The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • i love the beanie + ray-bans and curly hair look

    10/10 best brotastic fashion disaster
  • Why do I always feel obligated to listen to "Stupid Hoe" every time I see it posted here?

    because it is an avant-garde masterpeice
  • Remember back in the 50s when they'd record like Elvis singing YOU AIN'T NOTHIN BUT A HOUND DOG and then they'd turn the record over and reverse it and it was all NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP and people were all like, "That is actually the voice of Satan coming from that song."
    I just saw a YouTube commercial for a men's herbal shampoo that had "tea tree" in it. I thought tea came from a species of Chinese camellia. That's not really a tree, is it?
  • pfffffffffft
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    oh god it's spreading


    I might make a thread about this on AARoads, actually, because it seems like a lot of cities love to make signs that color seemingly at random and I'm sure the people there have even more photos of them
  • One of the cool things about having a frakkin hueg family is that you can get $5 BestBuy gift cards from everyone in it and still get something awesome.

    I come here today with an example. My first and more than likely last otaku purchase ever.


    I regret nothing.


  • also I just had a brief moment of panic since both the Blu-ray set and DVD set come in Blu-ray boxes, and I don't have a Blu-ray player.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Justice42 said:


    Beside the point...but I initially thought that Proxima Nova was Gotham

  • so i googled "fun. chopped and screwed"

  • shit i'm dying
  • One of the cool things about having a frakkin hueg family is that you can get $5 BestBuy gift cards from everyone in it and still get something awesome.

    I come here today with an example. My first and more than likely last otaku purchase ever.


    I regret nothing.


    Nice. Still need to getting around to watching that show.

  • You know the beginning of this kinda reminds me of BoC
  • shit "abba chopped and screwed" turns up nothing.
    I was just watching the 2012 memorial reel on NBC Nightly News, and I just realized: Both Dick Clark and Don Cornelius died this year. As someone old enough to have watched both American Bandstand and Soul Train many Saturdays, this freaks me out.
  • Man, I just watched SEL's first episode.

    I forgot how much I love this show, and there's lots of little details I didn't notice before.

  • Nanes, where did your signature come from? It looks familiar.
  • image

    I took screencaps from a highly complex, artistically relevant anime and turned them into image macros.

    I am a man of my generation, truly.

  • edited 2012-12-27 21:52:31

    It's from a review of Rusko's debut album, specifically it's referring to this track:

    Relatedly, everyone should watch this video because it is perfect.
  • So I was reading Cracked and I found this:

    How We Can Make It Happen:

    Not pirating the music you love is a good start.

    Yes. Thank you Cracked.
  • Kexruct said:

    So I was reading Cracked and I found this:

    How We Can Make It Happen:

    Not pirating the music you love is a good start.

    Yes. Thank you Cracked.

    Dude do you just make a habit out of posting random inflammatory statements?

    Don't answer that question.

  • edited 2012-12-27 21:58:37

    introduce them to new music that has some substance.

    > Slipknot

    > Substance

    I really hope someone is not implying this implication

    And really, while pirating should be avoided, not pirating is not really the solution to the problem he's describing.
  • Kexruct said:

    So I was reading Cracked and I found this:

    How We Can Make It Happen:

    Not pirating the music you love is a good start.

    Yes. Thank you Cracked.

    Dude do you just make a habit out of posting random inflammatory statements?

    Don't answer that question.

  • I did my time and I want out, so abusive
    Fate, it doesn't cut, the soul is not so vibrant
    The reckoning, the sickening
    Back at you, subversion, pseudo-sacred, pyscho virgin

    Go tell your classes, go dig you graves
    Then fill your mouth with all the money you will save
    Sinking in, getting smaller again
    Undone, it has begun, I'm not the only one

    And the rain will kill us all
    If we throw ourselves against the wall
    But no one else can see
    The preservation of the martyr in me

    Psychosocial, psychosocial, psychosocial
    Psychosocial, psychosocial, psychosocial

    Oh, there are cracks in the road we lay
    From when the devil fell, the secrets have gone mad
    This is nothing new but would we kill it all
    Fate was all we had

    Who needs another mess, we could start over
    Just look me in the eyes and say I'm wrong
    Now there's only emptiness but I'm missing something
    I think we're done, I'm not the only one

    And the rain will kill us all
    If we throw ourselves against the wall
    But no one else can see
    The preservation of the martyr in me

    Psychosocial, psychosocial, psychosocial
    Psychosocial, psychosocial, psychosocial

    The limits of the dead!
    The limits of the dead!
    The limits of the dead!
    The limits of the dead!

    Fake and defenseless lie
    I tried to tell you first
    Your hurtful lies are giving out

    Can't stop the killing
    I can't help if it's hunting season
    Is this what you want?
    I'm not the only one

    And the rain will kill us all
    If we throw ourselves against the wall
    But no one else can see
    The preservation of the martyr in me

    And the rain will kill us all
    If we throw ourselves against the wall
    But no one else can see
    The preservation of the martyr in me

    The limits of the dead!
    The limits of the dead!

    shit i am drowning in all this deepness

    oh wait i am not  a 14 year old girl nevermind
  • Kexruct said:

    Kexruct said:

    So I was reading Cracked and I found this:

    How We Can Make It Happen:

    Not pirating the music you love is a good start.

    Yes. Thank you Cracked.

    Dude do you just make a habit out of posting random inflammatory statements?

    Don't answer that question.


    Do you really think anyone here who disagrees with you (which I'd imagine is not just me) is going to be convinced by a random Cracked article or for that matter, anything you might say to back up said Cracked article?

    I mean we could totally have this discussion and you and I could end up yelling at each other about whether or not piracy is moral. Or, you could just watch Rip! if you're really interested in hearing my point of view. But you're not, so can you just not bring it up at all? Thanks.

  • Okay...?

    Calm down dude. You disagree. It's not a huge deal. And I'd hardly call "If you want something, pay for it" inflammatory.
  • Kexruct said:


    Calm down dude. You disagree. It's not a huge deal. And I'd hardly call "If you want something, pay for it" inflammatory.
    There is no way you're legitimately oblivious to how hotbutton an issue piracy is.
  • Naney said:

    best KP song
  • Mojave Music said: Kexruct said:Okay...?
    Calm down dude. You disagree. It's not a huge deal. And I'd hardly call "If you want something, pay for it" inflammatory.

    There is no way you're legitimately oblivious to how hotbutton an issue piracy is.

    I'm not saying it's not hotbutton, just that you don't have to get
    immediately defensive about the fact that I said people are supposed to pay for things.
  • why are you doing this


  • Kexruct said:

    Kexruct said:

    I'm not saying it's not hotbutton, just that you don't have to get immediately defensive about the fact that I said people are supposed to pay for things.

    No. No, you either don't understand what you're saying here or you don't understand what I'm saying here.

    My point is: don't say things you know are going to cause shitstorms, and there's no way you didn't know this was going to cause one. 

    Because then you do this, and it's annoying, and look, you're making Naney cry. 

    tldr version:

  • bkm,jbhnmjuv gfkmju

    that is me literally slamming my head into the keyboard
  • don't say things you know are going to cause shitstorms, and there's no way you didn't know this was going to cause one. 

    it's common sense really
  • edited 2012-12-27 22:14:25
    Maybe you could have just said that rather than  jumping straight to righteous indignation?
  • Naney said:

    bkm,jbhnmjuv gfkmju

    that is me literally slamming my head into the keyboard
    You shouldn't do that.
  • Kexruct said:

    Maybe you could have just said that rather than  jumping straight to righteous indignation?

    Dude that is 


    the same thing I said in the first post.

    And oh now we're going to get into an argument about the argument we just had. That's fun.

    Go read a book or something, dude.

  • Let us talk about a less contentious issue, like say...

    You know what's awesome?

  • Naney said:

    Let us talk about a less contentious issue, like say...

    You know what's awesome?


    I heard that NASA wants to ABORT the SPACE MISSION.


  • to be fair it was more me gently tapping my head against the keyboard.

    after all, i just got this one
  • Naney said:

    to be fair it was more me gently tapping my head against the keyboard.

    after all, i just got this one
    Fair enough.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    what the hell are you doing you motherfuckers
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