The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    You're that traffic light princess, right?
  • I mean, it's a lot less clear cut than I made it look lie up there, but i'd generally stand by the idea that there are some kinds of music that are more accessible and less good than others

    You're gonna imply to me with a straight face that Esoteric is better than Yelawolf.

    I have no clue who either of those people are

    at all.
  • but apparently hip-hop has different subgenres based solely on where it comes from

    Scenes are not genres.

    That's why people say "chopped & screwed" instead of "Southern rap" nowadays. A$AP Rocky makes music heavily influenced by screw but he's from New York.

    I have no clue who either of those people are

    A really shitty underground rapper and a really good mainstream rapper respectively.
  • edited 2012-12-02 00:37:21

    oh wait I have heard of Yelawolf, Borgore did production work for him on a track once.

  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    because it's more accessible to the layperson than other similar music, so people will start with it and then hopefully move on to the really good stuff
    I'm not trying to troll here man but this has got to be one of the most pretentious things I've ever heard

    I've had people review 11.975MHz and call it "avant-garde" and a bunch of other bullshit but it's just a comic that I hope people enjoy. I'm pretty sure that most musicians across every genre are trying to accomplish the same thing, but I'm also sure there's more than a few who put out unpleasant noise and push it as transcendental and only discriminating tastes will "get" it.  The people who "get it" are, I am sure of, cut from the same cloth who think that they can hear the difference between $5 and $5000 speaker cables. 

    Years ago I listened to Nine Inch Nails and you probably already know this, but Trent's second album was Broken and they released a remix counterpart album of it labeled Fixed. Broken by itself is a decent album if you're into Nails or whatever. Fixed is a CD with one remix that's almost passable as a song, and the rest sounds like a malfunctioning washing machine being raped by a runaway subway train. It's pure fucking noise, and I said so one day on a forum which raised the ire of a few who were telling me what a musical masterpiece Fixed was and I'm just too much of a layman to appreciate it. Whatever, I guess my tastes aren't distinguished enough to enjoy what amounts to TV static at full volume with a chorus of jackhammers going at it in the background. 

    fun fact: he used to be the drummer in a tech-death band
  • edited 2012-12-02 00:39:26
    Touch the cow. Do it now.
    You should hear Tribulation by Skullflower

    It's this
    TV static at full volume with a chorus of jackhammers going at it in the background.
    for 66 minutes
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    shit I'mma listen to it now
  • oh wait I have heard of Yelawolf, Borgore did production work for him on a track once.

    Yelawolf's best song is probably "Pop The Trunk" honestly.

    He's certainly atypical but he's got a really good flow when he's not wasting it on party tracks.

    I can't say I like a single thing I've ever heard by Esoteric.

  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    lost in the blackened gardens of some vast star
  • edited 2012-12-02 00:49:03

    ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ I generally do not enjoy music that other people enjoy.

    This is not because other people enjoy it and I feel some need to be a spehshul snowflake, but because I generally dislike many of the elements that make music easily accessible to most people, and enjoy things that many people find really terrible.

    While I will gladly proselytize the stuff I listen to, and i do in fact think it is better, I will have to admit that enjoyment of music, like all art, is subjective.

    Except BrokeNcyde. 

    If you like BrokeNcyde you are wrong.

    same goes for Nickelback.

    Fixed is a CD with one remix that's almost passable as a song

    you see, i have never listened to Fixed


    two of the remixes were done by J.G. Thirlwell

    Thirlwell is in fact god and is literally incapable of doing anything wrong.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    connect four
  • Also, I have a solid understanding of music theory and am generally capable of articulating the reasons that I enjoy a song.
  • ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ I generally do not enjoy music that other people enjoy.

    This is not because other people enjoy it and I feel some need to be a spehshul snowflake, but because I generally dislike many of the elements that make music easily accessible to most people, and enjoy things that many people find really terrible.
    Maybe your ears are broken or something man.
  • Also, I have a solid understanding of music theory and am generally capable of articulating the reasons that I enjoy a song.

    I CAN PROVE THAT RAP ISN'T REAL MUSIC WITH MUSIC THEORY -- half of every music forum ever

    every time this sentence is uttered god kills a kitten
  • better than about half the stuff on anticon.

  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Sometimes I worry that I enjoy watered-down stuff.

    A good chunk of the music I listen to is created for television newscasts, which is not meant for recreational listening to begin with. My favorite of these companies is Stephen Arnold Music, who I believe not to have been as good since about 2008 as they were in the '90s and in most of the 2000s.

    This is rambly
  • ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ I generally do not enjoy music that other people enjoy.

    This is not because other people enjoy it and I feel some need to be a spehshul snowflake, but because I generally dislike many of the elements that make music easily accessible to most people, and enjoy things that many people find really terrible.
    Maybe your ears are broken or something man.
    if this is broken I don't wanna be fixed.
  • edited 2012-12-02 00:59:11
    Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ I generally do not enjoy music that other people enjoy.

    This is not because other people enjoy it and I feel some need to be a spehshul snowflake, but because I generally dislike many of the elements that make music easily accessible to most people, and enjoy things that many people find really terrible.

    And there's nothing wrong with that. The whole bit about  "entry-level" in music is just pretentious and laughably elitist. Either you enjoy a form of art or you don't, there's no degrees of separation like a belt is in a martial art. 

    you see, i have never listened to Fixed


    two of the remixes were done by J.G. Thirlwell

    Thirlwell is in fact god and is literally incapable of doing anything wrong.
    Uh huh

    Like I said, the entire album is one track that almost passes as a tune and the rest is just noise. Fixed is a pretty old album, maybe that's what he cut his teeth on and only later learned to stop making ears bleed
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    20 minutes in now
  • image
    If there was ever a picture that could describe my posting habits, this is it.
  • Anonus said:

    Sometimes I worry that I enjoy watered-down stuff.

    A good chunk of the music I listen to is created for television newscasts, which is not meant for recreational listening to begin with. My favorite of these companies is Stephen Arnold Music, who I believe not to have been as good since about 2008 as they were in the '90s and in most of the 2000s.

    This is rambly

    well, you listen to music that's associated with the things you enjoy, seems like a good reason to me.

    Regarding the quality of music not intended for recreational listening, Carl Stalling was a terrific (*and very influential, albiet indirectly, in certain circles*) composer, did the music for Looney Tunes.
  • I had to listen to Skrillex for weeks before I could to listen to Adept Level Dubstep without my brain leaking out of my ears.

    welcome to dubstep enjoy your stay
    Huh. This is pretty catchy.

    At least, the first part is. The screams from the beyond that pop up near the halfway mark are a bit creepy, yes.
  • Raymond Scott is probably my favorite not-for-commercial-release composer. Even if it were just J Dilla's remix of "Lightworks".
  • edited 2012-12-02 01:06:02

    Fixed is a pretty old album, maybe that's what he cut his teeth on and only later learned to stop making ears bleed

    '92 was fairly late in his career, he was most prolific in the mid 80's.

    This actually wraps around nicely into what Anonus mentioned, because Thirlwell now does the music for The Venture Brothers

    A-level stuff.
  • I don't hate symbolism as much as I did like five years ago, but...

  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    He was not-for-commercial-release?

    As far as news music goes I'm ambivalent on 615. They were good in the '90s and early 2000s but have a Nickelback-ish habit of regurgitating musical elements that they hit on circa 2000 and it's just so bland to me, though most of what I've heard of it is bite-sized bits in their demo reels...
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    don't be hatin' on William Carlos Williams, yo
  • edited 2012-12-02 01:09:48
    Things I learned tonight:
    • Never try to embark on a project when Home Depot is closing in less than an hour. 
    • As an aside, keeping certain people from their hot showers can be potentially hazardous to your mental health. :(
    • On the other hand, the new torch is awesome and makes soldering sweat fittings much easier. Even if I still use way too much solder.
    • My back really doesn't like working on ladders or step stools. It currently wants to strangle me ten different ways. 
    So anyway, the water heater is mostly in, but I need some parts to finish it. This...caused some problems. :P 
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Though 615 does give their clients what they want...which is more often than not shoving pieces of In-Sink V.3 or High Velocity V.2 into a photocopier and being handed a copy of a copy of a copy
  • Kexruct said:

    I don't hate symbolism as much as I did like five years ago, but...

    A professor of mine read that to our class. When he announced the poem, about half the class groaned.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    lee4hmz said:

    Things I learned tonight:

    • Never try to embark on a project when Home Depot is closing in less than an hour. 
    • As an aside, keeping certain people from their hot showers can be potentially hazardous to your mental health. :(
    • On the other hand, the new torch is awesome and makes soldering sweat fittings much easier. Even if I still use way too much solder.
    • My back really doesn't like working on ladders or step stools. It currently wants to strangle me ten different ways. 
    So anyway, the water heater is mostly in, but I need some parts to finish it. This...caused some problems. :P 

    When will it be fully installed?
  • don't be hatin' on William Carlos Williams, yo

    I mean, I don't hate it or anything, but you can only fit so much room for analysis in a single short sentence.
  • then I turned into Imi

    but then I didn't

    magical realism

    social commentary

    the end
    Tomorrow; I need to get some copper bits and possibly move the valve I put in from where I had it to a different location. 
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    500 words, on my desk by tomorrow
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.

    then I turned into Imi

    but then I didn't

    magical realism

    social commentary

    the end

  • then I turned into Imi

    but then I didn't

    magical realism

    social commentary

    the end

    I got a C because it was too complimacated for the teacher's tiny brain

    pleebs don't understand truart
  • edited 2012-12-02 01:14:09
    Also, after careful thought, I've come to the conclusion that the flex hoses that came in the kit I got suck. I can only use one of them, on the hot side, because the cold side is so convoluted. I'm going to end up using standard adapters and copper for that side, I just know it. :P
  • For some
    all that is 
    is a single
    pair of shoes.

  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    lee4hmz said:

    Tomorrow; I need to get some copper bits and possibly move the valve I put in from where I had it to a different location. 


    ...I feel weird in pointing to In-Sink V.3 as the true birth of the modern 615 sound. Am I right about that? (It's from 2000.)

    Also one of their new packages, A New Wish, is bland to the point of sounding like self-parody
  • >mfw people still consider Aesop Rock lyrics confusing
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Being serious now, I think one way that schools tend to ruin literature for kids is by making them think that looking for SYMBOLS is extremely important.
  • On a less stupid note:

    For some reason I always forget about Yes. I think they're a great band, but I always feel like I'm forgetting about them and when I listen again, it's like discovering them again.

    I dunno, that doesn't make any sense.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    I get that with things myself...can't quite remember what they are, though
  • edited 2012-12-02 01:18:40

    I listened to the two Thirlwell mixes on Fixed, they were meh.

    I'd chalk this up to the fact that he was having serious problems with heroin at the time.

    Anyhoo, Thirlwell is a cool dude. If I were to describe his usual stuff, i'd say he sounds kinda like a cross between a junkie-er Tom Waits, Stomp, and Swans with some big band jazz and spy movie soundtrack stuff in there for good measure.

    In general as time has moved on he's moved away from his more rock/industrial/punk side to focus on his more orchestral inclinations. (*I'd chalk this to his getting sober as well*)

    I mean, his last album was full on contemporary classical-ish stuff

  • Being serious now, I think one way that schools tend to ruin literature for kids is by making them think that looking for SYMBOLS is extremely important.

    I enjoy analysis of stories and looking for meaning/symbolism/subtext/etc. because that's how my brain works. But, I do agree with this. Especially in middle and high school it just really kills the experience.
  • oh yeah and that reminds me i have not posted foetus lyrics in a while

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