybe i am dense or having been missing the point but i don't understand

    Why that image?
  • edited 2013-02-24 04:48:31

    breakbeats thrown through a waveshaper and heavily compressed

    really life doesn't get better than that
  • I don't know how waveshapers work because I'm a stupid fuckrocket.
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