The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • The sadness will last forever.
  • The sadness will last forever.
  • The sadness will last forever.
    ding ding ding
  • edited 2013-01-09 19:01:49

    Two Face said:


  • yeah it's just one of those white-people-in-infomercials kinda days

    my music skills have improved noticeably, but i still can't make anything i am satisfied with.
  • The sadness will last forever.


  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    When I was not looking day turned to night
    Yeah... yeah!!! hell yeah!!!
    Yeah... yeah!!! hell yeah!!!
    You know what would be fun? Doing not that.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    But guns have to remain legal, so small militia groups can hold onto the delusion that they actually stand a chance against the army.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • The sadness will last forever.
    summoning the devil
  • The sadness will last forever.
    day of the hipsters
  • Take that idea and roll with it.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    ABC & ESPN's Day of the Hipsters
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    *produces large ABC logo ball from hammerspace and rolls on it*
  • Tryin' so hard to act like we don't care
    But it's true, you do, nothing is left,
    So I guess I'm right.
  • I actually rather enjoyed the seminar. There were free turkey sandwiches and fancy cheeses.

    Also I've resolved to ease myself into a healthier diet. I'm never going to be a health nut but this junkfood for breakfast lunch and dinner has to stop.

    I'm also going to search for a better job, because for how much I enjoyed the seminar, it really made me realize how little I fit in at Wegman's.

  • edited 2013-01-09 20:58:13

    Nowhere, for example, does it suggest that Rick's son is one of the world's greatest practitioners of parkour. That clearly needs to be rectified for the final version. And perhaps the young man could win back the love of his estranged father by roping in a ragtag gang of locals to perform an impromptu flashmob dance to the Magnum PI theme tune outside Rick's Cafe. And I can't help but notice that there aren't any animals, either. Everyone likes animals. Maybe one of the characters could have a dog. A kooky dog. A kooky dog that can speak English. No, wait, a kooky dog that can speak English and is also a robot. He could breakdance, too, because that'd really pop in the 3D conversion. Brilliant. Now we're cooking.

    I will watch this if and only if all of these things happen.
  • edited 2013-01-09 20:59:30

    The Eighth Seal, where Max von Sydow challenges Death to a game of Just Dance 4 on the Nintendo Wii.
  • Remember back in the 50s when they'd record like Elvis singing YOU AIN'T NOTHIN BUT A HOUND DOG and then they'd turn the record over and reverse it and it was all NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP and people were all like, "That is actually the voice of Satan coming from that song."

    Also I've resolved to ease myself into a healthier diet. I'm never going to be a health nut but this junkfood for breakfast lunch and dinner has to stop.

    That seems to be how I lost most of the weight I did several months back. That and cutting back on the quantity I ate.
  • Remember back in the 50s when they'd record like Elvis singing YOU AIN'T NOTHIN BUT A HOUND DOG and then they'd turn the record over and reverse it and it was all NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP and people were all like, "That is actually the voice of Satan coming from that song."
    That didn't sound good. You still feeling sick?
  • That didn't sound good. You still feeling sick?

    I'm just bored as fuck.
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  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Two Face said:

    boobs 24/7

  • Cream said:

    lonely night, huh?

    And here I am, having fun. I wonder how this situation came about? ;)

    Bragging about how much fun you're having is literally the opposite of having fun.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • Cream said:

    lonely night, huh?

    And here I am, having fun. I wonder how this situation came about? ;)

    Bragging about how much fun you're having is literally the opposite of having fun.

  • why is today only Wednesday 


    looks like another excruciatingly boring  day of school tomorrow.
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  • Cream said:

    Do I smell jelly on you guys? I think you're all jelly. >;) You sour grapes on the HH-tree.

    Imi I'm making #trashheap the official Third Trash Heap. You can party with me in there!! :D

    Cream, the reason no one talks to you is because you do this, not because we have some secret agenda to exclude you from the conversation.
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  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Cream said:

    No but really. If you are not having fun, and are bored, and lonely, and think HH is slow, it's because no one ever wants to talk to me, and do fun stuff. Except imi. He's great. :D

    It's incredibly pompous to say that the lack of activity here is solely because no one talks to you, specifically.
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  • Mojave Music said: Cream said:Do I smell jelly on you guys? I think you're all jelly. >;) You sour grapes on the HH-tree.

    Imi I'm making #trashheap the official Third Trash Heap. You can party with me in there!! :D

    Cream, the reason no one talks to you is because you do this, not because we have some secret agenda to exclude you from the conversation.

    Let's all
    not be douchebags.

    How about that?
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    KJI said:


    You see, this is how the secret service ends up on your doorstep
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    You guys get upset over the dumbest shit. Cream isn't doing anything offensive at all. 

    Yes, that's me saying that. 
  • Cream said:

    Look at my post count, and Imi's. Now look at everyone else's. Nanes is the only exception. ;D

    This is because you spam the Touhou thread with your ramblings that no one else cares about.
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  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Mojave, knock it off.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Cream, big post counts mean nothing.
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