The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Where's Spectricia?
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Yarrun said:

    It's kind of sad. I mean, the guy deserves to be chewed out for the Frida Kahlo thing and I, personally, want to beat him over the head with a rolled-up newspaper for ruining the Afghan Girl picture, but all the anons are attacking him with stereotypical SJW quotes. They're not explaining why it's wrong to beautify a Frida Kahlo piece, or why drawing the Afghan Girl with droopy, puppy-dog eyes is insulting to the original. They're just telling him that he's terrible and that he should eat a porcupine and so on and so forth.

    And do you know what that allows the artist to do?

    That allows him to make smug comebacks. And those are terrible.


    He's not doing a damn thing wrong, though. In the world of art there's no line drawn of "you can't go there" like what you're describing here. If the guy wants to draw the Afghan girl like an anime character, so what? If he wants to beautify that one woman's picture, so what? He's not defacing the originals, he's not depriving anyone of what he's appropriating from, nobody is getting hurt or dying here, and the only way anyone can get offended is if they let themselves get offended.

    Case in point, the pointy mustache on the Mona Lisa. That actually started out this exact same way, now it's a cultural icon of sorts. 

    And sunn wolf is probably on the money saying he's an art troll. If so, he's quite the success. 
  • Yarrun said:

    So, the guy who did the terrible re-painting of Frida Kahlo (who's also the guy who did the terrible painting of the Afghan Girl) is getting...let's see...all of tumblr's hatemail.

    Most of his tumblr right now is him answering angry anons.

    It's kind of sad. I mean, the guy deserves to be chewed out for the Frida Kahlo thing and I, personally, want to beat him over the head with a rolled-up newspaper for ruining the Afghan Girl picture, but all the anons are attacking him with stereotypical SJW quotes. They're not explaining why it's wrong to beautify a Frida Kahlo piece, or why drawing the Afghan Girl with droopy, puppy-dog eyes is insulting to the original. They're just telling him that he's terrible and that he should eat a porcupine and so on and so forth.

    And do you know what that allows the artist to do?

    That allows him to make smug comebacks. And those are terrible.


    to me it would seem like obvious troll is obvious, but idk
  • He's not doing a damn thing wrong, though. In the world of art there's no line drawn of "you can't go there" like what you're describing here. 

    Well that's true, but neither are any of the people chewing him out.

    also thirding the art troll guess.
  • edited 2012-12-06 18:05:42
    Oh, so that's what that was about.

    I wasn't aware of this drama, since I looked at the Afghan Girl, uh, "reinterpretation," thought, "that doesn't look right," and scrolled past it.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Also, trolling tumblr is like shooting fish in a barrel, where both the barrel and the water inside are also made of fish
  • Also, trolling anywhere on the internet is like shooting fish in a barrel, where both the barrel and the water inside are also made of fish

  • tumblr has some great .gifs though.





    I don't even know where this is from.

  • Iblis are a Polish avant-garde/psychedelic death metal band. 

    Psychedelic death metal? color me interested.
  • I think one of the most frustrating things about tumblr is that a lot of the time I'll see something cool reblogged from someone and then go to that person's blog and it'll be almost all homestuck/pony/somethingelsei'mnotinto stuff.
  • Remember back in the 50s when they'd record like Elvis singing YOU AIN'T NOTHIN BUT A HOUND DOG and then they'd turn the record over and reverse it and it was all NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP and people were all like, "That is actually the voice of Satan coming from that song."
    My last art history lecture was today. I am pleased.
  • I think one of the most frustrating things about tumblr is that a lot of the time I'll see something cool reblogged from someone and then go to that person's blog and it'll be almost all homestuck/pony/somethingelsei'mnotinto stuff.

    I don't understand why this is a problem.
  • the frida kahlo thing is actually really interesting imo, to take something that has become so embedded in popular culture - everyone knows the 'tache and monobrow' schtick with Kahlo - and then apply todays cultural standards of beauty to it, then watch people explode with outrage over it..... i like it. art that is provocative is good, and in this case i think tumblrs reaction is half of the artwork.

    where is this persons tumblr? i want to congratulate them on being awesome.

    they are probably just a plain ol' troll though. still, duchamp was more or less an art troll aswell

  • boyfriend is trying to get me to write some of his essay for him ._.

    though he is giving me free wine. even more free wine. tonight is good for wine. wiiiiiiine

  • Kexruct said:

    I don't understand why this is a problem.

    It is not a problem in the same sense that some other stuff is a problem, but it is certainly annoying.

    My last art history lecture was today. I am pleased.

  • i like how duchamp eventually just went 'fuck you guys ima spend the rest of my life playing chess'

    its one of those cool facts

    cool fact #2: frida kahlo had an affair with Trotsky.

  • this is Nicholas Cage on the cover of a Serbian Biology textbook


    your argument is invalid.

  • Kexruct said:

    I don't understand why this is a problem.

    It is not a problem in the same sense that some other stuff is a problem, but it is certainly annoying.
    People blog about their interests. This is nothing new.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    sunn wolf said:

    boyfriend is trying to get me to write some of his essay for him ._.

    though he is giving me free wine. even more free wine. tonight is good for wine. wiiiiiiine

    The Mark Twain school of writing my friend

    write drunk, edit sober
  • Kexruct said:

    Kexruct said:

    People blog about their interests. This is nothing new.

    Are you really gonna insist on turning this into an argument, dude?

  • Kexruct said:

    Kexruct said:

    People blog about their interests. This is nothing new.

    Are you really gonna insist on turning this into an argument, dude?

  • its good enough for 'writing' writing (doin some of that later tonight probably) but i dunno how good it will be for an academic essay

    also ive agreed to only do reading and pulling out quotes. he already basicallly nicked a paragraph from my structuralism essay so that is enough

  • Kexruct said:

    Kexruct said:

    People blog about their interests. This is nothing new.

    Are you really gonna insist on turning this into an argument, dude?

    I didn't realize that was what I was doing.


    Fuck you I have to leave in like 20 minutes because bluh bluh work.

    Kexruct said:

    I didn't realize that was what I was doing.

    I don't understand then, why my mild annoyance is such a problem.
  • Thing is, it's not a troll post.

    The guy has his own tumblr, filled with stuff that's pretty normal. Heck, some of it doesn't look half bad. Most of it's somewhat hackneyed, in my opinion, but some of it's pretty good.

    And, in response to the Corporal, it's not so much the art itself as how he considers his art. He thinks that there's nothing wrong with making the Afghan Girl look vulnerable (his words) when the whole point of the picture is that she's staring defiantly. Same with giving Frida Kahlo the airbrushed cover girl treatment (and claiming that the woman herself didn't know how to make herself pretty). Duchamp knew that drawing a moustache and goatee on the Mona Lisa was going to get everyone's bonnets in a twist. This guy's getting everyone's bonnets in a twist, he has no idea why everybody's getting their bonnets in a twist, and he refuses to understand why everybody's getting their bonnets in a twist.

    Imagine if, say, someone did a mediocre redo of a Terminal Lance strip that completely missed the point of the original comic. They took out the original punchline and replaced it with something trite and stupid. And they saw nothing wrong with their interpretation of the comic. It's not something to send death threats over, yes, but it's a reason for annoyance.

    So, that's more or less why I want to smack him over the head with a rolled-up newspaper.

    And, sunny, his tumblr's here.
  • Kexruct said:

    Kexruct said:

    Kexruct said:

    People blog about their interests. This is nothing new.

    Are you really gonna insist on turning this into an argument, dude?

    I didn't realize that was what I was doing.
    you seem to do it an awful lot, so you should probably think before you post 'am i turning this into another pointless circular argument', and if you are then you probably shouldnt post it?


    Fuck you I have to leave in like 20 minutes because bluh bluh work.

    Kexruct said:

    I didn't realize that was what I was doing.

    I don't understand then, why my mild annoyance is such a problem.
    It isn't.
  • Kexruct said:

      It isn't.

    OK then, so you didn't need to say anything. 

  • Kexruct said:

      It isn't.

    OK then, so you didn't need to say anything. 

    I was just saying. 
  • OK then, so you didn't need to say anything. 

    I was just saying. 

    I lold
  • If the doors aren't working it's only b/c i'm laughing so hard
  • what is this strange .zip and why am I dl'ing it.
  • Yarrun said:

    Thing is, it's not a troll post.

    The guy has his own tumblr, filled with stuff that's pretty normal. Heck, some of it doesn't look half bad. Most of it's somewhat hackneyed, in my opinion, but some of it's pretty good.

    And, in response to the Corporal, it's not so much the art itself as how he considers his art. He thinks that there's nothing wrong with making the Afghan Girl look vulnerable (his words) when the whole point of the picture is that she's staring defiantly. Same with giving Frida Kahlo the airbrushed cover girl treatment (and claiming that the woman herself didn't know how to make herself pretty). Duchamp knew that drawing a moustache and goatee on the Mona Lisa was going to get everyone's bonnets in a twist. This guy's getting everyone's bonnets in a twist, he has no idea why everybody's getting their bonnets in a twist, and he refuses to understand why everybody's getting their bonnets in a twist.

    Imagine if, say, someone did a mediocre redo of a Terminal Lance strip that completely missed the point of the original comic. They took out the original punchline and replaced it with something trite and stupid. And they saw nothing wrong with their interpretation of the comic. It's not something to send death threats over, yes, but it's a reason for annoyance.

    So, that's more or less why I want to smack him over the head with a rolled-up newspaper.

    And, sunny, his tumblr's here.

    i was just looking on his tumblr aaaaand

    As satire it works really well but it was really unclear that you were going for that.

    Asketh - thekashif

    Sorry. If you look at my other art, you should pick up on it. I never would use language like that normally!

    its possible hes just trying to weasel out of criticism with stuff like that but intent still holds far too much sway over things. yeah he doesnt seem like a 'provocative artist' or troll that much, but i think as that kind of thing it works alarmingly well.

    and he could just be a good artist and convincing troll. or a regular artist who did some things for a giggle. he would have to be an idiot to be an artist and not realise the point of kahlo and the afghan girl, and he might be an idiot, but he doesnt come across that way either, so who knows. im going to just sit here and be intensely amused at tumblrs reaction regardless, because laughing at tumblr is one thing i know for sure i can do as a result of all this

  • looking further through his tumblr he does seem to be just an artist dude who did a jokey thing and tumblr, as tumblr is wont to do, decided to have a huge fucking meltdown at him
  • ........


  • Kexruct said:



    You Sure Do Seem To Be Posting Ellipses.
  • .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
  • Remember back in the 50s when they'd record like Elvis singing YOU AIN'T NOTHIN BUT A HOUND DOG and then they'd turn the record over and reverse it and it was all NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP and people were all like, "That is actually the voice of Satan coming from that song."
    PKMN TRAINER RED wants to battle!
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Super Läzuli said:tumblr has some great .gifs though.imageimageimageimageI don't even know where this is from.

    It's from
  • Spammers love us and want us to be happy. Specifically, they want us ALL – men and women, young and old – to have bigger, longer, harder penises. That’s why they send us so many ridiculous emails, right?

    While most of you have been hastily deleting all the “c1al1s” and “vaigra” spam from your junk-mail folders, I was combing through them for the juiciest, most unbelievable phrases – and turning them into poetry. Trust me, there were plenty to choose from.

    The result? Twelve poems, coupled with slightly suggestive, slightly psychedelic artwork (think elephant trunks, hoses, and massive trees) in a month-by-month calendar for 2013.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    creator's intent is everything.

    pierre menard, author of the quixote
  • |     |

    man I have to go to work in like ten minutes why could I not just call off this is so dumb I just wanna sleep blugh.

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