The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    sunn wolf said:

    american students do such weird mixes of subjects. macroeconomics, asian american literature, environmental science..

    you really want a laugh? go read up on the secret ritual manuals all of our university fraternities and sororities have here in America, they all got leaked a few years ago

    We didn't get this shit from you guys so I'm wondering where we got it from and on such a scale
  • sunn wolf said:

    american students do such weird mixes of subjects. macroeconomics, asian american literature, environmental science..

    Usually just the first two years, to get the general education requirements out of the way. Then, you can focus on classes in your major.

  • sunn wolf said:

    american students do such weird mixes of subjects. macroeconomics, asian american literature, environmental science..

    you really want a laugh? go read up on the secret ritual manuals all of our university fraternities and sororities have here in America, they all got leaked a few years ago

    We didn't get this shit from you guys so I'm wondering where we got it from and on such a scale
    dude this is like the eighty bajillionth time you've talked about this
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    sunn wolf said:

    american students do such weird mixes of subjects. macroeconomics, asian american literature, environmental science..

    you really want a laugh? go read up on the secret ritual manuals all of our university fraternities and sororities have here in America, they all got leaked a few years ago

    We didn't get this shit from you guys so I'm wondering where we got it from and on such a scale
    dude this is like the eighty bajillionth time you've talked about this
  • dive deep 
    a world never seen 
    untouched by man 
    we know not what you will encounter 
    our thoughts are with you 
    may you find resolution 
    the answer to this crisis 
    come back in one piece 
  • sunn wolf said:

    american students do such weird mixes of subjects. macroeconomics, asian american literature, environmental science..

    you really want a laugh? go read up on the secret ritual manuals all of our university fraternities and sororities have here in America, they all got leaked a few years ago

    We didn't get this shit from you guys so I'm wondering where we got it from and on such a scale
    dude this is like the eighty bajillionth time you've talked about this
    no it's "cool-alcove-bed-1-500x333.jpg"
  • Do you mean in the sense of taking all of those at once, or that they themselves are weird mixes of subjects?

    Of course, I probably shouldn't comment on this since my major is vanilla Biology. Not even pre-med.


    Usually just the first two years, to get the general education requirements out of the way. Then, you can focus on classes in your major.

    i suppose my uni has a major/minor system in first year and we dont even have those requirements. still youd only be doing 3 subjects max, and thats if youre doing a combined major anyway (i did english lit/creative writing/history in first year. dropped history now for the next 2 years of my degree.) its odd to be doing such a mix of units but i suppose it has some advantages

    you really want a laugh? go read up on the secret ritual manuals all of our university fraternities and sororities have here in America, they all got leaked a few years ago

    We didn't get this shit from you guys so I'm wondering where we got it from and on such a scale
    yeah that shit is weird. we dont have that at all over here. we have 'societies' but those are just like groups for people with a common interest + theres nothing secretive about them. like there is football society, board game society, skydiving society (yes that exists), my little pony society (sadly that exists)... etc etc
  • sunn wolf said:

    american students do such weird mixes of subjects. macroeconomics, asian american literature, environmental science..

    you really want a laugh? go read up on the secret ritual manuals all of our university fraternities and sororities have here in America, they all got leaked a few years ago

    We didn't get this shit from you guys so I'm wondering where we got it from and on such a scale
    dude this is like the eighty bajillionth time you've talked about this
    no it's "cool-alcove-bed-1-500x333.jpg"
    i want A Cool Alcove Bed
  • please change my username to A Cool Alcove Bed
  • sunn wolf said: Mr. Truant said: Corporal Forsythe said: Mr. Truant said: Corporal Forsythe said: sunn wolf said:american students do such weird mixes of subjects. macroeconomics, asian american literature, environmental science..

    you really want a laugh? go read up on the secret ritual manuals all of our university fraternities and sororities have here in America, they all got leaked a few years ago
    We didn't get this shit from you guys so I'm wondering where we got it from and on such a scale

    dude this is like the eighty bajillionth time you've talked about this


    no it's "cool-alcove-bed-1-500x333.jpg"

    i want A Cool Alcove Bed

    see, this is a man that
  • also nothing could be as bad as the Anime Club at my high school
  • rage comics are this generation’s equivalent of “so what’s the deal with airline food”

  • better than the official vid
  • edited 2012-11-30 21:27:00

    also nothing could be as bad as the Anime Club at my high school

    the anime club at my university, maybe, i dunno, i have never been. some of my flatmates last year were into anime, they went along once and refused to ever go again because they were all moé waifu weirdos

  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    sunn wolf said:

    american students do such weird mixes of subjects. macroeconomics, asian american literature, environmental science..

    I think I'd prefer this system to the one we have over here.

    I mean, I'd probably completely fail because it would be too much to take in at once, but at least it would be more interesting than doing basically the same thing in every class.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    mai waifu <3
  • edited 2012-11-30 21:36:52
    i dont do basically the same thing in every class?? i have 4 units and they are literary theory + criticism, literature and film, intermediate creative writing, and poetry. theyre all quite different
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    sunn wolf said:

    i dont do basically the same thing in every class?? i have 4 units and they are literary theory + criticism, literature and film, intermediate creative writing, and poetry. theyre all quite different

    That was what my second year was like, minus the film.

    You're right though, it's not the same in every class.  Might have been third year fatigue talking there.
  • it also helps that this year i lucked out and have really really very good seminar tutors

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    sunn wolf said:

    also nothing could be as bad as the Anime Club at my high school

    the anime club at my university, maybe, i dunno, i have never been. some of my flatmates last year were into anime, they went along once and refused to ever go again because they were all moé waifu weirdos


  • dude i love your comics i want more.
  • edited 2012-11-30 21:51:02



    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis

    dude i love your comics i want more.

    Ahhh, shucks! 

    I've made 4 so far, though two are flagrant rip-offs of K.C. Green's anime club (that one is not, however).

    What's nice is so far they don't even require knowing anything about Homestuck for the most part (#3 kinda does, but it's probably easy enough to pick-up from context what the joke is).

    I'll try to make more this weekend or something, I've got a couple non-anime club ones floating around my head.

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    Also, I guess there's Sweet AU and Hella CA.

    Which are somehow even more direct rip-offs of Andrew Hussie's work.

    If only I had...what's it called again?

    Oh yeah, "artistic talent", maybe I could get buy without rampant stealing from the internet...



    Re-purposing has it's charm...
  • Justice42 said:



    Re-purposing has it's charm...
    That reminds me, i wanted to ask if I could post this on my tumblr

    because it is so amazing and others must see it

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    I was just thinking I should post it, actually.

    You're following me right? This week has been a blur of tropers and heapers lining up to read my nonsense. 
  • Remember back in the 50s when they'd record like Elvis singing YOU AIN'T NOTHIN BUT A HOUND DOG and then they'd turn the record over and reverse it and it was all NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP and people were all like, "That is actually the voice of Satan coming from that song."
    I noticed that. It's kinda funny that most of them started following you a few days after I did.
  • Justice42 said:

    I was just thinking I should post it, actually.

    You're following me right? This week has been a blur of tropers and heapers lining up to read my nonsense. 
    I think I am?..

    Oh, looks like I'm not.


    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    I'm going to post and then you can reblog with reckless abandon.

    Also stalk you through Tumblr, of course, as you do...

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
  • you will notice that i like never post or reblog anything.
  • i feel like i will inevitably get A Tumblr

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    I did notice that it was pretty quick to go through your entire blog, while mine is already approaching post 200...

    ...I might have a problem...

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    i feel like i will inevitably get A Tumblr
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    I've got to buy Miramax so that I may make more episodes of Clerks: The Animated Series

    Also, my hunch is confirmed: Stephen Silver was the lead character designer on this show and Kim Possible!
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    I fell asleep for longer than I wanted to, and I've now come to the realization that it would be less damaging to my sleep schedule to let myself sleep later to begin with than to nap after the fact.

    One thing I'm weirdly glad about: I woke up before December 1.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Five minutes.
  • Justice42 said:

    I was just thinking I should post it, actually.

    You're following me right? This week has been a blur of tropers and heapers lining up to read my nonsense. 

    link me to your tumblr 



  • Credit goes to Spacey for my signature.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    And NOW it's December 1st.

    *blows noisemaker*
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Maybe I'd watch TAAHM if it were really like that
    sunn wolf said:


    includes fascinating portrayals of casual drug use at house parties, how the author/protagonist had conversations about post-punk while seeing his mate’s band perform at some shitty small venue, internal monologues about consumerism while observing people in a mall and that time when the protagonist had an epiphany about living in the moment while walking in the rain

    Apple iFirstNovel sponsored by Starbucks Coffee. to be made into "quirky" "indie" film actually bankrolled by multimillion dollar film company and soundtracks by "indie" bands all signed to EMI and warner.

    Like a lot of other things, this reminds me of a sbemail:

  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    strong bad

    says it better than I ever could
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