The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • also ive used opera for several years and it certainly doesnt freeze my system up every 10 mins and ive used it over several different computers....
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

    So my mother got her doctor to sign off on a handicapped parking tag.

    It feels weird; I feel like I should be sad that she needs it in the first place, but instead I'm glad she's getting it because I feel bad watching her struggle to walk from her car to the store...

  • someone uploaded this to youtube YES. psychedelic bbc rock 4ever

    This is probably the most 90s XTREEM video ever made, and it came out in 1983 or so: 

  • Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast
    Ever seen I've come out, I feel more confident with myself and in myself

  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    sunn wolf said:also ive used opera for several years and it certainly doesnt freeze my system up every 10 mins and ive used it over several different computers....

    I adopted Opera back when they still charged for using it (the free version of Opera was ad-supported.) I really liked it because it was the only browser that had a setting for no pop-ups that meant
    NO FUCKING POP-UPS -- not the million and one exceptions that everybody found a way around like in IE. I was very pleased with it, until lately its memory leak went from somewhat annoying to fucking obnoxious and around every 10 minutes or so it'd lock my computer up for 1-2 minutes at a time. My brand new computer with a fresh Windows 7 install.  I tossed it, went with Chrome, and haven't looked back since. 
  • Ever seen I've come out, I feel more confident with myself and in myself

    @horse_ebooks, is that you?
  • Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast

    Ever seen I've come out, I feel more confident with myself and in myself

    @horse_ebooks, is that you?
  • I adopted Opera back when they still charged for using it (the free version of Opera was ad-supported.) I really liked it because it was the only browser that had a setting for no pop-ups that meant NO FUCKING POP-UPS -- not the million and one exceptions that everybody found a way around like in IE. I was very pleased with it, until lately its memory leak went from somewhat annoying to fucking obnoxious and around every 10 minutes or so it'd lock my computer up for 1-2 minutes at a time. My brand new computer with a fresh Windows 7 install.  I tossed it, went with Chrome, and haven't looked back since. 

    never had that issue at all. huh. i gave chrome a go but wasnt overly fond of it really. really i just like opera for the speed dial thing which is really neat and which there is probably some firefox addon for or something similar in chrome but in opera its just there, so.

    Ever seen I've come out, I feel more confident with myself and in myself

    @horse_ebooks, is that you?
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

    Does it seem like CrazyGoggs has just completely given up on trying to match the voices to the content?

    Not that the voices were ever that great to begin with. I know they're intentionally annoying, but instead of making me want to punch whoever wrote the post it just makes me want to punch whoever's reading it for being a smug asshole.

  • I think it's quite amazing that Bee & Puppycat has managed to amass so much....stuff, considering all we know about the show is this:


  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Why would you watch Clyde Cash Crazy Goggs videos unmuted.
  • edited 2012-12-03 13:47:00
    imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    ...That was really harsh. :/

    And that "what does your character carry" thing can actually be a really good exercise for developing characters.
  • ugh, are we really gonna have a conversation about CrazyGoggs and his stupidity.

    like, you guys can talk about whatever, but if we are I'm just gonna go somewhere else for like an hour.

  • edited 2012-12-03 13:49:08
    imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    In addition to being the basis for a classic short story by Tim O'Brien, I mean.

    ^ Sorry. :(

    I don't particularly want to discuss him anyway, I just find that kind of thing really disheartening.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

    I don't know why I still watch his videos, honestly. *shrug*

    Half the point of that video seemed to be "lol these people act like their characters are real people and behave independently." Well, yes, some people talk about writing that way. It's not like they're otherkin or something who literally believe the characters have a mind of their own in some parallel universe.

  • huhh, they deleted my troper page on TVTropes.

    kinda annoys me to be honest.

  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    ^^Me too.

    ^^^ Yeah, that.

    And I know I'm taking him too seriously, but I honestly find videos like that one extremely discouraging, as a not-actually-an-author-desperately-trying-to-learn-to-write-good.
  • I don't write anymore.

    Not really, anyway.

    I should go see if anyone's still willing to play Drink The Moon.

  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    We don't have a general writing thread here, do we?
    Not that I know of; if we did, it probably got buried.
  • edited 2012-12-03 13:56:12
    You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

    I kinda have mixed feelings about NanoWriMo as a whole. If the point is to just get you to practice writing by giving you something to work on for a month, more power to ya.

    But I feel like a lot of people miss that point and end up rushing to get something finished in time, without realizing that they could have much better work if they paced themselves.

    huhh, they deleted my troper page on TVTropes.

    kinda annoys me to be honest.


  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    I remember a poetry thread, but not a general writing one.

    I think NaNoWriMo is a good thing because the hardest part can be producing *something*.  Refining and editing it can be tedious and presents its own challenges, but getting something on paper at all is the first big hurdle.

    Besides, I'm told you typically have to write volumes and volumes of crap before you start producing really good work.
  • oh fuck. I totally forgot about Garlic Man.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

    My biggest problem with writing, as of late, is that I'll get an idea, and even start to write something out, then think "this is stupid" and abandon it.

    I had an idea back in the summer for a humorous short story about twins who worked in competing department stores in the same mall and tried to draw customers away from each other's stores. I wrote out a basic summary of it but I didn't go any farther than that because I felt that my ending was unrealistic but not absurd enough to make up for it...

  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
  • Fouria G said:



    also I want it documented that Chagen said something intelligent at least once in his life.

    Chagen said:

    It's from a manga called Wife and Wife. A bunch of Japanese Otaku on 2chan were enraged that the main characters actually were legit lesbians and went "We don't want lesbians in our Yuri".

  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    My troper page is still there.

    ...I saw the "analyze" button there and for a second I thought someone had tried to analyze me. Whew!
  • I actually shit myself when I read that. There I realized I wasn't just dealing with the usual horrifyingly egotistical Troper Tale. This person will BREAK YOUR PENCILS without a second thought. Should he meet you, without any regret, he will DESTROY your beloved pencil collection. Your Crayola, your HB, everything. That beloved pencil you had for three years? Snapped in two with no remorse. Even if you reinforce your pencils to try and stop him, he has a good friend, even better in the arts of pencil-snapping. And when he is done, you will be nothing, sobbing in a heap of pencils as broken as your dreams. And he will laugh. Some men just want to watch the world burn.



  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Chagen did on more than one occasion make intelligent comments, incredible though that may sound.

    why is tvt thread mesmerizing

    My biggest problem with writing, as of late, is that I'll get an idea, and even start to write something out, then think "this is stupid" and abandon it.

    This is me, all the time.
  • Also, I miss the days when Fast Eddie could get into a facetious argument about the Sun with Matrix.

    I think I was still lurking when I just read this thing called a book was made though.

  • edited 2012-12-03 14:13:17
    imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    I wanna find that TVT memepost I made a while back.

    Stygian Saturday.  troll post removed.  Rats.  Loli Rape Bunker.  Controversial statement.  Fast Eddie will shut that shit down.  Fedora fedora fedora fedora fedora fedora fedora fedora fedora fedora fedora.  I AM THE PRETTIEST GIRL IN THE HEOSLE WOR.  Vigilante taxonomists.  Fungal sacs.  The best anime is Twin Peaks.  THE GREAT MOTHERFUCKING PUMPKIN.  It's CLOACA time!  Haven is the main character of Real Life.  HAY ZUDAK LETS HAVE HAWT NASTY SEX THAT VIOLATES EVERY LAW OF PHYSICS.  Granted, but you're on fire.  You are a cheating cheater who cheats. ಠ_ಠ  W!iAc:kYge9d'@sX k8e)yb)oax6rFd<.  Why is...  Stalin wasn't a Nazi and neither was Hitler.  Hoho, Fun.  Yuri goggles.  Assuming direct control: the wiki is only interested in hosting a friendly, civil forum.  I Am Not Making This Up.  So Yeah.  Touhou does not exist.  Sorry, I skipped some posts.  I wanted to FUCK the SHIT out of her.  Chick was a dime.  Shit yourself, that'll show 'em.  I just read this thing called a book.  Who are you people, and what is this?  Batman is better than Dragon Ball Z.  NOT UNPOPULAR!  You needed to know this.  SEVEN LEVELS OF INTENSE GAMEPLAY.  Don't forget to try Tou-*shot*.  I'm an outsider. What Touhou looks like to me is a pile of crap.  Take it to Fetishes.  Helen Keller is a fuckkking American hero.  I just changed into my jammies...  I knew who started this thread before I even clicked on it.  Bigonkers!  I'm not seeing how you drew your conclsudfl.  You have lost the activity of amusement and mirth.  What if we talked about having sex while talking about having sex while talking about the boy the dog the girl the boy the girl the tree the lumberjack fell while he had beans up his nose fell on while it had beans up its nose flirted with while she had beans up her nose hit on while he had beans up his nose hit while she had beans up her nose bit while it had beans up his nose that ran into the store the man the woman the monster Echidna bore while she had beans up her nose ate while it had beans up its nose fired while she had beans up her nose founded while we had beans up our noses while we had beans up our noses while we had beans up our noses while we had beans up our noses while we have beans up our noses?  I hate old TVT forum memes too, fuck that guy.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.

  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    that brings back some memories.
  • oh man anyone remember the Album Exchange Club

    we should start one of those here.

  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    You're my favorite person, Fouria.


    laser beams

    I do remember the Album Exchange Club being a thing, although I don't think I ever posted in it.
  • edited 2012-12-03 14:26:28
    Happy Mask Salesman: Whenever there is a meeting, a parting shall follow. But that parting needs not last forever. Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short while... that is up to you. 

    Majora's Mask is an awesome game with awesome quotes.
  • Fouria G said:

    You're my favorite person, Fouria.


    laser beams


    also I am tired as fuccck but I don't wanna go to sleep. x/

  • Cremia: Oh...Good evening.

    Romani: We're milking the cows tonight! It's "Chateau Romani". It's the first time I get to drink it! Until now, my sister always said "Wait until you're an adult". But why now?

    Cremia: .........You've become an adult now, Romani...I see it in you. I'm acknowledging it.

    Romani: Then, does Romani get a mask, too?

    Cremia: Well, yes, I'll make one for you...

    Cremia: Sleep with me in my bed tonight, OK, Romani?

    Romani: Yes, sister.



    This is a lot sadder if you are familiar with the game.
  • Milk Bar owner:

    ...As you can see, all of our
    customers have taken refuge.

    It may be my undoing, but I'm the
    sort of fellow who'll stay at his
    business through thick and thin.

    And I continue standing here
    at the counter hoping one of my
    favorite customers will appear...

    And I wasn't wrong.
    See? You stopped in.


    I really need to stop this.
  • oh man anyone remember the Album Exchange Club

    we should start one of those here.

    Good times. I was terrible at reviewing all the albums on time though.

    An album exchange club would be fun. We could use mumuplayer or Plug.Dj.
  • Fouria G said:

    I wanna find that TVT memepost I made a while back.


    Stygian Saturday.  troll post removed.  Rats.  Loli Rape Bunker.  Controversial statement.  Fast Eddie will shut that shit down.  Fedora fedora fedora fedora fedora fedora fedora fedora fedora fedora fedora.   I AM THE PRETTIEST GIRL IN THE HEOSLE WOR.  Vigilante taxonomists.  Fungal sacs.  The best anime is Twin Peaks.  THE GREAT MOTHERFUCKING PUMPKIN.  It's CLOACA time!  Haven is the main character of Real Life.  HAY ZUDAK.  Yuri goggles.  Assuming direct control: the wiki is only interested in hosting a friendly, civil forum.  I Am Not Making This Up.  So Yeah.  Touhou does not exist.  Sorry, I skipped some posts.  I wanted to FUCK the SHIT out of her.  You needed to know this.  SEVEN LEVELS OF INTENSE GAMEPLAY.  Don't forget to try Tou-*shot*.  I'm an outsider. What Touhou looks like to me is a pile of crap.  Take it to Fetishes.I just changed into my jammies...  I knew who started this thread before I even clicked on it.
    The weirdest nostalgia right now.

    So, I've been looking through the tvtropes tag on tumblr, and I'm surprised that the the content is mostly positive. There's a few negative people, namely this one guy who hates Fast Eddie and this really obnoxious, CrazyGoggs-like blog, but everybody seems to like the wiki. It's like Tumblr wasn't paying attention when all the crazy stuff started happening.
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