The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • an accurate depiction of schools in america today
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  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • My father's house
    Was warm at night
    He used to sing me lullabies
    Just like his father before him always did
    Just like his mother would have done
    If she had lived
    My father's house
    Was safe at night
    He used to sleep just down the hall
    Just like his father before him always would
    When he was old
    When times were good
    He found the time
    He found a way
    Piece by piece
    Day by day

    (Oh you look so pretty
    Don't forget to say your prayers
    I will rock you 'til you're sleeping
    And I'll carry you upstairs
    And I'll see you in the morning
    I'll see you in your dreams
    I will always be here when you need me)

    Silent night, holy night
    I left a light on in the hallway
    All is warm, all is bright
    I keep my visions in my hand
    Silent night, holy night
    Life goes on beyond my eyelids
    All is safe, out of sight

    I was away at school
    The night I heard the news
    That I was all alone
    From a stranger's voice
    On the hallway phone
    She had to call collect
    And mispronounced my name
    And said that I should be there
    On the morning train
    There was no one to meet me
    And no one to take me home

    Silent night, holy night
    I left a light on in the hallway
    All is warm, all is bright
    I keep my visions in my hand
    Silent night, holy night
    Life goes on beyond my eyelids
    All is safe, out of sight

    My father's house
    Is still at night
    I hear the silence in the walls
    I hear the footsteps in the halls
    Just like the child inside me used to do
    When she was scared and wide awake
    She had the room to keep her warm
    Safe from fears, safe from harm

    Silent night, holy night
    I left a light on in the hallway
    All is warm, all is bright
    I keep my visions in my hand
    Silent night, holy night
    Life goes on beyond my eyelids
    All is safe, out of sight
  • Cream said:

    I wish people had no mouths!!

  • Slice of Pony Life is the best pony tumblr
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit
    Naney said:

    “Where exactly are we?” asked Rarity. She hadn’t seen any windows and everything looked utilitarian and strongly-built. Even Bear’s office felt cold and impersonal.
    “Planet Earth, the United States of America, state of Pennsylvania, Raven Rock Mountain Complex,” explained Bear. She and Morgan were going over the basics of what Rarity would be exposed to for the next month.
    Rarity was sorry she had asked, not expecting such a complicated answer for location. Remembering that her Princess-appointed mission was to learn, she asked, “What do you do here?”
    “This is a staging area for operations carried out at the behest of the United States government that involve supernatural activity.”
    what the fuck is this
  • rarity travels to earth in a human body, action-movie hijinx ensue
  • The sadness will last forever.
  • The sadness will last forever.
    smelly boot
  • The sadness will last forever.
  • The sadness will last forever.
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit
  • The sadness will last forever.
    screaming taco
  • The sadness will last forever.
  • edited 2012-12-31 14:30:30

    show, don't tell

    really that piece of advice gets bandied about a lot, but nowhere near enough people pay attention
  • The sadness will last forever.
    no mouths yes
  • The sadness will last forever.
  • The sadness will last forever.
    flaming burgers
  • in McDonald's.

    and they're playing Nickelback. Time to throw on some Gigantics.

  • this is really just such an awesome song.

  • I can finally buy myself Starbucks thanks to weeks' worth of app-downloading and general masochism.

    My reward was five dollars. Score. :P
  • my mother made chili

    vegetarian chili

  • get off my case, get off my land, get off my mountain top my man.
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit
    Man, normal Chili isn't even that great, but vegetarian? Yuk.
  • The sadness will last forever.
  • The sadness will last forever.
    at least it's not vegan chili
  • The sadness will last forever.
  • my little sister has decided to become a vegan

    she has somehow managed to find a way to become even more sanctimonious


    i want to diiiiiiieeeeeeee
  • Naney said:

    my little sister has decided to become a vegan

    she has somehow managed to find a way to become even more sanctimonious


    i want to diiiiiiieeeeeeee

    I don't remember what the word sanctimonious means.

    do you need a hug Nanes.

  • sanctimonious is making a show of being morally superior to others

    a hug would be lovely
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit
    Wait, is she being a vegan because of the whole "save the animals" thing
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit
    4Selfrighteous aura64.pngAura of Self-RighteousnessBurliness +2 
    Nimbleness +2 
    Life Points +3 
    Righteous Damage +5 
    Righteous Damage Resistance +1
    Passive: Aura of Self-RighteousnessYour ethical standards imbue your attacks with burning righteousness! And, in turn, when you attack there is a chance for your righteousness to blind your enemies with its shining moral superiority.
  • yes

    also she has now learned about the dangers of every artificial food additive ever and wishes to inform everyone of them
  • The sadness will last forever.
  • I didn't know Eligh did a verse for "Worldwide Choppers"

    it's actually pretty good too.

  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit
    1Green harvest64.pngGreen HarvestBurliness +1 
    Nimbleness +1 
    Life Points +3
    Passive:Green HarvestThe streets shall run green with the blood (sap?) of the vegetables -- and legumes, funguses, minerals, robots, homunculi, misc. demons and all other technically non-living beings) -- but particularly vegetables because you can harvest their flesh for Vegan-appropriate nutrition.
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit
    2Animal friend64.pngAnimal FriendBurliness +1 
    Nimbleness +1 
    Life Points +3
    Animal FriendYour animal friend will fight for you if you ask them because they love you sooo much. (Go animal friend, fight for me!) Be wary though, for your greater commitment to Veganism may cause greater penalties when you hurt the cute animals.
  • 4Selfrighteous aura64.pngAura of Self-RighteousnessBurliness +2 
    Nimbleness +2 
    Life Points +3 
    Righteous Damage +5 
    Righteous Damage Resistance +1
    Passive: Aura of Self-RighteousnessYour ethical standards imbue your attacks with burning righteousness! And, in turn, when you attack there is a chance for your righteousness to blind your enemies with its shining moral superiority.
    thaaaaat's her

    she even has red hair lol, though she's had that for a while now

    she decided she wanted to dye her hair in homage to Ramona Flowers

    I guess she's 12 and i shouldn't hold her being a total bitch against her. ._.
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit
    3Clean living64.pngClean LivingBurliness +2 
    Nimbleness +2 
    Life Points +10 
    Health Regeneration Bonus +1
    Passive:Vegan Pride 
    Passive:Vegan Shame
    Attention to correct nutrition enhances your health (and killing vegetables will give you experience rewards). Be wary though, for your greater commitment to Veganism may cause greater penalties when you hurt the cute animals.
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit
    5Level5vegan64.pngLevel 5 VeganBurliness +3 
    Nimbleness +3 
    Life Points +5 
    Health Regeneration Bonus +4
    Break The Circle Of LifeHaving achieved the purity and perfection of the fifth level of Veganism, you are privy to the inner secrets and methods of The Vegans.
  • Oh, I am about to write out a long bitchfest about last night.

    prepare yourselves
  • edited 2012-12-31 14:51:55

    so a while back i fixed up an old computer for my sister right? Some 2000-ish Gateway thing, put Xubuntu on there, never had any problems

    so like last night i'm sitting here, and suddenly she screams EMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLEEEEEE COME HERE

    and I'm like "Oy vey...."

    and so I come out there, and i dunno what she did, but the boot screen is there, asking for her username and password

    FIX IT (*She gives me the glare of death*)

    and i can't remember her username and password, i take a few stabs at is while she gets increasingly hysterical

    and then she says that i never told her her username or password (if so, how has she been logging on?)

    and he's all like FUCK YOUUUUUUU

    and so i turn it off and turn it back on again

    and it works fine

    and it turns out the problem was that she had caps lock on

    and she continues to look at me disgustedly

    and i went back to my room and was working on some stuff, and i ended up having some sort of verbal altercation with my mom in which she informed me that she has no idea what she did to raise such a terrible child as myself because i did not do the homework that i don't have to do because i'm leaving school after this terrible break is over

    and then later me and mom (who might have been feeling guilty about being like a huge bitch to me, but somehow i doubt it, i mean really i have no idea how her mind works) absconded to hardee's and grabbed a vanilla shake
  • well that just sounds kinda sucky in general.


    hug? :/

  • i'm down with hugs
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